
    Ep 57: Gen Z slang and belly button fetishes ft. Lewys Ball

    enMay 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Comfortable Essentials and Unique Wine ExperiencesBombas provides comfortable essentials and donates an item for every purchase. PlushCare offers online access to physicians for weight loss medication prescriptions. The hosts shared personal wine experiences and unusual wine treats.

      Bombas offers super comfortable essentials for both personal use and for those in need. The brand's commitment to donating an item for every purchase made is a unique selling point. Additionally, PlushCare provides online access to board certified physicians who can prescribe weight loss medications for those who qualify. During the conversation, the hosts discussed their personal experiences with wine and how it affects their behavior. They also shared their enjoyment of unusual wine experiences, such as freezing grapes for a frozen grape treat. Despite their openness to trying different types of alcohol, they both disliked the taste of sambuca. Overall, the discussion covered a range of topics, from comfortable essentials and weight loss to unique wine experiences.

    • Experiences and their impact on individualsAwareness of personal triggers and considering others' feelings are crucial when experiencing new things

      Certain experiences, like consuming Red Bull or attending a new venue, can trigger strong reactions and memories for individuals. For some, these experiences can bring excitement and energy, while for others they can lead to negative reactions such as panic attacks or discomfort. It's important to be aware of these triggers and take care of one's mental and physical health. Additionally, social events and interactions can have significant impacts, whether it's making new rules for parties or unintentionally causing controversy through online comments. Ultimately, it's essential to be mindful of how our actions and experiences affect ourselves and others.

    • Giving Feedback on Friends' AppearancesBe mindful and considerate when commenting on friends' outfits. Sandwich negative comments with compliments to avoid crossing into cyberbullying territory. Acknowledge friends' evolving styles and offer support.

      The discussion revolved around commenting on friends' outfits and the boundaries of criticism. The speakers shared their experiences of giving feedback on friends' appearances and acknowledged the challenge of striking a balance between honesty and tact. They agreed that it's important to sandwich negative comments with compliments to avoid crossing into cyberbullying territory. The conversation also touched upon the topic of friends' evolving styles and the speakers' reactions to it. Additionally, they shared their thoughts on a recent celebrity wedding and found the public display of affection during the event to be inappropriate. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities of offering feedback on friends' appearances and the importance of being mindful and considerate in our interactions.

    • The Kardashians' complex family dynamics and intriguing relationshipsDespite dislike from many, Scott's inclusion in the Kardashian family persists. Kylie's relatability and unique style make her the most famous Kardashian, and her strong bond with daughter Stormi adds to her appeal. Rumors of unconventional practices in Megan Fox's relationship add to the intrigue surrounding celebrity relationships.

      The dynamics of the Kardashian family, particularly regarding Scott's involvement and Kylie's fame, can be complex and intriguing. Scott's desire for inclusion despite being disliked by many and the Kardashians' continued involvement with him is a recurring theme. Kylie, despite being seen as boring by some, is the most famous Kardashian due to her relatability and unique style. Her relationship with her daughter, Stormi, seems strong and happy, which adds to her appeal as a mother figure. Additionally, Megan Fox's transformation in her relationship and rumors of unconventional practices add to the intrigue surrounding celebrity relationships. Overall, the Kardashians continue to captivate audiences with their personal lives and unique stories.

    • Celebrities and Social Media: Blurring the Lines of Personal Life and Public ImageThe power of social media to shape public perception is significant, and it's crucial to be mindful of one's online presence as it can blur the lines between personal life and public image.

      Social media and celebrity culture often blur the lines between personal life and public image. During a conversation, the speaker discussed various instances of celebrities, such as Megan Fox and Jack Harlow, making headlines for their outfits, relationships, and appearances. While some, like Megan Fox, were criticized for being overly sexual, others, like Jack Harlow, were praised for their confidence and charm. The speaker also mentioned the Wagatha Christie trial, where Rebecca Vardy allegedly leaked Coleen Rooney's friends' information, leading to a public feud and a lawsuit. The speaker expressed mixed feelings about the situation and acknowledged the complexities of privacy and public image in the digital age. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the power of social media to shape public perception and the importance of being mindful of one's online presence.

