
    Podcast Summary

    • The Discovery of Ancient Sumerian Language and its Impact on HistoryKing Ashurbanipal's pursuit of knowledge led to the deciphering of the ancient Sumerian language, revealing unique historical perspectives and differences from Greco-Roman myths. During Passover, attend a live show presentation by Ali for exclusive insights into religious history and beliefs.

      The ancient Sumerian language, considered the sacred tongue of Mesopotamia, was deciphered through the efforts of King Ashurbanipal, who claimed divine guidance in his pursuit of knowledge. This discovery has provided a unique perspective on history, revealing differences from Greco-Roman myths and offering insights into the ancient world. Additionally, during the week of Passover, Blurry Creatures members will have an exclusive opportunity to attend a live show presentation by Ali, where he will discuss the lamb of God and the gods of Egypt. This event, limited to 500 digital tickets, promises to offer valuable insights into religious history and beliefs. Overall, these discoveries challenge modern perceptions of history and the supernatural, inviting us to explore new dimensions of our past.

    • The origins of gods and civilizations: A divine connection?The belief in divine origins of civilizations led to the birth of archaeology, revealing older civilizations and shedding light on their gods and mythologies through empirical evidence.

      The ancient civilizations believed their origins were divinely inspired, and this belief is reflected in various religious texts and mythologies around the world. The speaker's personal exploration of this belief led him to question the nature of these gods and their connection to human history. He discovered that many pagan religions could be traced back to Babylon and the land of Shinar, where Noah and his sons settled after the flood. The speaker's curiosity about these gods and their origins inspired the birth of archaeology as a discipline in the 1800s. European explorers sought to find the physical evidence of Western civilization's roots, which they believed were in both the Hebrew Bible and the Greek world. They were initially surprised to find civilizations older than the Assyrian civilization, as they believed anything older was mythology. However, the discovery of the library of Ashurbanipal in Mesopotamia, which contained tablets about ancient civilizations and gods, provided empirical evidence of these older civilizations. Ashurbanipal himself had created a dictionary to read the ancient Sumerian writings, which were the sacred texts of Mesopotamia. This discovery allowed scholars to gain a deeper understanding of the gods and civilizations of the ancient world.

    • The origins of Islamic civilization and the role of revelations and writingThe Islamic civilization emerged through Mohammed's recitations, later recorded as the Quran. Revelations may have been received telepathically or through other supernatural means. Writing played a crucial role in recording and preserving civilizations' laws and knowledge, with the oldest known writing originating from Mesopotamia.

      The origins of various civilizations, including Islam, involve the acquisition of knowledge from older, more advanced civilizations. This exchange between the speaker and the audience delves into the history of the Islamic civilization, specifically how it came about through the recitations of Mohammed, which later became the Quran. The speaker also touches upon the similarities between Mohammed's experience and that of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. The unique aspect of this discussion revolves around the idea that these revelations may have been received telepathically or through some other supernatural means. Additionally, the significance of writing in recording and preserving the laws and knowledge of civilizations is emphasized, with the oldest known writing originating from the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia.

    • Divine revelations and knowledge shaping civilizationsThroughout history, divine revelations and knowledge have led to new worldviews, codes of civilization, and empowerment, shaping the course of human civilization.

      Throughout history, there are stories of individuals or civilizations receiving divine revelations or knowledge, which led to the creation or transformation of their societies. This concept can be observed in various religious texts and civilizations, including Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism. In each case, the receipt of this knowledge brought about a new worldview, a code of civilization, and a sense of empowerment that allowed these groups to organize themselves and make significant cultural and political advancements. The idea of hieroglyphs, or secret writings, being involved in these revelations adds an intriguing layer to this historical phenomenon. This concept can be seen as a common thread that has played a crucial role in shaping the course of human civilization.

