
    EP: 60 Giants in America with Adam Stokes

    enSeptember 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Ancient giants and mysterious creatures could be connected to our prehistoryBiblical scholar Adam Stokes suggests that Bigfoot and other ancient giants could be remnants of previously unknown civilizations, challenging modern interpretations of prehistory and supernatural beings like the Nephilim.

      Ancient giants and mysterious creatures like Bigfoot could be connected to our prehistory, according to biblical scholar and researcher Adam Stokes. Stokes, who holds degrees from Duke University, Yale Divinity School, and Princeton Theological Seminary, has delved into various topics including prehistory, pre-Columbian American history, mounds, and earthworks. He believes that Bigfoot could be a remnant of previously unknown, giant races that once inhabited North America. Stokes also has an intriguing perspective on the Nephilim, whom some interpret as fallen angels. Instead, he suggests a less supernatural explanation, viewing the Nephilim as an ancient civilization of giants who fell from their former glory. The Smithsonian and modern-day church may have a limited understanding of the supernatural, but Stokes encourages us to explore the deeper meanings behind ancient events and legends.

    • Ancient North American civilizations and biblical Nephilim giantsA researcher suggests a connection between ancient North American civilizations and biblical Nephilim giants, arguing that these giants could be linked to the Hopewell and Adena cultures in Ohio and originated from the Near East.

      The speaker, a researcher with a background in biblical studies and Latter day Saint traditions, believes there could be a connection between ancient North American civilizations, such as the Hopewell and Adena cultures, and the biblical concept of Nephilim giants. He became interested in this topic through his fascination with biblical giants and the belief in ancient inhabitants from the Near East coming to North America. He argues that these giants, as described in Native American traditions, could be linked to the Nephilim, a fallen race of giants mentioned in the Bible. The speaker's work focuses on the giants in Ohio, specifically the Hopewell and Adena cultures, and he believes these giants originated from the Near East. This theory challenges the common perception that Native American cultures are the only ancient civilizations in North America and adds to the ongoing debate about the existence and origins of giants in history.

    • The Complex History of Pre-Columbian America: Hopewell and Adena CulturesThe Hopewell and Adena cultures, once thought to be small and unsophisticated, had an enormous empire and were known for their advanced civilization, including large earthworks. Remains of giants, who were not indigenous to North America, have been discovered, adding to the complexity of their history.

      The ancient history of pre-Columbian America, specifically the Hopewell and Adena cultures, is much more complex and sophisticated than what is commonly taught. These cultures, named after property owners in the 19th century, had an enormous empire stretching from Ohio to Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama. They were known for their advanced civilization, including the construction of large earthworks. The remains of these cultures have been discovered, including the remains of giants, who were at least 7 feet to 9 feet tall. These giants, who were not indigenous to North America, came from somewhere else and had a significant presence in the country. The reasons why they built with earth instead of stone, as seen in South America, remains a mystery. However, it's important to note that not all earthworks are original, and some are imitations of earlier structures. Overall, the history of these cultures challenges traditional narratives and sheds light on the rich and complex pre-Columbian history of America.

    • Ancient earthworks held more elaborate structures and decorationsAncient earthworks were more complex than they appear and held significant cultural and spiritual importance to their builders

      Ancient earthworks, such as those found at Newark Earthworks and Hopewell and Adena Mounds, may appear simple on the surface, but they held more elaborate structures and decorations thousands of years ago. These structures were likely inspired by the builders' cultural backgrounds and spiritual beliefs, which emphasized the importance of specific dimensions and religious sites. Interestingly, similar structures can be found in other parts of the world, such as Britain and Canada. However, as time passed, the knowledge and techniques used to build these structures were lost, leading to imitations that lacked the original "mojo." This is a reminder of how easily knowledge can be forgotten and how important it is to preserve and pass down cultural traditions.

    • Learning from the Past and Advanced CivilizationsAcknowledge the wisdom of past civilizations and learn from history, as there may have been advanced beings who migrated to North America and left behind intriguing artifacts and knowledge.

