
    Ep 25 - Living Life In The Front Row w/ Jon Vroman

    en-usOctober 16, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Be an active participant in lifeEngage in life, surround yourself with positive influences, believe in the power of giving, and strive to make a difference.

      Living an active and engaged life is key to achieving success and happiness. John Vroman, a highly-rated college speaker and founder of the Front Row Foundation, emphasized the importance of being an active participant in one's life instead of being a spectator. He also discussed how one's environment and the people around them significantly impact their success. Additionally, Vroman shared his belief in the power of giving and living a life of service to others. Vroman's unique childhood story, marked by challenges related to his growth, played a significant role in shaping the person he is today. His inspiring work through the Front Row Foundation and his impactful speeches serve as reminders that everyone has the potential to make a difference in the world.

    • Childhood experiences shape our intentionsOur painful past experiences can fuel empathy and understanding, driving us to seek validation and growth

      Our past experiences, no matter how painful or difficult they may seem, can serve as a powerful source of empathy and understanding. The speaker shares their personal story of feeling small and isolated during their childhood, leading to behaviors aimed at fitting in and seeking validation. While these actions may have appeared negative, they were driven by a positive intent to feel powerful and significant. The catalyst for change came when the speaker joined a company selling kitchen knives, which provided them with a new sense of purpose and growth. This experience, along with the painful memories of their past, now anchors them in serving others and understanding the human need to feel important and loved.

    • Transforming through positive work environmentsCreating positive environments can lead to personal growth and development. Surrounding oneself with inspiring people and intentional experiences is crucial for success and happiness.

      Creating a positive and inspiring environment is crucial for personal growth and development. The speaker shared his experience of getting his job back after quitting by selling a certain amount of product each week, which led him to become an assistant manager. He emphasized that the positive work environment was a transformational moment in his life. The speaker also highlighted the importance of visual reminders and creating intentional environments for himself, his family, and his children. He believes that being around inspiring people and building a strong community is the greatest gift he can give to his children. The speaker's passion for creating positive environments is reflected in his intentional efforts to surround himself and his family with great people and experiences.

    • Intentional shifts in environment lead to memorable experiencesMaking intentional shifts in our environment, like connecting with new people, practicing daily, and getting closer to experiences, can help us live life in the front row and make the most of our experiences.

      Creating a meaningful environment involves more than just physical surroundings. It's also about the people and experiences we bring into our lives. The speaker shared an example of going to great lengths to attend a party and connect with new people, leading to potential friendships. He emphasized the importance of proximity and intentionality in shaping our environment. The speaker also mentioned the significance of small daily practices, like keeping journals and writing notes, to help elevate our lives. During a festival, the speaker and his friends experienced the benefits of getting closer to the front row of a concert, both literally and metaphorically, leading to a more memorable and enjoyable experience. Overall, the message is that making intentional shifts in our environment, whether it's through people, places, or things, can help us live life in the front row and make the most of our experiences.

    • Experience life in the front rowLiving life fully engaged can lead to greater joy and connection. The Front Row Foundation helps put people in the front row of their favorite live events.

      Living life in the front row, or fully engaging and experiencing every moment, can lead to greater joy and connection. This was first noticed at a concert where the energy and participation were vastly different between the front and back rows. The metaphor of the front row became a mantra for living life with more energy and accountability, even if it means getting a little uncomfortable or vulnerable. This idea inspired the creation of the Front Row Foundation, which aims to put people in the front row of their favorite live events and help them live their lives as active participants rather than passive spectators.

    • Shaping our experiences and making a positive impactEmpower yourself to create meaningful experiences, bring joy to others, and make a difference through community engagement.

      We have the power to shape our experiences, no matter the situation or external factors. As shared by the speaker, he encourages people not to let others dictate the quality of their lives. He also emphasizes the importance of community and the impact it can have on others. The speaker's personal story of taking a young girl named Sophie to see Kelly Clarkson serves as an example of this, as it not only brought joy to Sophie but also left a lasting impact on the speaker himself. The Front Row Foundation, which is a significant part of the speaker's life, is a testament to this belief, as it aims to create unforgettable experiences for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses or other challenging circumstances. Overall, the message is to seize opportunities, make the most of every experience, and make a positive impact on others through the power of community.

    • The power of giving benefits both giver and receiverGiving creates meaningful experiences and memories, connects us with others and oneself, and is a belief that can be nurtured to create positive impact.

      Giving is a powerful force that not only benefits the recipient but also the giver. It's a belief that is born into us, but we may lose sight of it as we focus too much on ourselves. The speaker shares how his father's unique gift of donating geese to a family in need instead of giving him a physical present had a profound impact on him and inspired him to prioritize giving and experiences over material possessions. He believes that we learn to give from our community and that it's important to be mindful of not suppressing this natural inclination towards contribution with self-indulgence. The speaker acknowledges that he too struggles with staying focused on giving but sees the importance of instilling this belief in the next generation. In essence, giving is a powerful way to connect with others and oneself, and it's a belief that can be nurtured and revealed to create meaningful experiences and memories that last a lifetime.

