
    EP: 20 The Nephilim Trail with L.A. Marzulli

    enJanuary 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Unexplained with Passion and ExperienceJoin hosts Luke and Nate, and their guest LA Marzulli, on their journey to uncover the mysteries of the unexplained, from Bigfoot to Oak Island, and share your own experiences and passions with them.

      The hosts of Blurry Creatures, Luke and Nate, share a passion for the unexplained and the mysterious, whether it's the search for Bigfoot or the allure of treasure hunting. Their guest, LA Marzulli, who has been in the field for 50 years, adds to their discussions with his wealth of experience and knowledge. The hosts also share stories of their personal fascinations and experiences, such as their families' support and involvement in their pursuits. They encourage their listeners to join them on their journey and to share their passion with others. Whether it's the search for Bigfoot, the mysteries of Oak Island, or the thrill of treasure hunting, the hosts invite their audience to join them in their quest for answers to the unknown.

    • Exploring the Supernatural with LA MarzulliLA Marzulli, a researcher on aliens, UFOs, giants, and Nephilim, believes in the existence of Bigfoot as a modern-day Nephilim with interdimensional abilities, and different strains, one friendly and the other dangerous and demonic.

      The speaker and his podcast co-host are excited to have LA Marzulli on their show to discuss topics like aliens, UFOs, giants, and Nephilim. Marzulli, a 70-year-old author, lecturer, and filmmaker, is known for his extensive research on these subjects and has written books and created series on the trail of the Nephilim. The speakers jokingly feel like they're on the trail of Marzulli due to the frequent mentions of him by their previous guests. Marzulli believes in the existence of Bigfoot, which he considers a modern-day Nephilim, and believes there are different strains, one of which is dangerous and demonic while the other is more friendly. He also believes that Bigfoot has interdimensional abilities and can go in and out of dimensions. The speakers acknowledge that these beliefs may seem crazy to most people but encourage understanding of the supernatural through studying religious texts. They also mention that Marzulli's perspective on the supernatural is different from what most people are used to, as it includes phenomena like floating ax heads, virgin birth, and walking on water.

    • Encounters with Mysterious Creatures: Bigfoot or SasquatchAnecdotal accounts describe large, humanoid creatures, ranging from 10 to 12 feet tall, with behaviors ranging from playful to aggressive. Their nature remains a mystery, with theories ranging from lost civilizations to extraterrestrial beings, but concrete evidence is lacking.

      There are numerous anecdotal accounts of encounters with large, humanoid creatures, commonly referred to as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. These accounts describe various behaviors, from playful to aggressive, and the creatures' sizes ranging from 10 to 12 feet tall. Some people claim to have photographic evidence, but its authenticity is often disputed. The nature of these beings remains a mystery, with theories ranging from benign to malevolent entities. While some believe they are demonic, others suggest they are part of lost civilizations or even extraterrestrial beings. The lack of concrete evidence and conflicting stories make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions. Despite this, many continue to search for answers, documenting their findings through films and books.

    • Personal encounters with Bigfoot and the NephilimThe speaker's belief in Bigfoot and the Nephilim stems from personal experiences and substantial evidence, despite skepticism from others.

      The speaker believes in the existence of Bigfoot and connects it to the Nephilim, with descriptions of conical heads and encounters. The speaker's career in investigating the paranormal began with a UFO sighting at a young age, which he described as life-changing despite others denying it. He also mentioned the importance of not conforming to herd mentality and sticking to personal experiences. The speaker's belief in Bigfoot and the Nephilim is rooted in personal encounters and evidence, which he believes is substantial. The conversation also touched upon the varying aggression levels of Bigfoot in different territories.

    • A chance encounter led the speaker to discover a charged site in Ohio, opening her eyes to deeper understanding of ancient cultures and the supernatural.An unexpected encounter introduced the speaker to a culturally significant, supernaturally charged site in Ohio, sparking a lifelong exploration into ancient cultures and the unknown.

