
    Ep. 302: Re-Enchanting Work

    en-usMay 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Work locationChanging where you work can significantly improve your professional life by reducing exhaustion from cognitive jobs and increasing focus and intentionality.

      Changing where you work can significantly improve the character of your professional life. Cal Newport, the host of Deep Questions, shares his experience of encountering Chris Hemsworth during a trip to London and the unexpected problem of being mistaken for him. He also discusses the importance of focusing on the nuts and bolts of implementing a more intentional life, rather than just the inspiration or goal. Newport also reflects on an old article he wrote in 2008 about "Adventure Studying," which advocated for unconventional studying locations. He now applies this concept to the world of work, encouraging listeners to explore radical alternatives to the traditional office setup. By getting more intentional about where we do our most important work, we can transform our professional lives and make cognitive jobs less exhausting.

    • Environmental change for productivityChanging study or work environments to novel and inspiring locations can lead to stronger comprehension, increased engagement, and enjoyment of the work process, ultimately boosting productivity and overall well-being.

      Our work environments significantly impact our productivity and creativity. Instead of being confined to the same old study rooms or offices, the speaker suggests the concept of "adventure studying" or "adventure working" - seeking out novel and inspiring environments to tackle demanding tasks. This approach can lead to stronger comprehension, increased engagement, and even enjoyment of the work process. Examples of this include studying at a waterfall or working in a scenic park or museum. With the rise of remote work, we now have more opportunities than ever to apply this idea to our jobs. So why not try changing up your study or work location and see the positive impact it can have on your productivity and overall well-being.

    • Adventure work objectiveHaving a clear objective is crucial for effective adventure work, which involves capturing thoughts, following an iterative process, and working in visually novel locations to improve focus and creativity.

      Making adventure work effective involves having a clear objective, capturing your thinking, following an iterative process, focusing on your task, and working in visually novel locations. Adventure work is not just wandering aimlessly or taking a break from thinking. It's about having a singular focus and working on a specific objective, whether it's a business strategy, a programming challenge, or a memo. Capturing your thoughts through writing or audio notes is essential to make the most of your adventure work sessions. The iterative process allows you to extract cogent thoughts from your brain and improve your work. Working in visually novel locations, such as parks or scenic spots, can help you focus better, spark creative insights, and separate your work mentally and physically from your everyday office environment. Adventure work may seem slow in the moment, but over time, it can lead to more productive and valuable cognitive output. It's a way to resist the dehumanizing effects of technology and digital freneticism in the knowledge work setting.

    • Breaking Routine, Boosting CreativityRegularly seeking out new experiences and environments, while maintaining healthy habits, can enhance creativity, happiness, and productivity.

      Incorporating new experiences and environments into our routines can help boost creativity, happiness, and productivity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of breaking out of our comfort zones and seeking out novel locations for work or inspiration. He suggests setting aside time each week for "adventure work" or exploring new places, whether it be a local park or a museum in a different city. He also emphasizes the importance of maintaining healthy habits, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. The speaker encourages listeners to find what works best for them and make it a regular part of their routine. Additionally, he mentions the benefits of using tools like Shopify for selling products online and LMNT for staying hydrated during long days or workouts.

    • Deep and Fulfilling Life, Disciplines and RitualsCommitment to daily disciplines and rituals shapes identity and reinforces values, essential for personal growth. Reading is a powerful tool for this, make it a habit and maintain a completionist attitude.

      Leading a deep and fulfilling life requires a commitment to disciplined activities and rituals. Daily disciplines help shape one's identity into someone who can take action towards important goals, while rituals reinforce values and reinforce their importance. Comfort with disciplined activity is essential for personal growth and transformation. In terms of reading, making it a default habit and maintaining a completionist attitude can help one read multiple books a month. The key is to make reading enjoyable and something to look forward to, rather than a chore.