    • Focus on charitable giving and experiences for meaningful giftsGiving charitably and providing experiences rather than material possessions leads to long-term growth and development for recipients. Be conscious of intent behind gift-giving and shift from scarcity to abundance mindset.

      The most meaningful and impactful gifts are those that go beyond the present moment and contribute to the growth and development of the recipient. This can be achieved by focusing on charitable giving and experiences rather than material possessions. The speaker shared personal experiences of giving charitable gifts to family members and the long-lasting impact it had on them. He also emphasized the importance of being conscious of the intent behind gift-giving and the role it plays in shaping one's own and others' destinies. The speaker encouraged a shift from scarcity to abundance mindset, recognizing that giving, even when one may not feel financially or materially abundant, can lead to greater fulfillment and joy.

    • Focus on what makes you come alive and serve at a deep levelEmbrace what makes you come alive and strive to make a deep impact on others, inspiring a ripple effect of positivity and contribution.

      The value of giving and contributing to the world goes beyond quantifiable measures. While it's important to recognize the impact of large-scale contributions from individuals like Bill Gates, it's essential not to overlook the significance of small acts of kindness and service. We may not always know the depth of our impact, but by focusing on what makes us come alive and serving at a deep level, we can make a meaningful contribution to the world. Recognizing and honoring others for their contributions can also amplify our sense of impact and inspire us to do more. As the quote from Howard Thurman suggests, it's not about asking what the world needs, but what makes us come alive and go do it. By embracing this mindset and striving to make everyone we come in contact with feel like a "rock star," we can create a ripple effect of positivity and impact.

    • Treat everyone like a rock starFocus on positive qualities, assume best, overcome fear, push out of comfort zones, live life to the fullest

      We should treat everyone we meet like a "rock star." This means focusing on the positive qualities of each person and assuming the best about them, rather than judging or dismissing them. This mindset can help us transform our interactions and improve our overall perspective on the world. Another important aspect is overcoming fear, which can hold us back from living our lives to the fullest. To do this, we can practice pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and surround ourselves with supportive people. The fear of judgment or failure should not prevent us from living our dreams and experiencing life in the front row. By focusing on these principles, we can make the most of our one life on this planet.

    • Embracing fear and living life to the fullestEmbrace fear, be true to yourself, and inspire others to do the same by living life authentically. Don't let others' opinions hold you back.

      Fear can hold us back from living our best lives and expressing ourselves fully. The speaker shares a personal experience of overcoming fear by singing and dancing at a traffic light, which led her to question where else she was holding back. She encourounters an unexpected response from elderly onlookers, resulting in a senior citizen dance party. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and not worrying about others' opinions. She references Marianne Williamson's quote about letting our own light shine and inspiring others to do the same. The speaker also shares her own experience of fear in launching a podcast and the importance of being ourselves, not making sure everyone else is okay with it. The story of a 74-year-old man dancing at a concert illustrates the power of not caring what others think and living life to the fullest.

    • Recommended books for personal growth: The Miracle Morning and Ultramarathon ManThese books inspire readers to create a powerful morning routine, push past perceived limits, and live life to the fullest.

      According to John, two life-changing books that he would recommend to anyone are "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod and "Ultramarathon Man" by Dean Karnazes. "The Miracle Morning" is essential for creating a morning routine that sets the foundation for living life in the front row. "Ultramarathon Man," on the other hand, encourages readers to push past their perceived limits and believe in their capabilities, no matter what area of life they apply it to. By embracing these books' teachings, individuals can challenge themselves to achieve more than they ever thought possible. To learn more about John and his podcast, Front Row Factor, visit frontrofactor.com.

    • Insights on personal growth and achieving successSet clear goals, stay focused, take consistent action, believe in self, surround yourself with positivity, seek resources and support, stay motivated and productive, practice self-care and self-compassion

      This episode provided valuable insights on personal growth and achieving success. The speakers emphasized the importance of setting clear goals, staying focused, and taking consistent action towards them. They also highlighted the role of mindset and self-belief in overcoming challenges and achieving success. Additionally, they encouraged listeners to surround themselves with positive influences and to seek out resources and support when needed. The speakers shared practical tips and strategies for staying motivated and productive, and emphasized the importance of self-care and self-compassion. If you want to apply these principles in your own life, be sure to check out the show notes at mwfmotivation.com, where you can download the free ebook "Hack Your Goals." And don't forget to follow MWF Motivation on Facebook and Instagram for more inspiring content. Lastly, consider subscribing to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or SoundCloud for more valuable episodes. Remember, the journey to personal growth and success may not be easy, but it's worth it. Keep pushing forward, stay focused on your goals, and believe in yourself. You've got this!

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    Remember, it's all about being kind to yourself and understanding what's going on in your mind and body.


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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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