
    EP: 40 Giants, Gods, & Dragons with Derek Gilbert

    enMay 16, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the mysteries of Bigfoot with passion and communityThe Blurry Creatures podcast delves into the unknown world of Bigfoot with a sense of passion, community, and a shared curiosity, inspiring listeners to join the quest for truth and discovery.

      The hosts of the Blurry Creatures podcast are passionate about their exploration of the unknown, specifically the existence of Bigfoot. They believe that this journey is a doorway to discovering the wonders of the world and have faced their own personal struggles and creative droughts in the pursuit of truth. They appreciate their listeners' support and feel a sense of camaraderie with them as they navigate the sometimes dark and controversial topics they discuss. Despite potential backlash or fear of negative reception, they remain committed to their mission and are excited to share their findings with their audience. The podcast provides a sense of community and a shared curiosity about the world around us, and the hosts' enthusiasm and dedication make for an engaging and entertaining listening experience.

    • The early Christian church believed in the existence of real giants from the BibleDerek Gilbert and researchers believe the church overlooked historical evidence of giants, and their possible connection to modern creatures like Bigfoot, warrants further investigation

      According to Derek Gilbert, a well-known author, podcaster, and TV show host, the early Christian church held the belief that the giants mentioned in the Bible, such as those in Genesis 6, were real historical entities, not just fables. This belief was later pushed aside, and the church has been largely asleep to this topic ever since. Derek, along with other researchers, believes that there is much to discover about these ancient beings, often referred to as Nephilim, and their connection to modern-day creatures like Bigfoot. Despite the lack of written records or documentation, the intrigue and paranormal activity surrounding these beings keep the topic alive. Derek and his team focus on researching and documenting ancient texts related to these topics, but acknowledge that the Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, falls outside their specific area of study. Overall, Derek encourages continued exploration and questioning of these ancient beliefs and their potential connection to the present.

    • Jewish eschatology and the belief in fallen angels controlling other nationsJews in the Second Temple period believed in a messiah who would judge all nations and their fallen angel gods, and explored the historical and symbolic meanings behind God's actions in the Bible.

      In the Second Temple period, Jews believed in an eschatology where their messiah, who appears as messiah ben Joseph and then either resurrects or merges with messiah ben David, would judge all nations and their angels. This belief is connected to the understanding that every other nation, except Israel, was under the control of fallen angels, who were worshipped as pagan gods like Baal, Molech, Chemosh, and Asherah. These gods are also present in the Greek and Roman pantheon. The book "Giants, Gods, and Dragons" by Derek and Sharon Gilbert delves deeper into this topic, discussing the historical and archaeological connections between Nimrod, Babel, and Babylon. Jews have long been curious about why God did certain things, such as stopping the construction of the Tower of Babel, and this curiosity drives their exploration of the Bible's historical and symbolic meanings. The story of Moses and Baal Zafon in Exodus 14 illustrates this, as Baal was the chief god of the people controlling northern Egypt during the Israelites' sojourn. God's actions in the Bible are not just for show; they serve a deeper purpose.

    • Ancient civilizations' mythologies and histories may be interconnectedEgyptian and biblical accounts of gods like Baal and Yam, and the Israelites' encounter with a sea god, may be linked to Sumerian mythology through figures like Enmerkar and Enki, who controlled water sources and were believed to bring civilization to humanity.

      The ancient civilizations' mythologies and histories may be interconnected in unexpected ways. For instance, the Amorites, known as the Hyksos in Egyptian texts, were believed to have worshiped the god Baal, who defeated the god of the sea, Yam. Later research suggests that this story might be connected to the biblical account of Moses and the Israelites' encounter with a god associated with the sea. Egyptologist David Roll's theories challenge the accepted Egyptian chronology, leading researchers to reconsider the timeline of the Israelites' sojourn in Egypt. Roll also identified Nimrod as the Sumerian king Enmerkar, who attempted to acquire building materials for a temple to the god Enki in ancient Eridu. This temple, called the Iabzu or house of the abyss, was dedicated to the god who controlled the fresh water sources essential for life in ancient Mesopotamia. The god Enki is also believed to be the origin of the watchers or the earliest records of the biblical watchers, who brought civilization to humanity. These connections between ancient civilizations' mythologies and histories provide intriguing insights into the past and challenge our understanding of traditional narratives.