    • The Consequences of Public Court CasesPublic court cases can have serious consequences, even for minor offenses. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can lead to unintended outcomes. Privacy in personal matters should be considered, but public access to court hearings is a legal right.

      The public nature of high-profile court cases can have devastating consequences for those involved, even if they are found to be innocent. The speaker shares her experience of unintentionally missing a court hearing due to a misunderstanding, and how it felt to be in the public eye, albeit for a minor offense. She then discusses the ongoing Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case, expressing concern for the woman's wellbeing given the intense public scrutiny and backlash. The speaker feels that these cases, which are a matter of personal lives, should be kept more private, but acknowledges that public access to court hearings is a legal right. The conversation then shifts to the speaker's own experience of losing her driving license and the unexpected consequences of missing a court hearing due to a miscommunication. Despite the outcome being favorable, the experience left her with a newfound respect for the importance of checking mail and staying informed about legal matters.

    • Fear of Missing Important InformationStay informed, face your fears, and don't assume someone else will handle important matters. Understand new terms and don't let unfamiliarity hold you back.

      Even the most unanxious person can feel overwhelmed by unopened mail or unfamiliar jargon. The speaker in this conversation expresses her anxiety about opening a letter, assuming someone else will handle it if it's urgent. This behavior can stem from a belief that important matters will be communicated directly, but it can also lead to missed opportunities or responsibilities. Another topic discussed was the use of Gen Z terms like "vagina slay" and "okay boomer." The speaker admits not fully understanding these terms but assumes they are camp, girl-to-girl terms. "Okay boomer" is a derogatory term used towards older generations, particularly baby boomers. The conversation highlights the importance of staying informed and being open to learning new things, even if they seem confusing at first. The conversation also touches on the topic of independence and responsibility, with the speakers discussing how they will handle responsibilities as parents and the importance of being self-sufficient. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of addressing fears and responsibilities head-on, staying informed, and being open to new experiences.

    • Understanding Slang: Cap, No Cap, Cheugy, and Bossin' ItStaying informed about current slang can help build connections and communicate effectively. For example, 'cap' means lying, 'no cap' signifies telling the truth, 'cheugy' refers to something outdated, and 'bossin' it' means dominating a situation.

      Language and slang evolve constantly, and understanding them can help build connections and maintain relevance in various social circles. The discussion revolved around the use of certain slang terms, such as "cap," "no cap," "cheugy," and "bossin' it," and how they convey different meanings. The speakers also shared their personal experiences with these terms and their origins. For instance, "cap" means lying, while "no cap" signifies telling the truth. "Cheugy" refers to something outdated or uncool, and "bossin' it" means dancing or dominating a situation. These terms are often used casually in conversations, and understanding them can help individuals engage more effectively with their peers. The speakers also discussed how overusing certain slang terms can make them lose their meaning or become cheugy themselves. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying informed about the latest language trends and using them appropriately to build connections and communicate effectively.

    • Age can be deceiving: Molly Mae and Tommy Fury's mature presentationDon't judge age or appearance, language shapes communication, and Molly Mae and Tommy Fury's maturity surprised the speaker.

      Age can be deceiving, as Molly Mae and Tommy Fury, despite being older than some may assume, present themselves as mature individuals. During a conversation, it was revealed that they are actually in the same year as the speaker, but the speaker initially thought they were older. This misunderstanding led to a discussion about language and the use of the term "chap." The speaker admitted to finding the term amusing and even considered using alternative terms like "stush" and "silly cow." The conversation also touched on the topic of gossiping with one's mother and the use of derogatory terms. Additionally, the speakers discussed the softness of Bombas essentials and the convenience of PlushCare for weight loss solutions. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of not judging age or appearance and the power of language in shaping communication.

