
    EP: 255 Megalithic Meteorology with THE LAND OF CHEM

    enAugust 01, 2024
    What advanced technologies did ancient civilizations possess?
    How did New Grange contribute to agriculture?
    What role did dielectric materials play in ancient structures?
    What symbolic meanings were associated with ancient structures?
    How did ancient civilizations utilize electromagnetic energy fields?

    Podcast Summary

    • Ancient technology and electromagnetismAncient civilizations, like those in the UK, harnessed electromagnetic energy through advanced structures and knowledge, challenging modern understanding of their capabilities

      Ancient civilizations, such as those in the UK, had advanced knowledge and technology that allowed them to manipulate the earth's electromagnetic energy fields for various applications, including harnessing lightning strikes for electricity and agriculture. They built structures, like stone circles and pyramids, with specific alignments to solar, lunar, and planetary bodies to tap into these energy fluctuations. The discovery of these structures and their functions challenges our modern understanding of ancient civilizations and the capabilities they possessed. Jeffrey Drum, an expert in this field, proposes that some of these structures, like the pyramids, functioned as ancient chemical factories. These findings suggest that the ancient world was more technologically advanced than previously believed.

    • Ancient electricityAncient structures in Wiltshire, England had practical functions related to harnessing natural forces like lightning and were connected to solar, lunar, and planetary cycles, particularly Venus. Ancient civilizations had a deep understanding of physics and chemistry to generate and distribute electricity.

      Ancient structures, such as those found in Wiltshire, England, including earthwork enclosures and stone circles like Avebury, were not just ritualistic or sacred sites, but also had a practical function related to harnessing and manipulating natural forces like lightning and thunderstorms. The symbol of the white horse, found on chalk hill sides, is an indicator of this capability. The operation of these sites was connected to solar, lunar, and planetary cycles, particularly Venus, and the Electric Universe theory suggests that our entire solar system is part of a larger electromagnetic energy system. The ancient civilizations that built these structures had a deep understanding of physics and chemistry, which allowed them to create complex systems for generating and distributing electricity.

    • Ancient structures harnessing telluric currentsAncient structures in Egypt and Ireland were strategically placed and built using dielectric materials to harness telluric currents and attract lightning strikes, storing the resulting energy for various functions like chemical production or land transformation

      The ancient structures in Egypt and Ireland, including the Egyptian pyramids and Newgrange, were strategically placed and built using dielectric materials to harness the power of telluric currents and attract lightning strikes. This dielectric polarization created by the structures accumulated positive charges on their surfaces, attracting negatively charged clouds and resulting in lightning strikes. The purpose of storing this energy was to utilize it for various functions, such as the production of chemicals like ammonia and nitric acid, or the transformation of the Upper Eastern Sahara into fertile agricultural land. The structures in Ireland, like Newgrange, were also hypothesized to be giant oxidation chambers used to transform iron disulfide into ferrous sulfate. These ancient structures were not only used for their intended functions but also held religious and symbolic significance, with the deities and symbols often representing different alchemical processes and products.

    • New Grange agricultural systemNew Grange in Ireland was not just a tomb, but a complex agricultural system designed for weather manipulation, rain generation, and fertilizer production after the last ice age

      New Grange in Ireland, an ancient structure older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids, was not just a tomb as archaeologists label it, but a complex system designed for agricultural revitalization after the last ice age. This system included a weather manipulation and rain generation feature, as well as the production of ferrous sulfate, a powerful dielectric material and agricultural fertilizer. The triple spiral symbol on the stone represents the air circulating in the triple chamber system, while the undulating lines represent water filling the lower portion of the chamber. The green crystals formed from the transformation of iron disulfide into crystalline ferrous sulfate. The purpose of this structure was to create agriculturally rich areas and feed centralized population groups, making it a foundational element for the development of civilization.

    • Ancient Chemistry ApparatusAncient civilizations had a deep understanding of natural forces and used them to create efficient and harmonious industrial-scale chemistry apparatus

      The design and function of industrial-scale chemistry apparatus used today have striking similarities to the structures found in ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptian pyramids. These ancient structures, like the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Red Pyramid of Joshua, were not only used as astronomical observatories but also for the production of aqueous ammonia. The mechanisms of operation, including increasing pressure and temperature, are the same, despite the difference in final products. The ancient civilization that built these structures had a profound understanding of the forces within our solar system and the effects on the earth. They harnessed these natural forces to work in conjunction with their systems, unlike modern methods that impose our own forces on the planet, potentially having negative effects. The use of advanced mathematics and knowledge of planetary conjunctions suggests that these civilizations had a deep understanding of the natural world, which is not necessarily more knowledge than we have today but a different perspective. The ancient methods were likely more efficient and in harmony with nature, and modern methods could learn from this approach.

    • Ancient chemical manufacturingAncient civilizations, like the Egyptians, were advanced in their use of chemicals for agriculture and manufacturing, producing raw chemicals through mining and manufacturing operations, and spreading this knowledge around the world.

