
    Ep 32: A Conversation with Jay Christopher King: UFO Revolution

    enJanuary 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the UFO phenomenon on TubiJay Christopher King and Kelly Chase made their TV debut in the docuseries 'UFO Revolution' on Tubi, featuring well-known UFO community figures and showcasing high production quality.

      The release of the docuseries "UFO Revolution" on Tubi, featuring Jay Christopher King and Kelly Chase, was a surreal experience for both of them. It was their first time appearing on TV, and they were in great company with well-known figures in the UFO community. Despite the high expectations, they were pleased with the production quality and the way it reflected the work of its primary talent. Overall, it was an exciting moment for them to be producing and appearing in a series that aims to explore the UFO phenomenon. If you're interested in the UFO phenomenon and want to check out this docuseries, it's available for free on Tubi and Apple TV.

    • Unexpectedly positive experience with TMZ docuseriesBoth individuals were impressed with TMZ's professionalism and proud to contribute to a well-produced project despite initial apprehensions and uncertainty.

      Despite initial apprehensions and the uncertainty surrounding the production process of a TMZ docuseries, both individuals were pleasantly surprised by the final outcome. They were impressed with the team's professionalism and were proud to be a part of a well-produced, thoughtful project. The experience was unique as they had minimal information about the project and had to trust the creatives to make their own decisions. Despite the heat and long hours, they felt their contributions were utilized effectively, with one person serving as a utility player and the other sharing sensitive experiences about nonhuman entity interactions. The unpredictability of the ufology field and the enduring popularity of topics like grays and abductions made their participation all the more significant.

    • A shift in the conversation around UFOs and alien encountersThere's a trend towards limiting discussions about UFOs and alien encounters to vague or safe topics. The importance of transparency and openness in discussing these topics holistically is emphasized.

      There has been a shift in the conversation around UFOs and alien encounters in the media, with some major players in ufology suggesting that discussing abductions and nonhuman entity encounters is off-limits. This has been particularly noticeable in the last few years, around the time of the TTSA and the 2017 New York Times article. The speaker expresses impatience with this trend and argues for transparency and openness in discussing these topics, rather than only talking about UFOs in a vague or limited way. They also credit the podcast guest for helping them change their perspective on this issue and for being willing to share their own experiences despite discomfort. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of having honest and holistic conversations about UFOs and alien encounters, rather than only discussing certain aspects to spare people ontological shock.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Unexplained Phenomena ExperiencesRespect experiencers' insights and perspectives, recognize the value of community and support, and approach unexplained phenomena with an open mind.

      The experiences of individuals who have encountered unexplained phenomena, often referred to as "experiencers," are complex and multifaceted. These experiences can lead to years of inquiry, deep thought, and research. It's important to listen to and respect these experiences, rather than reducing them to a simple "scary story." Experiencers should not be dismissed as biased or unobjective just because they have had a direct encounter with the phenomenon. Instead, their insights and perspectives can lead to rich and meaningful conversations. It's also important to recognize the value of those who are fascinated by these topics without having had an experience, as well as the importance of community and support for both researchers and experiencers. Ultimately, a nuanced and open-minded approach to understanding unexplained phenomena is crucial for making progress in this field.

    • UFO community's value goes beyond videosThe UFO community fosters open-minded exploration and collaboration in understanding unexplained phenomena, beyond the value of individual UFO videos.

      The UFO community, built through shared passion and obsession, has evolved into a tight-knit network of individuals who support each other and contribute to the ongoing discourse about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). While the release of new UFO videos, such as those featured in Jeremy Corbell's docuseries, may garner attention, the real value lies in the rich conversations and connections formed within this community. The authenticity of UFO videos remains a challenge, making it difficult to convert skeptics. Ultimately, the importance of this community goes beyond the videos, as it fosters a space for open-minded exploration and collaboration in understanding the complex and intriguing phenomena that continue to defy explanation.

