
    Brooklyn's Dad Talks About EVERYTHING

    We will discuss a myriad of topics from baseball to the Bible, Pop Culture to politics, movies to music, history to histrionics and just about everything in between from a conservative, yet somewhat unorthodox and dispensational Christian point of view. Your humble host is a former Religious Education teacher who chucked it all to become a lonely workman trying to rightly divide, compare things that differ, so as not to be ashamed. There is only one theology that matters in the end, YOUR OWN.
    enMichael Scotto192 Episodes

    Episodes (192)

    S3 Ep41 Palestine, Ukraine Wars, Illegal Immigration, Prices, & Anti-Semitism 101 on Campus

    S3 Ep41 Palestine, Ukraine Wars, Illegal Immigration, Prices, & Anti-Semitism 101 on Campus
    We run amok! Colleges backing Jew-Haters, expensive Happy Meals, open borders, Russia winning the war we were told they already lost, etc. we briefly revisit the minimum wage reality as we ponder more contradictions and hypocrisy from the usual suspects.

    We cap it off with a visit to Columbia University which is quick to crack down on dangerous terrorists who want to keep porn out of Kindergarten libraries, while assuring genocidal maniacs that their Jew-Hate is protected.

    The world is upside down and headed straight down the drain. America is in steep decline and there doesn't seem a way to reverse the financial, cultural, and societal collapse coming.

    S3 Ep40 Jew-Haters (Bible-Haters) Take Off the Mask PLUS Achieving World Peace

    S3 Ep40 Jew-Haters (Bible-Haters) Take Off the Mask PLUS Achieving World Peace
    Rick Wiles of TruNews has said that America is (ironically) like Nazi Germany in that you're not allowed to criticize Israel just like you were not allowed to criticize Hitler (ironically). He also likes to use the old "Christ Killers!" trope. We look at Israel today with a big lens filtered through scripture. When we rightly divide the Word of Truth, we start to see God's plan for the earth. Israel is not at the center of God's plan today, but they soon will be again. So, no Israel today is no longer "God's people," BUT a believing Israel will be "God's people" when God turns back to the earthly plan. In a practical way, if you side with those who want to wipe Israel off the map, you have adopted the "eat me last" plan. But, then again, these people just hate Jews, so there's that.

    Thoughts on Modern Israel:

    The Church Is Not Israel and Israel Is Not the Church, Day Trip To Romans 9

    The Key to the Parables, and the Bible, is Israel

    S3 Ep39 University Fans of Decolonization Refuse to Decolonize

    S3  Ep39 University Fans of Decolonization Refuse to Decolonize
    We send a little love to the Roman Empire and British Empire as we call on all the universities and companies who do "land acknowledgments" to DECOLONIZE and give back the land! We take another look at the Israel-Palestinian conflict from a global view.

    Apologists for atrocities fail to listen to those they seek to support. The call of the terrorists isn't just to decolonize Palestine, it's to decolonize everywhere, and that means killing Jews AND Christian EVERYWHERE.

    Short-sighted thinking abound because it is clouded by self-righteousness, virtue signaling, and hate. The tolerant and loving forces in the West are seething and teeming with hate. And in their hatred, they strike blows on their own heads.

    S3 Ep 37 Barbarians at the Gates of Jerusalem

    S3 Ep 37 Barbarians at the Gates of Jerusalem
    We clarify a couple of issues from recent podcasts and then move on to the war in Israel. We discuss, further, Israel's place in the current age and the place the current war might have in God's future plans for Israel. Israel is surely in the land today in unbelief. God has a plan for the earth (most of scripture concerns God's dealings with the earth), but God is currently out a company whose destiny is in the far above the heavens (Ephesians).

    Regardless of prophecy, we must always defend the helpless. We must resist the world's desire to draw a moral equivalency where this is none and, worse, its attempts at excusing barbarism. There is a lot of hatred aimed at Israel from among confessed believers. We know the gospel is opposed in Israel, we know some Orthodox spit on evangelists, but that is far cry from rape, torture, murder, and terrorism.


    S3 Ep36 Conservative Catholics Against Catholicism

    S3  Ep36 Conservative Catholics Against Catholicism
    With Francis grinding the gears of traditionalist Catholics lately by chastising them for replacing faith with ideology (as he sees it) and his dancing with the concept of what to do with homosexual "civil unions," we explore exactly how traditional such Catholics truly are.

    Pope Francis calls them "Reactionary," I call them super double extra radicals! Do they believe in their church or not? Do they believe their own councils and decrees and dogmas? I don't think they should (but I left years ago) especially when it comes to Scripture and the finished work of Christ.

