
    Ep. 287 - Ban Antifa And Arrest All Of Its Members

    enJuly 01, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Antifa's violent riot and left's reactionAntifa's violent actions led to injuries and hospitalizations, raising concerns for some to classify it as a domestic terror group. The left's reaction was a concern as well, with some arguing for a ban and others downplaying the severity.

      The violent actions of the domestic terror group Antifa were the focus of discussions on the Matt Walsh show. Antifa staged a riot over the weekend, resulting in injuries and hospitalizations. The group's violent behavior raises concerns, and some argue it should be classified as a domestic terror group and banned. A more concerning issue discussed was the reaction or lack thereof on the left regarding Antifa's actions. Matt Walsh shared a personal anecdote about the challenges of traveling with young children, which served as a metaphor for the inescapable nature of dealing with difficult situations, whether it be long car rides or addressing domestic terrorism.

    • Comparing Life Insurance with Policygenius and the Violence by AntifaPolicygenius makes it easier to compare and buy life insurance from top insurers, while Antifa's violent protests have been a source of concern, with Portland experiencing significant unrest and criticism towards law enforcement for their response.

      Policygenius simplifies the process of comparing and purchasing life insurance from various top insurers. Meanwhile, the discussion also touched upon the violent protests organized by Antifa, a left-wing group known for instigating riots and chaos. A notable instance was the violent assault on conservative journalist Andy Ngo during a protest in Portland. Despite being a self-proclaimed anti-fascist group, Antifa's actions often contradict their name, leading to destructive and violent protests. The Portland police have been criticized for their inaction in preventing these incidents. The media has generally downplayed coverage of these events, but it's crucial for the public to be informed about the escalating violence.

    • Antifa's violent attacks on individuals were not harmless milkshake throwing incidentsAntifa's use of weapons like metal bars and crowbars during attacks on individuals resulted in severe injuries, and their intent was to harm or even kill, often with police absent.

      The recent clashes between Antifa and right-wing groups were not just harmless milkshake throwing incidents as some may claim. The violence inflicted by Antifa on individuals, such as journalist Andy Ngo, was serious and potentially fatal. They used weapons like metal bars and crowbars to assault people, leaving them with severe injuries. The police were often absent during these attacks, and the assaults were not isolated incidents for those targeted. The intent of Antifa's actions was to harm or even kill, as evidenced by the injuries sustained by victims. It's crucial to acknowledge the gravity of these attacks and not downplay them as mere milkshake throwing.

    • Antifa: Masked Terrorists in DisguiseAntifa uses violence and intimidation, disguising themselves to commit acts of terrorism against those with differing views, and should be treated as a domestic terrorist organization.

      Antifa is a group of weak, cowardly, and violent individuals who disguise themselves with masks to commit acts of domestic terrorism under the guise of fighting against neo-Nazis. They are not true opponents of neo-Nazis, but rather, they assault random people who disagree with them. Their tactics of violence and intimidation are unacceptable in a peaceful society, and they should be treated as a domestic terrorist organization. Arrests and legal action against known members and associates, as well as a ban on the group, are necessary steps to maintain peace and order.

    • Right to Self-Defense vs. Violent GroupsIndividuals have the right to defend themselves, but violent groups like Antifa should cease their tactics and face consequences for their actions. Civilization relies on fear of consequences to prevent violence.

      Individuals have the right to defend themselves against violent attacks, both legally and morally. However, the speaker also warns against the escalating violence from groups like Antifa, urging them to cease their violent tactics and express their views peacefully. The speaker believes that such behavior should be met with consequences, including legal action and self-defense. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the idea of a civil war and emphasizes the importance of a healthy civilization where people are afraid to engage in violent behavior due to the fear of consequences.

    • Political events: Antifa's violent actions uncondemned by DemocratsDespite Antifa's violent actions, Democrats and their presidential candidates have remained largely silent, fueling concerns about sympathizers within their base. Media coverage has also been reserved.

      During recent political events, Antifa's violent actions have gone largely uncondemned by the Democratic party and their presidential candidates. This is concerning as Antifa members continue to escalate their behavior, including assaults on individuals and journalists. The lack of condemnation from the left is believed to be due to the presence of Antifa sympathizers within their base. In contrast, there is no hesitation for conservative figures to condemn extremist elements on their side. The media has also been reserved in its coverage and condemnation of Antifa's actions, even when journalists have been attacked and hospitalized. This situation is alarming and highlights a disturbing trend in the political landscape.