    • The misconception of relying on videos and photos as solid proofVisual perception can be deceptive, and videos and photos are easily manipulated, making them unreliable as solid proof for unexplained phenomena. Instead, consider witness testimonies and physical traces as more effective forms of evidence.

      The reliance on videos and photos as the best evidence for unexplained phenomena is misguided. The idea that "seeing is believing" is a concept that originated during the Enlightenment, but our visual perception is not an objective window into the world. Our vision can be easily tricked, and videos and photos are easily manipulated. Therefore, they may not provide solid proof of anything, and debunkers can stay in their zone without engaging with the real data. Instead, we should consider other forms of evidence, such as witness testimonies and physical traces, to approach the investigation of unexplained phenomena more effectively.

    • Focusing on origins, intentions, and capabilities of UFO phenomenaExploring potential explanations beyond authenticity debates can lead to more meaningful UFO discussions, emphasizing the importance of stealth technology and perception manipulation capabilities.

      While debating the authenticity of UFO videos may be intriguing, it often leads to dead-end conversations with no clear resolution. Instead, focusing on the potential origins, intentions, and capabilities of the beings or technologies behind these phenomena can lead to more meaningful and productive discussions. The existence of stealth technology and advanced perception manipulation capabilities further emphasizes the need for a nuanced and open-minded approach to this topic. Ultimately, the release of UFO videos may serve to excite the general public, but a more thoughtful and sophisticated conversation is necessary to truly advance our understanding of this phenomenon.

    • UFO Sightings: A Fascinating and Intriguing MysteryDespite numerous reports and alleged evidence, lack of clear proof and controversy surround UFO sightings. Mass sightings with multiple camera angles and credible witnesses could advance the conversation. Government disclosure or catastrophic event is a concern for some.

      While there have been numerous reports and alleged evidence of UFO sightings throughout history, the lack of clear, undeniable proof and the controversy surrounding certain cases, like that of Bob Lazar, make it difficult to definitively conclude that extraterrestrial life exists. However, the potential for mass sightings with multiple camera angles and credible witnesses could move the conversation forward. Additionally, the possibility of a government-orchestrated disclosure or catastrophic event revealing the existence of extraterrestrial life is seen as a legitimate concern by some in power. Overall, the UFO phenomenon remains a fascinating and intriguing mystery.

    • Area 51's UFO Crash Retrievals: A Fascination Fueling Conspiracy TheoriesThe Area 51 UFO crash retrieval stories, including the 1989 incident, have fueled public fascination with UFOs and conspiracy theories, contributing to the area's mystique. Stories of defense contractors and intelligence agencies' involvement and potential transfers of UFO parts or crafts continue to captivate, despite deniability.

      The Area 51 mystery, particularly the 1989 crash retrieval story, has significantly contributed to the public's fascination with UFOs and conspiracy theories. This case propelled the area into public consciousness and catapulted figures like George Knapp into ufology. There are suggestions of crash retrieval programs involving defense contractors and intelligence agencies. People like David Grush and Marek have hinted at the existence of such programs and even potential transfers of UFO parts or crafts. The late 20th century saw the development of lore surrounding Area 51, with stories of crafts existing under historical facilities or being part of archaeological digs. Bob Lazar's story, though controversial, adds to this intrigue. Lazar's case, like many, has deniability built into it, allowing for continued speculation. The Lazar story bears similarities to other controversial cases, such as the Mario Woods case at Ellsworth Air Force Base in 1977. These stories, with their elements of plausible deniability, continue to captivate the public's imagination.

    • Encounter with UAP near nuclear facilityTwo men reported encountering a large, still UAP near a nuclear facility, describing it as emitting a pulsating light and experiencing psychic connection and physical effects, ending with reports of small and tall gray extraterrestrial beings

      Mario Woods and his partner Michael Johnson had an encounter with an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) near a nuclear facility in South Dakota. The incident involved several sightings of the UAP, which was described as large, still, and emitting a pulsating light. During one encounter, Mario felt a psychic connection to the object and experienced an intense light and a feeling of being pulled upward in the truck. The incident ended with Mario passing out and reporting the presence of small and tall gray extraterrestrial beings. The encounter raised concerns due to the proximity of the UAP to the nuclear facility.