    • Managing Health and Relationships: Prioritize, Communicate, and UnderstandPrioritize your health, communicate openly in relationships, and respect each other's boundaries, even if it involves a belly button fetish or a phobia.

      Taking care of your health is important and should be a priority. This includes consulting with a board-certified physician about weight loss plans. Now, onto a less serious topic, if you're in a relationship and have a phobia or a partner with a fetish that doesn't align with yours, it might be a difficult situation. In the case of a belly button fetish and a phobia of belly buttons, it depends on the stage of the relationship. If it's new, it might be best to end it. However, if it's been going on for a while and your partner has recently disclosed their fetish, you could consider therapy or open communication about your boundaries. As for the origins of a belly button fetish, it's unclear, but some people might find the texture or appearance appealing. It's essential to remember that everyone has unique preferences and it's crucial to respect each other's boundaries. In conclusion, prioritize your health, communicate openly in relationships, and be understanding of each other's quirks.

    • Understanding Common Relationship ChallengesPeople have unique quirks and challenges in relationships, but open communication and understanding can help navigate them. Accommodating harmless fetishes and moving past embarrassing moments are essential parts of building a strong relationship.

      Relationships can come with unique challenges and embarrassing moments, but it's essential to remember that people may not be as invested in the situation as we think they are. For instance, having a fetish for belly buttons or arguing in front of friends can be uncomfortable, but these incidents are common in relationships. It's crucial to communicate openly with your partner and understand their perspective. In the case of a fetish, if it's not harmful or causing distress, it might be worth trying to accommodate it. As for arguments in front of friends, it's essential to remember that people argue, and it's natural to feel embarrassed. However, it's essential to remember that others may forget about the incident sooner than we do. Additionally, considering how we would react if the roles were reversed can help us gain some perspective. Ultimately, relationships require open communication, understanding, and a willingness to work through challenges together.

    • Navigating Infidelity in Relationships: A Complex IssueInfidelity, especially when fueled by alcohol, can lead to trust issues and damage relationships. Forgiveness and open communication are key to moving forward, but circumstances and intentions must be considered.

      Trust and communication are essential in a relationship, especially during challenging situations. The speaker shares her personal experiences of dealing with her partner's infidelity while intoxicated and the subsequent trust issues that arose. She acknowledges the complexity of the situation, as alcohol can impair judgment and lead to unintended actions. However, she emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and moving forward, as holding a grudge can negatively impact both partners. The speaker also highlights the difference between intentional flirting and blackout drunk behavior, but ultimately, any form of infidelity can be damaging to a relationship. In conclusion, the speaker's advice is to consider the circumstances, communicate openly, and decide if forgiveness is possible for the betterment of the relationship.

    • Reflecting on infidelity and forgivenessAssessing forgiveness after infidelity involves self-reflection, communication break, and evaluating commitment and context.

      When dealing with a situation of potential infidelity, it's essential to take time for self-reflection and forgiveness. Trusting someone after an incident of suspected cheating can be challenging, and it's crucial to assess whether you can genuinely forgive them and move forward. A break from communication and seeing each other can provide clarity and test their commitment. However, if the feelings of resentment and mistrust persist, it might be best to end the relationship. It's also important to consider the context of the situation, such as the frequency and transparency of past incidents. Ultimately, forgiveness is a personal decision that requires introspection and honesty.

    • A private, balanced relationshipThis couple cherishes their independence while also enjoying shared experiences, maintaining a low-key social media presence due to professional reasons.

      This couple maintains a private relationship, keeping their social media presence minimal due to professional reasons. They describe their relationship as more of a friendship than a public display of affection. The woman shares that she was always the "single friend" before meeting her partner and appreciates the balance in their relationship that allows for individual experiences. They've had minor disagreements, but nothing major that required a break from communication. The woman expresses that she's glad she's not the type of person who constantly seeks her partner's approval for every outing or activity. The couple values their independence while also enjoying shared experiences. Overall, they seem content with their relationship dynamic.

