
    EP: 62 The Nephilim Project with Doug Riggs

    enOctober 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Encounters with Underground Bases, Creatures, and Nephilim ProjectSpeakers discuss possible modern-day hybrids from blended DNA, ongoing projects involving underground bases, creatures in liquid, and potential connections to historical events like WW2 and the Nazis.

      The speakers in this discussion have shared their experiences and beliefs about encounters with underground military bases, creatures in liquid, and potential connections to the Nephilim Project and Bigfoot. They suggest that these entities could be modern-day hybrids, resulting from blended DNA from various sources, and that they have been part of ongoing projects for several decades. The speakers also mention a potential connection between these phenomena and historical events, such as World War 2 and the actions of the Nazis. The conversation touches on various topics, including personal experiences, research, and theories, and offers a unique perspective on unexplained phenomena.

    • The Origins of Hybrids: From Nimrod to HitlerThe belief that hybrids, such as the antichrist and Hitler's super race, are created due to a sin code in the third spiritual strand of DNA that died when Adam disobeyed God.

      The discussion revolves around the concept of hybrids, specifically those with a third strand of DNA, and their connection to historical figures like Nimrod and Hitler. The speakers believe that when God created Adam, he was created with a threefold image: spirit, soul, and body. However, the third spiritual strand of Adam's DNA died when he disobeyed God, leaving a sin code that Satan can access. This sin code is believed to be the driving force behind the creation of hybrids, such as the antichrist and Hitler's super race. The speakers also distinguish between different types of hybrids, with some being more like mutations of ongoing programs and others being quintessential hybrids. The creation of these hybrids is believed to have started with Nimrod and continued through World War 2 and beyond.

    • Hitler's role in breeding the AntichristHitler's lineage was believed to be infused with a third strand of DNA, possibly from Nimrod, to create hybrids like the Antichrist and false prophet, forming a synchronized army for Satan in the final war against God.

      Adolf Hitler was seen as the human mechanism to bring forth the Antichrist through a hybrid breeding program. This program involved the convergence of previous royal bloodlines, including the Collins elite, and the splicing of the Hitler bloodline with Satan. The result was the infusion of a third strand of DNA, believed to be the DNA of Nimrod, which enabled the breeding of hybrids such as the Antichrist, the false prophet, and potentially a synchronized transhumanist army. This army, made up of hybrids, is seen as a means for Satan to make up for his numerical disadvantage in the final war against God. The discussion also touched upon the idea that Adam's fall in the garden may have been a genetic change, and the mention of other creatures like gray aliens and insectilians was linked to the hybridization program.

    • Breeding Program to Create a Master RaceA long-standing breeding program has resulted in the creation of hybrids, often referred to as aliens, who are not from outer space but are made in America and other parts of the world. The goal is to create a master race to enslave humanity and eliminate it as we know it, driven by a satanic power.

      The so-called "aliens" are not extraterrestrial beings but rather hybrids created through a long-standing breeding program. These hybrids, often described as aliens, are not from outer space but are made in America and other parts of the world. The goal of this program, as described by researchers like David Jacobs, is to create a master race that will enslave humanity and eliminate the human race as we know it. This agenda is driven by a satanic power and is reflected in various religious texts and historical accounts, such as the story of Nimrod in the Bible. Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord, is considered the first transhumanist, having attained his power through a ritual marriage at the Tower of Babel, which was seen as a gateway to unite with the gods. The Tower of Babel was not just a structure to escape the flood but also a place for this ritual union. The hybrids are now integrating with humanity and will continue to do so until they are not detectable. This process is part of a larger global reset, synchronized by a satanic power, leading towards the final denouement and Armageddon.

    • The Return of Nimrod as the AntichristThe ancient king Nimrod, believed to be the first Antichrist, is expected to return and be worshiped as a god under different names. We are currently living in the final generation before his revelation, and December 25th, his birthday, is significant.

      Nimrod, a ancient king and the first Antichrist in world history, ascended to god-like status through advanced technology or a transformative device. After his death, he was believed to have been thrown into the abyss or Tartarus, a prison for rebellious angels. According to the speaker, Nimrod is expected to return on the world scene, and when he does, he will be worshiped as a god under the names Nimrod, Apollyon, and Alexander. The speaker also believes that we are currently living in the final generation before Nimrod's revelation and that December 25th, his birthday, is significant. The speaker emphasized that despite not knowing the exact day or hour, we can discern the signs of the times and understand that we are living in the final generation. The speaker also clarified that only the rebellious angels were imprisoned in Tartarus or the abyss, and there is no evidence in scripture that mankind goes there.

    • Biblical judgments throughout historyThe Bible describes several judgments throughout history, including the flood and a judgment limited to Canaan, with potential evidence of multiple incursions. These judgments serve as warnings against moral decay and corruption, emphasizing the importance of staying faithful to God.