    • Encounter with UAP at Ellsworth Air Force BaseDuring an encounter with a UAP, two airmen, Mario Woods and Michael Johnson, disappeared for hours, were debriefed separately, and were sent to different bases. One debrief included a disinformation agent, adding mystery. The incident significantly affected Mario's life, leading him to a job at a nuclear facility where he was questioned about the encounter.

      During an encounter with a Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) at Ellsworth Air Force Base, Mario Woods and his partner, Michael Johnson, experienced unexplained events that led to their disappearance for several hours. When they were found, they were debriefed separately, with Mario being questioned extensively and warned never to speak about the incident again. Both men were then sent to different bases and their lives took new directions. Interestingly, during one debrief, an infamous disinformation agent named Richard Doty was present, adding another layer of mystery to the situation. The incident had a profound impact on Mario's life, leading him to a job with the Department of Energy at a secured nuclear facility where he was grilled about the UAP encounter. Despite the fear and warnings, Mario was able to keep the incident a secret and continue his military career.

    • Disinformation and manipulation of UFO storiesDuring late 70s-90s, disinfo and manipulation of UFO stories were common. Ellsworth UFO encounter of '77 is an example. Modern-day UAP Navy video faces similar scrutiny.

      Disinformation and manipulation of UFO stories were common practices during the late 70s, 80s, and 90s. An example of this is the Ellsworth UFO encounter of 1977, where a story was planted with altered details, leading to its debunking. This strategy of sowing truth and falsehoods together was used to create confusion and doubt, making it difficult for people to distinguish fact from fiction. The recent UAP video from the Navy, which has been debunked by some, is a modern-day example of this playbook. It's essential to be aware of these tactics and approach UFO stories with a critical mindset.

    • Navigating the Complex Landscape of UFO DisclosuresBe cautious of misinformation and intentional deception in the UFO disclosure movement, as some individuals may weave compelling but fraudulent stories. The government may hold some information, but understanding the phenomenon goes beyond simply fighting for the truth.

      The disclosure movement surrounding UFOs and potential government cover-ups is a complex and often misleading landscape. Some individuals, driven by narcissism and a desire for chaos, weave compelling but fraudulent stories that can cast doubt on the truth. These individuals, who have been trained to discombobulate, are convincing storytellers but are not to be trusted. As we get closer to potential disclosures, it's important to be aware of the potential for misinformation and intentional deception. The government may hold some information, but they don't own the phenomenon, and understanding it goes beyond simply fighting for the truth. Be cautious of narratives, even those from well-intentioned sources, as the disclosure movement can be a "hall of mirrors" that's intentionally difficult to navigate.

    • Exploring UFOs beyond government disclosuresSeek diverse perspectives, experiences, and research from various fields and individuals to gain a more comprehensive understanding of UFOs and high strangeness

      To truly understand the phenomenon of UFOs and the nature of reality, we need to look beyond government disclosures and the military industrial complex. Instead, we should seek out diverse perspectives, experiences, and research from various fields and individuals. This approach allows us to explore synchronicities, bending spoons, OBEs, and other high strangeness that may not be addressed in traditional government or military contexts. By embracing independent initiatives and expanding our frameworks, we can empower ourselves to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the anomalous phenomena.

    • UFO phenomenon goes beyond military cover-upsExplore personal experiences and reach out to a broader audience to understand the UFO phenomenon, acknowledging past government cover-ups while focusing on unity and expanding knowledge.

      The UFO phenomenon is not just about military cover-ups or aircraft carriers, but a much larger reality that challenges our understanding of reality and identity. The government and military do not own this phenomenon, and it's time to approach it from a different perspective, focusing on personal experiences and outreach to a broader audience. The discussion also touched upon the discouraging aspects of learning about government cover-ups and the power struggles involved, but it's essential not to deny or bury these truths. Instead, we should acknowledge them and move forward with a focus on unity and expanding our collective knowledge.

