
    Podcast Summary

    • Relief during allergy season and restful sleepUsing soft tissues during allergy season and investing in soft organic cotton sheets can promote comfort and relaxation.

      During allergy season, using Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues can help alleviate symptoms without causing further irritation. Meanwhile, investing in Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets promises a softness that improves with every wash, ensuring a restful sleep. During conversations, it's essential to clarify misunderstandings to avoid confusion. A common goal, such as aiming for 10,000 steps a day, may require more effort than anticipated, especially for those with shorter strides. Additionally, understanding that everyone has unique experiences and challenges can foster empathy and connection.

    • Be mindful of the messages we send to childrenBe aware of actions and words that may confuse or mislead children, and aim to create a positive and inclusive learning environment.

      The way we behave and communicate with each other, especially in front of children, can have a significant impact on their understanding and development. The discussion revealed that some actions and words, even if meant as jokes, can be misunderstood or misconstrued, leading to confusion or inappropriate learning. For instance, flexing muscles in front of children and making insensitive comments about historical events like women not having the right to vote can be perceived as normal and acceptable behavior. It's essential to be mindful of the messages we send, both intentionally and unintentionally, and strive to create a positive and inclusive environment for children to grow and learn in.

    • Balancing the needs of children and effective communicationModel good communication habits, set clear boundaries, and teach children the importance of waiting their turn and respecting others' space to help them develop these skills.

      Effective communication and respect for others' time and attention are important skills to model for children. The conversation highlighted the challenge of balancing the need to engage with friends and the interruptions caused by children. The speakers shared their experiences of dealing with interruptions from their kids and others in public places. They acknowledged that it's essential to teach children the importance of waiting their turn to speak and respecting others' space. However, they also acknowledged that young children may not remember every instance of being corrected. The conversation touched on the idea that children learn by observing their parents and the adults around them. The speakers suggested that modeling good communication habits and setting clear boundaries can help children develop these skills. They also acknowledged the importance of finding ways to communicate effectively with children while also engaging with friends or completing tasks. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of finding a balance between attending to the needs of children and maintaining effective communication with others.

    • Hosts of Shag Mary Annoy Podcast Writing a Children's BookThe hosts of a podcast known for adult humor are writing a children's book, 'There's a Poon Army in My House,' to bring laughter to families.

      The hosts of "Shag Mary Annoy," a podcast, have exciting news to share: they are writing a children's book titled "There's a Poon Army in My House." This announcement came as a surprise to listeners, as the hosts are known for their adult-oriented humor. However, they explained that they often read to their children and find joy in making them laugh, leading them to write a book that will bring laughter to families. The book, which will be illustrated by Paula Bowles and published by Simon & Schuster, is expected to be available for pre-order soon and will officially release in September. The hosts expressed their excitement about the project and looked forward to sharing more information with their audience.

    • Respecting children's autonomy in hobbiesEncourage children to explore various activities, but let them make the final decision on what to continue or quit.

      Forcing children to stick with a hobby they don't enjoy might not be beneficial for their overall development. The speaker shares her experience with her son Robin, who is talented at coming up with lyrics but dislikes piano lessons. She acknowledges that he gets frustrated easily when faced with difficulties and suggests letting him explore other activities he enjoys instead. The conversation also touches upon the topic of the importance of allowing children to make their own choices and not pushing them too hard, especially when it comes to hobbies. The speaker expresses her disagreement with an Instagram post she came across, which advised parents to force their children to stick with a hobby against their will. She believes that children should be encouraged to try new things but ultimately, the decision to continue or quit should be theirs. The conversation also includes a light-hearted moment about a strange song Robin came up with, which the speaker finds amusing but can't get out of her head. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of respecting children's autonomy and allowing them to follow their interests, even if it means trying out multiple activities before finding one that sticks.

    • A humiliating past experience with Adidas and a rhyme about sexSpeaker shared an embarrassing story from her past, involving a misunderstood comment and a rhyme, and learned to find humor in uncomfortable situations.

