
    Ep. 643 What did Obama know and when did he know it?

    enJanuary 29, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan's weekend and upcoming announcements, importance of ear cleaning, and Obama gate spying scandalDan discussed his busy weekend, introduced a new ear wash system, and emphasized the significance of the ongoing Obama gate spying scandal, clarifying that Democrats are not covering for Hillary but for Obama.

      The Dan Vongino show covers a range of topics, from news and current events to product endorsements. During a recent episode, Dan discussed his busy weekend and upcoming announcements for a new video show. He also emphasized the importance of cleaning ears properly, introducing the WaxRx ear wash system as a solution. However, the main focus of the episode was the ongoing Obama gate spying scandal, where Dan clarified that the Democrats are not covering for Hillary Clinton but for former President Obama. Dan emphasized the significance of this scandal and encouraged listeners to stay informed. Additionally, Dan mentioned that he had an epiphany over the weekend about another aspect of the case that he would delve into in future episodes. Overall, the Dan Vongino show provides a mix of information, entertainment, and product recommendations, with a current events focus.

    • FBI Director's Press Conferences and the 2016 ElectionFBI Director James Comey's second press conference before the 2016 election was not an attempt to sway the vote but rather a cover-up to protect the investigation. Agents in the field, not influenced by politics, made the decisions.

      During the 2016 presidential election, FBI Director James Comey held two press conferences regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. The first one in July, where he announced the case against Clinton was closed, and the second one right before the election, where he revealed new emails had been found. According to the speaker, Comey's second press conference was not an attempt to hurt Clinton but rather a cover-up. He believed Clinton was going to win the election and didn't want to jeopardize the investigation. The speaker also emphasized that the FBI agents in the field, who were not influenced by the DC bubble, were the ones making the decisions. These agents were focused on their jobs and not on the political atmosphere. The speaker's newfound information, from a text between Comey's second-in-command and his girlfriend, further reinforces this point.

    • Protecting Clinton from damaging leaksComey reopened investigation to prevent leaks, believing Clinton would win and wanting to clear potential taint for her presidency

      Former FBI Director James Comey's decision to publicly announce the reopening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails just days before the 2016 presidential election was an attempt to protect Clinton and prevent damaging leaks from New York field office agents. Comey believed Clinton would win the election and wanted to clear the deck to avoid questions and potential taint to her presidency. The emails on Weiner's laptop were part of a New York field office investigation, and Comey was worried about leaks from these agents. The alternative, leaks from the agents revealing the details of the investigation, would have been more damaging than Comey's own announcement and subsequent clearing of the investigation. This action was taken to protect Clinton and prevent further damage to her campaign.

    • James Comey's 2nd Press Conference in 2016 to clear the deck for Hillary ClintonComey's 2nd press conference revealed info about an investigation into Clinton's emails on Weiner's laptop, potentially containing damaging info, led by OIG, raising concerns about transparency and accountability in govt email use by Clinton, Obama, and others.

      The second press conference held by former FBI Director James Comey in 2016 was an attempt to clear the deck for Hillary Clinton before the election by revealing information about an investigation into her emails. This was likely due to the discovery of emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop, which may have contained damaging information regarding Clinton's communication with Obama and other officials. The emails in question could potentially reveal illegal activities or compromising information. The investigation into these emails is being led by the Office of Inspector General, and the outcome of their findings could significantly impact the ongoing discussion about this political scandal. The use of private email servers by Clinton, Obama, and other administration officials raises concerns about transparency and accountability in government.

    • Preparing for the Unexpected: Emergency Food Supply as Mental Health InsuranceConsider having an emergency food supply as a form of mental peace, following the advice of former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino. Also, be aware of potential hidden investigations and payment trails in political situations.

      Being prepared is essential in an unpredictable world. Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, emphasizes the importance of having an emergency food supply, comparing it to mental health insurance. He personally endorses and purchases from his sponsor, Patriot Supply, and encourages listeners to do the same. The discussion also touched on the FBI's handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, with Dan suggesting that potentially damaging emails between Hillary and Barack Obama could exist. He urged listeners to read a piece by Sean Davis at The Federalist for more context on the situation. Additionally, Dan revealed that Hillary hired a law firm, Perkins Co., to pay Fusion GPS to investigate Trump through a lawyer named Mark Elias, in an attempt to hide the payment trail.

    • Allegations of FBI and DOJ operatives acting for Clinton campaignDuring the 2016 election, the FBI and DOJ were accused of having political operatives working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. These operatives reportedly paid for intelligence gathering on Donald Trump from Russian sources.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, there were allegations of political operatives within the FBI and Department of Justice acting on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. This came to light due to payments made by Obama for America, Clinton's former campaign, to Perkins Co. and the law firm Perkins Co. hired, Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent, to gather intelligence on Donald Trump from Russian sources. Simultaneously, there were reports of missing emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, some of which may have contained emails between Obama and individuals involved in these payments. The potential existence of these emails could lead to a major corruption scandal involving the White House if proven true.

    • Democrats' response to memo release could be damagingDemocrats may respond with intense scrutiny and character assassination to mitigate potential damage from memo and Obama email release

      The release of a memo and potentially Obama emails related to the ongoing investigation into government surveillance could be highly damaging to the Democrats and former President Barack Obama. The Democrats are expected to respond with intense scrutiny and character assassination of anyone involved in bringing this information to light. Hannity and others are working diligently on this story, and they believe it's important and could be even more significant than previous revelations. The liberals' reaction is reminiscent of the Watergate scandal, and they will stop at nothing to discredit those who expose this information. Despite the potential backlash, Hannity and his team are prepared for the challenge and remain committed to bringing the truth to light.

