
    Ep. 622 The Democrats are Doomed in the Long Term

    enDecember 29, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Identity politics: A winning strategy for the Democrats?The Democrats' use of identity politics to win elections by appealing to specific demographics may not be a sustainable or popular strategy in the long run as human beings are naturally liberty-loving creatures who do not want to be controlled.

      Identity politics, as a political strategy for the Democrats, is unsustainable and unpopular with the public. The Democrats have embraced identity politics as a means to advance their agenda of redistribution, central government control, and planning. However, they recognized that these ideas were not popular and would not win elections on their own merit. Instead, they used identity politics to associate people with groups rather than ideas. This strategy allowed them to appeal to specific demographics and lurch farther to the left. However, as Dan Bongino argues, human beings are naturally liberty-loving creatures who do not want to be controlled. Therefore, the Democrats' reliance on identity politics may not be a winning strategy in the long run.

    • Democrats use identity politics to disguise big government agendaDemocrats use identity politics to make voters prioritize their group identity over other considerations, allowing them to push unpopular policies

      The Democrats have used identity politics as a messaging strategy to implement their big government agenda, disguising it by portraying Republicans and conservatives as threats to certain identity groups. This approach has been effective because people are more likely to vote for those who they believe will protect their identity rather than those advocating for higher taxes and bigger government. The ultimate goal is to get people to prioritize their identity over other aspects of their being, such as political ideology or economic interests. This strategy has been crucial for the Democrats to push their agenda despite its unpopularity.

    • Democrats detach voters from values and replace with self-preservation based on identityDemocrats manipulate voters by focusing on identity politics and victim mentality, leading to dependency and division

      Individuals prioritize their values, including faith and family, over political affiliations when making voting decisions. However, the Democratic Party's strategy involves detaching people from these values and replacing them with self-preservation based on race, gender, or religion. This tactic leads people to vote for Democrats without fully understanding the issues, as demonstrated in a video featuring Michael Harowitz and his reaction to a tax plan. Critical theory, a leftist ideology, reinforces this victim mentality by devaluing objective facts and promoting the idea that Republicans and conservatives are oppressors. Democrats rely on this victim class to maintain power, creating a cycle of dependency and division.

    • Identity Politics DisconnectThe Democratic Party's reliance on identity politics may become less effective as more individuals see themselves as Americans first, challenging the party's efforts to divide the population along identity lines.

      Identity politics, a key Democratic strategy, relies on individuals identifying as victims of certain groups to rally support. However, as discussed, many individuals, such as those in mixed marriages, do not see themselves as victims but rather as Americans. This disconnect poses a long-term problem for the Democratic Party as more and more people, regardless of ethnicity, identify as Americans first and foremost. This trend challenges the Democratic Party's efforts to divide the population along identity lines and could potentially shift the political landscape.

    • Identity politics and its limitations for non-black communitiesDemocrats' reliance on identity politics may not sustainably connect with Hispanic and Asian American communities as they assimilate and intermarry, while policies that benefit these groups are often overlooked in favor of stoking division based on skin color.

      The Democratic Party's identity politics strategy, which relies on people aligning with a victimized class, may not be sustainable in the long term, particularly for Hispanic and Asian American communities. As these communities assimilate into American society and intermarry, their affiliation with their ethnic identities weakens. Moreover, the visual nature of skin color makes it easier for Democrats to manipulate identity politics among black Americans, who have historically suffered unique levels of suffering in America. However, policies that benefit the black community, such as school choice and economic development initiatives, are often overlooked by Democrats in favor of stoking identity politics. Ultimately, this approach may fail to resonate with other ethnic groups and could lead to a decline in Democratic support.

    • Identity politics and food securityThe Democratic Party uses identity politics to maintain their black voter base, while the conservative agenda could resonate with many black Americans. Food security is crucial, and individuals should invest in it instead of relying on savings or other sources during crises.

