
    EP 212: The Plane Portal with Ashton Forbes

    enDecember 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Investigating the Disappearance of MH370 with Citizen Journalist Ashton ForbesCitizen journalist Ashton Forbes believes drone footage of MH370's disappearance shows orbs moving at high speeds, suggesting otherworldly involvement and challenging our understanding of the natural world.

      The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in 2014 remains a mystery, and citizen journalist Ashton Forbes has been at the forefront of investigating potential evidence suggesting the plane may have encountered something otherworldly. Forbes believes that the drone footage of the event, which shows orbs moving at high speeds, is strong evidence that this was not a natural phenomenon or a hoax, but rather an operation involving unknown technology. The implications of such a discovery could be massive, as it would challenge our understanding of the natural world and potentially reveal previously unknown information about the existence of UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) or other forms of technology. The investigation into MH370's disappearance is ongoing, and Forbes and his community are working to uncover more evidence to support their theory. This story shares similarities with other unexplained phenomena, such as the UAP disclosure and the House Oversight Committee's investigation into UFOs, and could potentially be one of the biggest whistleblower stories of our lifetime.

    • The Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Unanswered Questions and Persisting MysteriesDespite extensive search efforts, no debris field or significant findings have been discovered for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Citizen journalist Ashton Forbes explores theories of advanced technology, government conspiracies, and more, emphasizing the US government likely holds crucial information.

      The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which happened on March 8, 2014, remains one of the greatest international mysteries with no clear explanation. Citizen journalist Ashton Forbes, who has been investigating this case extensively, shares that the lack of debris field, oil slicks, or any significant findings from multiple search parties have fueled theories of advanced technology, aerospace technology, portals, orbs, and even government conspiracies. Ashton emphasizes that all the information he reveals is public and that his credibility comes from his status as a government contractor, even though he works in a different industry. The official explanation is that we don't know what happened to the plane, but Ashton believes that the US government must have more information based on the lack of evidence found and the capabilities of satellite technology. The case continues to intrigue and confound, and Ashton's ongoing investigation sheds new light on this enduring mystery.

    • MH370 investigation raises questions about transparency and accuracyDespite the official narrative of MH370 crashing into the South Indian Ocean, lack of debris, radar data, and evidence contradicts this theory. Transparency, critical thinking, and factual evidence are crucial for avoiding misinformation and speculation.

      The disappearance of MH370 and the subsequent official narrative of a plane crashing into the South Indian Ocean without leaving any debris or traceable evidence raises serious questions about the transparency and accuracy of the investigation. The lack of facts supporting the crash theory, the absence of radar data, satellite pings, and acoustic signals, and the failure to locate any significant debris field contradict the notion that a 777 could have crashed into the ocean without leaving a trace. Furthermore, the obfuscation of information and the delay in sharing critical data with the public have fueled skepticism and speculation. The idea that the ocean is too big to find a plane is also a flawed assumption, given the advanced technology and resources available for search and surveillance. The official narrative of pilot suicide is also questioned due to the lack of concrete evidence and the use of simulator plot points by the FBI. Overall, the MH370 case highlights the importance of transparency, critical thinking, and factual evidence in investigations to avoid misinformation and speculation.

    • Questionable Evidence in MH150 CaseDespite challenges from skeptics and frustrations with social media platforms, the speaker remains dedicated to uncovering the truth in the MH150 case, using compelling videos as evidence.

      The evidence presented against the pilot in the MH150 case seems questionable, with the route and diversion points being potentially fabricated and disparate data being tied together in a way that doesn't make sense. The most convincing evidence, according to the speaker, is the videos, which show multiple cameras, heat signatures, and a great deal of time and effort put into debunking haters. However, dealing with skeptics and trolls online can be frustrating, as some people become irrationally upset upon being blocked from a community, feeling entitled to use it for their own purposes. The speaker believes that Reddit is the worst social media platform due to its anonymity, misinformation, and potential for radicalization. Despite these challenges, the speaker is dedicated to building a better online community and finding the truth.

    • Control of info and censorship on social media leads to false narrativesDespite the accessibility of info on the internet, factual discussions can be overshadowed by emotional narratives, leading to the perpetuation of false info on social media platforms. The importance of factual info and challenging narratives was highlighted in the discussion about MH370 and UAP phenomenon.

      The control of information and censorship on social media platforms can lead to the perpetuation of false narratives, even when the truth is known. This was highlighted in the discussion about MH370 and the government's handling of the situation. The speakers also touched upon the irony of people getting banned from platforms for going against the grain, while some subreddits with similar rules don't get banned. Furthermore, the accessibility of information on the internet, despite being a double-edged sword, often results in emotional conversations over factual ones. In the case of MH370, the community's efforts to uncover the truth were overshadowed by the narrative that was allowed to unfold, and the same can be observed in the UAP phenomenon. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of factual information and the need to challenge narratives that are perpetuated for emotional reasons rather than facts.

    • New evidence in MH370 case from person with US government clearanceA person with top-secret US government clearance has come forward with alleged videos of MH370's disappearance, contradicting previous beliefs about its location and inviting experts to validate the evidence.