    • Obama, Clinton, and Fusion GPS ConnectionsThe Obama administration, Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS had strong connections, with payments from Obama for America to Perkins Co. leading to Fusion GPS and a White House official's spouse working for Fusion GPS, raising questions about the dossier's legitimacy and the extent of their coordination.

      There are strong connections between the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS, the firm behind the creation of the Steele dossier. According to the speaker, there were payments made from Obama for America to the law firm Perkins Co., which in turn paid Fusion GPS for the dossier. Shayla Murray, a White House official at the time, is married to Neil King, who worked for Fusion GPS around the same time. These connections suggest a high level of coordination between the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS, raising questions about the legitimacy of the dossier and the role of these entities in the investigation into Donald Trump's campaign. The speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering these names and connections as the story unfolds. The ultimate goal is to determine the extent of this coordination and whether the Obama emails, which are currently missing, could provide further evidence of this alleged setup.

    • Improve firearm skills with the EyeTarget Pro SystemThe EyeTarget Pro System is a cost-effective and convenient way to practice firearm safety and accuracy at home using laser bullets and a target.

      The EyeTarget Pro System is a valuable tool for practicing firearm safety and accuracy in the comfort of your own home. This system uses laser bullets that emit a laser onto a target when you dry fire your weapon, allowing you to see exactly where the round would have gone. It's a cost-effective and convenient alternative to going to the range, and can help you prepare for tactical situations. Additionally, the speaker speculates that understanding motives can provide valuable context in investigations, and hints at potential motivations behind certain political events. Overall, the EyeTarget Pro System is a practical and effective way to improve your firearm skills, while the speaker's analysis raises intriguing questions about the importance of understanding motives in various contexts.

    • Allegations of Clinton's Email ManipulationsHillary Clinton's use of private email for sensitive info and potential communication with Obama from Russian territory raises questions of manipulation and deception.

      Hillary Clinton is accused of setting up both Obama and herself with private email communications, potentially for the purpose of avoiding prosecution. This theory suggests that Clinton emailed Obama from Russian territory, knowing that Obama would respond and thus shielding her from any potential legal consequences. The use of sensitive, compartmented information on her private email further damns her case, as it required someone to physically obtain and distribute this information. Clinton's actions demonstrate a high level of manipulation and deception, making her a master of political maneuvering.

    • Hillary intentionally involved Obama in email scandal to protect them bothThe email scandal involving Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama was not an accident, Hillary intentionally emailed classified info to Obama to protect both of them, and the Democrats' efforts to suppress the info were to preserve Obama's legacy, potentially leading to the end of the Democratic party's hold on the narrative of rescuing America.

      The email scandal involving Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama was not an accident. Hillary intentionally emailed classified information to Obama, drawing him into the scandal to protect both of them. The Democrats' efforts to suppress the information were not to save Hillary, but to preserve Obama's legacy. The scandal has the potential to bring down the entire liberal progressive Messiah narrative and leave the Democratic party without a clear direction. The author, Dan Bongino, believes that this is a beautiful outcome in the most nasty way. The collapse of the Obama legacy could lead to the end of the Democratic party's hold on the narrative of rescuing America.

    • The debate over Trump's potential obstruction of justiceCritics argue Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey, but some question the logic of obstructing an non-existent investigation. The alleged conversation between Trump and McGahn regarding Mueller's firing is another point of contention.

      The ongoing debate surrounding potential obstruction of justice by President Trump centers around his actions towards former FBI Director James Comey. While Trump was not under investigation at the time of Comey's dismissal, critics argue that Trump obstructed justice by firing him due to his refusal to publicly state that Trump was not under investigation. However, as pointed out by some commentators, it seems illogical for Trump to obstruct an investigation that wasn't happening. Another point of contention is the alleged conversation between Trump and White House Counsel Don McGahn regarding the possible firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Critics argue that Trump's refusal to fire Mueller despite McGahn's advice constitutes obstruction, but others argue that McGahn's advice was political in nature and not based on legal grounds. Overall, the debate remains complex and nuanced, with both sides presenting compelling arguments.

    • Mueller's removal doesn't change Russia probe factsMueller's departure doesn't impact Russia probe decisions, Trump used DACA offer as political tactic

      Robert Mueller's removal from the special counsel investigation does not change the fact that he was a central figure in the Russia probe and decisions made during that time still stand. Mueller was not fired, but was taken off the case due to the damaging information he possesses. The offer on DACA, where Trump allegedly proposed legalizing 1.8 million DACA recipients, was not a genuine offer. Trump's strategy was to give the Democrats what they wanted, knowing they would never make a deal, and to put them in a difficult position. This way, he could gain political advantage while avoiding a deal that would not sit well with his conservative base.

    • Political maneuvers in immigration and censusDemocrats used immigration deal as a way to label Republicans as unserious, while adding new census categories was a strategic move for identity politics and lobbying benefits, ultimately benefiting the Democrat Party.

      The proposed immigration deal was not a genuine proposal, but rather a political move by Democrats to out them as not being serious about immigration. Additionally, the Obama administration's attempt to add new categories to the census was a strategic move to create new minority groups and activist organizations, ultimately benefiting the Democrat Party through identity politics and lobbying efforts. Trump's rejection of these new categories was a wise move to avoid creating new classes of people and potential victims for political exploitation. Overall, both the immigration deal and the census issue highlight the political tactics used to manipulate public opinion and divide people along identity lines.

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