
    Ep. 576 - Trump Says Not To Be Afraid Of COVID. He's Right.

    enOctober 06, 2020
    What was President Trump's message regarding the coronavirus?
    How did the media react to Trump's coronavirus message?
    What was the outcome of the investigation into Althea Bernstein's case?
    What issue was raised about UN representation for women?
    How was the Miami protest described in relation to political discourse?

    Podcast Summary

    • President Trump's message about the coronavirus and car expensesTrump's message about not being afraid of the virus and finding affordable car solutions resonated with the speaker, despite media criticism

      Despite recovering from the coronavirus, President Trump's message to Americans not to be afraid of the virus and not to let it control their lives was met with criticism from the media. This message resonated with the speaker, who shared his personal experience, and emphasized the importance of finding affordable and convenient solutions for car-related expenses through RockAuto.com. The media's negative reaction to Trump's message was highlighted through an example from CNN's Chris Cuomo, who accused Trump of spreading propaganda. However, the speaker believed that Trump's message was exactly what people needed to hear as they navigate through the ongoing pandemic.

    • Conflicting Perspectives on Public Figures' Health Crises and Media ReportingPublic figures' health crises sparked debates over propaganda, lies, and media reactions, with concerns over staged quarantine exits and calls for defunding hospitals, while the focus on negative implications overshadowed advancements in healthcare and encouraging messages from figures like Trump.

      During the discussion, it became clear that there are conflicting perspectives on the handling of public figures' health crises and the role of the media in reporting on them. Andrew Cuomo expressed concern over propaganda and lies, but was criticized for staging his own quarantine exit. The media reaction, on the other hand, was described as unhinged, with some calling for defunding Walter Reed Hospital for treating President Trump successfully. Trump, upon his return, encouraged people not to let COVID-19 dominate their lives and emphasized the advancements in medical treatment and vaccines. Despite these messages, the media focus seemed to be on the potential negative implications of these public figures' actions rather than the progress being made in healthcare.

    • Leaders should encourage people not to let fear dominate their livesLeaders should uphold the constitution and treat all gatherings equally, regardless of fear levels.

      Leaders, including former President Trump and current governors like Cuomo, should encourage people not to let fear of COVID-19 dominate their lives. Instead, they should maintain their dignity and sanity. However, recent actions by governors, such as Cuomo's threat to close religious institutions if they don't enforce COVID-19 rules, raise constitutional concerns. The First Amendment doesn't have an "unless people are scared of getting sick" clause. It's important to remember that fear can be irrational and that the virus's mortality rate is lower than initially thought. Despite this, fear continues to drive many people to wear masks and avoid large gatherings. It's crucial that leaders uphold the constitution and treat all gatherings equally, regardless of fear levels.

    • Masks and Outdoor Activities: A DebateWhile some believe the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19 during outdoor activities is low and masks are optional, others see masks as an added layer of protection. Personal risk assessments and comfort levels ultimately determine if masks are worn outside.

      While a large percentage of Americans are wearing masks even when outside and socially distanced, the necessity and safety of doing so is a subject of debate. Some argue that the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19 during activities like hiking, going to the beach, or driving alone is extremely low. Others believe that while the risk may be low, it's not impossible, and masks provide an added layer of protection. The polls suggest that many Americans are choosing to wear masks voluntarily, but it's unclear how many are doing so out of personal preference versus compliance with local ordinances. Ultimately, the decision to wear a mask outside depends on individual risk assessments and personal comfort levels.

    • Loss of Perspective and Dignity during COVID-19The fear of COVID-19 shouldn't compromise human connection and dignity. Balance perspective, support values-aligned companies.

      The current obsession with COVID-19 precautions, such as wearing masks all the time, has led to a loss of perspective and basic dignity. This was highlighted in a clip from a funeral service in the UK where a grieving widow was scolded for trying to comfort her son. The fear of the virus should not come at the cost of human connection and dignity. It's important to have a balanced perspective and not let fear control our lives completely. Additionally, it's crucial to support companies that align with our values while offering great services. For conservatives and pro-lifers, this can be a challenge, but it's essential to make a difference by putting our money towards causes and companies that align with our beliefs.

    • Support a charity while using a reliable phone serviceChoose Charity Mobile for a good phone plan and 5% support to a pro-life, pro-family charity

      Charity Mobile is not only a reliable phone company but also a socially responsible one. By choosing Charity Mobile, you're not only getting a good phone service but also supporting a pro-life, pro-family charity of your choice with 5% of your monthly plan. The company offers various benefits such as free cell phones, no contracts, live customer service based in the USA, and the ability to block data usage. Moreover, Charity Mobile's good reception even in remote areas is an added advantage. The recent development regarding Melania Trump's tapes might seem unrelated, but it's a reminder of the importance of trust and loyalty in friendships. It's essential to be aware of the companies we support and the people we surround ourselves with, ensuring they align with our values. To learn more about Charity Mobile and its offerings, call them at 1-877-474-3662 or chat with them online at charitymobile.com.