    • Condemnation of Andy Ngo's attack seen as insincereMedia outlets condemned Andy Ngo's attack during a protest, but some saw it as insincere due to potential backlash and past defense of Antifa.

      The attack on conservative journalist Andy Ngo during a protest in Portland, Oregon was strongly condemned, even by those in the left-wing media who are often critical of Ngo. However, the condemnation was seen as insincere and inadequate, with some arguing that it was only made due to public pressure and the potential for future backlash. The incident highlights the volatile nature of protests and the risks faced by journalists in covering them. Despite some media outlets' past defense of Antifa, there was widespread agreement that such violent behavior is unacceptable.

    • Media and left figures respond differently to Antifa's violent actions compared to perceived attacks on their ownDespite Antifa's violent actions, media and left figures show little condemnation, while incidents involving Trump supporters or conservatives receive more attention. Some leftist figures openly advocate for violence against political opponents online with little consequence.

      While there are differing reasons for the presence of Antifa and Neo Nazis at various protests, the response from the media and prominent figures on the left towards Antifa's violent actions is noticeably different from their reaction to perceived attacks on their own. This was exemplified in the case of a CNN reporter being assaulted by Antifa members, which received little coverage and few condemnations compared to incidents involving Trump supporters or conservative figures. Furthermore, there is a growing trend of leftist figures openly advocating for violence against political opponents on social media, with little consequence from social media platforms. Additionally, there was a left-wing protest against gay pride events, with the protesters citing historical context and a desire for community safety as justifications. While the importance of community safety is acknowledged, the use of violence as a means to achieve it remains a contentious issue.

    • Feeling Oppressed by SupportProtestors once craved support but now feel oppressed by it, while listeners share positive experiences with sponsors mentioned on the show.

      Despite the fact that the protestors were once oppressed when government and corporations did not support their cause, they now feel oppressed by the very acceptance and support they once longed for. This behavior can be compared to a 2 and a half year old who cries for a toy and then cries again when given the wrong one, or an adult left-wing activist who finds reasons to cry about their situation no matter what. Meanwhile, listeners have shared positive experiences related to sponsors mentioned on the show, such as Duke Cannon's cologne. In contrast, there is a letter from David, who expresses concern over Matt's handling of international relations and historical issues, using exaggerated language and a mocking tone.

    • Historical incident of Russia's beard tax and philosophical concept of nihilismRussia's beard tax represents historical actions that could lead to destruction, but also part of a larger global domination plan. Nihilism, a philosophical concept, suggests life has no ultimate meaning, leading to prioritizing happiness and sexual fulfillment.

      The discussion touched upon two distinct topics: the historical incident of Russia's beard tax and the philosophical concept of nihilism. Regarding the beard tax, the consensus seemed to be that Russia's past actions could be a reason for destruction, but it was also acknowledged that such an act would be part of a larger global domination plan. The philosophical concept of nihilism, as discussed by Dustin, suggests that life has no ultimate meaning or purpose, leading people to prioritize their own happiness and sexual fulfillment above all else. This perspective was seen as underpinning modern relationship culture and the religion of sexualityism. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of historical and philosophical issues and their potential impact on contemporary society.

    • Lack of purpose leads to self-centered and uncreative approachClarifying personal values and purpose enhances creativity and meaning in life, avoiding self-centeredness and negative labeling of others

      Having no fundamental purpose in life can lead to a self-centered and uncreative approach, where one's purpose becomes solely about personal pleasure and fulfillment. This perspective, as the speaker argues, lacks creativity and can be harmful, leading to a life devoid of meaning and purpose. The speaker encourages those who find themselves in this position to be unique and creative in their purpose, rather than settling for a life centered around sexual gratification. Additionally, the speaker criticizes those who define themselves in opposition to others, labeling them with negative terms, while engaging in similar or even worse behaviors themselves. The clearer we are about our own values and purpose, the better equipped we will be to navigate the world and engage in meaningful and productive ways.

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