    I've discovered quoting codified Catholic doctrine and reminding them of their Sacred Tradition and infallible rules of succession turns these conservative Catholics into revolutionary, Council-rejecting heretics. It's quite a sight to behold. But that's what a religion built on men will do. It will eventually implode upon itself.

    S3 Ep35 Superstition, Religion, and Don't Lie to Your Kids

    S3 Ep35   Superstition, Religion, and Don't Lie to Your Kids
    Inspired by a post on Social media about "letters from heaven." And since it's Great Pumpkin Season, we look again at Christian superstitions (which aren't really Christian). We take another look at Th Great Pumpkin's compadre, Santa, in the context of dealing with our kids. We take the middle ground (again) and talk about how the truth is an important pillar of the faith. Santa is fun, Satan isn't Satan, Santa isn't real, mark these down.

    The Lord said HE is the Truth. And while Santa is not that terribly important in the grand scheme, truths surrounding the Person and Work of the Lord are vitally important, eternally important. We're all fallible humans. We're going to get things wrong. But in the end, we will be judged by how diligently we studied and how we handled the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15).

    PS: if you find books or videos in my possession when I die, it does NOT mean I agree with everything in them! I might agree with nothing in them. My Blog and Podcast, that's what I believe!

    Heaven Hell / Saved Lost will ruin your theology

    Christmas Ain’t no humbug

    Sheol and Sheep

    The monstrosity which calls itself Christendom

    We’re all going to hell and there's nothing you can do about it

    S3 Ep34 Expanding on the Insidious Nature of Covetousness, Plus Give Peace a Chance!

    S3 Ep34 Expanding on the Insidious Nature of Covetousness, Plus Give Peace a Chance!
    We revisit a couple of topics from the PowerPoint presentation in our last episode: the responsibilities in marriage and how covetousness can lead to other sins like malice towards other people. We finish with a couple of more politicians being politicians and, finally, a plea for peace in Ukraine.

    Podcast on the Old and New Covenants: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/52833157

    S3 Ep33 PowerPoint Paul

    S3 Ep33 PowerPoint Paul
    As promised, a shorter version of my bible study PowerPoint presentation concerning Paul's instructions and warnings to us in Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3. We are always mindful to never diminish the glory and mercy and love the Lord displayed for us on Calvary and in his glorious conquering of the curse of death in his resurrection. We can never lose that free gift as it is complete and fully paid for! What we can lose are rewards and crowns. Our service is under review.

    This just happens to be episode 33 of season 3. The Masons have a thing for the number 33. The baseball player shown is Ron Hunt. He is known for getting hit by a lot of pitches and is one of my brother Joe's favorite players! My brother wore number 33 when he played street hockey.

    S3 Ep32 Liars to the Left of Me, Grifters to the Right, Here I Am, Stuck in the Middle with Rand

    S3 Ep32 Liars to the Left of Me, Grifters to the Right, Here I Am, Stuck in the Middle with Rand
    We try to put some context on upcoming episodes. Yes, Chuck Schumer is a lying, power-hungry shallow excuse for a human being, but he's just the tip of the political iceberg. The vast majority of Washington DC is infected with these greedy manipulators (along with their willing accomplices in the media). They squabble and jockey for position as the police state expands and the middle class drowns.

    S3 Bonus - Upcoming Episodes and Reminder They Have No Values

    S3 Bonus - Upcoming Episodes and Reminder They Have No Values
    Brief note on upcoming episodes, two of which have already been recorded. A third will be created from a recent Bible Study PowerPoint on the topic of Paul's warning for believers in this age. Plus, two more examples of lying, demonic legislators. The only thing they care about is power and money and they'll manipulate our emotions to get them.

    S3 Ep 31 To the moon, Alice! And Other Space Scripts. And Don't Burn Korans

    S3 Ep 31 To the moon, Alice! And Other Space Scripts. And Don't Burn Korans
    We step back and look at the tales of space as told by TV and NASA. Shame we can't go back to the moon because we lost that sweet sweet 1969 computer data. While pondering the reality of what the government shows us, we briefly examine why I don't care what unbelievers do to Bibles or what they say about God. It's their funeral. I don't approve, of course, but I don't expect much from people who think they accidently evolved from inorganic material for no reason. After all, every thought they have is just a chemical reaction to accidental and random stimuli, right? If you believe, you'll believe anything NASA tells you. And it will only cost you $65 million a day.

