
    EP: 234 The Red Heifer Prophecy with Mondo Gonzales

    enApril 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Ancient Jewish practice of Red HeiferThe Red Heifer practice, based on a biblical commandment, involves sacrificing a red cow without black hairs. The rabbis added rules to ensure adherence, and the discovery of related artifacts or information could challenge our understanding of history.

      The ancient Jewish practice of the Red Heifer, which involves sacrificing a red cow without any black hairs, has a rich history that extends from the time of Moses to the 1st century. This practice, which is based on a biblical commandment, has been meticulously followed with additional rules to ensure adherence. The color requirement doesn't necessarily mean a bright red or crimson color, but could be a brownish red. The rabbis have added the rule that if there's more than one black hair or non-red hair in a single follicle, the cow is disqualified. This practice, which might seem unusual to modern perspectives, holds deep meaning and significance within Jewish tradition. The discovery of related artifacts or information could challenge our current understanding of history, as shown by the Mount Hermon event and the gods of Egypt. It's essential to keep an open mind and appreciate the depth and complexity of historical practices and beliefs.

    • A Personal Encounter with a Possible Bigfoot FootprintThe speaker, who grew up in the Pacific Northwest and has been fascinated with Bigfoot since childhood, shares a personal experience of discovering a large footprint in the woods, fueling his belief in the existence of Bigfoot.

      The speaker, who grew up in the Pacific Northwest and has been fascinated with Bigfoot since childhood, shares a personal experience of discovering a large, possible Bigfoot footprint while running in the woods. He believes in the existence of Bigfoot based on anecdotal stories and evidence, particularly in the Pacific Northwest region where there is a Bigfoot Museum near Mount St. Helens. The speaker also expresses the possibility that Bigfoot could be a remnant ape or a supernatural being based on various encounters reported. The conversation also touches on the two main theories about Bigfoot's origin: it being a remnant ape or involving the supernatural.

    • The historical significance of red heifers in the BibleMany believe red heifers hold biblical significance, linked to Daniel's prophecy, indicating potential connection to the antichrist figure and a significant event for those interpreting biblical prophecy futuristically.

      The historical significance of the red heifers in the Bible, as discussed in the podcast, is an intriguing and controversial topic. Despite some skepticism, many people claim to have had experiences or encounters related to this biblical instruction. The red heifers are mentioned in Numbers, and their importance lies in Daniel's prophecy about offerings and sacrifices ceasing at the end of the age. This could indicate a connection to the anticipated appearance and role of the antichrist figure. The ongoing developments surrounding the potential emergence of a red heifer herd signify a significant event for those who view biblical prophecy as futuristic.

    • Prophetic texts refer to a future, physical templeThe Bible's prophetic texts indicate a future, physical temple will be desecrated, possibly by an abomination or the Antichrist.

      The Bible refers to a physical temple multiple times in prophetic texts, including Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 11. These passages suggest that an abomination or the Antichrist will desecrate this temple in the end times. Additionally, the word "temple" in the New Testament can refer to the physical temple in Jerusalem, a figurative reference to the body of Christ, or the collective body of believers in the church. While there may be contexts where the temple refers to something other than the physical structure, the overall context of these prophetic passages points to a future, physical temple. The ongoing efforts of the 3rd Temple movement to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem further support the belief that these prophecies will come to pass.

    • Rabbis' temple plans rooted in ancient Jewish lawDespite differences in beliefs, Jewish rabbis' efforts to build a new temple in Jerusalem reflect commitment to ancient Jewish law and anticipation of end times, potentially signaling Jesus' return

      The ongoing efforts by Jewish rabbis to build a new temple in Jerusalem, despite not believing in Jesus, are rooted in their commitment to ancient Jewish law and the need for a red heifer for ritual purification. This process, which involves significant financial investment, is seen as necessary to fulfill biblical prophecies, some of which date back to 600 BC. The potential construction of this temple, which could occur if politics allow, is not a good or bad sign in itself, but rather a data point indicating the end of the age and the impending return of Jesus. The red heifer and its significance in the New Testament are also discussed in the Bible, and this does not diminish the importance of Jesus as the final sacrifice. Instead, the anticipation of the temple's construction reflects Christian excitement for the end of the age and the promise of Jesus' return.

    • Anticipation of Jesus' Return and God's KingdomThe return of Jesus and establishment of God's kingdom on Earth are eagerly anticipated events. The Jewish community holds both written Torah and oral tradition in high regard, including the significance of a red heifer for temple rebuilding.

