
    EP: 203 The Bones of Moses with Dr. Joel Muddamalle

    enNovember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Michael the archangel and Moses's body: Understanding respect and authority in ancient textsThe ancient texts, like Jude, offer insights into cultural beliefs and understanding of the supernatural, emphasizing respect for authority and avoiding slander towards supernatural beings.

      The ancient writings, particularly those in the Bible, provide valuable insights into the beliefs and understanding of the supernatural in different cultures and historical contexts. The passage in Jude about Michael the archangel and the dispute over Moses's body highlights the importance of respecting authority and avoiding slander, even towards supernatural beings. This understanding of cosmic space and the supernatural realm is crucial for interpreting these texts and appreciating their significance in various aspects of life and belief systems. The discussion also emphasizes the importance of approaching these texts with an open mind and recognizing the unique perspectives they offer. The ongoing exploration of such topics on the podcast, including the role of theologians and the study of ancient history, sheds light on the richness and complexity of the blurry verse.

    • Connection between humility and understanding the BibleExploring the Bible with humility leads to new perspectives and understanding of its complexities, including the origin of Satan.

      Learning from this conversation with Joel Manamale is the connection between humility and understanding the biblical text in its entirety. Joel, the author of "The Hidden Peace," emphasizes that the original sin's structure in the Bible stems from a lack of humility. This idea resonates with the hosts' exploration of blurry creatures and verses, which encourages listeners to consider new perspectives and paradigm shifts. Joel's upcoming book offers an origin story of Satan, providing insights into the significance of humility in the context of the biblical narrative. This conversation underscores the importance of approaching the scriptures with an open mind and a humble heart.

    • Understanding God through HumilityRecognize God's greatness, know our place, and prevent self-aggrandizement to reflect God's glory, not absorb it.

      Humility is a crucial aspect of understanding and connecting with God. It involves recognizing God's greatness, knowing our place in relation to Him, and preventing ourselves from thinking too highly or too lowly of ourselves. The lack of humility can lead to misunderstanding God and ultimately, pride, which can result in our downfall. The story of Lucifer, as mentioned in the Bible, illustrates this principle. Lucifer, in his pride, sought to absorb God's glory instead of reflecting it, leading to his downfall. In contrast, humans are meant to reflect God's glory, not absorb it. The pursuit of fame, status, and adoration can be deceiving and ultimately lead to self-destruction if we try to absorb what we were never intended to have. The new book, "The Hidden Peace," further explores this concept and is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

    • Bigfoot as an Indicator of Cosmic GeographyBigfoot's benevolent and malevolent encounters with humans suggest different categories of supernatural beings, hinted at in religious texts and potentially linked to cosmic geography

      The discussion revolves around the idea that Bigfoot, a legendary creature, could be an indication of the existence of cosmic geography - the intersecting points where the supernatural and earthly realms meet. According to the speakers, this theory is intriguing because unlike many other supernatural beings, Bigfoot is believed to have both benevolent and malevolent encounters with humans. This duality suggests that there might be different categories of supernatural beings. The speakers also emphasized that the concept of cosmic geography is not just a theory but is hinted at in various religious texts, such as Jacob's Ladder and the Tower of Babel. The discussion also touched upon the idea that spirits can be embodied, as mentioned in 1 John 4:1-3. Overall, the speakers explored the idea that Bigfoot could be a symbol of the supernatural world's presence in our world, making the myth a fascinating topic for further exploration.

    • Understanding the Bible's references to the supernatural realmThe Bible's descriptions of angels and other supernatural beings should be respected as part of the larger biblical narrative, acknowledging their roles as faithful representatives of God and understanding the consequences of speaking against them.

