
    Dan Caplis

    Dan must really like to talk. He’s both an award-winning trial lawyer and a radio talk show host. Since Dan has never shied away from a microphone or a good fight he’s also been a legal analyst for most of America’s top television networks and newspapers.
    enDenver's Talk Station 630 KHOW1000 Episodes

    Episodes (1000)

    Trump gets a boost of free media from Jimmy Kimmel reading his Truth post during Oscars; Biden botches 'illegal' walkback

    Trump gets a boost of free media from Jimmy Kimmel reading his Truth post during Oscars; Biden botches 'illegal' walkback
    Jimmy Kimmel takes time toward the end of his time hosting the Oscars to read a Truth Social post from Donald Trump criticizing his performance, which only serves to provide Trump with free advertisting while Joe Biden gets absolutely nothing out of the segment. Meanwhile, Biden continues to alienate independent and moderate voters by walking back his comments on an 'illegal' killing Laken Riley in Georgia, referring to the murderer as 'undocumented' instead in order to appease the lunatic left fringe of his voting base.

    While Biden apologizes to Laken Riley's murderer for calling him 'illegal,' Trump comforts Laken's family

    While Biden apologizes to Laken Riley's murderer for calling him 'illegal,' Trump comforts Laken's family
    As President BIden makes a massive political miscalculation that it's more important to show respect and describe Laken Riley's killer as 'undocumented' rather than 'illegal,' Donald Trump triples down by calling Jose Ibarra an 'illegal alien, an illegal immigrant, and an illegal migrant' while offering comfort to Laken Riley's family, who were all in attendance at Trump's rally in their home state of Georgia over the weekend.

    Jon Caldara fills in for Dan and asks the important questions: Ginger or Mary Ann, Samantha or Jeannie, Betty or Veronica?

    Jon Caldara fills in for Dan and asks the important questions: Ginger or Mary Ann, Samantha or Jeannie, Betty or Veronica?
    Jon Caldara, Independence Institute fills in for Dan and starts going down television's memory lane with Ryan on the important Gen X questions of our time: Ginger or Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island, Samantha from Bewitched or Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie, and Betty or Veronica from the Archie comic book series. It's a Nerd-Out Friday, and it's only just beginning.

    One caller doesn't want Trump copying Great Wall of China; Another is voting Trump for financial survival

    One caller doesn't want Trump copying Great Wall of China; Another is voting Trump for financial survival
    As we anticipate President Biden's state of the union address tonight, callers contribute their thoughts on his presidency and its effect on their lives. Can Biden save his re-election effort? Will he be able to tow the line between radical leftists on one side and those demanding stronger border policies on the other?

    Jared Polis refers to 'the Democratic nominee,' whoever it may be; Super Tuesday is a dud

    Jared Polis refers to 'the Democratic nominee,' whoever it may be; Super Tuesday is a dud
    In an interview with CNN, Governor Jared Polis (D-CO) repeatedly refers to 'the Democratic nominee' running for President in the 2024 election, without mentioning Joe Biden by name. Why?

    Also, Donald Trump prepares for a dominating Super Tuesday performance as 15 states prepare to nominate their delegates to be pledged for the Republican and Democrat candidates for President this November.

    Lathan Watts, ADF talks Colorado's war on religious freedom; Danielle Jurinsky on Aurora's resolution to reject Denver's illegals

    Lathan Watts, ADF talks Colorado's war on religious freedom; Danielle Jurinsky on Aurora's resolution to reject Denver's illegals
    Lathan Watts, vice-president of public affairs for Alliance Defending Freedom, joins Dan to discuss his most recent op-ed for National Review, entitled 'The state of Colorado is considering European-style repression of religion,' pertaining to the state's continued persecution and targeting of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips.

    Danielle Jurinsky of the Aurora City Council joins Dan to discuss the influx of illegals to Denver spilling over into Aurora and surrounding communities like Lakewood, Monument and others. Unlike Denver, however, Aurora is making it clear that they are NOT a 'sanctuary city' and should cease and desist transporting said illegals into Aurora's city limits immediately.

    The Denver City Council, by a 7-3 vote, passed a resolution stating, "The City Council affirms remaining a Non-Sanctuary City and asserts the City does not currently have the financial capacity to fund new services related to this crisis and demands that other municipalities and entities do not systematically transport migrants or people experiencing homelessness to the City."

    Even SNL is making fun of Biden 'behind closed doors,' as CNN re-enacts the sketch with Polis

    Even SNL is making fun of Biden 'behind closed doors,' as CNN re-enacts the sketch with Polis
    For two weeks in a row, the normally leftist Saturday Night Live has taken aim at President Biden's physical and cognitive state - this time in a cold open spoofing cabinet members saying how much more vigorous Joe is 'behind closed doors.' Then, in a hilarious twist with no sense of irony or self-awareness, CNN basically re-enacts what the sketch was making fun of when anchor Erin Burnett asks Governor Jared Polis (D-CO) if he can provide helpful anecdotes to vouch for Biden's vitality behind the scenes with him. Pure comedy, though unintentional.