      The past holds valuable knowledge and civilizations that have come before us may have been more advanced than we currently are. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging this and learning from history, rather than being arrogant about our own supposed superiority. The discussion also touches upon the idea that certain knowledge may have been lost over time, and that there may have been migrations of advanced beings, such as giants, to North America. These migrations could have occurred due to persecution and conflict in their original lands. The speaker argues that there are indications of this in the dating of certain mounds and artifacts, and that the culture of these giants in North America bears similarities to Semitic cultures in the Old Testament. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of looking to the past for insights and understanding, rather than assuming that our own time is the pinnacle of civilization.

    • Ancient North American structures reveal insights into giants' beliefs and practicesStudying ancient North American structures provides valuable insights into the beliefs and cultural practices of the giants who once inhabited the continent, including spiritual and potentially proto-Gnostic beliefs and Jewish influences.

      The ancient mounds and structures found in North America, such as serpent mounds, can provide insights into the beliefs and cultural practices of the giants who inhabited the continent at different time periods. These beliefs ranged from spiritual and potentially proto-Gnostic, as seen in the serpent mounds, to more orthodox and Jewish, as seen in the menorah mound. The presence of serpent deities in various traditions, including those of the ancient Near East, suggests that the giants may have held unorthodox religious beliefs that were condemned by biblical authors and early Christianity. Additionally, it is believed that the Nephilim, the offspring of the sons of god and the daughters of men in the biblical narrative, may have had both spiritual and physical traits that have been passed down through generations, with some people having more Nephilim DNA than others. The study of these ancient structures and beliefs can provide valuable insights into the history and cultural practices of the giants who once inhabited North America.

    • Ancient Giants and Advanced KnowledgeTheories suggest giants in ancient civilizations were larger than modern estimates and had advanced knowledge, but their existence and connection remain debated

      There are various theories suggesting the existence of giants in ancient civilizations, including North America, and their potential connection to advanced technologies and knowledge. These theories propose that early giants interbred with other ancient populations and later migrants, potentially leading to the loss of their advanced knowledge and the emergence of folklore about giants. Some researchers suggest that giants in ancient civilizations could have been significantly larger than modern estimates, with some legends describing giants as tall as 12 or even 20 feet. The existence of these giants and their potential connection to advanced knowledge remains a topic of ongoing debate and exploration.

    • Evidence of Giants in North American HistoryDespite evidence suggesting giants existed in North America, deeply ingrained biased views of American history may lead to dismissal or skepticism.

      There is a significant amount of evidence suggesting the existence of giants in North American history, with many of these giants being at least 7 feet tall. However, this evidence is often met with skepticism and pushback, potentially due to the deeply ingrained biased view of American history that portrays Native Americans as the only inhabitants before European settlers. This view is so entrenched that it would take a great deal to change it, and many people prefer to ignore or dismiss evidence that challenges this narrative. The stakes are high, as this evidence has implications not just for anthropology and archaeology, but also for biology and our understanding of human history. With recent disclosures about UFOs and potential extraterrestrial involvement in creating life, this alternate view may become harder to ignore.

    • Questioning Established NarrativesPersonal curiosity and questioning established narratives can lead to new perspectives and a deeper understanding of ancient American culture, despite limitations in societal institutions like academia.

      Our societal values and institutions, such as academia, can limit the perspectives and voices that are heard and considered valuable. The speaker's personal experiences and curiosity led him to question the historical narratives he was taught and discover new perspectives on ancient American culture. However, he noted that academia can be limiting and dogmatic, and that questioning established narratives can lead to a rabbit hole of further questions and discoveries. The speaker also suggested that the suppression of certain information, such as the accuracy of the biblical narrative, can be a reason for its absence from mainstream discourse. Overall, the importance of personal curiosity and the questioning of established narratives was emphasized as a means of expanding our understanding of the world.

    • Close-minded rejection of ancient beliefs and phenomenaAcademia's focus on secularism and materialism may limit our understanding of ancient technologies and otherworldly phenomena, potentially hindering future discoveries and challenging deeply-held beliefs

      Academia's emphasis on secularism and materialism has led to a close-minded rejection of the literal biblical accounts, creating a bubble that denies ancient beliefs and phenomena. This mindset, as exemplified by figures like Carl Jung, has prevented openness to possibilities like the existence of ancient technologies or otherworldly phenomena. The rigidity of this perspective may soon be challenged, leaving those deeply entrenched in materialism to potentially abandon their faith upon disclosure. Additionally, we have come to idolize our intellect and academia, which may hinder us from considering alternative perspectives and understanding the Bible as its authors intended.