      The Bible's references to the supernatural realm, as seen in Jude 8-9, should not be ignored or dismissed, but rather understood as part of the larger biblical narrative. These texts describe entities, such as angels, who are faithful representatives of God and part of His divine council, while others may be evil. The warning against slandering these "glorious ones" serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting God's creation and the consequences of speaking against them. This understanding is consistent with the belief in the inerrancy of Scripture and the flexibility given to human authors to convey God's truth in their unique styles. By acknowledging and making sense of these texts, we can deepen our understanding of the biblical story and the nature of the supernatural realm.

    • Comparing Jude 8 and Zechariah 3Though some connections can be drawn between Jude 8 and Zechariah 3, it's essential to consider the differences in subjects, textual connections, contexts, and nuances to avoid oversimplification.

      The connection between Jude 8 and Zechariah 3, while often suggested by scholars, may not be as straightforward as it seems due to several key differences. First, the subjects of the conflicts are different, with Jude focusing on the devil and Michael, while Zechariah 3 involves Satan (Hasatan) accusing Joshua. Second, there is a lack of textual connection between the two passages, as Jude does not mention any part of Zechariah 3. Third, the contexts of the two passages are different, with Zechariah 3 focusing on Joshua's guilt, while there is no evidence of Moses' guilt in that passage. Additionally, the Hebrew grammar of Zechariah 3 suggests that Hasatan is a member of the divine council and the accuser, rather than the Lucifer of the New Testament. Therefore, while some connections can be drawn, it is important to approach these passages with caution and consider the specific contexts and nuances of each text.

    • Ancient Israelites' understanding of cosmic geographyThe ancient Israelites believed certain lands and spaces were sacred, shaping their relationship with God and the divine. Eden, Valley of Hinnom, and Moses' role illustrate this concept.

      The ancient Israelites' understanding of cosmology, or the ordering of the universe, was deeply connected to their sense of place and history. They believed that certain lands and spaces were sacred, and their relationship with these places was crucial to their understanding of God and the divine. This is evident in the story of Eden, which represents the epitome of cosmic geography, and the importance of reclaiming or protecting sacred space is a recurring theme throughout the Old Testament. The Valley of Hinnom, for instance, became a desecrated space due to the detestable practices of the nations, and it ultimately came to symbolize a potential eternal state of being, or hell. Moses, as a key player in God's redemptive history, also had a significant connection to these ideas, as seen in his role in the story of the transfiguration. Overall, understanding the ancient Israelites' concept of cosmic geography provides valuable context for interpreting their writings and their beliefs about the divine.

    • Ancient Israelites' deep connection to the landThe control of a body and territory was crucial for asserting dominance and instilling fear in ancient cultures

      The ancient Israelites held a deep connection to the land, viewing it as sacred and ancestral. This is evident in the way they were buried in their fathers' lands. Moses, one of God's chosen leaders, also held this belief, as he requested that his bones be carried with the Israelites into the promised land. However, Moses died in the Transjordan, which was not part of the promised land but enemy territory. This posed a problem, as the enemy could use Moses's body as a symbol of power and fear. The ancient world, much like in movies like Gladiator or Braveheart, saw the control of a body as a way to assert dominance and claim victory. The dark forces believed that by capturing and displaying Jesus's body on the cross, they could prove their victory over God. Similarly, the enemy's possession of Moses's body could instill fear and doubt among the Israelites. This concept highlights the significance of territory and the control of bodies in ancient cultures.

    • Ancient Hebrew Beliefs: Significance of Certain Places in the AfterlifeThe ancient Hebrews believed that specific locations held significance in the afterlife, with some places considered unholy and others potentially serving as portals to the underworld. Burial practices and beliefs about the afterlife varied, with the belief in resurrection not being a strict concept.