    • Ancient Hebrews believed Babylonians had forbidden knowledge from before the flood, attributed to watchers on Mount HermonThe ancient Hebrews believed that the Babylonians had obtained forbidden knowledge, including witchcraft, sorcery, and weapon making, which they considered evil and contrary to their understanding from Yahweh. This belief shares similarities with Greek mythology of Prometheus and Sumerian poem of Enmerkar.

      The ancient Hebrews believed that the Babylonians had obtained forbidden knowledge from before the flood, which they attributed to the watchers on Mount Hermon. This knowledge included witchcraft, sorcery, and making weapons. The Hebrews considered these teachings evil and contrary to their understanding from Yahweh. This story shares similarities with the Greek mythology of Prometheus. The character Enmerkar from a Sumerian poem is believed to represent the same figure, as he sought to build a temple for the god Enki. This temple was located near Ararat, where archaeological research suggests significant history. The relationship between Enmerkar and the king of a neighboring kingdom is also intriguing, as Ararat is where Noah's ark is said to have landed. The patron deity of Enmerkar was Inanna, who was often depicted as gender fluid and associated with turning men into women and women into men. This deity shares some similarities with the Whore of Babylon in the Bible. The ancient Hebrews saw this forbidden knowledge and its associated deities as a threat, and this belief may have influenced their rejection of these practices and their monotheistic faith.

    • Ancient deities and the Bible's supernatural entitiesThe ancient world and the Bible share connections through entities like Saturn, who goes by various names, and significant locations like the Jordan River Valley, which serves as a portal to the spirit realm.

      The ancient world and the Bible are interconnected through supernatural entities and locations. Sharon and her collaborator argue that Saturn, known by various names such as Baal, El, Enlil, Kumarbi, Dagon, and even Zeus or Jupiter, is an old entity often mistaken for Satan. They also suggest that the Jordan River Valley serves as a portal between the physical world and the spirit realm. Some of the most significant supernatural events in the Bible occurred in this region, including the temple to Baal at Mount Zephon near ancient Antioch and the temple to Zeus at Baalbek in the Beqaa Valley. These ancient sites, now museum exhibits, were built on older temples dedicated to these deities. The hosts of the podcast emphasize the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of these supernatural entities and the biblical narrative, which some people deny exists. This perspective challenges both those who reject the biblical worldview and those in the ancient aliens community who may acknowledge the supernatural but not fully understand its place in the larger story.

    • Ancient beliefs and practices of venerating heroes and the dead have roots in Bible landsNew archaeological discoveries reveal that ancient cultures in Bible lands practiced rituals involving summoning the spirits of the dead and holding ritual meals, challenging the common perception that these practices originated with Greeks and Romans. Bible prophets and apostles were aware of these beliefs and incorporated them into their teachings.

      The ancient beliefs and practices surrounding the veneration of heroes and the dead, which are often associated with Greek and Roman mythology, actually have roots that can be traced back to the lands of the Bible and the cultures that existed there before Abraham. These beliefs, which involved holding ritual meals and summoning the spirits of the dead, were practiced by the Canaanites, Amorites, and Hurrians, among others. This information has only come to light in the last 20 years due to archaeological discoveries, and it challenges the common perception that these practices were invented by the Greeks and Romans. Furthermore, the prophets and apostles in the Bible were aware of these beliefs and incorporated them into their teachings. This historical context sheds new light on the ancient world and the continuity of certain beliefs and practices across different cultures.

    • Ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia shared practices around 3500 BCRecent archaeological discoveries reveal shared practices among ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, including the Hurrians and Sumerians, and connections to the Cura-Arraxis civilization in modern-day Armenia.

      Ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, specifically the Hurrians in the north and the Sumerians in the south, shared similar practices around 3500 BC, including the use of deep ritual pits. These connections extend to the Cura-Arraxis civilization in modern-day Armenia, whose people settled in areas like the Sea of Galilee around 2800 BC and left behind unique pottery. Recent discoveries, such as Gilgal Rephaim and an underwater monument near the Sea of Galilee, further support these interconnections. The biblical account of the watchers and demigods also aligns with these findings. With the increase in archaeological discoveries since the 1980s, knowledge about ancient cultures and their practices has expanded significantly, as prophesied in the Book of Daniel.

    • Ancient Canaanite practices and biblical eventsRecent discoveries reveal connections between ancient Canaanite beliefs and biblical prophecies, emphasizing the importance of historical context for understanding the relevance of the past to the present.

      The ancient practices of the Canaanites, such as veneration of the dead and summoning spirits, have historical connections to biblical events and prophecies. For instance, the story of Phineas and Baal Peor, which seems to focus on a fertility rite, was actually God's anger over the Israelites eating sacrifices offered to the dead. This historical curiosity gains relevance when we consider that scholars have only recently uncovered texts from Ugarit, which reveal that the Canaanites believed in the existence of "travelers," or spirits that crossed over from the land of the dead to the land of the living. This term appears in Ezekiel 39:11, where God describes the burial place for the antichrist, Gog, as the valley of the travelers. This connection between ancient practices and biblical prophecies highlights the importance of understanding history in the context of where we are going and why it matters today.

    • Ancient texts link UFOs to chariots for spiritual travelAncient beliefs in chariots as vehicles for the spirit realm may explain UFO phenomena, and the end times army could be demonically possessed, building through deception and potentially including abductions.

      Ancient texts mentioning the Nephilim and Rephaim, who are referred to as travelers, may be connected to the UFO phenomenon through the concept of chariots used for spiritual travel. The belief in chariots as vehicles for the spirit realm is seen in both ancient Mesopotamia and a mystical Jewish practice called Merkava. The end times army attacking Israel is believed to be demonically possessed, and the resurrection of these demons may be depicted in biblical prophecies as being similar to the days of Noah. This army may be building through deception and manipulation, potentially including abductions and breeding. Ultimately, the goal seems to be a counterfeit of the gospel and the last big deception before the end times. While there are many unanswered questions, the belief is that salvation is still possible for those who ask for it. The punishment for those who engaged in the sin of breeding with spirits in ancient times was severe, with the spirits being sent to Tartarus or held in chains until judgment.

    • Dragons in History and MythologyDragons, depicted as large, serpentine or chimeric creatures with supernatural abilities, have been a part of various cultures and mythologies throughout history. Their origins may have been inspired by real animals or natural phenomena, but the belief in their existence persists.

      Throughout history and various cultures, dragons have been depicted as large, serpentine or chimeric creatures with supernatural abilities, often associated with divine beings or the end times. The biblical texts mention dragons, such as Leviathan and the 7-headed red dragon in Revelation, which are often interpreted as literal creatures rather than metaphors. Ancient civilizations like the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Akkadians also depicted dragons in their art and mythology. Some scholars argue that these dragons may have been inspired by real animals or even misunderstood natural phenomena. However, the belief in the existence of real dragons persists in various cultures and mythologies around the world. The speaker also suggests that the idea of an alien savior or a false path to resurrection may be part of a larger deception, as some people look to UFOs and extraterrestrial beings for spiritual or evolutionary guidance.

    • Ancient texts depict supernatural entities challenging our understanding of realityAncient texts describe gods, giants, and dragons that challenge our perception of reality, with some surviving as demons or awaiting their demise

      The ancient texts describe various supernatural entities, including giants, dragons, and divine beings, which have been interpreted in different ways throughout history. The seraphim, often depicted as flying fiery serpents or dragons, were once considered divine entities that could take on reptilian forms. The spirits of the Nephilim, or giants, survived the flood and continue to exist as demons, causing harm to humanity. The gods of the spirit realm, once considered powerful rulers, were condemned for their unjust rule and are awaiting their demise. The destructive nature of these entities was more pronounced before the flood, but they still exist and exert influence in the world today. The idea that our perception of reality is an illusion, as portrayed in films like The Matrix, resonates with the belief that these supernatural entities challenge our understanding of the world and our place in it.

