
    EP: 237 Sasquatch Lives!

    enMay 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Using tools like Miro for retrospectives leads to inclusive and productive team discussions.Tools like Miro enable real-time, anonymous input and AI-assisted organization of retro notes, leading to more productive team discussions and actionable tasks.

      Using tools like Miro for retrospectives can lead to more inclusive and productive team discussions. Unlike traditional boardroom settings where one person, like Dave, might dominate the conversation, Miro allows everyone to add thoughts anonymously online at the same time. Additionally, Miro's AI tools can help organize and cluster retro notes into themes, saving time and making it easier to turn feedback into actionable Jira tasks. Furthermore, events like Squatchella, where podcasts and the paranormal community come together, offer unique opportunities for learning, expanding perspectives, and networking. Whether it's through in-person meetups or virtual discussions, these platforms foster open and engaging conversations that can lead to new discoveries and connections.

    • Embracing the unknown in genuine conversationsAuthentic conversations can lead to intriguing experiences and unexpected connections. Stay open-minded and embrace the unknown.

      Having authentic conversations can lead to intriguing and unexpected experiences. Tony Merkel, host of the Confessionals podcast, shared how his show improved when he shifted from prewritten questions to genuine conversations. He shared a particularly strange story about a man named James who befriended someone at a bar and was later invited to a mysterious party in Joshua Tree. Despite the unusual surroundings and increasing anxiety from one woman, James remained open-minded and went with the flow. The experience took a turn when he entered a porta potty and returned to find the crowd had grown significantly. This story illustrates the importance of embracing the unknown and the potential for extraordinary experiences that can arise from genuine human connection.

    • Unexpected encounters with other dimensionsSometimes, the most ordinary experiences can lead to extraordinary discoveries, even if those discoveries involve other dimensions

      The world can be full of unexpected twists and turns, even during seemingly ordinary experiences. In the story, a man attends a party with mysterious DJs and is offered a place to sleep. However, when he enters the tent, he encounters supernatural beings and experiences a dimensional shift. Despite his attempts to leave, he finds himself unable to escape and experiences further trippy events. The story highlights the idea that sometimes, people may accidentally encounter other dimensions without even realizing it. The man's phone, which stopped working during the experience, later reveals that the people who brought him to the party were discussing his disappearance and potentially trying to deceive him. This tale serves as a reminder that the world may hold more than meets the eye, and sometimes, the most ordinary experiences can lead to the most extraordinary discoveries.

    • Joshua Tree: A Portal to Another Dimension?Some believe Joshua Tree is a portal to another dimension due to reported experiences of people disappearing, encounters with otherworldly entities, and an eerie quietness in the woods. UFO involvement and the ability of certain places to shift dimensions are also possibilities.

      The Joshua Tree area, as discussed in episode 512 of a podcast, is believed by some to be a portal to another dimension based on various reported experiences. These experiences include people disappearing and reappearing, encounters with otherworldly entities, and an eerie quietness in the woods. The idea of slipping out of one dimension and into another is a fascinating hypothesis, especially when considering other phenomena such as the disappearance of people in certain areas and the quieting of the natural environment. The podcast also touched upon the possibility of UFO involvement and the idea that certain places may have the ability to shift dimensions, leaving those who enter them feeling disoriented and disconnected from reality. The discussion brought to mind various stories of people disappearing and reappearing in the same location, as well as the idea of experiencing a shift in environment or reality. Overall, the podcast episode and subsequent discussions highlight the intrigue and mystery surrounding the Joshua Tree area and the possibility of otherworldly experiences.

    • Unexplained phenomena in the woods: pin-drop silence, astral projection, otherworldly beingsPodcast hosts share bizarre tales of hunting and camping experiences involving unexplained phenomena, turning a hobby into a successful venture

      There could be unexplained phenomena, such as dimensional shifts, causing unusual experiences in the woods. These experiences might include pin-drop silence, astral projection, or even encounters with otherworldly beings. The hosts of a podcast, who have been sharing such stories for almost 11 years, have heard many bizarre tales, some of which involve hunting and camping in the woods. They started their podcast as a way to pass the time during their long commutes and eventually turned it into a successful venture. Despite the strange and sometimes terrifying stories they share, they remain best friends and continue to explore the mysteries of the unknown together.

