
    EP: 52 Hybrid Hosts with Dr. Laura Sanger

    enJuly 25, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the use of fear in ancient history and its connection to modern-day mysteriesThe Bible offers valuable context and answers to modern-day mysteries, including the use of fear and intimidation by mysterious beings throughout history, and the importance of understanding the supernatural beyond limited church perspectives.

      Fear has been used as a tool by mysterious beings, such as the Nephilim and their offspring, throughout history. This was exemplified by the use of fear and intimidation by the giant Goliath against the armies of Israel. In the context of the current discussion on the Blurry Creatures podcast, the hosts have been exploring the origins and significance of cryptic creatures, UFOs, and other unexplained phenomena, drawing connections to ancient history and the Bible. They believe that the Bible provides valuable context and answers to modern-day mysteries. The podcast has gained a large following, and the hosts are excited to engage with their audience through member chats and other interactive content. The hosts also touched on the concept of war of frequencies, which involves manipulating energies or vibrations, and the importance of understanding the supernatural beyond the limited perspective often presented in modern churches.

    • Nephilim hosts using advanced tech to disrupt human-God commune and create hybrid raceNephilim hosts, with power in tech, banking, media, and politics, are using gene editing and brain-computer interfaces to disrupt human connection with God and create a hybrid race, threatening God's role as creator.

      Nephilim hosts, who are alive today and hold significant power in industries such as tech, banking, media, and politics, are using advanced technologies like gene editing and brain-computer interfaces to disrupt humanity's ability to commune with God and create a hybrid race. This is part of the Nephilim agenda, which aims to defile the human genome and overthrow God's kingdom. Scientific advancements in the last 20 years, such as the discovery of the "God gene" and the creation of synthetic life forms, have brought us closer to this goal. These developments, if not checked, could lead to the usurpation of God's role as creator. It's crucial to stay informed and vigilant against these mind control tactics and the Nephilim agenda as a whole.

    • Mind Control and Deals with Dark ForcesSome powerful individuals may use mind control tactics to gain wealth, fame, and power, potentially making deals with entities or ideologies. The music industry may be a platform for these deals, but the extent of these conspiracies is debatable.

      Certain powerful individuals and organizations may be using mind control tactics and potentially making deals with entities or ideologies to gain wealth, fame, and power. The ultimate goal being the domination of humanity. This can occur through a gradual corruption or a conscious transaction. The music industry, with its imagery and occult symbolism, may be an avenue for some individuals to make these deals. The legend of Robert Johnson selling his soul at the crossroads is an example of this concept. While it's important to note that the extent of these conspiracies is debatable, it's crucial to be aware of these possibilities to protect ourselves from manipulation.

    • Understanding Nephilim manipulationsThe Nephilim agenda aims to control humans through mind manipulation, whether through willing partnerships or abductions. Stay informed, vigilant, and remember, there's no neutral ground.

      The Nephilim agenda, whether it's happening on Earth or off it, is a continuation of the same ancient plan to influence and control humans. Nephilim hosts are humans who willingly partner with spiritual forces of darkness, while hybrids are the result of abductions and forcible conversions. Both Nephilim hosts and hybrids serve the same agenda, and the tactics may have changed, but the goal remains the same: mind control. It's crucial for us to understand these manipulations and resist them, as the Nephilim can only hijack our bodies and turn us into hybrids if they first gain control of our minds. The Bible warns us that we must serve either God or mammon, and there's no neutral ground. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and remember, you're on a team.

    • Manipulating Behaviors through Mind ControlBehavioral modification shapes actions towards predetermined outcomes using rewards and punishments. Hegelian dialectic creates problems, reactions, and solutions to centralize power. Fear is used to enforce obedience and take liberties in exchange for perceived rewards.

      Our behaviors are being manipulated through various methods of mind control, such as behavioral modification and the Hegelian dialectic. Behavioral modification uses rewards and punishments to shape behavior towards a predetermined outcome, while the Hegelian dialectic creates a problem, followed by a reaction, leading to a prescribed solution that benefits the elite. Fear is a powerful tool used to enforce obedience and centralize power under a new world order. It's essential to understand these strategies and not fall for the enticements or give in to fear, as our liberties are being taken away in exchange for perceived rewards.

    • Centralization of Power through CrisisDespite the pandemic, people are falling into the trap of seeking answers from governing bodies, unknowingly contributing to the centralization of power. Seek alternative sources, focus on love, and recognize the psychological warfare in the Hegelian dialectic.

      We are living in a time where our liberties are being suspended under the guise of safety, creating a cycle of problem-reaction-solution that centralizes power. This was seen during the global pandemic with business, school, and church closures, limited travel, and the proposed injection passports as a solution. People are desperate for a return to normalcy and turn to governing bodies for answers, unknowingly falling into the trap. This is part of a larger psychological warfare, a "Hegelian dialectic," where the same agenda for centralization of power is being pursued. The way we consume information and news can add to the confusion and fear, making it essential to seek alternative sources and not get lost in the constant narrative. Furthermore, our emotions, particularly fear and love, have frequencies that can impact us in this unconventional warfare. Recognizing this and focusing on higher frequency emotions like love can help us rise above the attacks.