    • Exploring the wonders of reality for personal growthExploring the mysteries of reality can lead to personal growth, meaning, purpose, community, and peace. Emphasizing individual agency and looking inward can offer a refreshing perspective and inspire hope.

      Recognizing and exploring the wonders and mysteries of reality, beyond the mundane and depressing narratives often presented, can lead to personal growth, meaning, purpose, community, and peace. This approach, which emphasizes individual agency and the importance of looking inward, can offer a refreshing perspective and provide hope for many. The alignment with figures like Jeff Kripel, who champion the exploration of the supernatural and the human potential, reinforces this belief. By encouraging people to ask what they can do for these areas of inquiry, rather than what they can get from them, we can inspire a mindset that recognizes the power within each individual to effect change. This approach, which emphasizes personal growth and agency, can be a valuable complement to more direct efforts to address societal challenges.

    • Exploring the Interconnectedness of Humanity and GrowthThe UFO Revolution docuseries has sparked conversations and brought new members to the Experiencer Group, highlighting the power of interconnectedness and individual growth to make a positive impact on the world.

      The interconnectedness of humanity and our capacity for growth are powerful forces that can make a positive impact on the world. The recent airing of the UFO Revolution docuseries on various platforms has already sparked meaningful conversations and brought new members to the Experiencer Group. The creators are optimistic about the future, despite challenges, and are committed to continuing their work through upcoming projects. Ultimately, the power to make a difference lies in the hands of individuals, and the potential for growth and understanding is limitless. The creators believe that by fostering a sense of interconnectedness and encouraging open dialogue, we can create a more compassionate and enlightened world.

    Recent Episodes from The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast

    Inquire Anomalous [Ep 4]: Joshua Cutchin on UFOs & the Ecology of Souls

    Inquire Anomalous [Ep 4]: Joshua Cutchin on UFOs & the Ecology of Souls

    The podcast is still on hiatus as I work with the Ontocalypse team to wrap up production on our upcoming docuseries, The Beyond: UFOs & A New Reality. But while I’m away, I’ve teamed up with Jay Christopher King to bring you guys a series of unreleased talks from the phenomenal Inquiry into Anomalous Experience and the Phenomenon conferences.

    In this talk, we hear from Joshua Cutchin. Josh is a researcher and author of several books including Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions and Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Death & the Paranormal. In the traditions of great works like Jacques Vallée’s Passport to Magonia, Cutchin’s work explores the profound connections between folklore and myths from around the world and modern reports of contact with UFOs and non-human intelligences. And in this talk from the December 2023 conference, he dives into the themes that emerge in accounts of all of these phenomena that indicate that they all are deeply tied to the mysteries of death, the soul, and what lies beyond the veil. 


    This episode is brought to you by The Experiencer Group

    The Experiencer Group is a private online community dedicated to support, curiosity & community for people who’ve had anomalous events of all kinds. They hold regular support meetings for people who are processing anomalous experiences, book clubs, special guest speaker presentations, and more. You can learn more and sign up at tegmembers.com.



    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

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    Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 3]: James Fox & Leslie Kean hosted by Curt Jaimungal

    Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 3]: James Fox & Leslie Kean hosted by Curt Jaimungal

    In the third episode of this series, we’re bring you a panel discussion from the April 2023 conference. This panel was hosted by Curt Jaimungal of Theories of Everything and features Leslie Kean and James Fox. Listening back to this discussion is especially fascinating given the timing. This was just a couple of months before the article written by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal broke in The Debrief where the world learned about whistleblower David Grusch and his allegations about the existence of top-secret UFO crash retrieval programs. So besides being a great conversation, it’s an interesting time capsule of the period when this story was in development.  

    One quick note about this episode:

    The questions from the audience were a little bit hard to hear, so in the interest of clarity, you’ll hear the questions read by Jay.