    • Productivity ritualsCreating meaningful rituals can boost productivity during writing sessions and aligning work with ideal lifestyle can lead to more fulfilling job opportunities

      Creating meaningful rituals can significantly enhance productivity, especially during writing sessions. These rituals can include various elements such as writing in different locations, establishing specific writing routines, and even incorporating breaks for relaxation or inspiration. The key is to find what works best for the individual and to be flexible in adapting these rituals to different situations. Additionally, when it comes to job hunting, focusing on aligning one's work with one's ideal lifestyle rather than solely on the abstract qualities of a job or company can lead to more fulfilling opportunities. This approach requires patience and a systematic effort towards self-improvement, but the potential rewards are significant.

    • Slow ProductivityEmbracing patience and systematic effort in working towards long-term goals can lead to meaningful opportunities and a deeper, more fulfilling life.

      Working towards an ideal lifestyle systematically, even if it requires patience, can lead to meaningful opportunities and a deeper, more fulfilling life. This concept, known as slow productivity, involves understanding what you want, identifying obstacles, and working systematically to open up more options. For teachers, this could mean embracing seasonality and varying intensity at different time scales, allowing for a more sustainable and impactful career. When faced with a pause in a project, instead of starting another one, consider focusing on lower impact tasks until the project can be resumed. The key is to stay focused on your long-term goals and trust that the aggregation of quality effort over time will lead to significant progress.

    • Managing multiple projectsKeep projects at a manageable size and limit the number of active projects to avoid excessive administrative overhead and improve productivity

      Managing multiple active projects can lead to excessive administrative overhead, which in turn slows down productivity and progress. To avoid this, it's recommended to keep projects at a manageable size and limit the number of active projects to a few. If a project gets stuck, it can be moved to a waiting list and replaced with another active project. This approach, inspired by pull-based work methods used in software development, can help minimize concurrent administrative overhead and prevent burnout. Matt's case study illustrates how these principles can be applied to family life, using a shared calendar, digital file storage, and a shared project management tool. By being intentional about managing their projects and tasks, Matt and his wife were able to improve their organization and make the most of their time.

    • Time management toolsEffective time management tools like Listing and Blinkist can help individuals make the most of their time by transforming written content into audio format and providing summaries of non-fiction books, respectively.

      Organization and effective time management are crucial for leading a remarkable and interesting life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of controlling obligations instead of wandering through them haphazardly. He also mentions the dangers of becoming overly obsessed with optimization but encourages reasonable organization. The discussion then shifts to the Listing app, which transforms written content into audio format for easier consumption during daily activities. This allows individuals to make the most of their time and consume important information more efficiently. The speaker expresses his appreciation for this app and encourages listeners to try it out using the provided code for a free month. The conversation also touches on Blinkist, an app that provides summaries of non-fiction books, which can be used as a triage service for deciding whether to read the full book or not. The speaker emphasizes the importance of these tools in navigating the modern world, where information consumption is a significant part of life. In the news segment, the speaker discusses Manchester United's owner, Jim Ratcliffe, who believes that having all employees in the office will lead to greater productivity and unity. The speaker does not take a definitive stance on the issue but acknowledges the potential benefits of both remote and in-office work.

    • Pseudo productivity vs. actual valueFocusing on email traffic and visible activity as productivity measures can lead to burnout and inaccurate assessments of employee value. Instead, companies should evaluate employees based on the actual value they produce.

      The focus on email traffic and visible performative activity as measures of productivity in the workplace, which the speaker refers to as "pseudo productivity," can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and an inaccurate assessment of employee value. Instead, companies should focus on the actual value produced by their employees and ask for clear answers to what was accomplished during a given period. The speaker suggests a hybrid work schedule where days worked from home have zero email and zero meetings to maximize productivity. He also criticizes the use of email traffic as a productivity metric and encourages a shift towards evaluating employees based on the value they produce rather than their activity level. The speaker's perspective is that working from home is a complex issue and that a hybrid schedule with different expectations for home and office days can lead to more effective and efficient work.

    • Cal Newport's NewsletterSign up for Cal Newport's newsletter for deep wisdom and a supportive network of like-minded individuals, delivering insightful and thought-provoking ideas each week since 2007.