    • Encounters with Native American BeingsA construction contractor in Southwest Texas had encounters with small, native American beings, kept them secret due to fear of ridicule, and serves as a reminder of unexplained phenomena and respecting individual beliefs.

      There's a man named Doc, a construction contractor from Southwest Texas, who had encounters with small, native American beings. He first noticed strange footprints around a water trough and later saw several of these beings, less than 2 feet tall, wearing animal skins and carrying tools. Doc kept these encounters a secret due to fear of being ridiculed by his hunting buddies. During turkey season, he had an encounter where he saw three of these beings, one carrying a rabbit, near a dried creek. The beings were surprised to see him and froze when they were spotted. Despite the incredible nature of these experiences, Doc chose to keep them to himself. This story serves as a reminder of the existence of unexplained phenomena and the importance of respecting individual beliefs and experiences.

    • Encounters with Unidentified Beings: Awe and PerplexityReports of encounters with unidentified beings in certain areas leave witnesses feeling a sense of awe and perplexity, with unexplained disappearances and strange occurrences adding to the mystery.

      There are reports of strange encounters with unidentified beings in certain areas, leaving the witnesses feeling a sense of awe and reverence. These encounters have been linked to the disappearance of items and strange occurrences, leading some to believe that there may be a supernatural presence in these locations. For instance, one man claimed to have seen small, humanoid figures while remodeling a ranch house, and another reported feeling a warm, wholesome presence while hunting in the wilderness. These encounters left the witnesses feeling both humbled and perplexed, with no clear explanation for what they had experienced. While some may dismiss these stories as mere folklore or coincidence, others continue to search for answers, drawn to the mystery and intrigue of these unexplained phenomena.

    • Stories of humanoid beings from diverse sourcesThroughout history, tales of small, humanoid beings have persisted, inspiring curiosity and intrigue, despite skepticism, and sometimes leading to the return of missing items after leaving gifts for them.

      There are numerous reports and stories from various parts of the world about the existence of small, humanoid beings, often referred to as fae or gnomes. These beings are said to inhabit parallel dimensions or hidden realms, and are often surprised when encountered by humans. These stories come from diverse sources, including eyewitness accounts, old cowboys, and indigenous communities. Some cultures consider these encounters as omens or signs of impending danger. Despite the skepticism, these stories have persisted throughout history and continue to intrigue people. Whether these beings are real or not, they serve as a reminder of the vast mysteries that still surround us. Additionally, there have been reports of missing items being returned after leaving small gifts for these beings.

    • Exploring new ideas leads to unexpected discoveriesCuriosity and exploration can lead to innovative business ideas, like a portable potty with a fortune-telling machine and souvenir keychain. Staying open-minded and curious can lead to the longevity of a podcast and the exploration of vast amounts of material.

      The power of curiosity and exploration can lead to unexpected discoveries and new business ideas. During a brainstorming session, the idea of a portable potty business with a unique twist was suggested. This business, named "Portal Potty," would offer customers an interdimensional experience, complete with a fortune-telling machine and a souvenir keychain. The session also highlighted the dynamic duo behind the "Ninjas or Butterflies" podcast, who shared their experience of starting their show and the unique blend of comedy and conspiracy theories they explore. The podcast's longevity and the vast amount of material they cover were also discussed, emphasizing the importance of staying curious and open-minded. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of exploring new ideas and the potential for turning seemingly mundane concepts into something extraordinary.

    • Encountering the Unknown: Personal Experiences with UFOs and GhostsPersonal encounters with unexplained phenomena, such as UFO sightings and potential EVP recordings, can leave us feeling unexplained and even frightening, fueling our curiosity and wonder about the spiritual realms and the mysteries of the world.

