
    Ep 44. Bad breath boyfriend

    enDecember 13, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Joy in Travel, Home Entertaining, and New ExperiencesEmbrace life's moments, find joy in traveling, making new connections, and entertaining at home. Utilize platforms like Airbnb to earn or save, and appreciate opportunities for growth and savings.

      There are various ways to find joy and make the most of life's moments, whether it's through entertaining at home with the help of platforms like Airbnb, or experiencing new adventures and challenges. For instance, Michelle Norris shares how she enjoys finding a taste of home while traveling and entertaining guests at home. Meanwhile, a semi-finalist on a dance competition expresses the bittersweet feeling of being eliminated but cherishes the experience and the people they met along the way. Additionally, there's an option for those who have an underutilized asset, like a home, to earn extra income by sharing it on Airbnb. And for those looking to make a purchase, like a lab-grown diamond from Blunile.com, there's an opportunity to save with a promo code. Overall, it's important to embrace life's moments, find joy in the simple things, and make the most of opportunities that come our way.

    • Joking about Menstruation and Challenging TabooThe speakers humorously discuss societal norms and personal experiences surrounding menstruation, emphasizing the importance of open communication and challenging taboo.

      The speakers in this discussion joke about various topics including their personal experiences and societal norms, particularly surrounding menstruation. They discuss the pressure and tension they feel during their menstrual cycles, and challenge the taboo surrounding women talking about their periods. They also touch upon the sexism they've encountered in comedy circles, where women are often stereotyped for discussing menstruation. Despite the joking tone, the speakers emphasize the importance of open communication and challenging societal norms. They also acknowledge the challenges and pressures that come with menstruation, but find humor in the situation. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for more open and honest discussions about menstruation and the societal taboo surrounding it.

    • Newfound Appreciation for Strictly Come DancingSpeaker gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the structure of Strictly Come Dancing after participating, admiring all contestants and believing Kelvin could win.

      The speaker discovered a newfound appreciation for the structure of competition shows, specifically Strictly Come Dancing, after participating in it. Prior to this experience, they admitted to not fully understanding the order of quarterfinals and semifinals. The speaker also noted the difference in naming conventions between sports competitions and dance shows, with football having multiple quarterfinals and semifinals, whereas Strictly only has one of each. The speaker expressed admiration for all the contestants and believed Kelvin could potentially win due to his surprising performances. The speaker also shared an amusing story about Odie's powerful hug during their time on the show. Overall, the speaker's participation in Strictly Come Dancing led to a greater understanding and appreciation for the competition format.

    • Looking Forward to Christmas Despite ChallengesDespite potential hardships, the speaker cherishes Christmas traditions and memories, going all out to create a magical holiday experience for her family.

      The speaker is looking forward to Christmas despite some challenges, including her potential broken jaw and dealing with a child's excitement. She is also considering bribing her nephews to keep the Christmas surprise a secret from her partner. The trees are up in her household, and she reminisces about her childhood Christmas memories. She expresses her love for the holiday and her willingness to go all out, even if it means sacrificing sleep or making deals with her partner. The anticipation and excitement of the season, as well as the traditions and memories it brings, outweigh any difficulties for the speaker.

    • Friends tease each other over quirks and habitsDespite disagreements and teasing, friends Chris and Barry have a strong bond and find humor in their everyday mishaps

      The speakers in this conversation have a playful and teasing dynamic, with one person, Barry, frequently joking and needling the other, Chris, about various quirks and habits. At one point, Chris expresses annoyance over Barry whispering during the night when he's asleep, and Barry's response is to remind Chris of a time when Chris left a box of cleaning solution in the oven, nearly causing an accident. The conversation also touches on their disagreements over politics and their general dislike for current political figures. Despite their disagreements and teasing, they seem to have a close and loving relationship, with Chris acknowledging that he's been doing a lot of research and has come to the conclusion that he doesn't trust or like any of the political figures. Overall, the conversation showcases the speakers' strong bond and their ability to find humor and playfulness even in the midst of disagreements and everyday mishaps.

    • Oven Mishap and CommunicationAddressing relationship issues through open communication can lead to better outcomes than ignoring them, and safety precautions in the kitchen are essential.

      Cleaning products should not be left in the oven, and communication is key in relationships. The discussion began with a mistake made by Chris, who put cleaning products in the oven while it was still on. This led to a potential dangerous situation, and Rosie expressed her concern and frustration. Later in the conversation, they discussed decorating their Christmas trees and the importance of clear communication in a relationship. A listener wrote in with a problem about her partner's lack of oral hygiene, and Rosie suggested various solutions, but the partner did not seem to care. The takeaway here is that open communication and addressing issues in a relationship can lead to better outcomes than ignoring problems. Additionally, the importance of safety in the kitchen, such as not leaving cleaning products in the oven, should not be overlooked.