    • The Bhagavad Gita and The Code of Hammurabi: Divine Guidance in Ancient CivilizationsTwo ancient texts, the Bhagavad Gita and The Code of Hammurabi, demonstrate the belief in divine guidance in shaping civilizations, with the Bhagavad Gita being a Hindu scripture and The Code of Hammurabi originating from Mesopotamia.

      Throughout history, various civilizations have been governed by sacred texts that claim divine origin. One such text is the Bhagavad Gita, which is considered a song about Lord Krishna. The story revolves around Arjuna, a prince, who is guided by Krishna to unite with him in four ways. The Bhagavad Gita is rooted in older Vedic texts, which are the foundation of the Indian civilization. Comparatively, ancient civilizations like the one ruled by Hammurabi in Mesopotamia also had sacred texts that were believed to be given by gods. The Code of Hammurabi, one of the oldest known codes, was dedicated to the gods, particularly the sun god Shamash, who was the giver of the law. It's important to note that these texts are not necessarily human inventions, but rather believed to be inspired by the divine. This is a common theme across various religions and belief systems, suggesting that the concept of divine guidance in shaping civilizations is a recurring theme throughout history.

    • Ancient religious texts and their interconnected logicThe Bible and other ancient texts, like the Avesta and Bhagavad Gita, have competing narratives rooted in divine chosenness and the establishment of competing kingdoms, reflecting the ancient world's power struggles.

      The Bible and other ancient religious texts, such as the Avesta and the Bhagavad Gita, have competing narratives that form a deeper, interconnected logic. This logic is rooted in the concept of divine chosenness and the establishment of competing kingdoms. For instance, in the Bible, God chose Jacob and the Israelites, while in other texts, such as the Avesta, gods like Mythra influenced Roman religions. The difference lies in the structure of these texts: while the Bible is founded on the interplay between prophecy and history, other texts focus on worship and unity with a divine entity. Ultimately, these narratives reflect the ongoing struggle for power and influence in the ancient world.

    • Understanding the Role of 'Gods' in the Bible's Historical NarrativeThe Bible's historical narrative includes spiritual authorities, or 'gods', who influenced human civilization through communication and led to the creation of idolatry. God is the ultimate authority.

      The Bible's structure is not just about teachings and laws, but also historical events that show the fulfillment of God's prophecies. For instance, the Book of Acts records the beginning of God's promise to shine the light to Gentiles, as seen in Cornelius. Furthermore, the Bible reveals that there were spiritual authorities, or "gods," over the nations mentioned in texts like Psalm 82 and Deuteronomy 32. These beings went astray and desired worship, leading to the creation of idolatry. The communication from these beings resulted in the gift of civilization's codes, kingship, and the birth of children. The concept of "gods" should be understood as spiritual authorities, as God is the ultimate authority above all. This perspective adds depth to our understanding of the Bible as a historical narrative that showcases God's involvement in human affairs.

    • Communication between humans and beings: God, fallen angels, mankind, and their combinationsThroughout history, beings have communicated with humans, each claiming to be the source of truth and knowledge, with interactions shaping our world today, often involving deception and the combination of truth and lies.

      The knowledge and techniques on our planet can be categorized into four types: those from God, fallen angels, mankind, and a combination of the three. The communication between humans and these beings, as seen in the Bible, began in the Garden of Eden with the serpent's lie in Genesis 3. Satan reversed and nullified God's commandment, adding truth to his lies to make them more difficult to destroy. This pattern of communication continues throughout history, with each interaction teaching us something new about the nature of these deceptive messages. The ancient civilizations, it seems, all followed the same pattern, each claiming to be the source of truth and worship, with no original ideas or nihilistic beliefs. Instead, they all presented themselves as gods and handed down their knowledge and beliefs to future generations, shaping the world we live in today.

    • Ancient civilizations' connection to biblical narrativesThe Sumerian civilization's influence on other Mesopotamian civilizations, as seen in similarities in architecture and writing, is evident in the biblical account of Nimrod's cities. Archaeological findings support this connection, providing tangible evidence of their existence and interconnectedness.