    This episode is brought to you by The Experiencer Group

    The Experiencer Group is a private online community dedicated to support, curiosity & community for people who’ve had anomalous events of all kinds. They hold regular support meetings for people who are processing anomalous experiences, book clubs, special guest speaker presentations, and more. You can learn more and sign up at tegmembers.com.



    The full video of this talk will be released on the Inquire Anomalous Youtube channel next week. Subscribe now and click the bell so you get the alert when it goes live.

    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

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    Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 2]: Dr. Michael P. Masters on Extratempestrials & Contact Experiences

    Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 2]: Dr. Michael P. Masters on Extratempestrials & Contact Experiences
    The podcast is going to be on hiatus for a few more weeks as I work with the Ontocalupse team to wrap up production on our upcoming docuseries, The Beyond: UFOs & A New Reality, which is due out this summer.

    But I didn’t want to leave you hanging, so in the meantime, I’ve teamed up with Jay Christopher King to bring you guys a series of unreleased talks from the phenomenal Inquiry into Anomalous Experience and the Phenomenon conferences. In the second episode in this series, you’re going to hear what is one of my all-time favorite talks from Inquire Anomalous, which was given by Dr. Michael P. Masters this last December.

    Regular listeners of the show are already familiar with Mike Masters as the guy who, quite literally, wrote the book on the extratempestrial hypothesis. You can find links to that and all of Mike’s books in the episode brief. 

    In his talk at Inquire Anomalous, Mike spoke publicly for the very first time about his own experiences of contact with non-human intelligences, including a very strange incident that occurred at the International UFO Congress in 2022. I was lucky enough to be present for this talk and to get to talk to Mike afterward, and I was absolutely blown away by his ability to speak so candidly about what he has experienced—and even more so by his bravery in stepping forward publicly. I’m deeply grateful to Mike for being willing to take that leap, and for inspiring me to do the same.

    If you’d like to watch the full video of this interview, that will be posted on the Inquire Anomalous YouTube channel next week. 


    This episode is brought to you by The Experiencer Group. 

    The Experiencer Group is a private online community dedicated to support, curiosity & community for people who’ve had anomalous events of all kinds. They hold regular support meetings for people who are processing anomalous experiences, book clubs, special guest speaker presentations, and more. You can learn more and sign up at tegmembers.com.



    NEW ON DREAMLAND: Exploring the Deep End of Consciousness and Contact Experiences with Dr. Michael Masters

    The full video of this talk will be released on the Inquire Anomalous Youtube channel next week. Subscribe now and click the bell so you get the alert when it goes live.

    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

    Get it on Amazon


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ufo-rabbit-hole-podcast--5746035/support.

    Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 1]: Tim Gallaudet on USOs & Underwater Anomalies

    Inquire Anomalous Presents [Ep 1]: Tim Gallaudet on USOs & Underwater Anomalies
    Today, I’m bringing you something a little different. As most of you already know, my new media company, Ontocalypse Productions—headed up by myself, Jay Christopher King, and Jordan Flowers, is currently in the midst of completing our first docuseries due out this summer entitled The Beyond: UFOs & A New Reality.

    While we’re hard at work on that, posting for the podcast will be a little bit more sporadic over the next few weeks, but rest-assured that The UFO Rabbit Hole will be back to its regularly scheduled programming in June. And you’ll still be getting a couple more new episodes in the meantime, including part 2 of the Through The Looking Glass series before then.

    But while things are a little quieter around here, I thought it would be a great opportunity to bring you guys something special. That’s why I’m teaming up with Jay to bring you a series of never-before-released talks from his phenomenal Inquiry into Anomalous Experience & the Phenomenon conference series—or Inquire Anomalous for short. Regular listeners of the show have definitely heard me talk about Inquire Anomalous before. These have been my absolute favorite conferences to attend over the past few years. They’re small, intimate, and the all-star line up of speakers who are truly on the bleeding edge of anomalous studies makes it a truly unmatched experience. 