      In ancient Hebrew cosmology, certain places, referred to as "to'pheth" and "overeem" in Hebrew, held significant meaning beyond just being geographical locations. These places were associated with the realm of the dead and were considered unholy spaces. For instance, Moses was buried in a valley near the land of Moab, opposite Beth Peor, a location believed to be the Valley of the Oberaim mentioned in Ezekiel 39 and 11. This valley was likely a thin space or portal to the underworld. The ancient Hebrews believed that the location of one's body mattered in relation to the afterlife. They viewed Sheol as having two parts, similar to the Greek concepts of the Elysian Fields and Tartarus. The belief in the resurrection was not a strict concept in ancient Judaism, and it's possible that the Hebrews believed in the idea of the soul or spirit resting in a specific place after death. Moreover, the discovery of ancient burial mounds in America, filled with bones, suggests that ancient cultures had a deep understanding of the afterlife and the significance of certain places. These findings add to the intrigue surrounding the connection between geography, cosmology, and religion in ancient cultures.

    • Ancient Hebrews' Beliefs about Afterlife and God's Faithful ServantsThe ancient Hebrews focused on being with God in the afterlife, while the New Testament introduced the concept of resurrection. God reclaimed his faithful servants, like Moses, and warned against wandering spirits and enemy deception through dreams and hallucinogens.

      The ancient Hebrews believed in a complex afterlife, with different realms for the righteous and the wicked. They cared more about being in the presence of God, rather than being reunited with their physical bodies. The New Testament introduces the concept of resurrection, but in the Old Testament, there are hints of the soul's continuation and God's reclamation of his faithful servants, such as Moses, who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration. The discussion also touched upon the possibility of wandering spirits and the enemy's deception through dreams and hallucinogenic substances. The enemy uses these means to promote false gods and beliefs, making it essential to be aware of such deceptions and to trust in the power of God.

    • Deceitful spirits and dreamsApproach dreams with discernment and a solid foundation in God's Word to avoid being deceived by deceitful spirits or false teachings.

      Dreams, whether naturally occurring during sleep or induced by substances like psychedelics, can be a source of deception if we're not discerning. The Bible warns against deceitful spirits and teachings of demons leading people astray through visions and dreams (Jeremiah 23:25-27, 1 Timothy 4:1). These spirits and demons can work through individuals, leading them to forget God and follow false teachings. The New Testament text in 1 Peter 5:8 advises us to be sober-minded and warns against the intoxication or metheo, which was used in ancient cults to put people into a hallucinative state to commune with deities. This practice, which involved ethylene intoxication, had Old Testament roots, as seen in Genesis 6 and the Nephilim story, where the unholy union between supernatural beings and humans led to widespread evil. Therefore, it's crucial to approach dreams and visions with discernment and a solid foundation in God's Word to avoid being deceived.

    • Ancient texts describe hallucinogenic experiences with deities or other entitiesAncient texts report hallucinogenic experiences involving encounters with deities or other entities. While these experiences may be real, they come with risks and should be avoided by believers.

      The use of certain substances and practices mentioned in ancient texts, such as those found in the Book of Enoch and in shamanic traditions, can lead to hallucinogenic experiences that some believe involve encounters with deities or other entities. These experiences are not just happening in the mind of the individual, but may represent actual interactions with other beings or realms. The use of such substances and practices can be dangerous, as they can open the door to deception and manipulation by malevolent spirits, as warned in various passages in the Old Testament. The scriptures are clear that believers should avoid engaging with such practices and focus on living in accordance with God's will.

    • Maintaining respect and reverence towards holy beingsAngels and other supernatural beings are to be revered and not defied or abused, as seen in the Bible's descriptions of their set-apartness and holiness. Michael's example of not slandering Satan demonstrates the importance of respect.

      The entities mentioned in the biblical text, whether it's in the context of Genesis 6 or Jude, are described as having a set-apartness and holiness given to them by God. These entities, whether they are angels or other supernatural beings, are to be revered and not defied or abused. The individuals in the text are seen as rejecting authority and defiling their bodies, leading them to engage with these entities in a disrespectful and harmful way. The example of Michael, an archangel, not slandering Satan despite his rebellion, highlights the importance of maintaining respect and reverence towards these holy beings. The text suggests that these entities, despite their rebellion, still hold a level of glory and holiness.