    Some external audio/video content excerpted from:

    S3 Ep 30 We Don't Need a New Magisterium

    S3 Ep 30 We Don't Need a New Magisterium
    We take a very broad brush look at the catechisms, creeds, and confessions of the Reformed. Admittedly, as with all shades of believers, there is a difference of degree and opinion among our Reformed brethren, but we focus here on the reliance of the New Magisterium many look to. We come back, as we always do, to the responsibility of the individual believer to "study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."
    (2 Tim 2:15)

    S3 Ep29 Agree With the Current Correct and Approved Opinion or Be Damned

    S3 Ep29 Agree With the Current Correct and Approved Opinion or Be Damned
    We continue to take a look at "team" thinking. Partisanship in many respects. We'll discuss a few more issues about which we must give our assent lest we be called names and assigned a scarlet name with an ism or phobe. These are essentially matters of the world, but when our beliefs come in conflict with the world, there will be a price to pay. Yesterday, saying certain things was deemed crazy, tomorrow, you had better agree lest you be ostracized and cancelled.

    S3 Ep 28 Thoughts on Modern Israel, Mortal Sins, and Other Fun Stuff

    S3 Ep 28 Thoughts on Modern Israel, Mortal Sins, and Other Fun Stuff
    When we see that Israel has its own relationship with God, and that that relationship is currently in hiatus, do the blessings and cursings connected to the earthly hope apply in this age? We cruise on by the Catholic doctrine of grave (mortal) sins for a moment. And what we should be anxious to obey in this age.

    Who is Israel?
    : https://www.spreaker.com/user/michaelscotto/israel-according-to-the-flesh

    My blog:

    S3 Ep27 When You Count the Sons of Abraham, Count Me Out!

    S3 Ep27 When You Count the Sons of Abraham, Count Me Out!
    We expand on the key verses upon which the Reformation was built (despite the Reformed of today not paying much attention to them in any concrete way anymore). We note that they reflect two truths. First, the gift of life has always by faith, since Adam. And Secondly, that the context of Abraham's faith was directed to his line through Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and to the Gentiles blessed through Israel (as God designed it). Just as with Abraham, when we believe God's word we are accounted as righteous in His eyes (by grace alone through faith alone), but unlike Abraham the hope before us is neither the land from the Nile to the Euphrates nor the New Jerusalem which comes to earth from above. Our hope in this age is in the far above the heavens where Christ sits at the right hand of the Father!

    S3 Ep26 Acknowledged and Forgiven Sin (The Gospel Has Never Changed, OT-NT)

    S3 Ep26 Acknowledged and Forgiven Sin (The Gospel Has Never Changed, OT-NT)
    We take a day trip to Psalm 32 and 33. While we are adamant that ALL scripture is FOR us, not all of it is TO us. Surely, there are wonderful truths on every page of scripture, but when we rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15) we are able to rejoice with all believers of all ages in the mercy and grace of God as we look forward to different hopes and blessings in the coming resurrection.

    The Blog:

    The Gap Theory, Proper Dispensationalism:

    Bonus: Carolina Bible Group Message - Problems With Modern Theology

    Bonus: Carolina Bible Group Message - Problems With Modern Theology
    Message presented to the Musterion PalTalk Group associated with the Carolina Bible Group (https://carolinabiblegroup.com) and Truth For Today (https://www.tftmin.org) ministries. General presentation on the underlying theological assumptions which lead to contradictions and a failure to rightly divide the Word of Truth. We examine the power of tradition and how a movement which once championed th Scripture as suffcient, with no reliance on tradition, has succumbed to the dangerous practice of interpreting scripture through the lens of history, time, and tradition instead of the other way around. The Musterion PalTalk group meets Tuesdays, 8:30PM EDT/EST all year long.

    S3 Ep24 They Want to Murder Babies

    S3 Ep24 They Want to Murder Babies
    The former Press Secretary came out and said that nobdy supports abortion up to birth. Of course, this is a complete lie. Currently, seven states have no restrictions on abortion. At least two state legislatures have proposed even allowing mothers to let their newborns die. Former Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, proposed making the newborn baby comfortable, and then deciding if you want to starve her to death. Monstrous. But they will lie and play word games to cover their evil. The world has rarely seen this level of wickedness and cruelty.

    S3 Ep23 The Days are Evil, So We Need to Know What God Wants of Us

    S3 Ep23 The Days are Evil, So We Need to Know What God Wants of Us
    We dip back into Ephesians 5 and think about Paul's reminder that the days we live in are evil. God calls us to walk in the light despite this fact. But how can we do that and what does that mean we should be doing? Well, for starters, we need to know the things God has given to us in this age. We must rightly divide the Word of Truth. It's one thing to try and obey whatever verse we come across amd another to obey the verses given to us. Because obeying some commands in scripture amounts to disobedience if they're not meant for us.