
    Brooklyn's Dad Talks About EVERYTHING

    We will discuss a myriad of topics from baseball to the Bible, Pop Culture to politics, movies to music, history to histrionics and just about everything in between from a conservative, yet somewhat unorthodox and dispensational Christian point of view. Your humble host is a former Religious Education teacher who chucked it all to become a lonely workman trying to rightly divide, compare things that differ, so as not to be ashamed. There is only one theology that matters in the end, YOUR OWN.
    enMichael Scotto192 Episodes

    Episodes (192)

    S3 Ep60 The Biggest Globalist of Them All - The Catholic Church

    S3 Ep60 The Biggest Globalist of Them All - The Catholic Church
    As believers who see the rise of the globalists as at least a possible sign that the biblical end times are near, we cannot go on ignoring the biggest globalist on the block. The richest, most powerful, outwardly spiritual globalist player on the world scene, the Roman Catholic Church. As I engage Catholics disgruntled by the current Pope, I challenge them to read what their own church teaches them about the pope. None of this is win points or just be smug, it's an attempt to get their eyes off the Pope, off the issues, off the outward glory and turn to Christ alone. It's a call to find rest in Christ alone.

    My short testimony:

    S3 Ep59 Why Don't We See More Miracles Today?

    S3 Ep59 Why Don't We See More Miracles Today?
    After I pay a short tribute to an old high school classmate who recently passed, we move on to several statements I heard in a recent message from the pulpit. Why don't we see a lot of miracles today? Why is Abraham so prominent in most of the Bible (while being conspicuously absent from Paul's last seven epistles)? Are all believers the children of Abraham?

    S3 Ep58 Protecting Pedophiles at IHOP and How Understanding the Current Age Helps

    S3 Ep58 Protecting Pedophiles at IHOP and How Understanding the Current Age Helps
    We pithily, with a dash of sarcasm, comment on Stephen Strang's strange defense of Mike Bickle. Apart from covering up Mike's alleged pedophilia, Strang has called the "advocates" (read: victims of Bickle's grooming and sexual abuse of multiple girls - allegedly) the "tools of Satan." From the theological side, we apply the practice of "right division" (2 Tim 2:15) to the mania and suggest that a proper biblical understanding of the age we live in could help many avert these sorts of abuses of power. We put the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement in the spotlight.

    S3 Ep57 I'm a Minimum Wage Prophet PLUS The Corrupt Clergy System

    S3 Ep57 I'm a Minimum Wage Prophet PLUS The Corrupt Clergy System
    After I mockingly used the idea of a $50/hour minimum wage to make a greater point in a recent podcast, some politician running for the US Senate seat from California proposes a $50/hour minimum wage. And not just for CA. She wants the whole nation to adopt the policy! Guarantee some of the same people who would tell me my example is ridiculous, would turn around and try and defend the economic suicidal policy once their party proposes it. Happens with a lot of issues. Jen Psaki told us we're crazy for suggesting some on the Left want killing babies in the birth canal to be legalized. After she was quickly corrected by her friends on the Left that many of them actually do support that idea (they have to, it's the necessary conclusion when you devalue life in the womb) she caves and now it's a "good" thing. Finally, we talk a little bit more about supposed modern day prophets and the corrupt clergy system.

    S3 Ep56 Mike Bickel, the Scandal at IHOP PLUS More on the Idiotic Minimum Wage (Rhetoric vs Reality)

    S3 Ep56 Mike Bickel, the Scandal at IHOP PLUS More on the Idiotic Minimum Wage (Rhetoric vs Reality)
    We stop off in Kansas City to speak broadly about the scandals (plural) at The International House of Prayer (IHOP). Mike Bickel, Bob Harley, and others caught up in extramarital affairs and the sexual abuse of minors. We pull back the lens a bit and look at how these sorts of wicked acts can arise from pastor/prophet/charismatic systems. We are all capable of falling into sin, but for sin on this scale, arising from multiple leaders, in one of the largest religious movements in the USA must be examined, condemned, and removed. When you reject the Apostle Paul as the last Apostle sent to God's people, the one given the final revelation for this age, you open yourself up to all sorts of deception. We finish with another short trip to fantasy MinimuM Wage Land.