      Identity politics is a powerful tool used by the Democratic Party to maintain their voter base among the black community, portraying themselves as their protectors. Meanwhile, the conservative agenda has the potential to resonate with a large population of black Americans, but this message is not as effectively communicated. Elsewhere in the discussion, the importance of food security was emphasized, using the example of potential disasters and supply chain failures that could leave people without access to food for extended periods. It was suggested that ensuring a food supply is a smart investment for individuals and families, as opposed to relying on savings or other sources that may not be edible in a crisis.

    • Misunderstanding between fire and house alarmsFormer Secret Service agent clarified misconception about non-fire alarm sound during podcast and urged media to fact-check information before spreading it as news

      There was a misunderstanding regarding a non-fire alarm sound that was heard during a podcast recording. The speaker, who is a former Secret Service agent, clarified that it was not a fire alarm but rather a house alarm or window alarm. He also addressed a fake news story circulating about a white box truck obstructing the view of President Trump golfing and the Secret Service allegedly moving it to prevent media coverage. The agent explained that when the president is on a golf course, the terrain is relatively flat and unobstructed views are preferred for security purposes. He urged media outlets to fact-check information before spreading it as news.

    • Secret Service uses large vehicles for protection, not media controlUnderstanding intentions is crucial to avoiding misunderstandings and jumping to incorrect conclusions

      The Secret Service uses large vehicles like box trucks and satellite trucks to protect the president and other high-profile individuals by obstructing potential shooters' line of sight, rather than to block media coverage. This is a crucial aspect of their protective measures to ensure the safety of the protectee. The media's focus on the blocking of their view during the president's visit is misplaced, as the Secret Service's primary concern is security, not photography. The NFL's handling of the Colin Kaepernick controversy serves as a cautionary tale on the destructive consequences of not addressing controversial issues promptly and effectively. The takeaway from this discussion is the importance of understanding the true intentions behind actions and avoiding jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

    • NFL Players' Controversial Clothing Choices vs. Santa Claus-Themed CleatsWhile NFL players face sanctions for expressing views through clothing, the league overlooks Santa Claus-themed cleats. The US housing market reached $31 trillion in 2017, but there are concerns of another housing bubble.

      While NFL players like Colin Kaepernick have faced sanctions for expressing controversial views through their clothing choices, the league seems to turn a blind eye to other questionable items, such as Santa Claus-themed cleats. Meanwhile, in nutrition news, Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens product offers a convenient solution for getting the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, which are essential for a healthy diet. Despite the high value of the US housing market, which reached $31 trillion in 2017, there are concerns that another housing bubble may be forming, which could have negative consequences for both homeowners and renters.

    • US debt backed by significant wealthThough the US has a large debt, its overall wealth, especially in the housing market, can support repayment. Tax reform impacts high earners in high-tax states, causing concern for some governors.

      Despite the country's large debt, the collective wealth of the United States, particularly in the housing market, is significant enough to back up the debt. The speaker expresses optimism about the country's ability to pay off the debt with economic growth and maintains that the situation is not as catastrophic as it may seem when considering the country's overall wealth. Additionally, the speaker discusses the impact of the tax reform on high earners in high-tax states, who will no longer be able to fully deduct their state and local taxes from their federal tax bill. This has liberal governors concerned.

    • Trump tax plan puts pressure on high-tax statesThe Trump tax plan eliminates state and local tax deductions, potentially causing wealthy individuals to leave high-tax states and resulting in significant revenue loss for these governments, highlighting the reliance on a small group of wealthy individuals for tax revenue under progressive taxation.

      The Trump tax plan was designed to put pressure on states with high taxes and progressive tax codes, like New York and California. Wealthy individuals in these states have been paying a larger percentage of the taxes due to progressive taxation. However, with the new tax law, they can no longer deduct these state and local taxes from their federal tax bill. As a result, these individuals may consider leaving these states for tax-friendly ones, leading to a significant loss of revenue for the state governments. This situation exposes the potential downside of progressive taxation, as it heavily relies on a small group of wealthy individuals to pay a disproportionate share of the taxes. This loss of revenue could lead to financial instability and justification for tax reform in these states.

    • Stay informed and engaged with Dan's unique perspectives on political issuesAccess Dan's commentary through various platforms for a better understanding of the world and to join important conversations

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