      Our speaker shared an embarrassing story from her past involving a misunderstood comment about Adidas and a rhyme about sex. This incident, which happened during her school days, resulted in her feeling humiliated and upset. The memory was resurfaced when she heard a popular song called "Barbie Girl" that reminded her of the made-up rhyme she once sang to her crush. The speaker also mentioned how her crush had gotten into trouble for making inappropriate comments, and how she had to pretend to be shocked even though she agreed with him. The conversation then shifted to reminiscing about the fashion trends of the past, including the popularity of Adidas and Kappa, and how they were associated with sexuality during that time. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's ability to find humor in past embarrassments and move on from uncomfortable situations.

    • Mirrors and Mental HealthLimiting mirror time and mindful placement can promote positive self-image and better mental health

      Too many mirrors in places where there shouldn't be mirrors can negatively impact mental health. This was discussed during a conversation where the speaker shared how getting rid of a mirrored splashback behind their sink significantly improved their mental health. They compared it to constantly looking at oneself in the mirror, which can lead to negative self-image and self-criticism. The speaker also mentioned how they used to feel obligated to look good for others, but now they prioritize their mental health by limiting their mirror time. While it's not necessary to eliminate all mirrors, being mindful of their placement and usage can help promote positive self-image and better mental health. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of seeking professionals, like Sandra, who might not be actively looking for a new role on LinkedIn but could be a great fit for a business.

    • Discovering exceptional candidates through expanded job search methods and unique experiencesUsing LinkedIn for job postings can lead to finding exceptional candidates and exploring new methods for job searching. Unique experiences, like travel, highlight the importance of embracing individuality and diversity.

      Expanding your job search beyond just your current methods can lead you to discovering exceptional candidates, like Sandra, who might have been overlooked otherwise. This was discussed in relation to using LinkedIn for job postings. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the convenience and affordability of Olive and June's manicure system, which offers salon-quality results at home. The quick-drying, long-lasting manicure is a game changer for achieving professional-looking nails at home. Furthermore, the hosts shared their contrasting experiences with travel, specifically their feelings towards Paris and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. While one host didn't enjoy her experience in Paris, the other expressed her love for the city and her desire to participate in a flash mob there. These anecdotes serve as reminders that everyone's experiences and preferences are unique. Lastly, the hosts emphasized that their "beef" comments were not meant to come across as negative or spoiled, but rather, they took issue with the way certain situations were handled. This was exemplified through their discussion about Christmas morning and a recent family disagreement.

    • A difficult married journey during family tourCreating cherished memories with family despite challenges is important, emphasizing the power of nostalgia and thoughtful gestures.

      Despite having a lovely holiday with their children, Chris and the speaker had a difficult time as a married couple during their two-week tour. The stress of the tour and the kids' demands led to tension and lack of communication between them. However, they managed to keep their focus on their children and create core memories that they will cherish. The speaker emphasized the importance of nostalgia and reminiscing about the past, and how Christmas morning brought them joy with the exchange of presents. Despite receiving fewer presents than his children, the speaker felt fulfilled in spoiling his family and creating lasting memories. The unexpected arrival of an additional present from Chris added to the holiday's magic, reminding them of the importance of surprises and thoughtful gestures. Overall, the tour was a reminder of the importance of family and creating cherished memories, even amidst the challenges of everyday life.

    • Unexpected gifts and their emotional impactCommunication and appreciation are key in handling unexpected gifts and gestures, as their impact can vary greatly depending on how they're presented and received.

      The unexpected nature of receiving gifts, whether it's a posh watch that turns out to be a blue mug or a proposal that comes sooner than expected, can bring about a range of emotions, from excitement and amusement to frustration and annoyance. The way these moments are presented and received can greatly impact the experience. For instance, a proposal on one knee can be romantic and meaningful, while an ultimatum can put undue pressure on a relationship. Similarly, changing coffee preferences or forgetting sweeteners can lead to misunderstandings and disagreements. It's important to communicate openly and honestly to avoid misunderstandings and to appreciate the thought and effort put into gifts and gestures, even if they don't turn out exactly as expected.

