
    Cropped: A Mid-Life Minute

    Hosted by age activist and style enthusiast Wendy Euler, Cropped is a five-minute podcast for women who don't make their own estrogen anymore. Cropped is short by design: it's shorter than short-term memory or a hot flash or the mini-skirts we're not supposed to wear after 40, which is a dumb rule and you can ignore it. Plug into Cropped every Monday for Wendy's style tips, pointers on refreshing your wardrobe, ways to stay on top of your game, pretty things she's liking and whatever she feels like talking (or singing) about. Will she talk about bangles or belt out The Bangles? You never know. Cropped is meant to be a moment of levity during these cruddy times - and whew! They. Are. Cruddy. So check it out and let these five minutes be the antidote to crud.
    enWendy Euler57 Episodes

    Episodes (57)

    Ep. 39 - My Heroes, Part 1

    Ep. 39 - My Heroes, Part 1

    Join Wendy and her daughters in a heartfelt four-part series as they delve into the complexities of family, love, and resilience. In this premiere episode, the trio shares candid insights on navigating life's challenges, highlighting the enduring strength found in their unbreakable bond. Through laughter, tears, and poignant reflections, they remind us that, in the end, it's the unwavering support of family that sustains us through life's trials. Tune in today and embark on a journey of connection, understanding, and love in this intimate mother-daughter conversation.

    Ep. 37 - Hold On to the Thread

    Ep. 37 - Hold On to the Thread

    The world is in a crazy place. Trying to live a normal life while also being smacked with terrible news both here and abroad is a lot to hold. It’s easy to lose our way if we don’t turn off the TV, set down our phones, and take stock of what’s actually within our control. In order to find center again, Wendy suggests we pan in close to what’s right in front of us. Take care of yourself, your immediate family and work from that point outward. Control what you can control, and then decide where and how you can make a difference.

    Ep. 36 - How do you want to be remembered?

    Ep. 36 - How do you want to be remembered?

    Actor, author, and recovering addict Matthew Perry died unexpectedly last month and for many of us, it was the sad end of an era. With Perry's death came a huge outpouring of remembrances - about who he was as a person. Tune in as Wendy pays tribute and shares her biggest takeaway from it all: legacy, and how she wants to be remembered.

    Ep. 35 - Fast Fashion for your Face

    Ep. 35 - Fast Fashion for your Face

    It is time to call bullshit on a beauty industry that preys on aging women. It's time to take a deeper look into the snake oil being served to you through a firehose on a daily basis. Wendy is fired up about the commodification of EVERYTHING. Especailly when it comes to women in the middle and beyond. Tune in this week and participate in Wendy's homework assignment. It's bound to be as illuminating as your skin when you drink lots of water.

    Ep. 34 - Leanne Morgan, Part 2

    Ep. 34 - Leanne Morgan, Part 2

    Join Wendy for the second part of her wide-ranging conversation with comedian extraordinaire Leanne Morgan! From imposter syndrom to dreaming big (and never losing touch with those big dreams), the interview comes to a close with Wendy's 5 Questions. Tune in to find out the answers and get a second dose of Leanne's inspiring story.

    Cropped: A Mid-Life Minute
    enOctober 16, 2023

    Ep. 33 - Leanne Morgan, Part 1

    Ep. 33 - Leanne Morgan, Part 1

    This week (and next!) Wendy talks, laughs and cries with comedian Leanne Morgan. Leanne always knew she was destined for stardom, and after many fits and starts she hit it big, just as the hot flashes were kicking in! It's never too late. She is performing to sold-out venues across the country, has a hit comedy special on Netflix, and has a new book coming out in 2024, among many other things. In Part 1 of this special episode, Leanne and Wendy become fast BFFs if they weren't already. Don't miss this valuable conversation.

    Cropped: A Mid-Life Minute
    enOctober 09, 2023

    Ep. 31 - Can We Just Cancel Cancel Culture Already?

    Ep. 31 - Can We Just Cancel Cancel Culture Already?

    Every day, we witness some majorly bad behavior all around this big country of ours, and it seems our tolerance for any human error is at basement level. But what happens if we cancel everyone who makes a mistake? An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, as they say. Wendy’s had enough and wants to cancel canceling. Listen in as Wendy takes a page from the Loretta Ross playbook (“...when you’re on social media, act like you’re holding someone’s heart in your hand”) and offers her thoughts on Elise Loehnen’s new book, “On Our Best Behavior.”

