
    Ep. 573 The Complete Collapse of Liberal Hollywood and the Liberal Media

    enOctober 20, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Liberalism's Minority Status in the USData and polls reveal liberalism is not the dominant political philosophy in the US, and the left's agenda disguises as moderation but is a minority opinion

      Despite the perception that liberalism is the dominant political philosophy in the United States, data and polls show otherwise. The left's agenda often disguises itself as moderation, but it is actually a minority opinion. Dan Bonjino shared a personal experience about dealing with large nails on his roof, which led him to reflect on the left's efforts to impose their agenda on society, even when it's not popularly supported. The liberal "three musketeers" are collapsing, and the left's agenda will continue to face resistance from the conservative movement.

    • Hollywood, academia, and media lose credibilityThe media's politicized coverage of the Gold Star families controversy highlights the need for a more decentralized media environment where truth and respect for individuals are prioritized.

      The institutions of Hollywood, academia, and media have lost their credibility and respectability in the public eye, and their collapse is a necessary step for our culture's growth. This was highlighted by General John Kelly's defense of President Trump against accusations of insensitivity towards gold star families. The media's coverage of the situation was criticized for being overly politicized, and the behavior of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson was deemed disgraceful for attacking the president over a condolence call. The controversy underscores the need for a more decentralized media environment where truth and respect for individuals are prioritized over political agendas.

    • The solemn process of notifying families of fallen military heroesRespect the sacrifices of fallen military heroes and their families, and show empathy and sensitivity in public discourse.

      The process of notifying families of fallen military heroes and the handling of their remains is a solemn and deeply emotional experience. General John Kelly shared a moving account of this process during a press briefing, highlighting the contrast between the dignity and sacrifice of the fallen heroes and the insensitivity of those who politicized the issue. Kelly's words underscored the importance of respecting the sacrifices made by our military personnel and their families. The media's handling of the situation was criticized for their perceived lack of sensitivity and understanding. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and respect in public discourse.

    • Cultural Appropriation in Media, Hollywood, and AcademiaThe focus on cultural appropriation in trivial matters like children's costumes and entertainment has led to unnecessary controversy and a collapse in credibility for the media, Hollywood, and academia.

      The concept of cultural appropriation has expanded to ridiculous lengths, even affecting children's costumes and the entertainment industry. The media, Hollywood, and academia are three areas where this issue has become a major concern, leading to a collapse in their credibility as they focus on trivial matters instead of more significant issues. For instance, a liberal mother was criticized for allowing her daughter to wear a Moana costume, while there are concerns about singers like Taylor Swift using rap artists and being accused of cultural appropriation. These examples demonstrate the absurdity of the situation and the need for a more rational and balanced approach to cultural issues. The ongoing focus on cultural appropriation also highlights the increasing polarization and sensitivity in society, which can lead to unnecessary controversy and conflict.

    • Left uses anger and identity politics to hide state control agendaLeft manipulates emotions and creates victimhood narratives to gain power, emphasizing state control over individual responsibility

      The left uses anger politics and identity politics as a strategic tool to hide their true agenda of state control, which is unpopular among the public. They manipulate emotions and create victimhood narratives to motivate people to vote for them. This tactic is not limited to Hollywood or politics but is used across various demographics. The essence of the left's belief is that people are too stupid to manage their own lives and need the state to do it for them. In contrast, the conservative libertarian ethos emphasizes individual responsibility and the danger of giving too much power to the state, as it can lead to destruction of lives and freedom.

    • The endless search for new victims and causes in identity politics is self-defeatingThe Democrats' reliance on anger and identity politics is no longer effective and risks leading to consistent Republican majorities

      The constant search for new victims and causes in identity politics and anger politics is a self-defeating strategy. It requires a full gas tank of anger and vitriol, and when the old causes lose steam, new ones must be fabricated. However, this endless search for anger eventually turns on itself and consumes the movement, leaving only the angry voices screaming at the majority. This strategy may have worked in the past to motivate certain voter groups, but it is no longer effective. The Democrats are stuck in this broken political strategy, unable to turn back to arguing about issues, and it will lead to consistent Republican majorities if they continue down this path.

    • Preparing for Emergencies and Political ScandalsSecure emergency food supplies and stay informed about political scandals for a better future.