      A chance encounter with Russ Dizdar led the speaker to discover the Great Circle Mill in Newark, Ohio, which became a defining moment in her life. This place, which is a charged and ceremonial site, opened her eyes to a deeper understanding of ancient cultures and their connection to the supernatural. The speaker's experience at the Great Circle Mill in Ohio was similar to her visit to a larger mound in England, and both sites are believed to be part of the same culture. The discovery of these sites and their connections to giants and the supernatural has since become a significant part of the speaker's life, leading her on a path of exploration and discovery.

    • Archaeologists Overlook Significant Discoveries Due to Skepticism Towards Biblical Narrative and SupernaturalArchaeologists may overlook deeper discoveries by dismissing potential findings that align with the biblical narrative and the supernatural due to skepticism and herd mentality.

      The speaker's experience at various archaeological sites has led them to believe that many archaeologists and anthropologists overlook significant discoveries due to their skepticism towards the biblical narrative and the supernatural. They often focus on surface findings and ignore potential deeper, more intriguing aspects of the sites. The speaker also mentions a personal frustration with the herd mentality in archaeology, where archaeologists feel the need to adhere to the Darwinist perspective and disregard the supernatural. This perspective may prevent them from fully exploring and understanding the significance of their discoveries. The speaker expresses disappointment that archaeologists often dismiss potential findings that align with the biblical narrative, such as the Nephilim stronghold at Tel Gezer, as hoaxes or forgeries. The speaker's perspective challenges the mainstream archaeological community and highlights the importance of an open-minded approach to archaeological research.

    • Discovering the Mysterious Paracas Skulls in PeruA team of researchers found unusual skulls in Peru, believed to be non-human, with larger orbits and conical shape suggesting night vision. DNA analysis has been inconclusive, but the team continues to investigate and share findings, gaining attention from various professionals.

      A group of researchers, including L.A. Marzulli, have discovered and studied unusual skulls in Peru, which they believe are not human. These skulls, known as the Paracas skulls, have larger orbits and are conical in shape, suggesting they may have had night vision. The team, which includes archaeologists, optometrists, and other experts, has extracted DNA from the skulls but has not been able to get definitive results. Marzulli and his team have faced resistance from some academic institutions and labs due to their unconventional theories about the origins of these skulls. Despite the challenges, they continue to investigate and share their findings through documentaries and public speaking engagements. The team's work has gained attention from various professionals in different fields, who have examined the skulls and concluded that they are not human. The researchers believe that these findings could challenge conventional understanding of human history and evolution.

    • Discovering ancient skulls and their unconventional originsAncient skulls with abnormal foramen magnum positioning suggest cranial deformation or manipulation, challenging conventional theories and facing resistance from the scientific community.

      The discussion explores the intersection of archaeology, anthropology, and unconventional theories, specifically in relation to the skulls found in Peru and the implications for social structures and human history. The speakers suggest that these skulls, which have an abnormal positioning of the foramen magnum, indicate a history of cranial deformation or manipulation. However, this theory is met with resistance from the scientific community due to the prevailing paradigm. The conversation also touches upon the personal experiences of researchers facing backlash for challenging established beliefs. The speakers' worldview is rooted in a biblical perspective, and they see the UFO phenomenon and the Nephilim/Giants as connected pieces of a larger puzzle in understanding human history. The resistance to unconventional theories in academia and science is a recurring theme, highlighting the importance of open-mindedness and critical thinking in exploring new ideas.

    • Connecting UFOs and Bigfoot through a biblical lensThe speaker argues that UFOs are real, physical craft operated by demons, and the grays are their biological constructs or suits. He suggests a limited understanding of the supernatural in the church may hinder recognition of these phenomena.