    • The intensity and nerves of performing for large crowdsPerforming for large crowds can be both surreal and nerve-wracking, with the potential for embarrassing moments, but the connections made with the audience make it all worthwhile.

      Performing in front of large crowds can be both surreal and nerve-wracking for Chris Ramsey. The intensity of the experience leaves a lasting impact, but the nerves before going on stage can be overwhelming. A simple mistake, like saying the wrong word, can lead to cringeworthy moments, and Chris shared an embarrassing story about a guest on his show who failed to address a runny nose during a live interview. Despite the nerves and the potential for embarrassment, Chris loves performing and connecting with his audience. The memories and experiences from the tour still resonate with him, even if they were strange and surreal at times.

    • An embarrassing father-daughter momentFathers can sometimes make awkward attempts to impress, leading to embarrassing situations for both parties.

      The speaker shared an embarrassing experience with her father involving a high school crush of his. The father, in an attempt to impress the woman, made an inappropriate comment, leading to an awkward and uncomfortable situation. The speaker felt mortified and sympathized with her father, who likely still feels embarrassed about the incident. Another topic that came up was the game "fruit and veg," which involves naming a fruit, vegetable, boy's name, girl's name, country, car, and animal for each letter of the alphabet. The speaker mentioned playing this game and expressing a preference for the original version, which only required naming fruits and vegetables. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of embarrassment, nostalgia, and the complexities of human interactions.

    • The power of humor and shared experiencesUnexpected experiences and humor can bring communities together, demonstrating the importance of finding joy in everyday life and asserting boundaries when necessary.

      Humor and unexpected experiences can bring people together, even in seemingly mundane situations. This was exemplified in a story shared about Dom Jolly's prank on unsuspecting coffee shop patrons in Birkenhead. Despite the initial shock and confusion, the community came together in response to the prank, demonstrating the power of shared experiences and a sense of humor. The story also highlighted the importance of communication and standing up for oneself, as the pranked individuals asserted their boundaries and demanded explanations from the prankster. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of finding joy in everyday life and the unexpected twists and turns it may bring.

    • Staying Calm During MisunderstandingsMisunderstandings can lead to chaos, but staying calm and letting others handle conflict is crucial. Some people may find it challenging to be mean or prank others, even in a professional setting. It's important to be true to ourselves and recognize our limitations.

      Even in the most chaotic situations, it's important to stay calm and let others handle conflict. In the discussed story, a woman accused a man of stealing her coffee and attempted to call the police. However, his team intervened and explained they were filming a prank show. Despite the misunderstanding, the scene didn't air, and the man likely won't visit the town again. Another takeaway is that some people find it difficult to be mean or prank others, even in a professional setting. The speaker shared an experience where they had to prank people on the street for a potential TV show but couldn't go through with it and had a panic attack. Ultimately, it's essential to be true to ourselves and recognize our limitations.

    • Supporting each other's well-being and finding solutionsCommunicate, compromise, and find creative solutions to maintain a healthy lifestyle and strengthen relationships.

      Even in long-term relationships, it's important to support each other's well-being and find solutions when one partner faces challenges. In this case, a woman who injured herself and couldn't go to the gym found a new way to exercise through her husband's suggestion of aqua fitness classes. However, she initially resisted due to her dislike for swimming. Despite her initial reluctance, she eventually gave it a try and found that it was a viable alternative to her previous workout routine. This experience highlights the importance of communication, compromise, and finding creative solutions to maintain a healthy lifestyle and strengthen the bond in a relationship. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone has their preferences and limitations, and it's essential to respect and understand them while encouraging growth and change.

    • Overcoming initial reluctance at the gym leads to improved mood and well-beingDespite initial discomfort and negative experiences, regularly attending the gym can lead to a sense of accomplishment, improved mood, and overall well-being for both physical and emotional health.