    S3 Ep55 Confirmation Bias in Politics, Economics, and Theology

    S3 Ep55 Confirmation Bias in Politics, Economics, and Theology
    We have discussed previously the idea that most people are deceived in to thinkin that they actually think, but they are really just acquiescing to some system or group. In many areas, there are laws that guide outcomes and reactions and ramifications no matter what we feel about the topic or what we want to be true. We have to guard against these biases. In Theology, we see the most dangerous result of submission of mind and will (required, example, in Catholic doctrine and dogma) for we will all answer for our beliefs and actions before our Lord. This problem is certainly not limited to the Catholic Church as almost all of professing Christendom is sliced into sects, each connected to a personality or system.

    S3 Ep54 Few Christians Are Satisfied With God's Grace and Insist on the Hard Way

    S3 Ep54 Few Christians Are Satisfied With God's Grace and Insist on the Hard Way
    Men love religion. Men crave ritual. Over the course of Bible history, God has revealed the inability of man to keep laws and the inability of man to pay for his own sins. An eternal debt required an eternal payment. Very few in Christendom fully embrace the revelation of the full grace of God found in the heavenly hope and heavenly blessings given to our Apostle, Paul. Men insist upon doing things the hard way and insist God bless them for their efforts. To often, men, in the name of Christianity, mock the cross, reject the finished work of Christ, and deem the unsearchable riches of God's grace as beneath them.

    S3 Ep53 The Christian, Coarse Jesting, and Naughty Words

    S3 Ep53 The Christian, Coarse Jesting, and Naughty Words
    Ephesians 5 starts off with more warnings for the believer. We focus in on the warning against "coarse jesting." In every language there are words deemed "off-color" or "dirty" or "swear words." The words themselves make the list through some societal agreement, often not through any clear standard. There are two slang words, for example, for human excrement. One is acceptable and the other ist verboten. Can context play a role here? Should we be more lenient with those who come out of background where regular use of "unacceptable" words are acceptable? We've already noted context, and I believe context and intent are at the heart of this and many other matters of the faith.

    S3 Ep52 Avoiding Assumptions or Abdication When it Comes to the Christian Life

    S3 Ep52 Avoiding Assumptions or Abdication When it Comes to the Christian Life
    Too many Christians are caught up in Group-Think. There are so many assumptions made about the faith and about the Christian Life based on the modern structures in Christendom. That is, so many look to a pastor or to a denomination when it comes to how to interpret the Bible or how to live the Chrostian Life. There is also a surrendering of discipleship when it comes to hope before us. We must break free from this way of thinking. We shall all stand before God and give account for our service. The Lord knows we are limited creatures with limited intellects and failing minds, but that does not give us the right to forfeit our responsibilities before our Master to study in a manner to show ourselves approved. We do not have to forsake fellowship or corporate worship to do this, but we must forsake systems, catechisms, creeds, and confessions.

    S3 Ep51 We Don't Hate Ourselves Enough (The True Christian Life)

    S3 Ep51 We Don't Hate Ourselves Enough (The True Christian Life)
    To get a better glimpse of tremendous depth of God's grace (for all we ever get in this life is but a glimpse), we must see ourselves as creatures desperately in need of that grace. While the world (and Christendom) preach a message of self-love, the great saints of the faith in scripture teach us that the way to experience God is through lowliness of heart. It is in taking our place as beggars and sinners in need of a grace beyond our comprehension. If you want to experience more of God's grace, take your place among the ashes.

    S3 Ep50 The Antichrist and the Desire of Women

    S3 Ep50 The Antichrist and the Desire of Women
    We take a quick look at the verse in Daniel wherein the Angel describes the Antichrist as one who will not regard the desire of women (Dan 11:37). We look at this description in its context and compare it with 2 Thessalonians. We take a look at the "queen of heaven" spoken of in scripture and offer a possibility in light of the description given us by the Angel in Daniel. Does this verse teach that the Antichrist will be a homosexual or is it something very different altogether?