      If you're looking for deep wisdom and a respite from distractions and shallowness in today's world, consider signing up for Cal Newport's newsletter. With over a decade of publication and a readership of 70,000 subscribers, it's a valuable resource for those seeking meaningful content. Since 2007, Cal Newport's newsletter has been delivering insightful and thought-provoking ideas directly to subscribers' inboxes each week. By joining his community, you'll gain access to a wealth of knowledge and a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Don't let the noise of the world drown out the importance of deep thinking and introspection. Take a step towards personal growth and join Cal Newport's newsletter today at calnewport.com.

    Recent Episodes from Deep Questions with Cal Newport

    Ep. 302: Re-Enchanting Work

    Ep. 302: Re-Enchanting Work

    We talk a lot on this show about how to organize and execute your work, but not enough about where to do it. In this episode, Cal explores the theory and practice of “adventure working,” in which you escape to novel and inspiring locations to tackle your most demanding and interesting cognitive efforts. He then answers reader questions about habits and rituals, before ending with a critical look at a famous football club’s distressing embrace of pseudo-productivity.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode: youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Re-Enchanting Work [5:39]

    - What are Cal’s health habits? [31:12]
    - What’s the difference between discipline and rituals? [34:08]
    - How does Cal read so much? [37:37]
    - What are Cal’s writing-related rituals? [40:44]
    - Should I go slow in my job hunting? [45:05]
    - CALL: Working at a natural pace as a teacher [49:47]
    - CALL:  How to navigate the “pull system” [54:31]

    CASE STUDY: Organizing files in a household [1:00:57]

    CAL REACTS: Manchester’s United’s Pseudo-Productivity [1:11:13] 



    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 301: Reclaiming Time and Focus (w/ Jordan Harbinger)

    Ep. 301: Reclaiming Time and Focus (w/ Jordan Harbinger)

    In this episode, the proverbial tables are turned, with Cal being interviewed by Jordan Harbinger about time, focus, and the quest for a slower notion of productivity. (This interview originally aired as episode 975 Jordan's can’t-miss podcast, The Jordan Harbinger Show).

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    - INTERVIEW: Cal being interviewed by Jordan Harbinger [1:54]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at www.calnewport.com/slow
    Get a signed copy of Cal’s “Slow Productivity” at https://peoplesbooktakoma.com/event/cal-newport/ 

    Thanks to our Sponsors:


    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 300: Hidden Technology Traps

    Ep. 300: Hidden Technology Traps

    There has been a lot of attention paid recently to the impact of technology like social media on the mental health of young people. But this is not the only technology trap lurking for this generation. In this episode, Cal talks about three subtle but significant ways in which our current technology culture is setting up young people for professional failure in the years ahead. He then provides some advice for resisting this fate. In addition to this discussion, he answers questions from the audience and reacts to one of the coolest examples of slow craft that he’s encountered in a long while.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The Burnout Society [7:53]

    - How can I stop distraction relapses? [35:18]
    - How can I reduce my social media addiction without abandoning these technologies? [39:37]
    - How can I schedule deep work with a scattered class schedule? [44:29]
    - How should I reintroduce video games after a successful digital declutter? [47:14]
    - How do I apply Slow Productivity later in life? [51:04]
    - CALL: How to formulate a deep life when you’re young [54:41]   

    CASE STUDY: Tweaking the time block planner [1:06:44] 

    CAL REACTS: A Slow Reconstruction of an Ancient City [1:11:00]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 299: Our Love/Hate Relationship with Personal Productivity

    Ep. 299: Our Love/Hate Relationship with Personal Productivity

    Cal has been writing professionally about issues related to personal productivity for two decades. In today’s episode, he provides a short history of what he’s observed during this period about out constantly shifting relationship with this topic, from the quiet optimism of the 1990s, to the techno-mania of the early 2000s, to the whiplash shift from anti-distraction to anti-work sentiments in the 2010s. He ends with a summary of where we are today and what he currently thinks matters in thinking about getting things done. During the Q&A session, Cal is joined by special guest host Scott Young (whose new book is GET BETTER AT ANYTHING) to help answer your questions. We conclude with a list of the books Cal read in April.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The 20-year history with personal productivity [4:20]

