
    Ep. 589 Why Silly Liberal Boycotts Are Actually a Good Thing

    enNovember 13, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan Bongino's live broadcast interrupted by power outageDespite a power outage during a live broadcast, Dan Bongino emphasized the importance of principles, contrasting his consistent concern for the national debt to liberal groups who only seem concerned now

      During a recent Fox and Friends broadcast from his home studio, Dan Bongino experienced a power outage due to a lightning strike. However, he mistakenly plugged his monitor into a surge protector instead of an uninterrupted power source, leaving him without a backup battery. This resulted in a blackout during the live broadcast, leaving only Dan and a dark TV screen visible to viewers. Despite the mishap, Bongino emphasized the importance of principles, using the incident as a contrast to liberal groups who only seem concerned about the national debt now, despite their lack of concern during the Obama administration's addition of nine trillion to the economy. Bongino, as a principled conservative, has consistently been concerned about the national debt, regardless of the party in power.

    • Political Hypocrisy on DebtCriticizing current debt while ignoring past administrations creates political hypocrisy, and only voices of conservatives and libertarians are considered credible in the debate.

      Consistency in principles matters when it comes to political debates, especially regarding government spending and the national debt. The speaker expresses disappointment towards those who criticize the current debt situation while remaining silent during previous administrations' record-breaking debt. They view these critics as hypocrites and phonies, and only consider the voices of conservatives and libertarians as credible in this debate. The speaker also warns against following the advice of organizations like Media Matters, which they believe can lead to financial ruin for companies through boycotts.

    • Kurig's Decision to Pull Ads from Hannity's Show Could Cost MillionsCompanies should be cautious when yielding to pressure from liberal boycotts, as it may not lead to desired outcome and could result in financial losses.

      The decision by Kurig to pull ads from Sean Hannity's show during a boycott organized by liberal groups may not have been the best business move. This decision, made publicly on social media, could potentially lose the company millions of customers, as Hannity's show is supported by a significant portion of America, particularly those who strongly identify with Donald Trump. The boycotts initiated by liberal groups against conservative figures and companies have historically been unsuccessful, and this trend continues with Kurig. Companies should be cautious when succumbing to pressure from these groups, as it may not lead to the desired outcome and could result in financial losses.

    • Advertisers and Content Creators: A Shifting RelationshipAdvertisers prioritize audience reach over political alignment, leading to a bifurcated economy where conservative companies gain ground in liberal-dominated areas.

      The relationship between advertisers and content creators, particularly in the political sphere, is undergoing a significant shift. While some may try to boycott or associate sponsors with controversial content, the reality is that large audiences continue to provide value to advertisers, regardless of political alignment. This trend has led to the emergence of new conservative companies, as seen with Black Rifle Coffee, who have capitalized on the boycotts and gained widespread attention. The attempts at boycotts have been largely ineffective, and instead, they are creating a bifurcated economy where conservative companies are making moves into previously liberal-dominated areas. The bottom line is that advertisers are focused on reaching audiences, and the political leanings of the content or its host are secondary considerations.

    • Liberal boycotts can backfire and promote what they aim to suppressBoycotts can unintentionally introduce people to alternatives and grow opposition, rather than harming intended targets.

      Liberal boycotts, while they may seem effective in the short term, often backfire and end up promoting the very things they aim to suppress. The recent attempt by Media Matters to boycott The Hannity Show at a coffee company named Coring is a prime example. Instead of hurting Hannity, the boycott introduced many people to the conservative alternative, Black Rifle Coffee. This not only failed to harm Hannity but also created free advertising for the conservative company, leading to its growth. Furthermore, every time politics is introduced into the economy, it creates a fork in the road, with liberals hurting established players and promoting conservative alternatives. So, while some liberal actions may be tactically smart, others, driven by anger and rage, can have unintended consequences.

    • Conservatives Creating Their Own AlternativesDespite liberal attempts at boycotts and dominance, conservatives are creating successful alternatives in media, Hollywood, academia, and beyond.

      The liberal attempts at boycotts and dominance in various industries, including media, Hollywood, and academia, are backfiring and leading to the rise of successful conservative alternatives. This was evident in the recent success of the conservative movie "Let There Be Light" with Kevin Sorbo, which outperformed big-budget Hollywood films per screen. Fox News' dominance in cable news is another example of this trend. In academia, alternatives like Liberty University and Hillsdale College are gaining popularity, and in the future, massive open online courses (MOOCs) may become the dominant players, providing alternatives to liberal academia. These developments demonstrate that conservatives are not being pushed out of the economy, but rather, they are creating their own viable alternatives.