      Ashton Forbes, a person with a top-secret US government clearance, has come forward with allegedly groundbreaking evidence regarding the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. He claims to have access to authentic videos of the incident, which were initially released years after the event but gained significance due to recent advancements in technology and scientific understanding. The videos, which include a drone footage and satellite imagery, are said to have been leaked and were initially uploaded on YouTube with inconsistent dates. Forbes is requesting a public hearing in Congress to testify about the authenticity of the videos and invites physics experts to validate the science on display. He believes that the location of the videos can be identified through satellite expert analysis and the videos show the plane turning south into the east, contradicting the previously held belief that it was in the South Indian Ocean. The significance of these videos lies in their potential to provide answers to one of the most mysterious aviation incidents in history. However, the credibility of Forbes' claims and the authenticity of the videos remain to be verified.

    • Satellite video reveals intriguing details about MH370US spy satellite footage shows possible target in MH370 investigation, featuring three orbs forming a triangle and a flash of light near Nicobar Islands

      The analysis of the satellite video related to MH370 reveals several intriguing details. The video, which was taken by US spy satellites, shows three orbs forming an equilateral triangle and then going vertical, followed by a flash of light. The video is likely taken at nighttime using false color, IR technology. The mouse movement and frame rate changes in the video suggest a large field of view on a computer-generated Battlefield map. The evidence points towards a significant event occurring in the vicinity of the Nicobar Islands. The investigation into this video is ongoing, with analysts treating it as a criminal case, evaluating the credibility of the evidence and building a cohesive story. The analysis also sheds light on the capabilities of US spy satellites and their role in providing technical data to aid investigations. The video's revelations have sparked widespread interest and debate, much like true crime shows that uncover hidden evidence and narratives.

    • MH370: A Runaway Battery FireThe disappearance of MH370 was likely caused by a runaway lithium ion battery fire, which diverted the plane off course and ultimately led to its crash into the Indian Ocean. Proper handling and safety measures for these batteries are crucial to prevent similar incidents.

      The disappearance of MH370 was not what it seemed at first. The plane did not crash immediately after communication was lost, but continued to fly for up to an hour and a half. The most plausible explanation for the incident is a runaway lithium ion battery fire, which caused the plane to divert off course and ultimately crash into the Indian Ocean. This theory is supported by evidence such as the plane's glowing orange appearance, the lack of interference from UFOs or other anomalous phenomena, and the fact that the batteries were extremely dangerous and prone to such fires. It's important to note that lithium ion battery fires cannot be easily extinguished and can occur even in small batteries, making them a significant safety concern. The incident underscores the importance of proper handling and safety measures for these batteries, particularly in the cargo holds of passenger planes.

    • Theories suggest MH370 underwent quantum teleportation due to lithium ion battery fireA theory proposes that MH370's disappearance was caused by a lithium ion battery fire leading to quantum teleportation, though not widely accepted by scientists.

      The events surrounding the disappearance of MH370 in 2014 were marked by unusual occurrences that have left many theories as to what exactly happened. One such theory suggests that a lithium ion battery fire caused the plane to undergo a macroscopic phase conjugation, essentially turning it into a quantum object and allowing it to "teleport" to a different location. This theory is based on various pieces of evidence, including witness reports of a low-flying plane, communication from the pilots, and the appearance of orbs and endothermic events in videos. While this theory is not widely accepted by the scientific community, it offers an intriguing explanation for the unexplained events surrounding MH370's disappearance. It also raises questions about the unification of quantum and macroscopic physics and the potential for macroscopic objects to exhibit quantum behavior. Overall, the case of MH370 remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in aviation history, with many theories and no definitive answers.

    • Mysterious events surrounding MH370: UFOs, espionage, or human error?Despite conflicting reports and theories, the cause of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370's disappearance remains uncertain, leaving families seeking answers and emphasizing the importance of continued investigation and open-mindedness towards unexplained phenomena.

      The mysterious events surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, including reports of UFOs and potential interference, have led to various theories regarding the incident. Some believe it could have been an espionage event, while others suggest it was an attempt to save the plane. The evidence includes witness testimonies of a glowing orange plane and the presence of UFOs. However, human motivations, such as testing new technology or saving important individuals, are also plausible explanations. Ultimately, the true cause remains uncertain, and the tragedy has left many families searching for answers. The complexities of the situation underscore the need for continued investigation and open-mindedness towards unexplained phenomena.

    • New evidence suggests MH370 didn't disappear as previously thoughtNew findings indicate MH370 may have landed somewhere else, with evidence including a fire suppression device and multiple sightings of a low-flying plane matching its description. The Maldives' exclusion from the search and Malaysian officials' lies add to the suspicion. Time dilation could potentially explain the plane's disappearance from radar.