    - How does Cal organize his files as a technical researcher? [1:04:55]
    - How slow is too slow? [1:18:48]
    - Does “Monk Mode” actually work? [1:27:25]
    - How do I adapt my organizational systems to do more complicated work? [1:36:07]
    - What are the most underrated habits for living a great life? [1:49:46]

    CASE STUDY: Unconventional slow productivity [1:55:56]

    FINAL SEGMENT: The 5 Books Cal Read in April 2024 [2:04:51]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    Get a signed copy of Cal’s “Slow Productivity” at peoplesbooktakoma.com/event/cal-newport/ 
    Cal’s monthly book directory: bramses.notion.site/059db2641def4a88988b4d2cee4657ba?v=448bf8afad0740d18f6b109b4bd40d51

    Books Discussed in Deep Dive:

    7 Habits of Highly Effective People
    How To Become CEO
    Getting Things Done
    The Four Hour Work Week
    How To Do Nothing

    April Books:

    An Empire of Their Own by Neal Gabler
    Co-intelligence by Ethan Mollick
    Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan
    The Perfect Mile by Neal Bascomb
    To Heal a Fractured World by Jonathan Sacks

    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    This show is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/deepquestions

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 298: Rethinking Attention

    Ep. 298: Rethinking Attention

    We think of information as something neutral; a spotlight that helps illuminate the reality of the outside world. Accordingly, more information is better than less. In this episode, Cal pushes back on this model, arguing that the form in which information arrives can strongly impact the understanding we extract. We must therefore be more intentional about what and how we pay attention. He then answers reader questions and surveys some unusual but entertaining stories about slowness.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Rethinking attention [4:08]

    - What books should I read to help me develop a deep life? [34:35]
    - Does writing by hand have benefits for your brain? [38:40]
    - Should I get a brain scan to prove I have a low IQ? [43:46]
    - Should I use ChatGPT for book recommendations? [47:39]
    - How can I avoid wasting your gap year? [49:40]
    - CALL: Is “Slow Productivity” related to “The Burnout Society” by Buying-Chui Han? [55:32]

    CASE STUDY: Utilizing the phone foyer method [1:01:58]  

    FINAL SEGMENT: Slow news [1:10:58]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 297: The Deep Life Hardware

    Ep. 297: The Deep Life Hardware

    Why do you struggle with your grand attempts to escape distraction and aimlessness to make your life deeper? In this episode, Cal draws on an unexpected metaphor – Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, and the Analytical Engine – to help identify the subtle obstacle on your path to increase depth. With this new understanding in hand, he then details a specific gameplan to get around it. Later, he takes questions from the audience and reacts to the new AI Pin, a tool intended to render smartphones obsolete.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The Deep Life Hardware [4:09]

    - Does personal productivity make us anxious? [34:04]
    - How can I build skills without getting in the way of my existing work? [42:11]
    - How can I build a deeper life after years of neglect? [46:00]
    - How is Sam Sulek’s stripped down YouTube channel doing so well? [52:12]
    - How can I convince my husband that I’m not a time management snob? [1:02:38]
    - CALL: Obsessing over quality [1:06:04]

    CASE STUDY: Shifting a mindset to do more deep work [1:11:04] 

    CAL REACTS: Is the Al Pin the End of Smartphones? [1:17:46]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 296: Jane Austen’s To-Do List (LIVE)

    Ep. 296: Jane Austen’s To-Do List (LIVE)

    In the first ever live episode of Deep Questions, recorded at People’s Book in Takoma Park, MD, Cal extracts a modern productivity lesson from the tale of Jane Austen’s frustrated ambitions, before taking questions from the audience.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Jane Austen’s To-Do List [3:22]

    — Is Cal building his YouTube channel with social media tactics? [27:36]
    — How can I do less in such a busy world? [31:53]
    — How do I escape the flow state? [37:01]
    — How can someone become a star while obsessing over craft? [40:52]
    — How can I apply Slow Productivity to unrelated projects? [46:40]
    — How does Cal develop his writing frameworks? [50:20]
    — How can I apply Slow Productivity principles to a team? [52:48]
    — How can I avoid the Zoom apocalypse? [57:48]
    — Is there a conflict between working at a natural pace and obsessing over quality? [1:07:16]
    — How can a personal trainer build a wellness solution company? [1:09:46]
    — How can our team not get delayed with technical problems? [1:13:00]
    — How can a young lawyer manage peer relationships with teams? [1:16:38]         


    — Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    — Use this link to preorder a signed copy of “Slow Productivity”: peoplesbooktakoma.com/preorder-slow-productivity/
    — Cal’s Monthly Books directory: bramses.notion.site/059db2641def4a88988b4d2cee4657ba?v=448bf8afad0740d18f6b109b4bd40d51

    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    cozyearth.com  (Use promo code “Cal”)

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 295: Artists Revolt Against Social Media

    Ep. 295: Artists Revolt Against Social Media

    In this episode Cal takes a closer look at a growing trend of artists quitting social media and instead reverting to old-fashioned websites. Are these acts of principled sacrifice or a sustainable way to be creative online? Cal argues for the latter, showing how the internet without social media curation algorithms can be a place of rich discovery and audience building. He then takes questions on similar topics and ends by playing a few rounds of “deep or crazy” during the final segment.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: A Quiet Revolt Against Social Media [7:37]

    - Is my deep living too extreme? [45:06]
    - LinkedIn is getting toxic. Should I quit that too? [47:39]
    - Where do online articles fit into the life of a digital minimalist? [51:09]
    - Did Cal design the specifications for the hardcover copy of “Slow Productivity”? [54:04]
    - How do I not feel overwhelmed by online content after a Digital Declutter? [58:07]
    - CALL: Obsessing over quality [1:01:08]

    CASE STUDY: Applying lessons from “Digital Minimalism” [1:06:37]

    CAL REACTS: Deep or Crazy? [1:13:54]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 294: A Tactical Assault on Busyness

    Ep. 294: A Tactical Assault on Busyness

    One of the biggest problems afflicting knowledge workers in the digital age is frantic busyness; days filled with emails, chats, and meetings, without much to show for all the effort. In today’s episode, Cal dives into one of the most-discussed ideas from his new book, Slow Productivity, which offers a simple, tactical assault on this state of persistent busyness. He then answers listener questions about similar issues and lists the book he read in March.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  hyoutube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: A Tactical Assault on Busyness [3:47]

    - How can I stop chasing the “perfect” productivity system? [34:51]
    - How do I avoid losing my day to distraction? [39:08] 
    - How do I help my partner escape meeting quickstand? [42:31]
    - How do we design the perfect client/task/scheduling system? [48:59]
    - Can Apple Vision Pro help deep work? [54:46]

    The 5 Books Cal Read in March 2024 [1:06:43]

    A Short History of England (Simon Jenkins)
    Into the Impossible (Brian Keating)
    The Amen Effect (Sharon Brous)
    Sink the Bismark! (CS Forester)
    Hidden Potential (Adam Grant)

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/deepquestions

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 293: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox?

    Ep. 293: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox?

    Imagine a world in which AI could handle your email inbox on your behalf. No more checking for new messages every five minutes. No more worries that people need you. No more exhausting cognitive context shifts. In this episode, Cal explores how close cutting-edge AI models are to achieving this goal, including using ChatGPT to help him answer some real email. He then dives into his latest article for The New Yorker, which explains the key technical obstacle to fully automated email and how it might be solved. This is followed by reader questions and a look at something interesting.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link:

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox? [4:33]
    - Should I continue to study programming if AI will eventually replace software jobs? [44:40]
    - Is it bad to use ChatGPT to assist with your writing? [49:22]
    - How do I reclaim my workspace for Deep Work? [55:24]
    - How do I decide what to do on my scheduled mini-breaks at work? [1:00:11]
    - CALL: Heidegger’s view on technology [1:02:48]
    - CALL: Seasonality with a partner and kids [1:09:11]

    CASE STUDY: A Silicon Valley Chief of Staff balancing work and ego [1:20:07]

    Something Interesting: General Grant’s Slow Productivity [1:30:08]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity”at calnewport.com/slow


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.