      The speakers share personal experiences with unexplained phenomena, including UFO sightings and potential EVP recordings. These experiences left them feeling unexplained and even frightening, leading them to question the existence of spiritual realms and the unexplored mysteries of the world. The speakers also shared a story where a friend believed he heard their names on a recording during a ghost tour, but upon revisiting the recording, they were unable to hear their names, adding to the mystery and intrigue. These experiences highlight the sense of wonder and fear that comes with encountering the unknown and the enduring allure of the unexplained.

    • Exploring the Fascination with the UnknownRespect the unknown, be well-defended, and explore the intriguing mysteries of life, from haunted houses to dinosaurs and paranormal phenomena.

      The unknown can be intriguing and even change our perspectives. The speaker shared an experience of visiting a supposedly haunted house and feeling drawn to it despite initial apprehensions. They also mentioned that respecting the unknown and being well-defended are important. The conversation then shifted to discussing the existence of dinosaurs, Helen Keller, and Bigfoot. The speaker expressed skepticism towards Helen Keller's existence but believed in dinosaurs. They also shared their experiences of starting a podcast about paranormal phenomena and tying it with a biblical worldview. The conversation ended with the speakers sharing their favorite stories from the podcast. Overall, the conversation emphasized the fascination with the unknown and the importance of exploring it while being prepared.

    • New concept of Sasquatch visionsCamping man's vivid vision of a Sasquatch and farmer's tale of giant bones and Bigfoot protecting him add to the unpredictable and surreal nature of Bigfoot encounters

      The world of Bigfoot encounters is filled with intriguing stories that challenge our understanding of reality. One such story involved a man from South Carolina who, while camping with his family, experienced a vivid vision of a Sasquatch watching them in the woods. The man described feeling as if he was watching a movie of the event unfold, complete with visual details and sounds. This "Sasquatch vision" was a new concept for the podcast hosts, adding to the growing list of unusual experiences associated with Bigfoot encounters. Another memorable story was shared by a Minnesota farmer named Roger. His tale began with him discovering giant bones on his property, but it took a surprising turn when he started talking about Bigfoot protecting his farm from a creature called a boar cock, a hybrid creature from Egyptian mythology. These stories highlight the unpredictable and often surreal nature of Bigfoot encounters, leaving listeners to ponder the possibilities.

    • A Minnesota Farmer's Tale of Bigfoot, Portals, and Intergalactic BattlesAn ordinary farmer's extraordinary experiences with Bigfoot, portals, and intergalactic battles, shared on a paranormal podcast, underscored the belief in unexplained phenomena and the human capacity to embrace the unknown.

      During an episode on a paranormal podcast, a farmer from Minnesota shared his extraordinary experiences on his property, which included encounters with Bigfoot, portals, and intergalactic battles. What made this story particularly memorable was the farmer's matter-of-fact demeanor and the unexpected twist when he revealed that he would preach to the sasquatch about the lord. The story was so unexpected and wild that it stood out among other bizarre tales the podcast had covered, such as satanic ritual abuse, deep underground military bases, and aliens. The farmer's account of the sasquatch braiding horse hair during intimate encounters added another layer of intrigue, although it was unclear if this was a separate encounter or if the farmer had withheld information. Overall, the farmer's story was a reminder that the world is full of unexplained phenomena and that some people believe in the extraordinary without hesitation.

    • Exploring new ideas and experiences can change our perspectivesBeing open-minded and willing to consider new ideas, even if they initially seem strange or contrary to our beliefs, can lead to new insights and perspectives that enrich our understanding of the world.

      Our perspectives and beliefs can evolve as we explore new ideas and experiences. During a podcast discussion about unexplained phenomena, one host shared how he initially dismissed the idea of discussing aliens due to his skepticism. However, after listening to experts and expanding his worldview, he came to see the value in considering these topics from a biblical perspective. Another host shared how he felt called by God to start the podcast despite being outside of his comfort zone. These experiences highlight the importance of being open-minded and willing to consider new ideas, even if they initially seem strange or contrary to our beliefs. By engaging in thoughtful discourse and expanding our paradigms, we can gain new insights and perspectives that enrich our understanding of the world around us.