      It's essential to prepare for emergencies, including securing a reliable food supply. The speaker shares his experience of meeting a well-prepared neighbor and feeling embarrassed about his own lack of preparation. He encourages listeners to visit preparewithdan.com to order emergency food supplies for a reasonable price. Additionally, the speaker discusses the ongoing political scandal involving Fusion GPS and the Trump dossier, expressing concern over the Democrats' efforts to conceal who paid for it. The speaker suggests reading an article by Kim Strassel in the Wall Street Journal for more information on the situation. Overall, the importance of preparation and transparency in political matters are the key takeaways from the discussion.

    • Democrats' behavior during Fusion GPS hearingDemocrats colluded with Fusion GPS and Russians to produce false info against a major party presidential candidate, acting as their defense attorneys during hearing, absent during crucial parts, and interrupting questioning.

      The hearing regarding Fusion GPS and the fake dossier produced a bombshell revelation. The Democrats' behavior during the hearing was unprecedented, as they interrupted a Republican congressman, accused him of misbehavior, and acted as defense attorneys for witnesses. The Democrats' collusion with Fusion GPS and the Russians to produce false information about a major party presidential candidate during an election season is a potential political scandal of unprecedented proportions. The media may ignore it, but the facts remain that this happened and the ties between Fusion GPS and the Russians have already been reported. This could be the scandal to end all scandals. The hearing was marked by chaos, with Democratic staffers interrupting the Republican questioning witnesses and even accusing him of badgering them. The Democrats' absence from the hearing was also notable. The stakes are high, as the integrity of the election process hangs in the balance. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a collection of facts that, if true, would change the narrative of the 2016 election significantly.

    • Low tax states perform better economicallyStates with low taxes and a business-friendly environment tend to have stronger economies and population growth

      Low tax states tend to perform better economically than high tax states. According to various reports and studies mentioned in the show, such as those from the Tax Foundation, State Business Tax Climate Index, and Mercatus Center at George Mason, states with low taxes and a relatively permissive business environment, like Wyoming, South Dakota, Alaska, Florida, and Nevada, consistently rank high in economic performance and population growth. Conversely, states with high taxes and heavy regulatory burdens, like New York, New Jersey, and California, often struggle economically. It's important to note that these findings are not surprising to conservatives and libertarians, but they can be useful for those looking to make a case for low taxes and a business-friendly environment.

    • Cherry-picking data on tax cuts and fiscal healthSome individuals ignore contradictory data, labeling those who present facts as racists or conservatives, instead of engaging in productive conversations about state fiscal health and growth.

      Despite evidence showing that low tax states have experienced significant growth and fiscal health gains at the expense of high tax states, some individuals and groups continue to cherry-pick examples and ignore the multitude of data that contradicts their narrative. For instance, while Kansas faced fiscal issues after implementing tax cuts without accompanying spending cuts, other states like Florida, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming have thrived. Furthermore, a website called How Money Walks shows that since 1992, high tax states have lost billions in adjusted gross income due to people moving to low tax states. However, instead of acknowledging these facts, some individuals resort to labeling those who present this information as racists or conservatives, rather than engaging in a productive conversation about state fiscal health. Additionally, an intriguing story from the Washington Examiner highlights the need for individuals and governments to invest in infrastructure, such as PVC piping, to address the financial consequences of past government spending. Ultimately, it's essential to have open and honest discussions about fiscal health and growth, rather than relying on identity politics and misinformation.

    • Debate over water pipe material influenced by lobbying and costsDecisions based on lobbying can harm the greater good, prioritize common interest over individual.

      The debate over which material is best for water pipes, be it PVC or this new type of iron, is currently being influenced by concentrated interests and diffuse costs. The PVC piping industry is lobbying heavily for government funds to be used primarily for PVC piping, despite the potential benefits of the new iron alternative. This situation highlights the dangers of making decisions based on lobbying efforts, rather than what's best for the greater good. All of us ultimately pay for these decisions through our taxes, and it's crucial that we prioritize the common good over individual interests. The Dan Bongino Show discusses this issue in detail, and it's worth considering the implications for other areas of infrastructure and public policy. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the potential biases and incentives that can shape decision-making processes and to advocate for solutions that benefit everyone.

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