
    Ep. 650 Barack Obama Can't Hide from This Scandal Any More

    enFebruary 07, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Biggest scandal in US history: Spying on Carter PageThe US government used its machinery to spy on a former Trump campaign advisor, Carter Page, despite him not being an inner circle member, raising concerns about political targeting and civil liberties.

      The Dan Vongino show revealed that the biggest scandal in US history is the use of government machinery to spy on an opposition political candidate, specifically Carter Page, who was not an inner circle member of the Trump campaign. Although the warrant to spy on him was obtained after he left the campaign, the spying likely occurred before then. Vongino expressed disappointment and sadness over this revelation but also excitement about getting to the bottom of it. He encouraged listeners to stay informed and check out his previous episodes for more context. Additionally, Vongino promoted Brick House Nutrition's new product, Field of Greens, which provides the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables in a convenient powder form.

    • Obama Administration's Fear and Desire to Discredit TrumpDuring the Obama administration, both Hillary team and Obama White House had a vested interest in discrediting Trump due to various controversies and scandals during Obama's tenure.

      During the Obama administration, there was a widespread fear and desire among both the Hillary team and the Obama White House to discredit and potentially impeach Donald Trump, an outsider candidate. This fear stemmed from various controversies and scandals during the Obama years, including but not limited to the Uranium One scheme, IRS targeting, and Benghazi. The Hillary team sought to gather dirt on Trump and leak it to the press to help her win the campaign. The Obama administration, meanwhile, wanted to be prepared to impeach Trump if he won, in order to cover their tracks and maintain the status quo. The intricacies of how this was carried out and who was involved in it are more complex and require further investigation. But the overarching theme is that both teams had a vested interest in dirtying up Trump.

    • Possible setup of Trump campaign investigationRepeated interactions between individuals with ties to both the Trump campaign and Hillary Clinton's team before the FISA warrant raise questions about a potential setup to frame the Trump team.

      The events leading up to the Carter Page FISA warrant and the investigation into the Trump campaign may not have been as coincidental as they initially seemed. The repeated interactions between individuals with connections to both the Trump campaign and Hillary Clinton's team raise questions about a potential setup. The timing of the FISA warrant application in October, after multiple approaches from individuals with ties to Hillary's campaign, suggests an attempt to put legal cover on an ongoing operation. These individuals, including Sergei Millian, Aras Agalarov, and Alexander Downer, may have been unwittingly involved or even intentional pawns in this setup. The connections between them and the Clinton campaign, as well as the lack of explanation for how they came into contact with the Trump campaign, add to the suspicion. Overall, the pattern of events suggests a deliberate effort to frame the Trump team.

    • Obama administration potentially spied on Trump team through unmasking of US citizensDuring the 2016 campaign, the Obama administration may have illegally unmasked and potentially spied on US citizens in order to cover up ongoing surveillance of Trump associates.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, the Obama administration may have used legal methods to spy on foreigners in foreign countries, but if those foreigners were communicating with American citizens, the conversations of the Americans were illegally unmasked and potentially spied upon. This reverse targeting allowed the administration to effectively spy on the Trump team without obtaining warrants. The CNN headline from April 2017, "British intelligence passed Trump associates communications with Russians on to US counterparts," further supports the idea that there was already extensive interest and potential spying on the Trump campaign before the legal warrant was obtained. The unmasking and potential spying on US citizens during this time may have been an attempt to cover up this ongoing operation.

    • FBI used Carter Page as a cover for ongoing Trump campaign surveillanceThe FBI may have used Carter Page as a pretext for surveillance of the Trump campaign, implying potential political bias and illegitimacy.

      The Carter Page FISA warrant was likely used as a legal cover for ongoing surveillance of the Trump campaign, rather than the primary reason for the investigation. This is indicated by the fact that the FBI had been investigating the Trump team before Carter Page's involvement, and that John Carlin, who was intimately involved in the investigation of a Russian spy case involving Carter Page, was in a position to approve a warrant for surveillance of Page. The implication is that Page was used as a scapegoat or fall guy to provide a veneer of legality for the ongoing surveillance. The implications of this situation are significant, as it raises questions about the legitimacy of the investigation and the potential for political bias in the use of surveillance powers.