    • Sharing memories and enjoying a unique wine bottleThe group bonded over a unique wine bottle, sharing memories and appreciating its design and affordability, with a convenient tab feature to prevent spills. They also encouraged listeners to celebrate Mother's Day and consider Health ProtectorGuard for managing medical costs.

      The group discussed their experiences with a unique wine bottle and appreciated its design and affordability. Melissa introduced the group to the bottle, which they all enjoyed, despite initial reservations about its potential spillage. The bottle reminded some members of their past experiences, such as festivals and gifted wine from parents. They rated the bottle highly and appreciated its convenience, especially its tab feature that prevented spills. The conversation also touched on the importance of parents and the upcoming Mother's Day celebration, encouraging listeners to give back to the special moms in their lives. Additionally, a promotion for Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans was presented as a solution for managing out-of-pocket medical costs. Overall, the group shared their enjoyment of the wine bottle and the various memories and experiences it brought up.

    Recent Episodes from Wednesdays

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    Heyy Tinies,

    Melissa and Sophie are back from their friend's wedding and ready to dive into all things bridesmaids as wedding season kicks off. They share tips on choosing bridesmaids' dresses and keeping makeup from melting in the sun. Plus, it's Euros season and the return of the WAGs —discover which famous footballer their close friend used to date! 👀

    On the dilemma front, one Tiny is in a tizzy as her boyfriend is on Grindr. What should she do? Sophie and Melissa discuss this tricky situation, balancing supporting him vs. looking out for herself.

    Summer is finally here, and the sun is out! The girls share their silly summer stories, from Melissa's adventures in Magaluf to Sophie's antics in Marbella. But more importantly, they want to hear about your summer adventures....

    Have a silly summer story or a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 25, 2024

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK: Welcome to The Follow-Up

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK:  Welcome to The Follow-Up


    Hey Tinies,

    We've been SO excited to finally bring out our subscription channel 'Wednesdays: The Follow-Up' that we wanted to give all Wednesdays listeners a special taste of our very first episode so you can see what we're getting up to!

    As one of our V.I.Ts (Very Important Tinies), each fortnight Thursday you'll receive an exclusive bonus episode like this, and of course you'll get your regular dose of 'Wednesdays' COMPLETELY ad-free.

    In The Follow-Up, we dive even further into the dilemmas, and fill you in on the follow-up sent in from our Tinies. We also want to give you extra special curated advice + recommendations on all things beauty, lifestyle, holidays... you name it, we're here to help!

    In this episode, we go back to Episode 26 'My boyfriend had SIX secret girlfriends' and buckle your seatbelts because the follow-up is JUICY!!!!

    We love you!!!

    Sophie and Melissa x

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 20, 2024

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    Sophie and Melissa have a BIG debrief on their weekends from partying in Ibiza to how TikTok ruining their fave spots!

    As for the dilemma's it's a juicy week, Sophie and Melissa decide if it's a just a bad joke or a bad boyfriend as one Tiny's boyfriend offer to get her a b**b job, some BIG family drama from a sister’s new fiancé who has a secret other girlfriend, and hear about a story from a Tiny who moved to Australia for her boyfriend, and then I found out he was a CHEAT...

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 18, 2024

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    This week Melissa and Sophie are catching up on their fave TV shows…including all things BRIDGERTON. 

    Also what is the optimum size for a boy’s hands and feet?! The girls really deep dive into what they like and don’t like…

    AND we have one of our most SHOCKING dilemma’s yet…even Melissa and Sophie can’t believe this one! A Tiny has written in confessing she has cheated with her best friends boyfriend… what advice will Sophie and Melissa give? Tell the friend or keep it a secret? 

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 11, 2024

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Tinies, Melissa is back!!!!!

    And her and Sophie are wasting no times in getting into your dilemmas on this week's ep.