    • Criticizing someone's appearance can cause harmBe mindful of how and when you share feedback to avoid embarrassment and damage relationships.

      Even if you have good intentions, making critical comments about someone's appearance, especially in a casual encounter, can cause embarrassment and damage relationships. This was illustrated in a conversation where a woman shared an experience of telling her friend about his dental issues, which led to him getting extensive dental work. While she meant to help, the way she went about it was perceived as rude and arrogant. It's important to remember that people have different sensitivities and reactions to feedback, and it's crucial to consider the context, relationship dynamics, and potential consequences before sharing unsolicited comments. Additionally, it's always a good idea to communicate openly and respectfully, especially when addressing sensitive topics.

    • Prioritizing Oral Hygiene During Special OccasionsDuring special occasions, remember to prioritize oral hygiene by gifting toothpaste, dental floss, and other essentials. Shop at stores like Whole Foods Market or Blue Nile for unique Mother's Day gifts, and consider using LinkedIn for hiring professionals.

      Oral hygiene is important and should be prioritized, especially during special occasions like Christmas and Mother's Day. The speaker in the conversation shares a humorous story about always putting toothpaste and other hygiene items in his partner's stocking. He emphasizes the importance of good dental health and encourages getting dental floss, deodorant, and other essentials as gifts. The conversation also touches upon the benefits of shopping at specific stores like Whole Foods Market and Blue Nile for Mother's Day gifts. Lastly, the speaker encourages using LinkedIn for hiring professionals, as many qualified candidates may not be actively looking for new jobs but could still be open to the right opportunity.

    • Childhood experiences shape our perspectivesChildhood moments, no matter how insignificant, can leave lasting impressions and shape our perspectives

      Childhood experiences, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can shape our perspectives and memories in profound ways. The speaker shared a story about dressing up her family's pet cat, Katie, and accidentally trapping her in a washing machine when she was a young child. Although the incident was lighthearted in nature, it resulted in the speaker being banned from playing with the cat alone and having her baby dolls and clothes taken away. Another topic that emerged was the speaker's childhood belief that the moon didn't move like a lamppost while driving in a car. She also shared memories of accompanying her parents to pubs and sitting with them while they socialized. These experiences, both the cat incident and the moon observation, have stayed with the speaker and shaped her perspective on the world around her. It's fascinating how the seemingly mundane moments of our childhood can leave lasting impressions on us.

    • Childhood memories and music's impactMusic during childhood shapes our lives, connecting us to others and creating lasting memories through shared experiences

      Music, especially during childhood, can have a profound impact on our lives. The speaker shares a memory of hearing Eminem on the radio for the first time and how it changed their perspective. They also mention how their friend, Robin, has an exceptional memory for lyrics, which they showcased during a rap session. This experience brought back memories of seeing the musical "Hamilton" and learning the rap together. These shared moments of music appreciation highlight the power of music to connect people and create lasting memories. Additionally, the speaker expresses their admiration for the rapper's skill and their enjoyment of rapping together. Music serves as a universal language and a source of entertainment and connection.

    • Finding joy in awkward momentsEven in awkward situations, there's always an opportunity for humor and fun. A poo story from Cambridge University illustrates this, as two individuals found joy in sharing an embarrassing experience.

      Even in seemingly awkward or embarrassing situations, there's always an opportunity for humor and fun. This was evident in the discussion where two individuals attempted to record a podcast, but ended up making mistakes and going off-topic. Instead of getting frustrated, they found joy in the moment and continued with their conversation, which included topics like rap music, driving tests, and poo stories. The poo story itself was particularly noteworthy as it came from a posh person's experience at Cambridge University. The individual shared how her friend, during a rush hour at the university, had to catch a poo that fell onto the floor and rolled into the busy foyer. The friend's attempt to avoid the giveaway plop by wrapping her hand in toilet paper and catching the poo resulted in an embarrassing situation. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, the friend learned a valuable lesson and the individuals sharing the story found humor in it. This shows that even in the most embarrassing situations, there's always a chance to find joy and laughter. Moreover, the individuals also mentioned their upcoming new feature in the new year, so listeners can look forward to more entertaining content from them.