    • Fear and Manipulation in the Time of CrisisFear instilled through constant propaganda and isolation leaves people susceptible to manipulation, impairing their ability to think critically. Be aware of fear tactics and use rational thought to make informed decisions.

      The ongoing global crisis has left many people trapped in a state of fear, making them more susceptible to manipulation and control. This fear is instilled through constant propaganda from mainstream media, which keeps people in a primitive brain state where they cannot access rational thought. Fear originates in the amygdala, the primitive part of the brain, and when people are fearful, their ability to process nuanced information is impaired, making them more likely to blindly follow others instead of using critical thinking skills. The social distancing measures implemented during the crisis have also disconnected our collective magnetic field, leaving us feeling isolated and more easily controlled. The word "pandemic" itself comes from the Greek god Pan, who caused contagious groundless fear in crowds. The combination of the natural fear response and media hysteria has led to widespread panic and chaos, or pandemonium. Additionally, shame-based messaging, such as mask mandates, further manipulate individuals by making them feel guilty or ashamed for not complying. It's crucial to expose these manipulative tactics and remember to use critical thinking and not let fear control our actions.

    • Focusing on love, spiritual growth, and truth can help us overcome fear and improve our healthInstead of relying on masks to block viruses, focus on love, spiritual growth, and truth to overcome fear and strengthen our immune systems

      Masks may not effectively block viruses due to their small size, and the messaging around mask-wearing has led to fear and shame for those who choose not to wear them. This division and disconnection can negatively impact our immune systems and overall well-being. Instead, focusing on love, spiritual growth, and the truth can help us overcome fear and improve our health. The battle against fear and deception requires understanding our enemy and our spiritual battle, as outlined in the Bible. By drawing closer to Jesus and the truth, we can resist fear and strengthen our immune systems.

    • Embrace love, power, and community to conquer fearShift emotions towards love, compassion, empathy, gratitude, and generosity to combat fear's magnetic pull. Regularly engage in-person interactions and read the Bible fearlessly for guidance and strength.

      To overcome fear and live a sound minded life, we must prioritize emotions of love, power, and a strong community connection. The Bible passage in 2 Timothy 1:7 emphasizes that God gave us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, not fear. Fear originates in the amygdala, which prevents access to rational thoughts. To combat this, we can shift our emotions towards love, compassion, empathy, gratitude, and generosity, as these heartfelt emotions have a stronger magnetic field than our brain and can drive out fear. Additionally, regular in-person interactions with others are crucial to breaking the cycle of isolation and reclaiming our collective sanity. Lastly, reading the Bible with a fearless mindset and using its teachings as tools to combat fear can provide valuable guidance and strength.

    • Our spiritual practices impact the physical worldEngaging in spiritual practices like meditation can influence the atmosphere beyond our immediate surroundings, making a difference in the world around us

      Our spiritual connection to God and the practices we engage in, such as meditation, can have a profound impact on our physical world. The frequencies and vibrations we put out can extend beyond our immediate surroundings and influence the atmosphere around us. This concept, while it may seem hippie or unconventional, is backed by scientific research and aligns with the idea of the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit. By developing our spiritual life and regularly communing with God, we can shift the atmosphere miles away and make a difference in the world around us, much like the butterfly effect. It's important to recognize the power we hold and to use it by putting on the spiritual armor God has provided and going into battle in both the physical and spiritual realms.

    • Using faith to overcome fear of mysterious entitiesFear can be transformed into courage and offense through faith, allowing us to confront and overcome mysterious entities, as shown in the story of David and Goliath.

      Fear is a powerful force used by mysterious entities to maintain their elusiveness and control over people. However, instead of living in fear, we can turn the tables and use our faith to confront and overcome these entities. The biblical story of David and Goliath serves as an example of how trusting in God's strength can help us face our fears and challenges. In the context of the discussion about creatures and portals, it's possible that some people, like Roger, are being prepared spiritually to confront and overcome these entities. Fear can be a helpful emotion, but it becomes detrimental when it overpowers us and keeps us from living our lives to the fullest. Instead, we should use our faith to transform fear into courage and offense, bringing love and God's strength into the situation.

    • Embrace faith and courage like JoshuaDespite challenges, trust in God and stay positive, as emotions and experiences can influence us spiritually.

      Despite facing seemingly insurmountable challenges, as illustrated in the story of Joshua and the giants, it's essential to have faith and courage. The consistent message in the Bible is to "fear not," as God is always with us. Our emotions, including the music we listen to, can influence us spiritually, and sometimes we need to shift our focus to positivity and joy. The speaker's recent encounter with someone working on the ground with people who have birthed hybrids and helping survivors of satanic ritual abuse has validated much of what the speaker has written in their book about the nephilim. This encounter has helped build a foundation of understanding, but the speaker acknowledges that they are still learning and exploring this complex topic.