    They're tackling a potential real-life 'Bride Wars' situation. Two sisters getting married in the same year, and ONE is being a bit of a drama queen, and one dream wedding is at stake...

    The girls are also getting to grips with a boyfriend who could potentially be covering up his cheating tracks, and giving their advice to one Tiny whose seven-year relationships looks to be on the rocks.

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 04, 2024

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    36. His Deliveroo driver turned out to be the girl he was CHEATING on me with…

    We've got an amazing special guest today, the one, the only, Ruby Adler is coming to help with your dilemmas!

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    On the dilemma front, Sophie and Ruby decide whether fighting for a seven year-long relationship is worth it, give their top tips for where to find certain types of London boys, and hear about a story from one Tiny whose "Deliveroo driver" turned out to be a girl he CHEATED on her with...

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 28, 2024

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    Melissa is still on holiday, but we've got a guest you Tinies adore! Georgia Habboo is back, joining Sophie to share everything as she prepares to be a mum.

    She opens up about her fertility struggles and her journey through pregnancy, which we really hope with help some Tinies listening 💖

    We also have some SHOCKING dilemma's this week! Sophie and Georgia offer some top tier advice as they have a proper sister catch up this episode!

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

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    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 21, 2024

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    Melissa is off holiday but don’t worry Tinies we have an extra special guest to keep Sophie company! Sophie's got a fab stand-in—her hair stylist Willis Galbraith! Willis tells his journey of how he got into the world of hair, through to becoming Sophie's hair stylist and gives some of his advice to your dilemmas.

    As well as learning how to get Sophie's ICONIC blowout over on our TikTok, Willis answers all your burning hair questions from saving bleached locks to his fave hair care products. 

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 14, 2024

    33. Love or Lust? Boyfriend's My Soulmate, BUT I fancy my Lecturer!

    33. Love or Lust? Boyfriend's My Soulmate, BUT I fancy my Lecturer!

    Sophie and Melissa are back, serving up a heaps of advice for all you Tinies out there - from crushing on a married lecturer to leaving a ten year relationship with someone who was leading a double!

    The girls dish on their latest adventures, from Sophie becoming an aunty to Melissa's unexpected Parisian escapades AND the juicy reveal of which Netflix celeb Sophie slid into DMs of?! You would never guess who...👀

    We're now on WhatsApp and ready for your voice note dilemmas! Send us one in to: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/54SRBQ66M633F1?autoload=1&app_absent=0

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer: @ben_johns

    Editor: @kat.milsom

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    32. My husband downloaded TINDER on a stag do… now he’s at the CLINIC!

    32. My husband downloaded TINDER on a stag do… now he’s at the CLINIC!

    Are you ready for what could be our WILDEST dilemma yet on ‘Wednesdays’? If your partner is off on a stag do, make sure he doesn’t misbehave like this Tiny’s did...

    Wedding season is on the horizon, so Sophie and Melissa give their top tips on how to nail the perfect fake tan, and advise one Tiny on how they can turn their dating experiences from stale to spicy.

    We're now on WhatsApp and ready for your voice note dilemmas! Send us one in to: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/54SRBQ66M633F1?autoload=1&app_absent=0

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Ricercatore in ambito comunicativo presso l’Università di Firenze. È Social Media Manager di diverse trasmissioni, in particolare “Superquark” (Rai1) e “La Grande Storia” (Rai3). Ha scritto "La disputa felice. Dissentire senza litigare sui social network, sui media e in pubblico" (2017).

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    If you are interested in running a book club in your city, send an email to: DTYEHBBookClub@gmail.com  

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    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store and https://www.onamp.com for Android listeners.

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    Cam Holmes and Emily Miller from Season 2 of Too Hot To Handle join the crew to talk about their recent rise to fame, the aftermath of Too Hot To Handle, and their relationship status. We play a game of f*ck, marry, kill with previous cast members of THTH, and what’s next for the couple. Support Our Sponsors Visit https://barstool.link/Rhoback, and use the code “JOSH” for 20% off your first purchase

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