    • Legal barriers prevented full media coverage of Melania Trump's efforts to reunite with her sonDespite private frustrations, Melania Trump's comments about media weren't extraordinary, but a later recording revealed her using derogatory language about Stormy Daniels

      Despite efforts to reunite a child with his mother, the process had to go through legal channels, which prevented certain stories from being told in the media. Melania Trump was recorded in private conversations, and while she expressed frustrations with the media, her complaints were not extraordinary and included comments about Christmas decorations. A later tape revealed her referring to Stormy Daniels as a "porn hooker," which was not unexpected given Daniels' profession. The speaker expressed surprise that Michelle Obama, if similarly recorded, might have been caught saying worse things. Overall, the discussion highlighted the common complaint about media coverage and the private lives of public figures.

    • Navy SEALs remove gendered words from creed, Parkland parents create AI to deliver messageNavy SEALs update creed to remove gendered language, gender equality debate continues. Parents of Parkland victim create AI to convey message, raising ethical concerns.

      The Navy SEALs have recently made their ethos and creed gender neutral, removing gendered words like brotherhood. This decision has been met with controversy, as no woman has ever become a Navy SEAL and some argue that the focus should be on meeting the physical demands before changing the language. Elsewhere, the parents of a victim of the Parkland shooting have created an AI version of their deceased son to deliver an anti-gun message. While the intention may be noble, the use of AI to convey such a message raises ethical concerns. These two events highlight the ongoing debates surrounding gender equality and the role of technology in addressing societal issues. The Navy SEALs' decision to remove gendered language from their creed is a reflection of broader cultural shifts, while the use of AI to convey a message from the dead raises questions about the ethics of technology and its role in shaping public discourse. Ultimately, these events underscore the complex and nuanced nature of contemporary social issues and the ongoing debates surrounding them.

    • Discussing the use of children in politics and gender dynamicsThe use of children in politics is controversial, and women deserve their own UN representation due to unique experiences. Gender dynamics extend beyond mansplaining, with women often being the primary offenders.

      The use of children for political messages, even after their death, is something that many find objectionable. Regarding the UN and UN Women, it was emphasized that women need their own UN representation due to their unique experiences and perspectives. The concept of mansplaining was discussed, with criticism towards the notion that it is primarily a male issue. Instead, it was suggested that women are often the primary offenders. Lastly, a controversial protest in Miami involving women wearing masks and barking at a Pro-Trump rally was shared, highlighting the divisive nature of online discourse in real life. Overall, the conversation touched upon various topics, including the use of children in politics, gender dynamics, and societal issues.

    • Unclear Origins of Protesters' Actions, Upcoming Vice Presidential Debate, Dropped Hate Crime InvestigationProtesters' actions at a political event may have unclear origins, upcoming vice presidential debate, and lack of evidence can lead to dropped hate crime investigations.

      During a recent political discussion, it was unclear whether two protesters' decision to bark at a Trump protest was spontaneous or preplanned. Regardless of the origin, the idea spread and they both participated. The fascination lies in the unknown circumstances leading to their actions. Additionally, there is an upcoming vice presidential debate on October 7th, and the speaker will be reacting live as part of a special event for Daily Wire members. Furthermore, an investigation into an alleged hate crime in Madison, Wisconsin against an 18-year-old biracial woman, Althea Bernstein, has been dropped due to lack of evidence to support her claims. This case is an example of how some stories in the media can be quickly forgotten when evidence is lacking.

    • Investigation into Althea Bernstein attack closed due to lack of evidenceDespite claims of an attack involving Neo-Nazis, insufficient evidence led to the closure of the investigation, leaving those who spread the story unaccountable.

      The investigation into the alleged attack on Althea Bernstein, which involved local and federal authorities, has been closed due to the lack of evidence. Despite her claims of being accosted by a group of Neo-Nazis who doused her with lighter fluid and set her face on fire, no evidence was found to support these allegations. The police department and US attorney's office both issued statements that there was insufficient evidence to prove a violation of any federal or criminal statute occurred. Bernstein's family released a statement thanking officials for their efforts and maintaining their privacy. The absence of evidence is compelling evidence of the absence of the accused individuals. Despite the dubious nature of the story from the beginning, no consequences will be faced by those who promoted it, leading to potential for more dubious stories in the future.

    • President Trump's actions boost poll numbers despite media fear-mongeringIndividual resilience and actions can positively impact perceptions, even during uncertain times. Don't let fear dictate your actions or perceptions.

      During times of uncertainty, the media can attempt to instill fear, but the actions and responses of individuals, in this case, President Trump, can have a positive impact. The recent episode of The Matt Walsh Show discussed how President Trump's departure from the hospital led to a surge in poll numbers, despite media attempts to create fear around his health. This highlights the power of resilience and the importance of not letting fear dictate our actions or perceptions. Additionally, the show reminded listeners to subscribe, review, and spread the word about the podcast, and encouraged tuning in to other Daily Wire Podcasts such as The Ben Shapiro Show, Michael Knowles Show, and The Andrew Klavan Show. The Matt Walsh Show is produced by Sean Hampton, executive producer Jeremy Boring, supervised by Mathis Glover and Robert Sterling, technically produced by Austin Stevens, edited by Danny D'Amico, and audio mixed by Robin Thenderson, and is a Daily Wire production copyrighted in 2020.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join us tomorrow for live coverage of the presidential debate on Backstage Live! Watch on DailyWire+ at 8:30 PM ET: https://dailywire.com


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Reagan Movie - Head over to https://reaganmovie.com to grab your tickets today!


    Young America’s Foundation - Attend a local YAF advanced screening for Matt Walsh's latest film "Am I Racist?" at https://yaf.org/air


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