    • A personal encounter leads to a podcast about unexplained phenomenaThrough personal experiences and exploration, one can broaden their understanding of reality and embrace the unexplained, leading to a transformative journey.

      The podcast journey of the speaker began as a result of a personal encounter with a mysterious figure, which led him to explore various unexplained phenomena and share people's experiences on his show. Initially uncomfortable and unsure of the direction, the speaker felt a strong pull to talk about everything, not just Bigfoot. Over time, he came to understand that the show was about personal experiences and his own journey through these topics. This journey involved overcoming inner struggles, expanding his mindset, and learning about various unexplained phenomena such as lucid dreaming and interdimensional experiences. The speaker now sees reality as far more strange than he can fathom and is open to sharing stories, leaving it to the audience to decide what they believe. The podcast has become a mixed bag of topics, and the speaker sees it as a personal journey for both himself and the audience.

    • Impact of sharing unexplained experiences through podcastsSharing unexplained experiences through podcasts provides comfort, connection, and community. Podcasts validate and normalize these experiences, reducing stigma. The shared experience can lead to personal growth and spiritual awakening.

      Sharing and discussing unexplained experiences, whether they are proven to be real or not, can have a profound impact on individuals. These stories provide comfort to those who thought they were alone in their experiences and offer a sense of connection and community. The podcast format, in particular, creates a safe space for people to share their stories and helps reduce the stigma surrounding unconventional experiences. The hosts of these podcasts may not be able to prove the validity of these stories, but they serve an important role in validating and normalizing these experiences for their audience. The shared experience of hearing and discussing these stories around a "campfire" can bring people together and even lead to personal growth and spiritual awakening. The mystery and excitement surrounding these stories are often more appealing than the revelation of definitive answers.

    • Exploring spiritual topics through humorCreating a podcast fosters confidence, open-mindedness, and community building while clarifying beliefs and validating curiosity.

      The podcast journey has led to increased confidence, open-mindedness, and community building for the hosts. The experience of creating and sharing their podcast has clarified their beliefs, validated their curiosity, and fostered friendships with like-minded individuals. The use of humor to discuss deep spiritual topics has proven effective in engaging their audience and easing the tension surrounding heavy subjects. The hosts' perspectives and beliefs have evolved throughout the process, leading to a deeper understanding of ancient knowledge and the possibility of physical angels. The podcast has become a platform for asking tough questions and exploring new ideas together, making the journey an enjoyable and rewarding experience for all involved.

    • A new perspective on angels: human-like beings from another dimensionAngels are not just spirits, but rather beings from another dimension that may have once lived among humans and interbred with them, leading to mythological creatures in various cultures' histories.

      The speaker's perspective on angels has shifted from viewing them as purely spiritual beings to something more human-like. He suggests that angels may have once lived among humans and even interbred with them, leading to the creation of mythological giants and other strange beings found in various cultures' histories. The speaker also clarifies that angels are not just spirits, but rather beings that inhabit another dimension and may appear in human form. The speaker is excited about an upcoming event, Squatchella, where various topics will be explored in a festival-like setting, and encourages listeners to attend and potentially even come backstage for a performance and foot washing by the host. The event is taking place at Belmont University's Fisher Center, which the speaker believes is worth over $1 billion.

    • Sasquatch Conference: A Day Filled with Passion and ExcitementThe Sasquatch conference at Belmont University brings together enthusiasts for a day of knowledge, community, and potential sightings in a prestigious setting

      The Sasquatch conference at Belmont University in Tennessee is an extraordinary event where enthusiasts gather to share their passion for the mythical creature. Despite the seemingly unconventional topic, the conference takes place in a beautiful and esteemed building, with honorary PhDs, VIPs, merch booths, videos, live entertainment, and even gators. The excitement is palpable, with attendees looking forward to a day filled with knowledge, community, and perhaps even a glimpse of the elusive Sasquatch. So, mark your calendars and secure your tickets, as this event is sure to sell out quickly.

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