    • Entities in religious texts don't control humans, but can deceive and afflictEntities in religious texts don't hold ultimate power, but can deceive and afflict humans with God's permission

      The entities or beings often referred to in various religious and mythological texts, such as Enlil, Shemyaza, or Molech, do not hold ultimate supernatural power over humans. These entities require God's permission to manifest in our world and cannot do anything that goes against His will. The danger lies in their ability to deceive people into following their false plans of salvation instead of trusting in God's plan as revealed in the Bible. An intriguing observation was made about the connection between these entities and certain historical events, such as the sex ritual performed by Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard in the desert in 1946, which some researchers believe marked the beginning of modern UFO phenomena. However, these entities do have the power to afflict humans if given permission or if it serves God's purpose. The story of Noah and the flood is an example of this, as the Nephilim, the offspring of the union between the "sons of God" and human women, were destroyed, and the entities were chained in the abyss for five months before being released to torment humanity for the same amount of time. This connection between the days of Noah and the end times is a reminder that the Bible's supernatural elements are not to be dismissed or glossed over, but rather understood as an integral part of God's plan for humanity.

    • The line between good and evil in the supernatural realm is not always clear-cutAngels, like humans, have the ability to rebel against their creator, but there's a chance for redemption. Human beliefs in supernatural entities have evolved due to scientific advancements and cultural shifts.

      The line between good and evil in the supernatural realm is not always clear-cut. As discussed, various entities, including gods and angels, have the ability to manifest in attractive and beautiful forms, leading humans to mistakenly assume they are benevolent. However, many of these beings, like humans, have exercised their free will to rebel against their creator. Despite this, there is a possibility for redemption if they express remorse and repentance. Conversely, many people in modern society, including those who identify as religious, no longer believe in the existence of these entities due to scientific advancements and shifting cultural norms. The complexities of the angelic story mirror the intricacies of human nature and behavior.

    • Belief in Mythologies and Occult Practices Throughout HistoryThroughout history, some have believed in mythologies and occult practices, attributing major achievements to gods and attributing the reemergence of pagan deities to influence events, but it's crucial to remember that everything happens with God's permission.

      Throughout history, from ancient civilizations to modern times, there have been those who believed in complex character roles and mythologies, while dismissing the scientific advancements and achievements of their time. Simultaneously, they attributed the creation of magnificent structures to gods, even though they supposedly evolved over millions of years. Some believe that entities associated with major institutions like the Vatican have been exchanging messages and possibly influencing events. Additionally, there are reports of occult rituals and the reemergence of pagan deities, who are encouraging their followers to rebuild temples. However, it's important to remember that nothing occurs without God's permission. The world may seem to be on a faster timetable, but the struggle between truth and deception is a long-standing one. Christians should be aware of the enemy's attempts to infiltrate and sabotage places of worship.

    • Sharing the hope of Jesus with love and respectFocus on spreading the gospel with love, gentleness, and respect, recognizing the end is near and supernatural forces may oppose us, but we should remain open-minded and willing to believe.

      As Christians, we should focus on sharing the hope we have in Jesus Christ with love, gentleness, and respect, recognizing that the hour is growing short and the end is approaching. We should not view Jesus as a cosmic life coach, but rather look forward to the next life as our best life. It's important to remember that there are spiritual forces at work that may seek to destroy us and those we love, but we should not let fear or aggression hinder our efforts to spread the gospel. Instead, we should follow the example of Indiana Jones and approach the unknown with an open mind and a willingness to believe in the supernatural. To learn more and get involved, check out Gilberthouse.org or tune in to Skywatch TV for shows like "Unraveling Revelation" and the upcoming "The Bible's Greatest Mysteries."