    In this first talk presented by Inquire Anomalous, we’ll be hearing from Tim Gallaudet. Tim Gallaudet is a retired Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy, and a career oceanographer. His former roles include serving as the Deputy Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as well as the Oceanographer of the Navy. He’s also the former superintendent of the U.S. Naval Observatory. 

    More recently, Admiral Gallaudet has made exciting contributions to the field of UAP studies, particularly in the realm of the too-often overlooked subject of USOs or Unidentified Submersible Objects. He recently released a new article through the Sol Foundation which is a must-read on the topic. You can find that linked int he episode brief below.


    This episode is brought to you by The Experiencer Group. 

    The Experiencer Group is a private online community dedicated to support, curiosity & community for people who’ve had anomalous events of all kinds. They hold regular support meetings for people who are processing anomalous experiences, book clubs, special guest speaker presentations, and more. You can learn more and sign up at tegmembers.com.



    The full video of this talk will be released on the Inquire Anomalous Youtube channel on Friday, April 5th. Subscribe now and click the bell so you get the alert when it goes live.

    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ufo-rabbit-hole-podcast--5746035/support.

    Ep 36: An Interview with Bernardo Kastrup: UFOs, Ultraterrestrials, and Meaning In Absurdity

    Ep 36: An Interview with Bernardo Kastrup: UFOs, Ultraterrestrials, and Meaning In Absurdity
    In today’s episode, I had the absolute honor of speaking with one of my personal intellectual heroes, Bernardo Kastrup. 

    Bernardo Kastrup is the executive director of the Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy (with a focus in ontology and philosophy of mind) and another Ph.D. in computer engineering (with a focus in reconfigurable computing and artificial intelligence). As a scientist, Bernardo has worked for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Philips Research Laboratories (where the 'Casimir Effect' of Quantum Field Theory was discovered). He has also had a 25-year career in high-technology, having co-founded parallel processing company Silicon Hive (which was acquired by Intel in 2011). 

    Bernardo Kastrup is also the author of 11 books. I basically have an entire Kastrup shelf inmy office. His book, “Meaning In Absurdity: What Bizarre Phenomena Can Tell Us About the Nature of Reality” is, in my opinion, one of the most important books written on the UFO phenomenon. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

    Just a heads up before we begin—if you aren’t familiar with Kastrup’s thinking on analytic idealism, the first part of this interview might be a little challenging. If you stick it out, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how elegantly analytic idealism deals with some of the more mysterious aspects of the anomalous phenomena. If you’d like to learn more about analytic idealism, there are some great resources and videos that can walk you through it step-by-step. [Links in episode brief.]


    NEW Class from Dr. James Madden
    Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World
    Four-week online class via Zoom
    Wednesdays, March 27 – April 24 (skips April 10), 2024
    7 – 9 pm ET

    Learn More About the Class
    Sign Up Now

    [Links to videos on Analytic Idealism in Episode Brief]

    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

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    00:00:30 Introduction
    00:04:35 How working with artificial neural networks at CERN led Bernardo to break with physicalism
    00:07:12 The difference between intelligence and consciousness00:08:36 Analytic idealism
    00:12:26 How does analytic idealism relate to the ideas of Donald Hoffman?
    00:14:38 If the world is mental, why doesn’t it behave like a dream?
    00:17:23 Bernardo’s UFO experience
    00:19:37 How UFOs repel our attention
    00:23:02 Memory and UFOs
    00:25:46 UFOs and analytic idealism
    00:30:09 Logic and finding meaning in absurdity
    00:35:11 The “call of the absurd” and the control mechanism
    00:39:27 How marketing and propaganda hijack the control mechanism
    00:42:47 Are “nuts and bolts” UAPs and high strangeness UFO encounters the same phenomenon?
    00:48:44 Bernardo’s ultraterrestrial hypothesis
    00:58:37 The rise of AI, NHIs, and the coming consciousness shift

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    Ep 35: Through the Looking Glass [Pt 1]: My Initiation Into The Anomalous

    Ep 35: Through the Looking Glass [Pt 1]: My Initiation Into The Anomalous
    This episode is going to be different, because for the first time I’m going to talk about something that I never thought I’d talk about publicly, which is my own anomalous experience and how it changed everything about my life and directly led to me starting this podcast.