      The ancient civilizations, particularly those in Mesopotamia, have a deep connection with the biblical narratives. The discussion highlights how the Sumerian civilization, which predates the biblical account, influenced the development of other Mesopotamian civilizations. This influence is evident in the similarities in architecture, such as the use of pillars, and the advancement of writing. The biblical account in Genesis mentions the cities founded by Nimrod, and archaeological findings have unearthed many of these cities, including Babel and Babylon. The discovery of these cities and their artifacts, like the gates of Ishtar in the Museum of Berlin, provides tangible evidence of the ancient civilizations' existence and their connection to the biblical narrative. The implication is that the biblical account and the historical record are not mutually exclusive but rather interconnected.

    • The connection between religion and politics in ancient civilizationsAncient civilizations, such as the Sumerians, had a deep connection between their religious and political structures, with figures like Gudea acting as priest-kings under the authority of the gods to build temples and establish urbanization.

      The ancient civilizations, like the Sumerians, had a deep connection between their religious and political structures. This is exemplified by figures like Gudea, the king of Lagash, who received divine guidance to build a temple and establish urbanization. The idea of a priest-king under the authority of the gods marked a shift from clan-based societies to city states. This concept, which originated in Mesopotamia, was later adopted by other civilizations, including the Egyptians and the Romans. The priests-kings were believed to rule on behalf of the spiritual authorities and ensure the prosperity and resurrection of their people. This reorganization of culture played a significant role in the development of early civilizations and continues to influence our understanding of ancient societies. Additionally, the elaborate mathematical and architectural aspects of ziggurats marked the origin of mathematics and human laws. Despite the passage of time, this historical perspective sheds light on the enduring significance of spiritual and political leadership in human societies.

    • Religious beliefs shaped political power and actions in ancient civilizationsAncient religious beliefs influenced political structures and actions, leading to persecution of certain groups and the belief in eternal rulers

      In ancient civilizations, religious beliefs significantly influenced political power and actions. For instance, the Oracle of Delphi in Greece declared Christians as enemies of the gods, leading Emperor Diocletian to suspend their civil rights and persecute them. In contrast, ancient Hebrews did not have a king and believed Yahweh was their king, which influenced their political structure. Moreover, the Sumerian King List reveals that some kings were believed to have reigned for thousands of years, which might be explained by misunderstanding their mathematical system or the existence of a pre-Adamic history. The discovery of ancient civilizations and artifacts, like the t pillars, challenges our understanding of the development of civilization and the relationship between religion, politics, and time measurement.

    • Ancient civilizations believed gods revealed knowledge for civilization's advancementAncient civilizations believed gods revealed knowledge in areas like math, medicine, architecture, and religion, leading to advancements and the foundation of human civilization

      Ancient civilizations, specifically those in Mesopotamia, believed that the knowledge necessary for civilization's advancement was revealed by the gods. This included fields such as mathematics, medicine, architecture, and religion. Archaeologists have discovered evidence of this belief system in the form of ancient texts. One theory suggests that different tribes received different bodies of knowledge during the division of the world. This knowledge was the foundation for human civilization and spread from empire to empire, eventually reaching Europe and the Americas. Gordon Child, a 20th century archaeologist, was a key figure in understanding the origins of civilization. He is known for inventing the concept of the Neolithic Revolution, which marked a radical shift from nomadic foraging to agriculture. This change brought about new tools, pottery, and the establishment of permanent settlements. Child saw the Neolithic Revolution as a pivotal moment in human history. Despite the significant impact of these discoveries, the meaning behind them remains a subject of debate. Some view the knowledge as scientific, while others see it as the foundation of an occult religion. Regardless, it is clear that the belief in divine revelation played a crucial role in the development of human civilization.

    • Origins of Civilization: Debating Farming and Complex KnowledgeArchaeological evidence contradicts theories suggesting that civilization emerged solely from farming, as complex structures and knowledge predate this convention. The true origins of civilization and the transmission of knowledge remain a mystery.