    • Recognizing the Significance of Biblical Places and EventsAppreciate the awe and wonder of biblical figures and locations, and share the depth and excitement of our faith with others.

      The Bible is a story of epic proportions filled with real characters and events, not just a moral tale. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the significance of biblical figures and locations, like the mountain where Jesus declared "I am that I am," and the Grotto of Pan at Caesarea Philippi. These places and stories hold deeper meanings and connections to our faith. The speaker encourages Christians to appreciate the awe and wonder of their faith and to share it with others, rather than being distracted by phenomena like Bigfoot or UFOs. The Bible's stories of gods, dragons, and giants are not just figments of imagination, but real beings and events that add depth and excitement to our faith.

    • Ancient belief systems show divisions among rebelsModern political divisions mirror ancient beliefs, questioning traditional beliefs is common, but beware of deception in spiritual realms and popular culture, Jack the Ripper and biblical prophecy offer intriguing connections

      The ancient belief systems, as depicted in the story of Revelation 19, illustrate that even those who rebel against a higher power are not always united. This concept can be compared to modern-day political divisions. The speaker also emphasized the significance of this time in history, as people are increasingly questioning traditional beliefs and exploring the unknown. However, it's important to remember that much of what we encounter, whether in spiritual realms or popular culture, may be deceptive. A fascinating example of this is the connection between Jack the Ripper and biblical prophecy. The speaker, Derek, shared his intriguing discoveries in this area, leaving listeners with a sense of wonder about the mysteries of the past and the present. The exact timeline of these events remains uncertain, but the speaker's insights offer a thought-provoking perspective on history and spirituality.

    • Feast of Tabernacles in 2025: Significance of the 70 BullsDuring the Feast of Tabernacles in 2025, the seventh day, God may call out His people, marking the start of the 7-year Great Tribulation, symbolized by the sacrifice of 70 bulls representing fallen angels.

      During the Feast of Tabernacles in 2025, on October 13th, which is the seventh day of the festival and the day after 70 bulls have been sacrificed, it is believed that God may call the church out, marking the beginning of the 7-year Great Tribulation period. This event holds significance because the 70 bulls represent the gods of the nations, and God saving His people from these fallen angels. Three and a half years prior to this, during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2021, 70 bulls were sacrificed, symbolizing the completion of the set and the separation of God's people from the influence of these false deities. This interpretation emphasizes the importance of the Feast of Tabernacles and the role it may play in biblical prophecy.

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    Voltaic Kevin MacLeod (http://www.incompetech.com )

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    Lobby Time Kevin MacLeod (http://www.incompetech.com )

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    Season 2: Kickin' It - CK x MNMResell
    Welcome to Kickin' It. A sub-category of College Kicks Podcast where the guys hit a few quick topics. The Kickin' It series is generally a lot shorter than our normal podcast perfect for a grocery store run!
    This episode features sneaker legend Mateo from online reselling company MNMResell. MNM and CK discuss Bigfoot, Drake, and sneakers so stay tuned for this fire episode!

    Follow MNMResell on Instagram @mnmresell and Mateo @_m_a_t_e_o on Instagram!

    S3EP09- The Bauman Incident

    S3EP09- The Bauman Incident

    On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, we explore one of the oldest bigfoot/sasquatch encounters on recordThe Bauman Incident This event was recorded around the year 1890 when Theodore Roosevelt met Bauman and heard his hair raising encounter while trapping fur in northwestern Montana. This encounter is nothing short of terrifying as he and his trapping partner were confronted with a being that seemed to step out of the world of nightmares! Join us as we discuss this and so much more! Enter the Paranormal Portal...if you dare! 

    The source used for this incredible encounter was found on http://www.bigfootencounters.com/classics/bauman.htm

    If you like what you hear, please subscribe and if you have a story of your own, and would like to be a guest on the show, please email us at paranormalportalradio@gmail.com

    Our podcast is released weekly on Sunday! If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a review to help others find the Paranormal Portal! Check out our Live Streams on our YouTube channel (link below) and follow us on Facebook for show news and announcements!