    Tammuz, Semiramus, and other ancient gods and goddesses are briefly discussed and we follow them into Christendom to this day.

    More details:

    S3 Ep49 Forever in the Bible Doesn't Mean What Many Think It Means

    S3 Ep49 Forever in the Bible Doesn't Mean What Many Think It Means
    When the Bible speaks of doing things "forever," does God mean what we mean when we say "forever?" Well, no. What God means is that the person or group to whom He is speaking is bound to something as long as God sees fit. Those today who claim that they embrace ALL of scripture fr themselves fail to do many things God said were statutes FOREVER.

    There is a theological word for making distinctions in scripture based on God's instructions for one age that completely change (and may even be sin and a denial of Christ!) in another. That word is "dispensationalism."

    Even the most committed and hardcore Reformed Preterist isn't obeying the commands in the Law that God declared "forever." That makes him a dispensationalist whether he likes it or not. We need to apply this understanding across scripture. We don't live based on the Sermon on the Mount, we don't live like the believers in the Acts, and we shouldn't even be practicing the Lord's Supper in this current age.

    S3 Ep48 Will It Be the Rapture or Alien Abduction or Something Else Altogether?

    S3 Ep48 Will It Be the Rapture or Alien Abduction or Something Else Altogether?
    Thinking about a few theories I've heard from believers in light of the government teasing people with talk of aliens. Will a rapture-type event be explained away as an alien abduction? Will they use the alien fear angle for some other reason? Are other religions waiting for Christians to be taken out of the way before they make a move? Will there even be a rapture?

    In addition to rapture and alternatives, we wander around things brewing in the stew that is the fall of Western Civilization.

    The Bible from 30,000 Feet Series


    S3 Ep47 People Are Far More Complex Than We Can Understand (Life & Death)

    S3 Ep47 People Are Far More Complex Than We Can Understand (Life & Death)
    We take a moment to consider the complexity of a life. When we have our Celebration of Life for a loved one, we often (because of time constraints) melt the individual down to a few outward factors. He loved to go fishing. He was a big Mel Tormé fan. You know, the stuff everybody could see. But we all live day by day, minute by minute and our lives covers decades of experiences. Loves won and loves lost. Successes and failures.

    We hold a spot in our families. I am a father, a husband, a son, a brother, a cousin, etc. We have friends, acquaintances, and coworkers. The Christian struggles daily with the flesh (the old nature).
    In all this complexity, there is one who knows us intimately. There is one who knows our fears, our pain, our loss, our sins, our victories, our strengths and weaknesses. God understands each us better than we understand ourselves and surely better than we understand each other.

    S3 Ep46 The Ever-Changing Virtues of the Virtue Signalers

    S3 Ep46 The Ever-Changing Virtues of the Virtue Signalers
    Western societies today are being suffocated and rotted by millions who believe they are virtuous. They hold, what they believe, are foundational truths and virtues, yet far too often when those truths or virtues do not fit their unspoken motives, they abandon them without hesitation (but often with excuse). Recently, former Press Secretary (now TV news host) scoffed at the idea that any Democrat would support abortion in the ninth month or in the birth canal... until she was barraged by Democrats reminding her that abortion up to birth (and even beyond) is now the NEW virtuous truth. She immediately abandoned her "obvious" virtue and adopted the opposite.

    Plagiarism and genocidal hate are two of the worst crimes an academic can commit, yet when the guilty academic is on the right "team," all seemingly rock solid virtues are tossed like yesterday's newspaper. Academia is built in the shifting sands of man's selfish opinion as is almost all of what's left of western civilization.

    In the book Animal Farm, the pigs would amend "truths" to fit their changing value system, which was no value system at all. They merely wanted power and they used the rest of the animals to achieve it my changing "truth" and making them believe they always believed that way.