    • Challenging preconceived beliefs and reevaluating historical evidenceExperts are reexamining dismissed 'forgeries' from the late 19th century, revealing evidence of Old World influence on North American cultures

      Some people are selectively deconstructing historical evidence to fit their own preconceived beliefs, creating a distorted version of the truth. This was discussed in relation to the interpretation of ancient inscriptions, which have been dismissed as forgeries but are now being reevaluated by experts. These inscriptions, found in various mounds in North America, contain writing in languages like Hebrew and Semitic, which were not well understood in the late 19th century when many of these discoveries were made. Therefore, it's unlikely that forgeries could have been created during that time. This evidence, such as the Los Lunas Stone and the Newark Earthworks Holy Stones, is seen as a "smoking gun" suggesting cultural diffusion from the Old World to North America. The importance of this work lies in challenging popular narratives and bringing attention to alternative perspectives.

    • Exploring the hidden agenda behind the absence of giants in historySpeakers ponder the possibility of a deliberate effort to suppress knowledge of giants in history, potentially due to their size and intelligence causing societal upheaval or the existence of 'spiritual DNA' leading to gigantism.

      The speakers in this discussion are exploring the idea that there may be a hidden agenda to keep people in the dark about the existence of giants throughout history. They believe this is by design to maintain ignorance and distraction among the population. Additionally, they ponder the possibility that the size and intelligence of ancient civilizations could be linked to their genetic makeup, specifically the presence of "spiritual DNA" that may cause gigantism. The speakers also consider the possibility that different cultures and civilizations may have produced unique outcomes based on the prevalence of full-blooded giant DNA versus hybrid or mixed populations. They also touch on the potential for psychic abilities and advanced technology in moving large stones, and the possibility that the degradation of DNA may have occurred before and after the flood. Overall, the conversation revolves around the intriguing possibility that giants may have played a significant role in human history, and that their presence and influence may have been intentionally hidden.

    • New generation's openness to unexplained phenomenaYounger generations are more open to exploring unexplored phenomena due to technology and honesty, but academic risks remain.

      The new generation is more open-minded and brave when it comes to exploring unexplained phenomena compared to previous generations. This is due to their access to modern technology and their honesty. However, there are still risks for researchers, particularly in academic settings, where holding unconventional beliefs can lead to consequences such as loss of employment. The discussion also touched upon the idea that historical records may have been lost due to events like the biblical flood, leaving many mysteries unsolved. Despite this, the new generation's curiosity and willingness to question the status quo offers hope for uncovering new knowledge.

    • Challenging the status quo leads to significant discoveriesStay curious and open-minded, the truth can be surprising and even counterintuitive, and the Internet has given a voice to the masses, leading to a more transparent world.

      The world is constantly evolving, and people's willingness to challenge the status quo and uncover hidden truths, no matter how controversial, can lead to significant discoveries. From Martin Luther King's prophetic words to the recent disclosure of UFOs by former President Obama, those who dare to speak out and challenge conventional wisdom can make a profound impact. However, in today's digital age, the dissemination of information is no longer under the control of a few, making it harder for those in power to hide the truth. The Internet, while posing its own challenges, has given a voice to the masses and allowed for a more transparent world. It's important to remain curious and open-minded, as the truth can often be surprising and even counterintuitive.

    • Exploring Hidden Truths: Ancient Civilizations and Mythical CreaturesThe internet has made it easier to discuss and document once-taboo topics, leading to new discoveries and challenges to established beliefs and power structures.

      The proliferation of technology and information sharing through platforms like the internet poses a threat to those in power who have long kept secrets hidden. Topics once considered fringe, such as UFO sightings, Bigfoot, and ancient civilizations, are now widely discussed and documented. Adam, a researcher and author, believes that there are other groups of people who have existed alongside humans for thousands of years, as evidenced by Native American traditions and folklore. He also speculates that some of these groups, including Bigfoot, may still exist today. Adam's work, which includes books on ancient civilizations and giants, can be found on Amazon and his social media accounts. He encourages honesty and transparency when exploring these topics, even if it means encountering skepticism or even legal challenges. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open-mindedness and the power of information sharing in challenging long-held beliefs and uncovering hidden truths.

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