    • Democrats used a Clinton dossier to spy on Trump teamThe Democrats used a false pretext to spy on the Trump team through a Clinton-funded dossier, masking their illegal activities.

      The Democratic presidential nominee and their associates were involved in the biggest spying scandal in American history, where they spied on the Trump team through Carter Page. They used a dossier, which was not the Steel dossier as commonly believed, but rather the Clinton dossier, to get a warrant to spy on Page and ultimately reach Trump. This was done to cover for the illegal activities they were already conducting against the Trump team. The information in the dossier was not even produced by the people who were credited for it, but rather by Clinton and her associates. The use of this warrant was a legal avenue to mask their spying activities. It's important to note that competitive shooters practice shooting with an unloaded weapon, focusing on trigger pulls, sight alignment, and other techniques to improve marksmanship. Similarly, it's crucial to understand the importance of the facts behind this spying scandal and not be misled by misinformation.

    • Practicing marksmanship with dry firingDry firing enhances shooting skills by allowing shooters to make adjustments and see shot placement, benefiting law enforcement, sports, self-defense, and military.

      Effective marksmanship can be improved through dry firing, a practice that allows shooters to make subtle adjustments to their grip, sight alignment, and weapon elevation. Dry firing also helps individuals see where their shots would have gone, enabling them to correct mistakes. This method has been instrumental in enhancing shooting skills for law enforcement personnel, sportsmen, self-defense advocates, and military personnel. The iTargetPro system, a tool for dry firing practice, has received rave reviews for its effectiveness. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, the discussion revolved around the use of the infamous Steele dossier. The dossier, initially used as a cover for spying on Carter Page, was later used to obtain a warrant to surveil him. The information in the dossier was not from Christopher Steele, but rather from other sources. This revelation adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing investigation into the origins of the dossier and its role in the surveillance of Carter Page.

    • Concerns about political bias in 2016 election investigationBlurring lines between law enforcement and politics in 2016 election investigation raises concerns for legitimacy and potential bias.

      During the 2016 election, there were concerns about the credibility of information used to secure a warrant to investigate the Trump campaign. This information came from multiple sources, including the Clinton campaign and their associates, who passed it through the U.S. State Department to the FBI. However, the State Department is not a law enforcement agency and should not be involved in political investigations. This blurring of lines, according to the speaker, raises serious concerns about the legitimacy of the investigation and the potential for political bias. The speaker emphasizes that law enforcement and politics should be kept strictly separate, as outlined in the Hatch Act. The speaker also mentions that the dossier used in the investigation was produced by a British spy, but the information came from two separate streams, one of which was the Clinton campaign and their associates.

    • Obama team targeted Carter Page for spying during 2016 electionObama team used ex-spy Christopher Steele to gather info on Carter Page for legal justification to spy, raising concerns about legality and ethics

      During the 2016 presidential election, the Obama team was spying on the Trump campaign and needed a "Patsy" with legal cover to justify their actions. They targeted Carter Page due to his past work with Russians and his connection to the Trump campaign. However, they lacked enough information on Page to obtain a warrant. To remedy this, they turned to Christopher Steele, a former spy, who provided them with information from both the Clinton campaign and the Russians themselves. This information helped them build a case against Page and eventually obtain a warrant to spy on him. It's important to note that these actions raise serious concerns about the legality and ethical implications of political spying. Maintaining the efficiency of your HVAC system, just like ensuring the legality of government surveillance, requires consistent maintenance and attention. With FilterBuy.com, you can ensure your filters are always up-to-date, saving you time, money, and improving your overall health.