      According to the speaker and the text discussed, the return of Jesus and the establishment of God's kingdom on Earth are eagerly anticipated events. The speaker expresses excitement about the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, including the appearance of a red heifer, which is a necessary component for the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. The red heifer's purity, rather than its rarity, is the significant factor. The Jewish community holds both the written Torah and the oral tradition in high regard, with the latter considered equally authoritative. The Mishnah, an oral tradition written down around 200 AD, includes a whole chapter on the red heifer. While not endorsing these texts as legitimate, it's important to understand their significance within the Jewish context. Overall, the speaker emphasizes that God's plan will unfold as intended, regardless of human efforts or reactions.

    • Rules for the Red Heifer SacrificeThe Jewish community follows strict rules for the red heifer sacrifice, including specific age and color requirements, to maintain their religious traditions.

      The ancient Jewish practice of sacrificing a red heifer for religious purification involves specific rules regarding the animal's age and color. From biblical times until the 1st century, there were nine red heifers, but the modern interpretation of "red" can include brownish red. The current rule is that a cow can have black hairs as long as they're not in the same follicle. The cow must be 2 years and 1 month old, which is a month into its 3rd year, to qualify. This practice has been in place for centuries, and during the last episode, it was revealed that Hamas and their allies may have attempted to attack the red heifers in Shilah, which is in the West Bank area, due to their significance and the timing of their age. While the cows were not directly targeted, it's believed that Hamas aimed to inspire others to carry out attacks in the region. The rules surrounding the red heifer sacrifice demonstrate the lengths to which the Jewish community has gone to follow religious commandments and maintain their traditions.

    • Debate over potential sacrifice of 3 qualified red heifers in IsraelControversy surrounds the significance and appropriateness of supporting the potential sacrifice of 3 qualified red heifers in Israel, with differing opinions among Christians.

      There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the potential sacrifice of three red heifers in Israel, which could be the first in 1900 years to meet the biblical requirements for a temple sacrifice. The cows are relatively unprotected, and while some have been disqualified, three are currently considered 100% qualified. However, there are varying opinions among Christians regarding the significance and appropriateness of supporting this event, with some believing it contributes to Jewish confusion about salvation and others seeing it as a way to help prophecy come to pass. The exact timing and location of the sacrifice are not definitively known, but there is speculation that it could occur soon based on certain date ranges and historical precedent. Overall, the issue highlights the complex and often divisive nature of religious beliefs and practices.

    • Planning a religious event with a red heifer on the Mount of OlivesDespite initial plans to hold a red heifer ceremony during Passover 2024, the Israeli government's stance has shifted due to potential inflammation in the Arab era area, making the event's future uncertain.

      A group of people is planning a significant religious event involving a red heifer on the Mount of Olives, east of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The event was initially hoped to take place during Passover in 2024 due to the excitement and attention surrounding the Jewish holiday. However, the Israeli government's stance on the matter has shifted due to Hamas' public statements linking the red heifers to their actions. As a result, the government has become less forthcoming about the event, and it's unclear if or when it will take place. The group, led by Byron Stinson, is working on securing permits for the ceremony, which could potentially be inflammatory in the Arab era area where it will take place. The event is significant because it relates to biblical prophecy and could draw international attention.

    • Search for a Red Heifer for Jewish Temple SacrificesDespite ongoing breeding programs, finding a suitable red heifer for Jewish temple sacrifices remains uncertain due to age requirements and limited success in breeding.

      The situation surrounding the potential red heifer for Jewish temple sacrifices is complex and uncertain. Despite the existence of breeding programs in both Texas and Israel, the availability of a suitable red heifer for sacrifice remains elusive. The urgency comes from the fact that potential candidates must reach a certain age by November for consideration. Recent interviews suggest that the selection process is ongoing, but no definitive answer has been given as to whether a suitable heifer will be found before the upcoming Passover season. The conversation also touched upon the historical context of this issue, with attempts to breed red heifers going back decades, but with limited success. Overall, the search for a red heifer continues, with a sense of anticipation and uncertainty as to when or if this long-sought goal will be achieved.

    • Israeli government's role in Red Heifer slaughter decisionThe Israeli government holds the power to approve or deny the Red Heifer slaughter, impacted by political climate and international pressure

      The permission for the controversial religious ritual known as the Red Heifer slaughter in Israel, which some predict will happen within the next two weeks, requires approval from the highest political echelons, including Prime Minister Netanyahu. The Israeli government's involvement is significant due to the country's unique security structure, where military and police forces closely collaborate. Despite the involvement of various religious groups and NGOs, the ultimate decision lies with the Israeli government. The political climate, including international pressure and potential weapon supply issues, may influence Netanyahu's decision. Previous attempts to perform the ritual have been met with false rumors and documents circulating online, emphasizing the importance of accurate information.