      Going to the gym, despite initial reluctance and unpleasant experiences, can lead to improved mood and overall well-being. The speaker's negative attitude towards gym classes was due to uncomfortable encounters and feeling out of place. However, she discovered that enduring these experiences led to a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment. Additionally, her husband's gym routine had been creating a peaceful home environment, which she had been missing out on due to her injury. Thus, she began attending the gym regularly, even if it meant enduring some discomfort, in order to reap the benefits for both her physical and emotional well-being.

    • The Power of Friendship and AccountabilityFriendship and accountability can help individuals stay committed to their goals, even during challenging times. Consistent efforts from a friend can lead to breakthroughs and motivate someone to get back on track.

      Persistence and accountability from a friend can help motivate someone to stick to their commitments, even if they've lost motivation or are struggling. In the story shared, Chris's consistent efforts to bring Billy to the gym, despite Billy's lack of interest and inconsistent attendance, eventually led to Billy's realization that he had been slacking off. The neighbor's intervention and Chris's persistence helped Billy get back on track. This story illustrates the power of friendship and accountability in helping people stay committed to their goals, even when they face challenges. Additionally, the episode also touched upon the importance of communication and transparency in relationships. Doris's partner asking about her progress in rehab showed that he cared about her well-being and wanted to support her. However, his insensitive comments about her lack of progress could have been handled more sensitively and with more empathy. Furthermore, the episode also featured a commercial for Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues, emphasizing their hypoallergenic and soft properties, making them a great choice for allergy sufferers during the changing seasons. The commercial for Boll and Branch organic cotton sheets also highlighted their softness and durability, making them a great investment for a good night's sleep.

    Recent Episodes from Sh**ged Married Annoyed

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    Ep 276. Pie Fister
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    Ep 275. Robaldo

    Ep 275. Robaldo
    On this week's podcast Rosie is excited by her Apple watch and Chris get animated over back of the knee sweat. Sister Kate features this week and explains the lengths she went to get her dog to come back. Beefs get emotional and QFTP's involve a gamer ick, peeing in public and perhaps the worse thing you can eat on a plane! Plus, is it okay to wear a track suit to a wedding?...

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
    In this episode of Shagged Married Annoyed Chris and Rosie discuss places they DON'T want to visit, Space being on the top of Rosie's list (even with 100 Tampons). Chris gives Mondays a kick up the backside and the beefs get personal when Chris reveals that Rosie read one of his texts. QFTP's involve an incredible/unusual kink and there are some stellar icks which kick off a chat about the John Barnes rap...cue Best Mate Steph!

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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
    This week, Rosie and Chris are off to London to do exciting things which they’re not allowed to talk about on the podcast, Chris has bumped into one of Rosie's old teachers at soft play and Rafe has revealed a development in our cashless society. We get an update after last week’s little argument… and the podcast also gets interrupted by the window cleaners. There are some questionable gym techniques discussed in QFTPs as well as a story from our favourite place… the GUM clinic!

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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
    On the podcast this week things get serious when the Ramsey's start preparing for a joint 40th birthday party that is taking place in 2 years! As well as this they discuss cream out of a can, thieving from your doorstep and bad algorithms! QFTP's involve some Rosie's Mysteries and a dog based ick! PLUS Chris reveals that he has never seen the film Grease!

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    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
    It's a (kind of) sexy episode this week! Chris and Rosie chat Northern Lights, latte art, competitions and Chris does some coffee math! Rosie has been talking about Chris behind his back which gets back to him and causes some fresh beef. QTFP involve a new game, spag bowl and a roll on deodorant. PLUS Chris starts planning Rosie's quiz for next week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 267. Rumour has it

    Ep 267. Rumour has it
    There's a rumour going around town about the Ramsey's... but is it true? The pair catch up after Rosie has been away for work and she presents Chris with the latest TikTok Bear/Man dilemma. The beef's get heated, there's some Star Wars explanation and QFTP's include a belly button investigation, an iron ick and a second time emailer!

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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