      The disappearance of MH370 may not have been as mysterious as previously thought. Several pieces of evidence, including a fire suppression device from a Boeing 777 washing up in the Maldives and multiple sightings of a low-flying plane matching the description of MH370, suggest that the plane may have landed somewhere else on Earth. The exclusion of the Maldives from the search and the lies from Malaysian officials add to the suspicion. Additionally, the concept of time dilation, which allows for time to flow differently depending on the amount of mass present, could potentially explain how the plane was able to move faster than the speed of light and disappear from radar. The implications of these findings are significant, as they challenge the official narrative and raise questions about potential human intervention. The motives behind such intervention, as well as the ultimate fate of the passengers and crew, remain unanswered.

    • UAP footage might be military technology operationsAnalysis suggests UAP footage could be advanced military technology, with operators behaving professionally and orbs moving at high speeds without resistance.

      The discussion suggests that the UAP footage could be the result of advanced military technology operations, rather than extraterrestrial activity. The speaker's analysis is based on the behavior of the operators in the drone video, who seem to have known about the event beforehand and acted in a professional manner. Additionally, the satellite footage appears to have been recorded after the fact. The speaker also notes that the orbs in the footage could be advanced scanning and mapping technology, and that their ability to move at high speeds without resistance could be due to the use of a non-radiating barrier. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that the UAP phenomenon may be explainable through existing technology, rather than being evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, the conversation also touches on the possibility of a conspiracy to keep such advanced technology from the public, adding an intriguing layer to the discussion.

    • UFO videos with complex details challenge hoax theoryAdvanced understanding of physics, engineering, and mathematics required to create convincing UFO footage, ruling out hoaxes

      The intriguing UFO sightings captured on video cannot be easily explained away as hoaxes due to the complexity of the details involved. The objects appear to be converging on a plane, causing a singularity or gravitational lensing effect, and leaving gravity trails in front of them. The videos require an advanced understanding of physics, engineering, and mathematics to create, ruling out the possibility of a few-hour hoax. The motive behind creating such elaborate and convincing UFO footage remains unclear. Despite the skepticism and dismissal of witnesses in official narratives, these videos present a comprehensive and well-evidenced story that challenges the status quo.

    • Unexamined IMRSAT data may hold MH370 cluesAn expert's analysis of overlooked IMRSAT data revealed potential clues to MH370's disappearance, emphasizing the importance of factual evidence in investigations.

      The IMRSAT data related to the MH370 disappearance, which was crucial evidence in the case, was not thoroughly examined by many. The witness testimonies and videos that surfaced later were met with skepticism, and some believed they were fabricated. However, the speaker, who has expertise in databases and Excel spreadsheets, noticed anomalous data points in the IMRSAT data that coincided with the alleged plane turn and disappearance. The idea of creating such fake evidence for notoriety seems unlikely, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of sticking to facts and data in investigations. The speaker also acknowledges the challenge of distinguishing truth from falsehood and the importance of being cautious when dealing with such sensitive information. The MH370 case remains a mystery, and the speaker's work in uncovering potential clues and data anomalies continues to contribute to the ongoing investigation.

    • UFO videos investigation reveals national defense concerns and advanced technologyThe UFO videos investigation led by David Gresh uncovered potential national defense issues and advanced technology, potentially involving breakaway civilization or alien collaboration.

      The investigation into UFO videos, led by David Gresh, has uncovered potential advanced technology and national defense issues, raising the stakes significantly beyond UFO sightings. Gresh's belief in the authenticity of these videos, despite initial disbelief, is driven by the magnitude of the conspiracy already proven. The implications of this discovery are profound, potentially involving breakaway civilization technology and even the possibility of working with aliens. Gresh's primary motivation is to authenticate the videos for the MH 370 case and leave the broader implications to others. Despite appearing egotistical, Gresh emphasizes that the situation's high stakes justify the intensity of the investigation.

    • Potential UFO footage could be last chance for disclosureRecent UFO footage and info, if authentic, could challenge paradigms and push conversation forward in a factual way.

      The recent discovery of alleged UFO footage and related information, which has gained widespread attention and controversy, could potentially be the last chance for true disclosure if the videos are authentic. The significance of this lies in the fact that the footage predates other known UFO incidents and could only have been created by entities with advanced technology, such as intelligence agencies or state-sponsored actors. However, the discussion also emphasized the importance of approaching this topic with a clear head and not being swayed by emotions or negative reactions from the online community. The process of breaking people's paradigms and addressing the bigger questions that come with such discoveries can be challenging, but it's crucial for pushing the conversation forward in a factual and data-driven manner. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that this topic is not dismissed as a hoax or a woo-filled esoteric subject, but rather taken seriously and explored in a thoughtful and empirical way.

    • Investigating the Origin of InformationAshton's investigations reveal important truths, but finding their origins may be impossible. Follow the data, engage in respectful discourse, and join the community for updates.

      Ashton's investigation into certain topics has led him to believe that certain information is true, but reversing the process to find the origin of this information may not be possible. He emphasizes the importance of following the data and the evidence, and encourages those interested in his work to engage with him on Twitter, where he shares updates and hosts streams related to his investigations. Ashton also stresses the need for respectful discourse in his community, which focuses on advanced science, investigations, and memes. The information Ashton shares has significant implications, making it a stressful situation to maintain credibility. Listeners are invited to join the community and follow along with the investigations in the upcoming season 3.

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