    Ep. 29 - She has Good Jeans

    Ep. 29 - She has Good Jeans

    Summer is on the way, but jeans are always in season. How is it that finding a great pair of jeans is an endeavor that rivals swimsuit and bra shopping. (Are we still wearing bras? Let’s put a pin in that one.) Wendy wears and re-wears and re-re-wears her favorite jeans because…well…listen to this season finale episode to find out why, and to also find out which jeans are her go-to for any situation. We'll be back for Season 4 at the end of the summer, so stay tuned - and stay connected on Instagram @goodbyecroptop

    Ep. 28 - The Blue Zones, with Dan Buettner

    Ep. 28 - The Blue Zones, with Dan Buettner

    The fountain of youth isn’t actually a fountain. Journalist, explorer, author and longevity expert Dan Buettner has spent years researching what it is that makes people happy and healthy and today he joins Wendy to talk about the five regions (and Dan teases a possible sixth) or “Blue Zones” where people live the longest. Tune in to hear what he has to say and hear what things you can do to live longer, healthier, happier. This is a bite sized — and single! — Buettner. So feel free to slide into his DMs with your questions.

    Ep. 27 - The Telephone Game

    Ep. 27 - The Telephone Game

    Remember when we’d sit in a circle as kids and one person would whisper a sentence into the ear of the kid next to her? And she’d then whisper to the next kid and he’d whisper to the next and by the time the whispered sentence had made it around once, it was utterly distorted, often not recognizable to the original. Welp. That’s gossip. Wendy’s putting a finer point on this today.

    Ep. 26 - Comparison is the thief of joy

    Ep. 26 - Comparison is the thief of joy

    In this season of our lives, who needs to keep up with the Joneses? Not us, Croppers. Yes, we live in the era of 24/7 access to the lives of others. Or, we should say, to the “lives” of others. What we see on social media is heavily curated and it’s important to remember that comparing ourselves to others is a dead end, and comparing ourselves to the curated version of others can be deadly to the soul. Let’s evolve past comparison and judgment because doing so is freeing. Wendy had something to say so grab the dog, the leash and your earbuds and check out this episode.

    Ep. 24 - You Can’t Have Love Without Grief and Other Dualities with Stacy London (Part 2)

    Ep. 24 - You Can’t Have Love Without Grief and Other Dualities with Stacy London (Part 2)

    When Wendy sat down with Stacy London last week, the two couldn’t stop talking. So Wendy decided to make another Cropped(ish) episode with America’s Favorite Former CEO. From staying true to yourself, finding forgiveness, tapping into empathy, facing mortality, and telling your people that you love them…listen up as Wendy and Stacy cover it all.

    Ep. 23 - Fail Learn Pivot with Stacy London

    Ep. 23 - Fail Learn Pivot with Stacy London

    Introducing Cropped(ish): Each month, Wendy will be having a quick chat with a woman of interest who’s charting her own way in the world. This month — and in 12 minutes — Wendy chops it up with Stacy London, learns about her tenure as America’s Favorite CEO, why she bounced on that gig (damn! Is she candid! How refreshing) and what she’s doing now. Then, Stacy is the first to participate in our new 5 in 5 segment: Five questions in five minutes. You know you want to hear what Stacy has to say, so do tune in.

    Ep. 22 - To Be.Real or to be real.

    Ep. 22 - To Be.Real or to be real.

    Be.Real is the latest trend young people are obsessing over. Some of us Olds are using it, too (which should serve as the death knell to the app that purports to challenge the theater that are Instagram and Facebook). But what isn’t theater is how real we are in our day-to-day lives. In today’s installment, Wendy offers her thoughts on authenticity, why it matters and how important it is to be true to ourselves. So snap that Be.Real when you get your notification and then snap to this week’s episode.

    Ep. 21 - Don’t look like Captain Hook

    Ep. 21 - Don’t look like Captain Hook

    You might think this episode is about a geyser, but oh, it is not. Wendy’s dipping into the style section today and focusing on a fundamental must-have: The white button-down shirt. Every woman needs one (or several) in her closet but choosing which style can cause overwhelm and decision fatigue for some of us. Grab a cup of coffee or matcha or tea, check in to find out one of Wendy’s favorite labels in the white shirt department and learn how to avoid looking like a pirate.

    Ep. 20 - Lifeboat

    Ep. 20 - Lifeboat

    Thanks to social media, we stay connected to many people all at once. Everyone can be a friend. But…who’s the person you call when you’re really down and out? When you have something uber personal to share? When you need advice or just an ear? Today, Wendy’s talking lifeboats and who, in our social groups, make the final cut. Hint: It’s not all our friends on Facebook.