
    Ep. 520 Unbelievable Examples of Far-Left Hypocrisy!

    enAugust 08, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Republican Party's focus on tax reform due to midterm elections pressurePolitical pressure from midterms drives tax reform efforts in the Republican Party, with disappointment over Obamacare repeal fueling motivation

      The tax debate is a major focus for the Republican Party due to political pressure leading up to the midterm elections. The failure to repeal Obamacare has left many feeling disappointed and the fear of losing their seats is motivating lawmakers to make progress on tax reform. Dan Bonjino, the host of the Renegade Republican podcast, discussed this on his show and criticized an article suggesting conservatives don't care about people. He also promoted Brick House Nutrition's Foundation product, which he personally uses for increased gym performance.

    • Democrats hesitant to support corporate tax cut due to wealth distribution beliefsDemocrats resist corporate tax cuts, believing businesses and the wealthy should bear the majority of tax burden, despite studies showing businesses pay 75% of long-term corporate tax burden

      Despite the Democrats' potential gains in the upcoming elections, they are reluctant to support a proposed cut in the corporate tax rate due to their belief that businesses and the wealthy should bear the majority of the tax burden. According to a study by the Joint Committee on Taxation, capital (or businesses) bears 75% of the long-term corporate tax burden, while labor (or employees) pays the remaining 25%. However, it's important to note that this is just one study, and there are other studies that show the exact opposite. The Democrats' stance on this issue highlights their belief in redistributing wealth and their opposition to corporate tax cuts, regardless of the potential benefits for the economy and businesses.

    • Corporate Taxes Impact on Labor and Middle-Class WorkersCorporate taxes, while seemingly a business expense, ultimately affect labor and middle-class workers through higher consumer prices. Democrats' push for higher corporate taxes and sunsetting tax cuts could negatively impact the economy and lead corporations to leave the US.

      The corporate tax, while appearing to be a tax on businesses, actually impacts labor and middle-class workers significantly. The data on this issue is complex and goes in both directions, but the common sense argument would suggest that since corporations pass on their taxes to consumers in the form of higher prices, workers ultimately bear a large portion of the burden. Despite this, Democrats argue for raising corporate taxes and allowing any tax cuts to sunset after 10 years, which could lead to negative economic consequences. The highest corporate tax rate in the world and the ease of doing business in other countries with lower taxes have already led many corporations to leave the US, making the case for lower corporate taxes even stronger.

    • The debate over corporate tax cuts and Google's diversity initiativesDemocrats and Republicans have opposing views on corporate tax cuts, with Democrats advocating for sunset clauses and Republicans supporting permanence. Google's internal memo on diversity sparked controversy, with the left refusing to engage in dialogue and labeling the author as intolerant.

      The ongoing debate over the permanence of corporate tax cuts highlights a fundamental disagreement between Democrats and Republicans. While Democrats argue for a sunset clause to prevent perceived corporate greed, data suggests that a permanent tax cut could benefit workers more in the long run. Meanwhile, an internal memo written by a Google engineer criticizing the company's diversity initiatives has sparked controversy and accusations of intolerance from the left. The author of the memo argues that these initiatives are hurting the company and individuals, but the left refuses to engage in a dialogue about the issue, instead labeling the author as evil and unworthy of respect. This reluctance to engage in open discourse stifles productive conversation and hinders progress on important issues.

    • Forcing equal outcomes requires unequal treatmentRecognizing individual differences and treating people unequally in certain aspects can lead to equal outcomes in society, but this concept is often misunderstood and can be controversial

      Enforcing equal outcomes in society, whether it's in the workplace or income equality, requires treating people unequally. This was the point made in a Google memo that caused controversy, and it's a concept alluded to in Friedrich Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom." The memo's author was not advocating for gender roles but rather recognizing that individuals have different skills, interests, and levels of commitment to work. Forcing equal outcomes, such as having an equal number of women and men in engineering roles, would mean treating people unequally by potentially forcing those who don't want to be engineers into that career. The same concept applies to income equality, where treating everyone the same financially requires unequal treatment due to differences in output and commitment to work.

    • Challenging Equality Policies for Merit-Based HiringChallenging equality policies for merit-based hiring can spark controversy, but addressing the root causes of disparities and promoting equal opportunities for all is crucial for a prosperous society.

      The push for equality and diversity in the workforce, while well-intentioned, can result in unequal treatment and discrimination against individuals based on factors other than their skills and productivity. The memo in question, which advocated for treating people as individuals and merit-based hiring, sparked controversy due to its challenge to quotas and affirmative action policies. However, it's important to note that treating people unequally in the name of equality can have real-life consequences, such as eliminating qualified candidates from jobs. The ultimate goal should be to address the root causes of disparities and promote a more cohesive and prosperous society through merit-based opportunities for all.