      The Bible describes several significant judgments throughout history, starting with the flood being God's judgment on a corrupt civilization. Afterward, there was another judgment limited to the land of Canaan to preserve the gene pool. These judgments, or incursions, are believed to have occurred multiple times throughout history, as indicated by biblical texts and scholars. The Nephilim mentioned in the Bible are seen as evidence of these incursions, with some interpretations suggesting a second incursion after the flood. These events are described in detail in various biblical passages, particularly in the books of Genesis and Daniel. Overall, these judgments serve as warnings against moral decay and corruption, emphasizing the importance of staying faithful to God.

    • Daniel's vision of a hybridized kingdom through 'mixed marriages'The Bible warns against forming unions with angelic beings, depicted as 'mixed marriages', which can lead to the existence of Nephilim and the rejection of God's truth, symbolized by ziggurats.

      The Bible's prophecies in Daniel's vision describe a final incursion of angelic beings leading up to the second coming of Christ. This incursion is depicted as the production of a hybridized kingdom, or the beast kingdom, through "mixed marriages" or unions between these beings and humans. This concept of "mixed marriages" is represented by the same Hebrew word, arath, which means pledge or security used in ancient East marriages and covenants. The prophecy also warns against such unions, as seen in Ezra 9:2. G.H. Pembroke's 1876 work, "Earth's Early Stages," predicted a third and final incursion between fallen angels and mankind, leading to the existence of Nephilim on Earth. These ziggurats, or temple towers, found all over the world, symbolize man's attempt to connect with the gods and become deified, which is the satanic lie. The Bible warns against this deception and the rejection of God's truth can lead to belief in such lies.

    • Discussion on loss of humanity and transhumanismBelief in entities like Nimrod, mark of the beast, and fallen angels represents a loss of humanity and a transformation towards a transhumanist state, associated with false gods and promises of immortality. Warnings against secret genetic splicing and final global incursion, emphasizing the importance of making right choices.

      The discussion revolves around the belief that certain events and entities, such as Nimrod, the mark of the beast, and the fallen angels, represent a loss of humanity and a transformation towards a transhumanist state. These entities are associated with promises of immortality and the worship of false gods, leading to a judgment from God. The speakers also mention the concept of multiple incursions throughout history, where entities corrupt mankind and are then judged by God. Some of this preparation or genetic splicing is believed to be happening in secret underground facilities or "dumps." The final incursion is predicted to be global and is currently happening. The speakers warn against messing with the Lord and emphasize the importance of making the right choices, as the consequences are in God's hands.

    • Breeding of Hybrids with Connection to Historical Figures and a Dark AgendaHistorical figures like Doctor Jose Mengele and royals are involved in a global program to breed and raise hybrids with a satanic agenda to bring forth the antichrist and false prophet. Deliverance and healing are possible for those born into this program.

      There is an ongoing global program involving the breeding and raising of hybrids, with a connection to historical figures like Doctor Jose Mengele and royal families. These individuals, who are born into the project, undergo a ritual at conception where Satan imparts a DNA source code and implants them sequentially according to a plan. The goal is to bring forth the antichrist and false prophet. The women involved in this program, who are mostly royals and have been programmed by Mengele, can be delivered from their conditioning and integrate back into a whole identity. The first woman who was delivered from this program has been integrated for over 10 years and now helps deliver other survivors. Despite the heavy nature of this information, there is hope for deliverance and healing.

    • Healing from complex trauma involves dislodging entities attached to the human spiritWorking with individuals who experienced complex trauma requires extensive healing, gathering and detoxing fragmented parts, and reclaiming stolen life essence from attached entities, which are not demons but principalities.

      Working with individuals who have experienced complex trauma, including sexual abuse and involvement in cults, can involve healing deep-rooted fractures in their personalities and dislodging entities attached to their human spirit. This process can be rapid, but it requires extensive work to gather and heal fragmented parts, detox from negative influences, and reclaim stolen life essence. The entities involved are not demons, but principalities, which can only be removed by displacing them and reclaiming what has been stolen. This process can be challenging and may involve dealing with traumas and experiences that are difficult to comprehend, such as being part of underground military bases and being used as weapons platforms. While some details may be anecdotal, the connections between these experiences are real and require dedicated attention to help individuals heal.

    • Secret military bases and unusual activitiesReports of secret military bases with unusual activities persist, despite skepticism. Some claim encounters with unknown creatures and highly programmed individuals, prompting questions about government secrecy and spiritual warfare.

      There are reportedly secret military bases, such as Area 51 and Area 52, where unusual activities, including breeding of unknown creatures, are said to take place. These claims come from multiple sources, including individuals with unique backgrounds and clearances. These stories, despite coming from different people and places, share similar themes, making it difficult to dismiss them as hoaxes or mass conspiracies. The speaker, who has encountered some of these individuals, finds it disconcerting that many pastors and religious leaders remain unaware or dismissive of these claims. The speaker is working with a woman in South Africa who has given birth to offspring and has been highly programmed, and her pastor has agreed to be involved in their discussions. These experiences have shaped the speaker's worldview, leading them to question the extent of government secrecy and the role of spiritual warfare in understanding these phenomena.