      The speaker believes there is a connection between various supernatural phenomena, including UFOs and Bigfoot, and that this connection can be understood through a biblical lens. According to the speaker, UFOs are real, physical craft flown by demons, who use them to interact with our reality. The grays, often associated with UFOs, are believed to be biological constructs or suits worn by these demons. The speaker suggests that the church's limited understanding of the supernatural contributes to a lack of recognition of these phenomena. The speaker also mentions the possibility of a deliberate Roswell crash and the idea that the enemy, or demons, may not care if physical alien bodies are retrieved because the grays are just shells. Overall, the speaker's theory proposes a unified explanation for various supernatural phenomena, rooted in the biblical narrative.

    • Born-again transformation and DNA changeBecoming born again involves a spiritual shift that may also include a DNA change, enabling a deeper understanding of spiritual truths in the Bible and freedom from the control of the flesh and the kingdom of the dragon.

      According to the discussion, when a person becomes born again, they undergo a spiritual transformation that may also involve a change in their DNA. This change allows them to understand and connect with the spiritual truths in the Bible, which are otherwise incomprehensible to those who have not experienced this transformation. The speakers also emphasized that this spiritual change sets people free from the control of the flesh and the kingdom of the dragon. They also joked about calling their show "Blurry Creatures" or "DNA Wars" due to their ongoing exploration of these concepts. Overall, the discussion revolved around the idea that becoming born again is a profound spiritual shift that opens up new realms of understanding and truth.

    • UFO Disclosures: A Wave of RevelationsGovernment officials and extraterrestrial communication reveal UFO existence, believed to be part of a larger deception, with metal evidence, Pentagon acknowledgement, and potential Trump disclosure.

      We are currently experiencing a wave of UFO disclosures from various sources, including government officials and extraterrestrial communication. This disclosure is significant because many believe it to be part of a greater deception leading up to end times. The speaker, who has written a book on the topic, believes this disclosure is a result of the Tucker Carlson show in 2017. The disclosures have escalated, with government officials acknowledging the existence of unidentified aerial phenomena and even admitting to having metal from crashed UFOs in their possession. The disclosure ladder includes Commander David Fravor's testimony about encountering an alien UFO, Luis Elizondo's admission of having UFO metal, the Pentagon's acknowledgment of UAPs, and the government's admission of having off-world vehicles. The speaker emphasized the importance of being informed about these developments and encouraged listeners to read his book for a better understanding of the situation. The government now has 180 days to disclose all they know about UFOs to Congress, and there is speculation that Trump may declassify all secret information before leaving office.

    • Navigating Uncertainty: Politics, Religion, and InformationStay informed, discern truth from deception, and remain vigilant in a complex world, whether it's politics, religion, or upcoming disclosures.

      We are living in a time of significant upheaval and uncertainty, with strong opinions dividing people on various issues, from politics to religion. One speaker expressed their belief in the reelection of a particular political figure, while also warning of potential societal collapse if certain actions are taken. Another topic touched upon was the importance of discerning good information from deception, particularly in relation to religious beliefs. The speaker cautioned against heresy and the dangers of relativism, emphasizing the uniqueness of Christianity and the necessity of the cross. Looking ahead, it was suggested that upcoming disclosures, possibly involving extraterrestrial life or technology, could be a game changer, potentially leading to a great falling away as described in religious texts. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals to educate themselves, remain vigilant, and seek truth in an increasingly complex world.

    • Belief systems predict an antichrist figure with alien connections, 10 kings control tech giants, and 2020 election results are perceived as fraudulentSome believe an antichrist figure with alien connections will rise, tech giants' power will be handed to this entity, and 2020 election results are disputed, focusing on larger issues is advised

      According to the discussion, there are belief systems that suggest the existence of an antichrist figure with alien connections, who is currently on the planet and will rise up. The 10 kings are believed to be the owners of tech giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and they will eventually hand their power to this entity. Trump's presidency may not have accelerated this process, as it was allegedly planned regardless of who was in power. The 2020 election results are perceived as fraudulent, with Trump receiving a landslide victory but Biden having more reported votes. Some individuals, including the speaker, believe that people should focus on the larger picture rather than Trump's Twitter feed or intellectual disagreements. The speaker also offers counseling and support for individuals who have experienced UFO abductions or other life-altering events.