    This is the story of my own highly subjective journey. I’m not asking you to believe anything that I’m saying. My own opinion about what happened to me has changed more times than I count, and I have no doubt that it will change again. My purpose in telling this story isn’t to convince you of anything, but rather to explore in as open and unflinching a way as possible, what it’s like to have an anomalous experience, and to use that as a way to discuss the many complex questions that these experiences raise.


    NEW Class from Dr. James Madden
    Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World
    Four-week online class via Zoom
    Wednesdays, March 27 – April 24 (skips April 10), 2024
    7 – 9 pm ET

    Learn More About the Class
    Sign Up Now



    I want to thank the Institute of Noetic Sciences for their collaboration, generosity, and patience with me as I’ve worked on this story. You’ll see in episodes 2 and 3 of this series how exactly they became involved in the strange tale I’m about to tell. In my opinion the work that they are doing is some of the most important work being done in the world and is helping to lay the scaffolding for a new and emergent understanding of the nature of our reality, what it means to be human, and our place in this vast and dazzling cosmos.

    I hope that if you aren’t already familiar with IONS that you’ll take some time to explore their mission and their work. And if anything in this series speaks to you and you have a little extra give, please consider making a donation to help support IONS into the future.

    To make a gift, visit noetic.org/give.


    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ufo-rabbit-hole-podcast--5746035/support.

    Ep 34: The Disclosure Field Guide [Pt 2]: Black Budgets & The Secret Space Program

    Ep 34: The Disclosure Field Guide [Pt 2]: Black Budgets & The Secret Space Program
    Today we are going to be continuing our Disclosure Field Guide series. As the disclosure narrative continues to unfold, this series seeks to offer a roadmap for those trying to make sense of just what exactly is going on in this strange and confounding moment in our human history.

    In the first episode, we talked about how to deal with the ontological shock of recognizing that the world that we live in is not what we were told, and how to get reoriented within that new paradigm. In part two, we’re going to go a step further by diving into the history and structure of the institutionalized secrecy that has kept the reality of the UFO phenomenon hidden in plain sight for decades.

    This episode was guest written by Mark Burchick. To find out more about Mark, click on the episode brief below.

    Follow Mark on Twitter.


    NEW Class from Dr. James Madden
    Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World
    Four-week online class via Zoom
    Wednesdays, March 27 – April 24 (skips April 10), 2024
    7 – 9 pm ET

    Learn More About the Class
    Sign Up Now



    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

    Get it on Amazon


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ufo-rabbit-hole-podcast--5746035/support.

    Ep 33: An Interview with Whitley Strieber: On Communion with Non-Human Intelligences

    Ep 33: An Interview with Whitley Strieber: On Communion with Non-Human Intelligences
    Content Warning: Sexual assault

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with someone that I regard to be one of the best minds and brightest lights in this field, Whitley Strieber. Whitley Strieber is an author of both fiction and nonfiction books, perhaps the most famous of which is his pioneering 1987 book Communion, which detailed his experience of abduction that occurred in the winter of 1985. Since then, Whitley has made many other contributions to the field including his most recent book entitled Them, and the book Super Natural which he co-wrote with Jeffrey J. Kripal, both of which have been referenced several times on this podcast. Whitley is also the host of the long-running Dreamland podcast. You can find links to all of this and more in the episode brief.

    Whitley’s work has been instrumental to my thinking and growth in this space, and I’m so grateful for both his courage and generosity in sharing his time and his insights.


    NEW Class from Dr. James Madden
    Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World
    Four-week online class via Zoom
    Wednesdays, March 27 – April 24 (skips April 10), 2024
    7 – 9 pm ET

    Learn More About the Class
    Sign Up Now



    Books by Whitley Strieber
    Dreamland Podcast
    Unknown Country
    Follow Whitley on X

    Terrible, Glorious, & Useful by Trevor Shikaze

    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.