      Ancient civilizations, including those in Egypt, were advanced in their use of chemicals for agriculture and manufacturing, as well as their understanding of natural cycles for enhancing chemical reactions. These civilizations, such as the Egyptians, were not only agricultural societies but also maritime ones with harbors for trading and distribution. They produced raw chemicals like ferrosulfate and ferric chloride through mining and manufacturing operations, and shipped them out for agriculture and other purposes. The knowledge of chemical manufacturing, physics, and construction spread around the world, and ancient structures across the planet, including those in Egypt and Europe, utilized similar mechanisms to harness the power of natural cycles like sunlight and UV rays. The advanced understanding of electromagnetic forces on the planet further increased the efficacy of these chemical transformations. Some structures, like Stonehenge, may have even tapped into the earth's energy through Tyloric currents. The study of these ancient practices provides valuable insights into the complex and multifaceted nature of ancient civilizations.

    • Ancient stone circles and lightningAncient stone circles, such as Calenase Stones and Avebury, were designed to harness and distribute lightning strikes through complex systems using dielectric materials and magnetic signatures, suggesting an advanced understanding of electricity and weather manipulation

      Ancient stone circles, such as the Calenase Stones and Avebury, were not simple structures but rather complex systems designed to harness and distribute lightning strikes. These structures, made of dielectric materials, attract lightning due to the dielectric polarization caused by recurring strikes, which accumulates positive charges at the center. The stones are not conductors but become conductors during dielectric breakdown when subjected to extremely high voltage. Lightning strikes the central obelisk or standing stone, and the current is distributed through stone avenues to various components in the system. These structures are not isolated sites but part of a larger system that includes potential thunderstorm cloud generators. The stones' magnetic signatures suggest multiple strikes in the same spot. This hypothesis is supported by research on the Calenase Stones and Avebury, as well as Tesla's work on terrestrial currents. Despite academic reluctance to make definitive claims, these structures' design and function suggest an advanced understanding of electricity and weather manipulation.

    • Giza Pyramids and Telluric CurrentsThe Giza Pyramids were designed to harness and distribute telluric currents using conductive materials and were built near natural water sources to facilitate the flow of these currents to the surface.

      The ancient structures at the Giza Plateau, including the Great Pyramid, were designed to harness and distribute telluric currents, which are electrical currents from the earth. These structures were built near natural water sources, including subterranean aquifers and springs, to facilitate the flow of these currents to the surface. The presence of silicate microspheres, or fossilized lightning, found near these structures provides evidence of lightning strikes on the Giza Plateau. The structures, including the Great Pyramid and Central Pyramid, were built with conductive materials like iron oxide, gold, and silver, to distribute the electric current from these lightning strikes into various components of the structures. This hypothesis is supported by research on the connection between telluric currents and the location of lightning strikes and natural resources. The ancient builders were meticulous about the location of these structures, specifically selecting the Giza Plateau for its underwater aquifers and mineral deposits.

    • Material selection for monumental structuresAncient civilizations carefully selected materials and locations for monumental structures based on their unique properties, such as dielectric properties, for specific applications like harnessing nature's power

      The ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, carefully selected and utilized specific materials and locations for their monumental structures based on their unique properties. For instance, the Egyptian pyramids were built primarily with local limestone from the Giza Plateau for its dielectric properties. However, they also imported red granite and black basalt from further away for their distinct applications. Similarly, the ancient site at Cherrell Down in England, believed to be a thunderstorm and lightning cloud generator, was built on a huge chalk hillside due to its dielectric properties and the area's natural occurrence of thunderstorms. These structures were designed to harness the power of nature and utilize it for specific purposes, such as the production of ultrasound or the generation of thunderstorm clouds.

    • Ancient European engineeringAncient Europeans engineered landscapes with man-made structures to harness natural phenomena like lightning and create clouds for agricultural purposes, using their deep understanding of solar, lunar, and planetary bodies to tap into electromagnetic energy fields and create integrated systems for lightning capture and utilization

      The ancient civilizations in Europe, specifically in Wiltshire, England, engineered landscapes with man-made structures, such as white horse hills and Silbury Hill, to harness natural phenomena like lightning and create clouds for agricultural purposes. These structures, including Stonehenge, Avebury Serpent Temple Complex, and West Kennet Long Barrow, were strategically placed to tap into fluctuations of electromagnetic energy fields, particularly lunar cycles, to capture lightning currents and utilize them for various applications, such as creating chemicals, electroculture, and ultrasound therapy. The integrated systems of these structures formed a network that facilitated the creation of thunderstorms, the distribution of electric currents, and the sustenance of agriculture. These ancient civilizations had a deep understanding of the conjunction of solar, lunar, and planetary bodies on the Earth's electromagnetic energy field and used this knowledge to build structures that could harness and utilize these forces for their benefit.

    • Ancient advanced technologyAncient civilizations had advanced knowledge of mathematics, science, and astronomy, as evidenced by the discovery of white horses in the UK aligned with astronomical phenomena, and the use of ferrous sulfate in ancient alchemical practices to precipitate gold.

      The ancient civilizations were more technologically and scientifically advanced than previously believed. The discussion revolved around the discovery of nine white horses in the UK, each aligned with astronomical and solar phenomena. It is hypothesized that these structures were used to harness and create clouds for rain and harvest lightning. This advanced knowledge of mathematics, science, and astronomy challenges the common perception that ancient people were primitive. The use of advanced knowledge is also seen in the construction of stone structures in Egypt and the Americas. Jeff, a leading researcher on the Giza Plateau, has spent his life's purpose understanding the chemistry of ancient structures, ensuring his work is backed by hard evidence and scientific rigor. The discovery of the use of ferrous sulfate in ancient alchemical practices to precipitate gold further highlights the depth of ancient knowledge. Overall, the more we learn about the ancient world, the more we are amazed by their achievements.

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