    • Coffee Company Faces Negative Publicity and Health ConcernsThe importance of maintaining clean indoor air and the potential savings from repealing the individual mandate tax under Obamacare were discussed during the podcast, along with a sponsor mention for FilterBuy.com's effective air filters.

      During the podcast, the hosts discussed the challenges faced by a particular coffee company due to negative publicity and health concerns regarding their products. Meanwhile, they also highlighted the importance of clean indoor air and introduced a sponsor, FilterBuy.com, offering high-quality and effective air filters. Another key point was the significance of repealing the individual mandate tax under Obamacare, which could save $338 billion over a decade. The hosts emphasized their appreciation for their sponsors and encouraged listeners to support them.

    • Individual Mandate Tax Disproportionately Burdens Low-Income HouseholdsThe Individual Mandate Tax, a provision of Obamacare, costs between $695 and $13,380 annually for 6.5 million households, disproportionately affecting low-income earners, and is counterproductive for revenue collection.

      The individual mandate tax, a provision of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), affects a relatively small number of taxpayers but disproportionately burdens low-income households. If the goal is to raise revenue for the government, it's counterproductive to design a tax that only a small percentage of people pay. Sen. Tom Cotton and other Republicans argue that eliminating the individual mandate tax would allow the government to return the savings to taxpayers instead. The tax is estimated to cost between $695 and $13,380 annually for 6.5 million households, with 79% of those households earning less than $50,000 per year and 90% earning less than $75,000.

    • Criticism of the Obamacare penalty taxThe speaker strongly criticizes the Obamacare penalty tax as the 'dumbest tax in human history', affecting the vulnerable, increasing costs, and calls for its abolition.

      The speaker is expressing strong criticism towards a tax policy, specifically the penalty for not buying Obamacare, which they refer to as the "dumbest tax in human history." This tax allegedly affects a limited number of people, primarily those who are poor or have lost their jobs, making them vulnerable. The speaker argues that Republicans should "get rid of it" and replace it with a tax cut for those in need. The criticism is laced with sarcasm and derision, with the speaker implying that Democrats are intentionally designing unfair policies. The speaker also mentions that this tax increases the cost of products and services due to entitlement programs like Medicaid. Overall, the speaker's message is that this tax is harmful, unfair, and should be abolished.

    • Improve marksmanship skills with iTarget ProITarget Pro is a laser-based training tool that records shots on an app, allowing users to analyze accuracy and refine technique. Essential for recreational and competitive shooters, it promotes practice and dry firing, enhancing shooting abilities cost-effectively and accessibly.

      The iTarget Pro tool is an innovative training device for improving marksmanship skills without the need for range time or ammunition. The laser-based system records shots on an app, allowing users to analyze their accuracy and refine their technique, making it an essential tool for both recreational and competitive shooters. Additionally, the host emphasized the importance of practice and dry firing, as competitive shooters often practice ten times more without live rounds. Overall, iTarget Pro offers a cost-effective and accessible solution for enhancing shooting abilities.

    • Misunderstanding Passive Income and WealthCatherine Rampel's criticism of passive income and the wealthy is based on flawed assumptions. Passive income involves risk and requires work, while only a small portion of wealth comes from inheritance.

      Catherine Rampel's criticism of passive income and the wealthy, as expressed in her hit piece against the Republican tax plan, is based on a flawed understanding of economics. She incorrectly assumes that passive income, or investment income, carries no risk and reduces the incentive to work. However, as Dan Patrick pointed out, there is significant risk involved in capital income, and investing in fruitful companies requires a lot of work. Furthermore, a small percentage of the wealth held by the top quintile comes from inheritance. Rampel's misunderstanding of these concepts highlights the need for a more nuanced and informed approach to economic discussions.

    • Misconceptions about Wealthy Individuals' Sources of WealthContrary to popular belief, only 15% of wealthy individuals' wealth comes from inheritance, while 43% of lower-income individuals' wealth comes from it. Passive income, a common criticism, actually benefits the poor more than the rich, and the death tax is a small portion of their overall wealth.

      The argument against wealthy individuals having passive income and inheriting wealth being their primary source for amassing wealth is not accurate. Contrary to the belief that most of their wealth comes from inheritance, only 15% of their wealth is inherited, while 43% of the wealth of lower-income individuals comes from inheritance. Moreover, passive income, which is often criticized, actually benefits the poor more significantly than the rich. The death tax, which some argue is a terrible thing, is a small portion of their overall wealth. The misconception that wealthy individuals do nothing but sit on their yachts and golf courses is not supported by the facts. The numbers clearly show that the majority of their wealth comes from their own earnings and investments, not inheritance. Therefore, attacking generational wealth under the premise that it's not earned is an inaccurate argument.

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