    Memberships start at just $5/month.

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    Ep 32: A Conversation with Jay Christopher King: UFO Revolution

    Ep 32: A Conversation with Jay Christopher King: UFO Revolution
    In this, the first episode of 2024, I’m welcoming my dear friend, Jay Christopher King, back to the podcast. I know most of you are already familiar with Jay and his work, but for anyone who’s new here, Jay is the director of The Experiencer Group and the co-founder of the phenomenal Inquire Anomalous conference series in NYC.

    More recently, Jay and I have teamed up with our friend Jordan Flowers to found a new media company called Ontocalypse Productions. Under that banner we have already started production on our first docuseries called The Beyond: UFOs & A New Reality. If you haven’t seen the trailer for that project yet, you can find that below.

    In this episode, Jay and I are sharing our reflections on a new docuseries that was released this week called UFO Revolution, which we both were featured in. The series also stars Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, David Grusch, Chris Sharp, Mike Masters, Richard Dolan, Ryan Graves, Garry Nolan, Avi Loeb, Tim Burchett, and many more. If you haven’t seen it yet, this 3-part series is available right now on the free streaming services, Tubi. See below.


    NEW Class from Dr. James Madden
    Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World
    Four-week online class via Zoom
    Wednesdays, March 27 – April 24 (skips April 10), 2024
    7 – 9 pm ET

    Learn More About the Class
    Sign Up Now



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    The Experiencer Group
    TEG Twitter
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    Watch Series On Tubi

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    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.Memberships start at just $5/month.

    Get it on Amazon


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ufo-rabbit-hole-podcast--5746035/support.

    Ep 31: An Interview with Dean Radin: On Consciousness, Psi Phenomena, and Real Magic

    Ep 31: An Interview with Dean Radin: On Consciousness, Psi Phenomena, and Real Magic
    Dean Radin, Ph.D., is a prominent figure in the field of parapsychology, known for his extensive research and publications on psychic phenomena. As the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and author of influential books such as "The Conscious Universe" and "Entangled Minds," Radin has played a pivotal role in investigating and promoting the scientific understanding of psi phenomena, including telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis.

    His work, characterized by its interdisciplinary approach and rigorous statistical analysis, has significantly contributed to the academic and public discourse on the legitimacy and implications of psychic experiences. Radin's efforts have been instrumental in advocating for the open-minded and scientific exploration of these often-controversial subjects within the broader context of consciousness studies.

    Before joining the research staff at IONS in 2001, he held appointments at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. Dr. Radin is author or coauthor of hundreds of technical articles, some 125 peer-reviewed journal articles, four dozen book chapters, and four best-selling, popular books. Links are in the episode brief if you want to learn more.


    NEW Class from Dr. James Madden
    Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World
    Four-week online class via Zoom
    Wednesdays, March 27 – April 24 (skips April 10), 2024
    7 – 9 pm ET

    Learn More About the Class
    Sign Up Now



    IONS scientific research and free programs are entirely funded by generous gifts from members and donors. Make a gift today at noetic.org/give.

    Patrons get lots of great perks like early and ad-free episodes, access to the private The UFO Rabbit Hole Discord server, and twice-monthly Patron Zoom calls with Kelly Chase.
    Memberships start at just $5/month.

    Get it on Amazon


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ufo-rabbit-hole-podcast--5746035/support.
    The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast
    enDecember 22, 2023

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    Between The Lines TTM podcast sharing what we experienced with our friends and colleagues who are making , or already made , a plan to cast and track our #VOTE at SecureYourVoteVirginia.com ... Make a plan to Secure Your Vote in your state in God's America.

    KEY: The Truth we find when we look Between The Lines of God's Holy written Word.

    36 min. 50 sec.

    Get key Biblical Principles to use to Secure Your Vote spiritually, Print Your TTM Voting Guide Right Here and share the carefully and simply put together brochure with everyone you know.

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