    • A day at the zoo turns into an unexpected adventureThe speaker and his friends had a cherished memory of a zoo adventure that involved mischief and a stolen penguin, as well as other antics like stealing a traffic light and attending an open audition with alcohol.

      The speaker and his classmates had an exciting day at the zoo in their youth, but their adventure took an unexpected turn when someone smuggled a penguin out of the zoo and brought it home, leading to trouble for the entire class. This experience, whether true or not, is a cherished memory for the speaker. Additionally, the conversation revealed that the speaker and his friends had a mischievous side, as they often stole small items growing up. The most notable incident being the theft of a traffic light and a road sign. Another memorable event was when several classmates attempted to attend an open audition for the movie "Billy Elliot," but instead opted to drink alcohol in the background, only to be caught by the actual Billy Elliot himself. Despite their antics, the speaker expressed a fondness for these friends and the memories they created together.

    • Rumor of a Disgusting and Cheap Bar Option: The Pint of DripA rumor exists about getting a cheap pint of leftover beer and other substances in the Northeast, but its authenticity is uncertain. Some people seek cost-effective alternatives, like buying end cuts of meat, despite potential disgust.

      There's a rumor about certain pubs in the Northeast where you can ask for a pint of "drip," which is a mixture of all the leftover beer and other substances collected in the drip tray. This is said to be a cheap and disgusting option, and it's unclear if it's actually true or not. The discussion also touched upon the idea of consuming cheaper alternatives, such as buying the end cuts of meat from the supermarket, which some people find disgusting but others see as a cost-effective solution. The conversation didn't provide any confirmation about the existence or popularity of the pint of drip, leaving it as an intriguing but unverified rumor.

    • Father's thriftiness and inventiveness, Speaker's adventurous and caring personalityBoth stories illustrate the importance of having a positive attitude and making the most of unexpected situations, whether through resourcefulness, thriftiness, adventure, or care

      Both the speaker and her father have unique and resourceful ways of dealing with everyday situations. The father's story about going to the swimming baths and keeping his bowling shoes on instead of getting new ones, as well as his creative solution for using a loaf of bread as a container for chips, showcases his inventive and thrifty nature. The speaker's story about encountering a ferret on the road and her husband's impulsive decision to rescue it, despite the unexpected consequences, highlights their adventurous and caring personalities. Both stories demonstrate the importance of having a positive attitude and making the best out of unexpected situations.

    • Understanding Changing Perspectives and ExperiencesAs we age, our perceptions and experiences shape our present, and past memories can influence our actions and interactions. Honesty is crucial in relationships, but understanding the complexity of human behavior is also important.

      People's perceptions and experiences can change as they grow older. In the discussion, the speaker recalls an encounter with a man who kept ferrets as a child and found it strange but now realizes he was trying to save them. The speaker also shares an experience of fainting in a store and later working there, revealing how memories and experiences can shape our present. Additionally, Flo and Joan, a musical comedy duo, asked a question about lying during their interview, highlighting the importance of honesty and the complexity of human behavior. The speaker acknowledges that everyone lies but emphasizes that it's essential to avoid serious manipulation and gaslighting. The conversation also touches upon the impact of memory and the importance of being true to oneself.

    • Clear communication prevents misunderstandings and conflictsBe clear and considerate in communication to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, especially during emotional situations

      Effective communication and clarity are essential in preventing misunderstandings and conflicts. In the discussion, the speakers failed to clearly convey their intentions and actions, leading to confusion and accusations. The thermostat situation, for instance, could have been resolved with a simple explanation, but instead, it escalated into an argument about honesty and gaslighting. Additionally, the speakers' past grievances and insecurities seemed to influence their perceptions of each other's words and actions, further complicating the situation. The importance of being clear and considerate in our communication cannot be overstated, especially when emotions run high.

    • Discovering Affordable High-End Goods OnlineExplore 1800flowers.com for free shipping on gifts and Boll and Branch's softening sheets. Quince offers ethical, high-quality goods at discounted prices.

      There are various platforms where you can find amazing gifts for every occasion and high-end goods at affordable prices. For instance, 1800flowers.com's celebrations passport offers free shipping on thousands of gifts and rewards for frequent gifting. Their sheets from Boll and Branch are another example, getting softer with every wash, ensuring a great night's sleep. Quince is another platform that offers high-end goods, such as cashmere sweaters and Italian leather bags, at 50-80% less than similar brands. Additionally, Quince only works with factories that use safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing. Both platforms provide excellent value for money and make it possible to enjoy nice things even when on a budget. To explore further, visit 1800flowers.com/acast and quince.com/style.

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