      The origins of civilization and the transmission of complex knowledge are subjects of ongoing debate. While some theories suggest that civilization emerged from a discovery of farming and the subsequent gathering of people, archaeological evidence points to the existence of complex structures and knowledge that predate this convention. These structures contain evidence of advanced mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. Theories that contradict this evidence, such as Gordon Child's theory of a farming-induced civilization, are taught as fact in universities but go against the archaeological record and the testimony of ancient texts. Ultimately, the true origins of civilization and the transmission of knowledge remain a mystery, and it is essential to critically evaluate different theories and consider multiple sources of evidence.

    • Attempts to mimic God's kingdom throughout historyThroughout history, various entities have tried to establish alternative rule systems, but they will ultimately be surpassed by God's true kingdom.

      Throughout history, there have been attempts to create pseudo kingdoms and establish alternative systems of rule, imitating the divine structure of God's kingdom. From the priest-kings of ancient civilizations to modern ideologies like Islam and Marxism, these entities have tried to communicate their visions and even hijack original ideas. However, they will ultimately be destroyed by the one true kingdom established by God through His son and the Holy Spirit. The spiritual battle between these forces continues to unfold, with the existence of Israel being a significant factor. Additionally, God has given humans the ability to cultivate the land and create hybrids, but the origins of these abilities remain a mystery. The earth itself can be seen as the incubation chamber for the immortal children of God.

    • The ongoing battle between good and evil in human civilizationThroughout history, knowledge and technology have been a double-edged sword, shaping human civilization through the ongoing conflict between good and evil, with both destructive and redemptive potential.

      All creation, including difficult-to-digest items like wheat, holds redeeming qualities and originated from divine sources. Throughout history, beings from the heavenly realms have given knowledge and tools to humans, but this power can also lead to corruption. The ongoing battle between good and evil, represented by the Lord and these beings, has been shaping human civilization since the dawn of time. Knowledge, including technology, has been a double-edged sword, with both destructive and redemptive potential. The ongoing conflict between these forces continues to unfold in our modern world, and the prophetic significance of recent events, such as the rebirth of Israel and the Yofo phenomenon, is a fascinating topic for exploration. Ultimately, God weaves together all of human history, even in its chaotic and corrupted state, to bring about redemption through his Son and the power of the Holy Spirit.

    • Manipulating and controlling people through false narrativesBe aware of false narratives and test them against God's teachings to avoid being led astray and living in accordance with His teachings.

      Throughout history, various civilizations and ideologies have attempted to manipulate and control people by presenting false narratives and perverting the knowledge of God. From ancient mythologies like Greek and Roman myths, to more modern movements like the Enlightenment and its offshoots, these false narratives have filled the void left by the rejection of God's teachings and created new religions and worldviews that ultimately oppose and contradict the word of God. These movements, whether intentional or not, have led to chaos, destruction, and division in society. It is essential for us to be aware of these manipulations and to test everything against the supreme knowledge of God as revealed in the Bible. Only then can we live according to His teachings and avoid being led astray by false narratives and ideologies.

    • Ancient civilizations and gods' impact on finance and historyUnderstanding ancient civilizations' gods and their influence on finance and history can provide insight into biblical prophecies and our current reality.

      The ancient civilizations and their gods, including the moon god in Islam, have significantly influenced the world's financial systems and human history. These entities and powers, possibly angels or fallen angels, continue to impact our reality today, sometimes disguised as aliens or otherworldly beings. The speaker, Ali, plans to reveal more about these princes of Persia, Greece, and Israel in his upcoming book and audio series. By understanding our history and interaction with these beings, we can gain insight into the biblical prophecies of the kingdoms that come out of the water and the earth in the Book of Revelation. Ultimately, we live in a world shaped by the presence of these entities, and being aware of their influence can help us prepare for the great battle to come. To learn more, visit thinkagainproductions.com, sign up for the newsletter, and watch the documentary. Stay tuned for upcoming events and conversations with Ali.

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