    • Encounters with extraterrestrial beings can have profound effectsEncounters with extraterrestrial beings can lead to physical and emotional harm, even after a spiritual conversion, and some stories involve hybrid or ancient entities that defy explanation, leaving a lasting impact.

      Encounters with extraterrestrial beings or entities can have profound and lasting effects on individuals, some of which may be harmful or even life-threatening. The woman in question, who communicates with these beings through voice to skull technology, experienced physical and emotional symptoms as a result of their interaction. Despite having a spiritual conversion, she continued to feel their presence and had to pray and rebuke them. Another chilling story involved a man who went deer hunting and never returned. His body was found in an unusual location, with a dead rattlesnake nearby, and his condition suggested some kind of mutilation. These encounters serve as a reminder that these entities, which bring death and destruction, are a constant threat. Even after a spiritual conversion, one must remain vigilant. The most unnerving stories often involve encounters with hybrid beings or ancient entities that seem to defy explanation. These experiences can be volatile and leave a lasting impact on those involved.

    • Experiencing God's protection during spiritual warfareFaith and trust in God, along with simple acts of worship, can provide strength and protection during spiritual warfare.

      Spiritual warfare can be a debilitating experience, involving unwanted thoughts and even demonic attacks. These attacks can be relentless and may feel like an entire kingdom of darkness is targeting an individual. Ancient practices like worship and faith can serve as powerful tools for pushing back against this darkness. For instance, the speaker shares an experience of feeling the presence of God and his protection during a time of intense spiritual warfare, which was signified by a sighting of a whale breaching in the ocean. This encounter served as a sign and a source of encouragement for the speaker to continue in the face of adversity. The speaker emphasizes that these experiences are not about "woo woo" or secretive practices, but rather a matter of faith and trusting the process. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of maintaining faith and trust during times of spiritual warfare, and the potential power of simple acts of worship and devotion to provide strength and protection.

    • Unexpected joy and connection with the divineEven in difficult situations, there's always a chance for unexpected joy and connection with the divine. Faith and anticipation can bring hope and inspiration.

      No matter how difficult or disappointing a situation may seem, there's always a chance for unexpected joy and connection with the divine. The speaker shares a personal experience of feeling down after not seeing whales during a long journey, only to be amazed by the sight of three whales breaching at the same time. This experience led him to a deeper appreciation of worship and a belief in the imminent rapture. He also shares a vision of riding on a white horse with the armies of heaven, and receiving horses as a gift from his father in heaven, which can fly. Overall, the speaker encourages a sense of faith and anticipation in the face of uncertainty and adversity.

    • Believers receive glorified bodies, mount white horses, and spread the gospelBelievers will receive glorified bodies, ride white horses, and bring people to God's kingdom, healing the sick, raising the dead, and defeating opposing forces.

      According to the discussion, believers will be given glorified bodies and mount white horses to establish the millennial kingdom and spread the gospel worldwide. This will involve healing the sick, raising the dead, and bringing people to the kingdom of God. The armies of heaven, led by Jesus on a white horse, will defeat the gathered forces opposing Him. It's important for believers to remain focused on their tasks until they are taken out, occupying their roles to the best of their ability. The discussion also mentions a book called "Countermove" by LA Marzuli, which explores the Nephilim after the flood. Overall, the message encourages believers to stay strong in their faith, as spiritual attacks are a reminder that they are a threat to the kingdom of darkness.

    • Speakers praying for Nate and LukeThey asked for God's protection, strength, and divine intervention for Nate and Luke, and expressed anticipation for God's return.

      The speakers in this conversation were expressing their deep faith and seeking protection and guidance from God for two individuals named Nate and Luke. They were asking for divine intervention and the strength to resist the forces of evil through the armor of God. They also expressed their anticipation for the imminent return of God, referred to as "the king." The conversation ended with expressions of appreciation and well-wishes. Overall, this exchange highlights the speakers' strong religious beliefs and their reliance on prayer and faith during challenging times.

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