    This sad disease is not only evident in politics, it is evident all through theology. We again remind ourselves that no pastor, no denomination, no local church will stand with us before the Lord at the judgment of our service, Your theology is yours. "Study to show yourselves approved unto God, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly handling [cutting] the Word of truth.' God is also not interested in manmade virtues or polls.

    We must be careful of self-justification using the shifting values of mankind or for a desire to be thought well of or approved my our fellow man. We must establish a core set of values, based on God's words, and be determined not to move from them, come what may.

    Bonus: Invitation to Listen - 42 Original Pop Rock and Christian Songs

    Bonus: Invitation to Listen - 42 Original Pop Rock and Christian Songs
    Short podcast pointing folks to available original music at BandCamp, Spotify, and other music services. Pop, Rock, Prog, Live, and Christian projects from the band and members of North Carolina's Nothing But Sky

    Reminder: the Brooklyn's Dad Talks About EVERTHING video versionis available on Rumble or Bitchute. Just FYI


    Videos (Podcast and Music):

    S3 Ep45 Christmas is for Israel: A Look at the Prophets Matthew and Luke

    S3 Ep45 Christmas is for Israel: A Look at the Prophets Matthew and Luke
    Too often when the accounts of the Lord's birth are read from Matthew and Luke the centrality of Israel and God's prophetic promises to that people are overlooked. It's even worse than that, Not only are the promises to Israel overlooked, the tremendous truths connected to God's plan for the Earth and the Land and the Nation are explained away, spiritualized, or usurped. Christmas is wholly Jewish. Christmas is built on God's prophecies from the foundation of the ages.

    The Lord Jesus is the hope of the Gentiles, but when it comes to the plan for the Earth and the Kingdom, the blessings for Gentiles will come through a redeemed and cleansed and forgiven Israel. These truths are all over Matthew's and Luke's accounts. In the current age, we do not look for earthly blessings or an earthly kingdom (we look to God's plan for the "far above the heavens," Ephesians), but God's prophecies seen in the nativity accounts will come to pass. What Israel failed to see in 4 B.C., the Virgin of Israel (Jeremiah 31) will see in an age to come.

    S3 Ep44 Hark! The Best Thing About Christmas is the Hope of Resurrection!

    S3 Ep44 Hark! The Best Thing About Christmas is the Hope of Resurrection!
    We draw on a line in the carol "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" and discuss the vast implications. We focus again on God's plans for the Earth as we pull the camera back and look at the universal truth of all mankind: you're going to die. Death is the curse. Death is the last enemy. The only way death could be conquered is if God himself came to take that punishment and conquer it in resurrection. "He who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

    S3 Ep43 The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations in College Admissions

    S3 Ep43 The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations in College Admissions
    Whenever I hear the word "equity" bandied about, my mind races in two directions. The first is the idea that elites have such low opinions of certain groups of people that they are convinced they cannot compete without their help. The second is another form of racism, that is, the assumption that people of European (oe even Asian) descent are inherently evil. Their language may try to couch it, but it is clear enough in word and deed. I saw overt racist policies in my time in college admissions. I also saw the racist elites openly lie, shift blame, and attempt to shut up those who believe in at least the idea of a colorblind society. I was an eyewitness to this open racism in the 1990s. And certain applicants weren't just given a slight advantage, it was very large and bigoted advantage on the assumption that they couldn't succeed without rigging the playing field.

    S3 Ep42 People Won't Worship My Christmas Tree and More Catholics Opposed to Catholicism

    S3 Ep42 People Won't Worship My Christmas Tree and More Catholics Opposed to Catholicism
    We briefly discuss more more Catholics who want to tell us that Catholicism means never having to listen to the Pope. We wander into Jeremiah 10 and the misuse and out-of-context application of Israel's prophets to today's Christmas trees. We lament YouTube's decision to give me a strike for misinformation about the CV vaxx... because I posted a movie clip from 2014.