    • Diversity quotas in hiring can lead to unequal treatment and risksPrioritizing merit-based hiring over diversity quotas ensures the best protection for those in power

      The pursuit of diversity and equality in policies can lead to unequal treatment of individuals and potentially dangerous consequences. Using the example of the Secret Service, the speaker explains how a commitment to diversity resulted in quotas for hiring certain demographics, which often meant less qualified individuals were placed in positions protecting high-level officials. This not only discriminated against qualified individuals but also put the country at risk. The speaker argues that merit-based hiring should be prioritized over diversity quotas to ensure the best possible protection for those in power. The speaker's book, "Protecting the President," further explores this issue and its real-world ramifications.

    • Challenging the status quo in employment and discriminationThe Trump administration pushes for meritocracy and challenges traditional diversity policies, while individuals should be prepared with emergency supplies and question costly subsidies.

      The Trump administration's focus on "cleaning out the swamp" extends to challenging the status quo in areas like employment and discrimination. This was highlighted in the controversy surrounding a Google memo that criticized the company's diversity policies. The discussion also touched on the importance of meritocracy and preparedness. In terms of preparedness, the host endorsed having an emergency food supply, as exemplified by his own stockpile. Additionally, the host criticized the ongoing cost-sharing subsidies bailout to health insurance companies, which he deemed an outrageous use of taxpayer funds.

    • Government subsidies to healthcare companies contribute to high costsThe government's involvement in healthcare through subsidies results in a $275B tax deduction for insurance companies, while they privatize revenue and socialize risk, leading to significant revenue growth for the industry.

      The government's involvement in healthcare through programs like Obamacare and cost-sharing subsidies contributes to the high cost of healthcare, despite liberal criticisms of private insurance companies. The subsidies amount to a $275 billion tax deduction for these companies, which is more than twice the value of the mortgage interest deduction. Furthermore, the healthcare industry has seen significant revenue growth, with the big six healthcare companies making a combined $6 billion in revenue last quarter, up 29% from the same period the previous year. While some argue for government intervention to make healthcare more accessible, the current system privatizes revenue and socializes risk, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill for insurance companies' profits.

    • Obamacare's Subsidies for Insurance CompaniesObamacare's subsidies for insurance companies raise questions about liberal support for big business, despite criticisms of insurance industry

      The Obamacare legislation led to taxpayer-funded subsidies for insurance companies, some of which are currently experiencing record revenue. The speaker questions how liberals, who often criticize insurance companies, can justify this arrangement. The speaker also touches on the perception that the Democratic Party, historically seen as advocating for the working class, has shifted towards prioritizing big government and business interests. The speaker invites responses from those who may hold different viewpoints and encourages factual corrections to any inaccuracies in the discussion.

    • Addressing assimilation concerns in immigrationSupporting a temporary cap on legal immigration for cultural assimilation, opposing illegal immigration, questioning the coexistence of open borders and universal basic income

      While there are economic benefits to immigration, there are also assimilation concerns that need to be addressed. The speaker, who has personal experience with the immigration process, supports a temporary cap on legal immigration for assimilation purposes. He is against illegal immigration and believes that the economic consequences of restricting legal immigration are outweighed by the benefits of cultural assimilation. However, he also points out the apparent hypocrisy of some liberals who advocate for open borders yet support the idea of a universal basic income, which assumes a decrease in unskilled labor due to automation. The speaker questions how these two positions can coexist.

    • A disconnect in arguments for immigration and economic policiesSome individuals advocate for open borders and acceptance of unskilled labor, but also support policies like UBI and higher corporate taxes, which could make unskilled labor obsolete, revealing a lack of cohesive thought or psychological disconnect.

      During the discussion, it became clear that there exists a disconnect in the arguments put forth by some individuals regarding immigration and economic policies. On one hand, they argue for open borders and the acceptance of unskilled labor, yet on the other hand, they advocate for policies like universal basic income and higher corporate taxes, which could potentially render unskilled labor obsolete. These seemingly contradictory arguments suggest a lack of cohesive thought or a psychological disconnect. Furthermore, the speaker made a humorous observation about the inconsistencies in liberal policies, suggesting that they may have difficulty implementing policies that are fair to all parties involved. Ultimately, it's important to consider the potential consequences of policies and ensure that they align with our values and goals.

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