    • The battle between God and Satan and human historyThe speaker believes that human history is part of an ancient battle between God and Satan, with the church playing a crucial role in Satan's eventual deposition, and the rapture of the church being a necessary precondition for this change.

      The existence of great evil in the world challenges our understanding of God and His plan, as discussed between the speaker and Pastor Rob. The speaker shared how his theological framework was not sufficient when faced with such evil, and that there is an ancient battle between God and Satan that predates human history. Satan's goal was to create beings like himself, and this may explain the existence of certain supernatural entities. The speaker believes that human history is a virtual courtroom, with the church playing a crucial role in Satan's eventual deposition. The rapture of the church is a necessary precondition for this change to occur. The speaker emphasizes that God is preparing a significant shift, and the principalities and powers ruling in the second heaven will be deposed once the church is glorified. The question remains as to how close we are to this event, and Satan is aware of the church as his nemesis.

    • A spiritual war between good and evil targets Christians and their pastorsThe speaker emphasizes the importance of correctly understanding the Bible to persevere in the spiritual war between good and evil, as pastors and Christians are targeted to limit their impact.

      The speaker believes in a spiritual war between good and evil, with Christians and their pastors being targeted to limit their impact and understanding of the Bible. According to the speaker, this has been happening for centuries, with the enemy trying to "dumb down" pastors by leading them to believe in false interpretations, such as the line of Seth in Genesis 6. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of the church as a source of light and salt, and how Satan infiltrates it to neutralize its potential threat. The speaker's belief is that the rapture is a biblical concept specifically for the church, and not for Israel as some believe. They argue that Jesus came to fulfill the promises to the Israelites, but when they rejected him, God revealed his eternal purpose through the birth of a new race, the Church, which is made up of members of Christ. Paul, as the revelator of this new eschatology, gives unique insights into the end times for the church. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that we are in a spiritual battle, and it's essential to understand the Bible correctly to persevere and overcome.

    • Pauline Revelations and Jewish Eschatology DifferencesThe rapture, a Christian belief in the removal of believers before tribulations, is unique to Pauline epistles and essential for interpreting biblical prophecies as the church's role is in heaven during Christ's judgment of the nations.

      The eschatology, or end times beliefs, of the church and Israel are distinct, as outlined in the Pauline epistles and the Gospels. The rapture, a Christian belief in the coming removal of believers from the earth before tribulations, is not a concept derived from Jewish eschatology but rather unique to the Pauline revelations. This understanding of the rapture and its significance for God's judgment of the nations is essential for interpreting biblical prophecies. The church's role as vice regents in heaven during Christ's judgment of the nations requires the church to be absent during this period, making the rapture a crucial concept. The integration of Jewish and Christian eschatologies can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, so it's vital to recognize their differences. For further exploration, one can refer to the speaker's 4-lesson series on the blessed hope for a more in-depth understanding.

    • Hybrid beings and the end timesHybrid beings, believed to lack souls, are described as part of an end-time army with unusual size and strength. Preparation and holiness are crucial for Christians entering a time of suffering before Jesus' return.

      There are alleged descriptions of hybrid beings, referred to as quintessential hybrids or the beautiful people, who are said to resemble the ultimate Ubermensch but lack souls due to their hybrid nature. These beings, which are not necessarily giant in size, are believed to be part of an end-time army and have been reported to exhibit unusual size and strength. Some of these encounters have been recorded and transcribed, and the speaker suggests that understanding these concepts is crucial for preparing for what's to come. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of holiness and being right with God, as Christians are believed to be entering a time of suffering before the return of Jesus Christ. Additionally, the speaker mentions that December 25th is traditionally believed to be Nimrod's birthday, but Jesus is not believed to have been born on that day.

    • Exploring the origins and significance of ChristmasFocus on Jesus and his teachings during Christmas, emphasizing faith and hope for victory over evil.

      The origins of Christmas and other celebrations may have complex historical roots, but focusing on Jesus and his teachings is the most important aspect. The discussion touched upon various topics including the possible Jewish or Roman influences on Christmas, the existence of hybrid creatures, and the importance of faith in understanding evil. The speaker emphasized that God never intended us to dwell on evil, and encouraged listeners to focus on their faith in Jesus. The conversation also explored the significance of the transfiguration and the idea of a final transformation in the church leading up to the rapture. Ultimately, the speaker's message was one of hope and freedom, encouraging listeners to keep their focus on Jesus and his victory over evil.

    • Understanding the Bible's message of Earth's reclamation from Satan's ruleDoug interprets the Bible as a story of the 'royal heir' reclaiming Earth from Satan, emphasizing the importance of advanced themes for a full understanding.

      According to Doug's interpretation of the Bible, the "royal heir" or "son of man" is set to reclaim the Earth from Satan's rule, as mentioned in the Hebrews 1 and various judgments in Revelation. This reclamation is seen as a legal and rightful act, and the entire story of the Bible, including historical events and prophecies, fits together in this context. Doug emphasizes the importance of understanding advanced themes, including eschatology and DNA, to fully grasp the Bible's message. Listeners interested in Doug's teachings can visit his website, dudrigs.org, for more information and resources.

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