    Andy McCarthy, National Review on 9-0 SCOTUS decision restoring Trump to Colorado ballot

    Andy McCarthy, National Review on 9-0 SCOTUS decision restoring Trump to Colorado ballot
    Andy McCarthy, legal expert for National Review, joins Dan to break down the 9-0 decision by the United States Supreme Court to restore Donald Trump to the Colorado ballot and prevent any state from disqualifying a federal candidate for office in the future on the basis of its own interpretation of a Constitutional amendment or provision like the plaintiffs in this case cited Section 3 of the 14th amendment. Where there was some minor disagreement was on the basis a federal governing body like Congress had the ability to revisit Trump's status on their own at a later date, as Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with the three liberal justices on a more narrow ruling regarding his potential eligibility and fate.

    Listeners have a visceral reaction to new term 'newcomers' recently trotted out by Democrats

    Listeners have a visceral reaction to new term 'newcomers' recently trotted out by Democrats
    First, it was 'undocumented.' Then, it was 'asylum seekers.' Now, the latest Orwellian language from Democrats for those crossing our border illegally is 'newcomers.' The term 'illegal aliens' is now verboten among the Left, as they try to dilute the nature of the presence for those who do not have legal status - or any claim or right - to be in the United States. Listeners react by phone and text to this shift in terminology, as well as the weak Biden border policy that led to our current crisis.

    Amanda Sandoval, Denver City Council (District 1) believes illegal 'newcomers' deserve equal priority as Denver taxpayers

    Amanda Sandoval, Denver City Council (District 1) believes illegal 'newcomers' deserve equal priority as Denver taxpayers
    In a very insightful discussion over two segments, Dan asks Denver city councilwoman Amanda Sandoval (District 1) about the city's priorities for the massive wave of illegal migrants bused in from Texas - whom she terms as 'newcomers.' She contends they deserve the same consideration, as fellow humans, as the city's taxpaying citizens and believes we have the room and capacity to remain a city that is welcoming to those here without legal status. Callers and texters react strongly as Dan engages with them in a very important conversation with national implications.

    Alex Gorgan joins live from Ukraine and the scene of the battlefield in war against Russia

    Alex Gorgan joins live from Ukraine and the scene of the battlefield in war against Russia
    Alex Gorgan was a successful attorney prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, with a beautiful house and a beautiful wife. Then everything changed. He has since joined the front lines of battle on behalf of Ukraine and joins Dan live at 2am local time to tell his tale and explain to American listeners why aid from the United States remains critical to winning the war.

    Dagny Van der Jagt, DA candidate for new 23rd district in Colorado joins Dan for full hour

    Dagny Van der Jagt, DA candidate for new 23rd district in Colorado joins Dan for full hour
    Dagny Van der Jagt brands herself as a staunch Republican running for District Attorney of the newly formed 23rd Judicial District of Colorado. She joins Dan for the full hour and is running as an experienced attorney, prosecutor, and litigator running to protect families in the newly formed district carved out of the old 18th. She is facing off in the Republican primary against George Brauchler on June 25.

    From her campaign website: "Dagny has a history of fighting for justice and protecting the citizens of Colorado. She is a relentless fighter for justice and will combat our rising crime rates. Also, she will protect you from radical unconstitutional laws that strip your liberties and rights."

    Dagny Van Der Jagt for District Attorney (votefordagny.com)

    'The Human Lightning Rod' Dick Wadhams drops a bomb - he won't vote for Trump in November

    'The Human Lightning Rod' Dick Wadhams drops a bomb - he won't vote for Trump in November
    After attending the Nikki Haley rally in Centennial on Tuesday, Dick Wadhams checks in with Dan to inform him and the audience that the former chair of the Colorado GOP will NOT support Donald Trump if he is the Republican nominee for President in November. Callers and texters react in full force, most in strong disagreement with his decision.

    Trump crushes Haley in Michigan; Cocaine Mitch steps down as GOP Senate leader

    Trump crushes Haley in Michigan; Cocaine Mitch steps down as GOP Senate leader
    Donald Trump cruises to a 40-plus percent victory in the Michigan GOP primary over Nikki Haley, yet she remains determined to stay in the race through Super Tuesday next week and beyond. 82-year-old Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) finally gives up the ghost (literally?) and announces he will be departing the Senate leadership position he has held for many years, yielding to a new generation this November.

    Rob Dawson, KOA News recaps Haley rally in Centennial; 9 News slams Mayor Johnston on layoff semantics

    Rob Dawson, KOA News recaps Haley rally in Centennial; 9 News slams Mayor Johnston on layoff semantics
    Rob Dawson from the KOA newsroom locally in Denver checks in live with Dan in-studio with a report on Nikki Haley's 'sleepy' Centennial rally when compared with the dynamic gatherings crafted by Donald Trump. Even 'Comrade' Kyle Clark of 9 News isn't buying the sleight of hand by Mayor Mike Johnston's office in Denver, with the claim that workers aren't being laid off - they're just having their weekly work hours cut to zero for an indefinite period of time to help offset funding for illegals in the city.

    Rep. Ken Buck throws 25th amendment curve ball at Biden, but it won't be easy to force Joe out

    Rep. Ken Buck throws 25th amendment curve ball at Biden, but it won't be easy to force Joe out
    Dan returns to the puzzling news that the same Congressman who opposed an impeachment inquiry into President Biden's suspect overseas business dealings, now submits a resolution in the U.S. House asking Vice-President Kamala Harris to gather the cabinet and invoke the 25th amendment to remove Biden from office. What is Rep. Ken Buck's (R-CO) motivation in going this route?

    Also, Ryan stresses that the obstacle course Democrats must navigate to force Biden out of the race is a lot more arduous than many like Dan believe. And the path to replacing VP Harris may be even more difficult.