    • Nazi Hybrid Breeding ProgramHitler and Nazi scientists conducted a hybrid breeding program, creating Nephilim or demigods through synchronized conception rituals and blood sacrifices.

      Satan has been actively building an army of Nephilim or hybrids throughout history, including during the Nazi era. Hitler and his Nazi scientist, Josef Mengele, were involved in a hybrid breeding program that began in the 1940s. This program involved the conception ritual, where a royal and another individual came together for a preplanned conception, synchronized with blood sacrifices around the world. The resulting children, born from these rituals, were given to surrogate parents and raised in secrecy, often subjected to satanic rituals and abuse throughout their lives. This conspiracy has continued through generations, with daughters from the 13 royal bloodlines being targeted for this purpose. The goal is to create a new race of demigods and god-men, and this agenda was revealed in Hitler's speeches to his Nazi party members. This information, although still being researched, serves as a reminder that the Nephilim have not only roamed the earth in antiquity but continue to exist today.

    • Girls with unique DNA impregnated by principalities, creating hybridsReports of girls with multiple personalities, believed to be impregnated by principalities since 1969, creating an army for Satan's war plans. Stand strong in Christ against these schemes.

      There are reports of girls who have experienced extreme trauma and fragmentation into multiple personalities, with some estimating up to 1,000 or more personalities. These girls, who have a unique triple Helix DNA, are believed to be impregnated by principalities at the age of 13, giving birth to hybrids. This practice, rooted in occult beliefs, has been ongoing since at least 1969 and is part of Satan's plan to build an army in preparation for the great war in Revelation. The speaker encourages understanding of these events not to foster fear, but to recognize the times we live in and the power we have in Christ to stand against the enemy's schemes. Ephesians 6:10-18, which encourages standing strong in the power of the Lord Jesus, is a reminder of our identity as ambassadors of Christ and our call to resist the devil's tactics with the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding God provides.

    • Equipping Ourselves with God's ArmorStay vigilant against evil forces, protect ourselves with truth, holiness, faith, salvation, and the spoken word of God, offer hope to those affected by darkness.

      We are engaged in a spiritual battle against powerful forces of evil, and we must equip ourselves with God's armor to protect ourselves and stand firm in our faith. This armor includes truth, holiness, faith, salvation, and the sword of the spoken word of God. Even those who have been raised in darkness, such as survivors of ritual abuse in Luciferian occults, can find hope and redemption through Jesus. The hybrids being born today, although they look like us, are highly intelligent, strong, and beautiful males, and their mothers are reporting that they are all male. These beings are meant to blend into society and are not literal giants. It's important for us to stay vigilant and expose the darkness, while also offering hope and redemption to those who have been affected by it.

    • Redemption and salvation for hybrid humansThe gospel extends to hybrid humans, focusing on saving humanity and keeping an open mind towards the unknown.

      Despite the intense and heavy discussions about the existence of hybrid human beings and breeding programs, there is hope for redemption and salvation. The speakers emphasized that the gospel extends to these entities, and the biblical narrative is focused on saving humanity. While there may be shades of gray and complexities, the speakers drew the line at creatures beyond humans and focused on the salvation of humanity as per the biblical story. They acknowledged that there are various creatures out there, some of which may be hard to accept, but encouraged listeners to keep an open mind and explore the unknown with hope and a focus on redemption.

    • Extraterrestrial beings as biological drones or hybridsSpeakers suggest gray aliens could be advanced bioengineered drones or hybrids, UFOs might be black ops military creations taken over, and thousands of hybrids exist on Earth and in interdimensional space.

      The discussion touched upon the possibility of extraterrestrial beings being biological drones or hybrids created through advanced bioengineering. The gray aliens mentioned were described as potentially being these drones, which could have been created by humans or other entities. The speakers also suggested that UFOs could be black ops military creations that have been taken over by these hybrids. Additionally, there are reportedly thousands of hybrids that have been birthed since the late 1960s, some of which are in the second heaven (interdimensional space), while others are on Earth and engage in Luciferian occult rituals. Some hybrids are also reportedly housed in underground bases. The speakers believe that these revelations connect various dots and make sense in the context of ongoing speculation about extraterrestrial life and military secrets.

    • Exploring complex topics and personal growth through connection and learningEngage in meaningful conversations, seek knowledge, and push back against darkness for personal growth and understanding complex topics.

      Connection and learning from one another are essential for personal growth and understanding complex topics. Laura, a psychologist and spiritual warrior, encourages people to reach out to her with questions and welcomes the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations. Her website, NoLongerEnslaved.com, provides a contact form and is the place to purchase her book, "The Roots of the Federal Reserve." The topic of ley lines was also mentioned as an area of interest for the group, and they may explore that further in the future. Overall, the importance of seeking knowledge, connecting with others, and pushing back against darkness were recurring themes in the conversation.

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    Mystic Michaela Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysticmichaela

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    First Friday Of Every Month: The Witching Hour (Video) and a indie short film!



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