    • Russians and Clinton campaign provided info for Carter Page spyingEvidence suggests Clinton campaign, Russians collaborated to influence 2016 election via Obama admin's spying on Carter Page

      The information used to justify the spying on Carter Page during the 2016 election was provided by the Russians and the Clinton campaign. This means that the dossier, which was used to create legal cover for the spying operation, may have contained information from a known Clinton operative, Sid Blumenthal. The lead investigator in the Hillary Clinton email case, Peter Strzok, and his colleague Lisa Page, who were both involved in the investigation into both Trump and Clinton, were texting each other about the need for the President to know everything, suggesting that they may have known more about the investigation than they let on. The fact that the President wanted to know everything two months before the election raises questions about the motivations behind the spying operation and the role of the Obama administration in it. This information adds to the growing evidence of potential collusion between the Clinton campaign, the Russians, and the Obama administration to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

    • Clinton Foundation's operative provided intelligence on Libya to Hillary ClintonA Clinton Foundation employee, Sidney Blumenthal, and his business partner, Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA operative, provided intelligence on Libya to Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Their connection to a Libyan company, Osbury, and potential financial gains from the chaos in Libya are under investigation.

      The Clinton-Russia connection deepens as it's revealed that a political operative on the Clinton Foundation's payroll, Sidney Blumenthal, was providing intelligence on Libya to Hillary Clinton, who was then Secretary of State. Blumenthal's business partner, Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA operative, was also involved in this arrangement. Both men were working with a Libyan company, Osbury, which aimed to profit from the chaos in Libya. This information was later used by British operative Christopher Steele to create a dossier on Trump, which was used to spy on him during the election. The interconnectedness of these players and their potential financial gains from the situation in Libya underscores the complexity of this political scandal.

    • Obama Administration's Use of Political Positions to Gather and Use Information for Political PurposesThe Clinton dossier involved a network of individuals, including Clinton confidants and a special envoy to Libya, who passed negative info about Trump to govt officials, potentially violating the Hatch Act.

      The Clinton dossier was not just the work of Christopher Steele, but involved a network of individuals, including Clinton confidants and a special envoy to Libya named Jonathan Weiner. These individuals allegedly passed negative information about Donald Trump to government officials, including John Kerry and the FBI. This raises serious concerns about the use of political positions to gather and use information for political purposes, which is against the Hatch Act. The Obama administration's handling of political matters during this time has been criticized for its potential role in creating a police state environment. The OIG report is expected to reveal the identity of the person who swore to the false information in court, who may face civil or criminal liability. This scandal has the potential to lead to significant reevaluations of FISA applications, the Hatch Act, and potential penalties for those who violate it. The Obama administration's actions have been criticized for their destructive impact on American faith and government institutions.

    • Democrats working on opposing memo to Trump's Russia probe memoDespite rumors, Obama's emails with Clinton and Blumenthal are not missing. Dems, led by Schiff, are creating a memo to counteract Trump's Russia probe memo, but their memo includes sensitive info, risking national security.

      The discussion revolves around the upcoming release of Obama's emails with Hillary Clinton and Sid Blumenthal. Contrary to rumors, these emails are not missing. The Democrats, led by Adam Schiff, are working on an opposing memo to counteract the previously released memo that was critical of their handling of Russian collusion allegations against Trump. However, the Democrats are putting national security at risk by including sensitive information in their memo, which will likely be redacted by the President upon release. The Democrats are expected to criticize the President for censorship, but the real issue is their reckless handling of sensitive information. For more details, check out Byron York's article in the Washington Examiner.

    • Bongino's Upcoming Show: Scandal Analysis and Wall Street Journal Op-EdBongino's show on bongino.com will feature an analysis of a current scandal and quotes from a devastating critique against the continuation theory of Trump's economic boom in an op-ed by Andy Stern in the Wall Street Journal. Stay informed and follow him for updates.

      Dan Bongino strongly urges his audience not to miss his upcoming show on bongino.com, as he is intimately involved in a current scandal and will provide a thorough analysis on it. He also highly recommends reading an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by Andy Stern, which provides a devastating critique against the theory that the current economic boom under Trump is a continuation of the Obama era. Bongino promises to make the article easily accessible to his audience and will provide quotes from it during the show. He also emphasizes the importance of staying informed as new developments are breaking rapidly. Don't forget to check out bongino.com, subscribe to his email list, and follow him on Twitter for updates.

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    • [1:05:00] Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.