    • Interacting with the supernatural realmSpeak with Christ's authority and power, avoiding diminishing language. The body-soul connection is significant before and after Christ's death, as shown on Holy Saturday.

      When interacting with the supernatural realm, we should speak with the authority and power of Christ, avoiding slanderous or diminishing language. This approach is exemplified by Michael the archangel in the Bible, who rebuked the devil without condemnation. Jude, the author of the New Testament letter, may have sourced this information from the Testament of Moses and other second temple texts. The ancient Jewish understanding of the supernatural realm was influenced by these texts, which are less familiar to us today. Another point raised is the importance of the body-soul connection before and after Christ's death. Holy Saturday, for instance, is significant because Jesus preached the gospel to the righteous dead in Hades, reuniting their souls with their bodies. This concept is rooted in ancient Hebrew cosmology and emphasizes the importance of the body in the afterlife.

    • Jesus descends into Hades and leads the righteous dead outJesus' descent into Hades marks the beginning of the new heavens and new earth, emphasizing the importance of the body and burial in various religions and cultures.

      During Holy Saturday, Jesus is believed to have descended into Hades, broke down its gates, and led the righteous dead out, marking the beginning of the embodied experience of the new heavens and new earth. This event is depicted as a triumphant march, with the Genesis 6 giants, who had been punished and left in Tartarus, witnessing this unfold. The emphasis on the importance of the body and burial in various religions and cultures, including the ancient practice of putting giants in megalithic tombs, may be connected to this belief. The Bible does seem to favor burial over cremation based on its language, and improper handling of bodies can cause defilement in Hebrew and Jewish traditions. Ultimately, Michael's victory in the argument over Moses' bones highlights the divine authority and the significance of respecting the dead.

    • The ultimate authority of Yahweh overrules earthly rulersBiblical stories remind us of Yahweh's authority and the importance of respecting the dead, as shown in the dispute over Moses' body and the quest for Moses' burial place.

      Despite the power and authority of earthly rulers or entities, they hold no dominion over the ultimate authority of Yahweh, as shown in the story of Michael and Satan's dispute over Moses' body. This theme of returning to one's roots and giving proper burial to the deceased is also seen in various biblical stories and in our everyday lives. Nate's curiosity about the possible connection between Moses' burial place and the rumored location of Goliath's head further highlights this idea. For those interested in exploring these topics further, Joel's book and Nate's Instagram account, where he hosts Talk Tuesdays for theology Q&As, are great resources. Additionally, Nate is currently on tour for his Providence 31 speaking engagements and will be appearing at NextGen with Gabe Lyons. Preorders for Joel's book are available now.

    • Exploring lesser-known aspects of theology: Lucifer's origin storyExploring biblical references to Lucifer can provide insights into our faith and God's control, as seen in Jude 8 and 9.

      Exploring the lesser-known aspects of theology, such as the origin story of Lucifer, can provide valuable insights into our faith and understanding of God's kingdom. Joel Mudamale, a theologian and podcast host, discussed his upcoming book that delves into the biblical references to Lucifer and the importance of taking these topics seriously. He emphasized that God is king and will never let his children be lost in enemy territory. This confidence and assurance are evident in Jude 8 and 9, which remind us that our God is in control and will protect us. Mudamale's work, along with other theologians like Michael Heiser, encourages us to explore the "weird" and seemingly insignificant aspects of the Bible, as they often hold profound meaning and significance.

    • Looking forward to future conversationsThe hosts value their guests and their insights, expressing eagerness for future collaborations and the potential for live recordings.

      The hosts value their guests and the serious discussions they bring to the table, expressing their eagerness to continue inviting the guest on the podcast. Despite the guest's busy schedule, the invitation remains open for future episodes. The possibility of a live recording was also mentioned as a potential next step. The conversation touched upon the topic of Glatskulls, suggesting it could be the subject of a future episode. The hosts promised to share their plans once the recording session was over. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of engaging in meaningful discussions and the commitment to continue exploring intriguing topics on the podcast.

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