    • Security concerns impact religious traditions at sacred sites in IsraelTensions between Israel and its neighbors, including Iran, impact religious groups' ability to carry out traditions at sacred sites. The annual request to transport red cows to the Temple Mount has been rejected due to security concerns, and recent missile attacks on Israel could further disrupt these traditions.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and its neighbors, including Iran, significantly impacts the security situation for religious groups seeking to carry out traditions at sacred sites. The discussion highlights the annual request to transport red cows to the Temple Mount, which has been rejected due to security concerns. Iran's recent missile attacks on Israel escalate tensions and could potentially disrupt religious movements, as the Israeli government is mostly secular and cannot be relied upon to support such traditions. Balancing support for the people of Israel with a critical perspective on their government and its actions can be a complex issue for Christians, as addressed in a chapter in the speaker's book. Overall, the security situation and geopolitical dynamics surrounding these sacred sites require careful consideration and ongoing attention.

    • Israel's right to the land from a biblical perspectiveIsrael's biblical right to the land doesn't exempt them from accountability for their actions, requiring a nuanced understanding and balance.

      From a biblical perspective, the land of Israel belongs to God and was given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants, making it a promise that has never been rescinded. Israel has a right to the land both biblically and internationally. However, this does not mean that Israel's actions are always approved by God. The ongoing conflict in the region, including the debate over a two-state solution, can be seen as fulfilling prophetic elements, such as those in Joel 3 and Zechariah 12. Ultimately, Israel's right to the land does not excuse them from accountability for their actions, and as believers, we should pray for peace and salvation for all peoples involved, including the Palestinians. The complexities of the situation require a nuanced understanding and balance between recognizing Israel's right to exist and calling out their wrongdoings.

    • End times prophecies and their political implicationsExpect significant political events in Israel related to temple rebuilding and red heifer sacrifices, influenced by various governments and external factors

      While the specifics of end times prophecy and the timeline for certain events remain uncertain, the underlying elements of these prophecies, such as the requirement of a red heifer sacrifice and the establishment of a temple for the Antichrist, are real and significant. These events are expected to occur before the end of the age, and their occurrence could have major political implications, particularly in Israel. Additionally, it's important to note that the actions of various governments, including the United States, can impact the timeline for these events. Ultimately, we are in a period of waiting and watching as these events unfold. The politics surrounding the rebuilding of the temple in Israel could be a key indicator of when these events may begin in earnest. The instability of the Israeli government and the influence of external factors, such as the actions of Iran and Hamas, could significantly impact the timing of these events. It's also worth noting that the United States, through its tax dollars, plays a role in funding both sides of various conflicts, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

    • Historical mistrust, conflicting agendas, and eschatological beliefs fuel tensions between Israel, Iran, and the U.S.Israel, Iran, and the U.S. are entangled in a complex conflict driven by historical mistrust, conflicting agendas, and deep-rooted beliefs about the end times, leading to escalating tensions and potential destruction.

      The complex geopolitical situation between Israel, Iran, and the United States is driven by historical mistrust, conflicting agendas, and eschatological beliefs. Israel, feeling betrayed by past allies and uncertain of protection, has taken matters into its own hands, leading to escalating tensions with Iran. Iran, seeking to save face and establish dominance in the Muslim world, responds with military action. The U.S., with its own agenda, provides weapons and releases funds to Iran. This intricate dance of power and conflict is fueled by deeper beliefs, as all parties believe they are in the end times and are pushing for control and worship. Ultimately, the goal is destruction, and chaos is the means to achieve it.

    • Expert on Red Heifer and Muslim Messianic WorldviewDr. Mano's 30-year research on Red Heifer and its connection to Muslim Messianic Worldview sheds light on current global chaos, available at Prophecywatchers.com

      The current global chaos could be a manifestation of the messianic worldview in the Muslim world, as discussed with Dr. Joel Malamud. The Red Heifer and related topics have been a focus of Dr. Mano's work for the past 30 years, making him an expert on the subject. To learn more about his work, listeners can visit Prophecywatchers.com, where they can find his book and various platforms for television, radio, podcasting, and YouTube. The site also features the largest online bookstore dedicated to prophecy. Dr. Mano's next interview will be with Tim Alberino about his new project. Stay tuned for updates.

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