
    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Self-Reliance and Emergency PreparednessSelf-reliance through food storage is essential for individual liberty and security. Challenge perspectives on gun control laws.

      According to Dan Bongino, during his radio show, self-reliance and emergency preparedness are crucial for individual liberty and security in America. He emphasized the importance of food storage as the first step towards preparedness. Additionally, Bongino discussed his appearance on Tucker Carlson's show where he argued against gun control laws, stating that they primarily affect law-abiding citizens and not criminals. He encouraged listeners to challenge his perspective and find potential holes in his argument. Furthermore, Bongino mentioned some upcoming topics on his show, including revelations about the Russian investigation and the Democrats' efforts to change the electoral college system.

    • Gun laws favor criminals over law-abiding citizensCriminals thrive in the black market for illegal guns, while gun laws make it harder for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves

      Current gun laws do little to deter criminals from obtaining and using firearms, while making law-abiding citizens more vulnerable. The black market for illegal guns is thriving, and criminals rely on these laws to prey on unarmed citizens. Unlike other laws that affect both good and bad actors, gun laws create an asymmetry where criminals have the upper hand. The speaker emphasizes that serious crimes like burglary, robbery, rape, and homicide are not impacted by gun laws, as these criminals obtain their weapons illegally. Instead, these laws only hinder law-abiding citizens from owning firearms for self-defense. The speaker suggests that the entire premise of gun laws reinforces the black market for weapons and allows criminals to continue their criminal enterprises unchecked.

    • Russian election interference may have targeted Clinton teamThe Mueller investigation could be hiding Russian attempts to buy off the Clinton team, impacting her decisions as Sec. of State.

      The Mueller investigation may be serving as a smokescreen to hide the fact that Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election included attempts to buy off the Clinton team, potentially impacting Hillary Clinton's decision-making during her tenure at the State Department under the Obama administration. The speaker believes this is a damaging revelation that the investigation is attempting to obscure. Additionally, the importance of dry fire practice for improving firearm accuracy was emphasized, with the iTargetPro system being highlighted as a helpful tool for this purpose.

    • Russians influenced 2016 US election through Facebook ads and lobbying, with both Clinton and Trump camps involvedThe 2016 US election saw Russian interference through lobbying and Facebook ads, with both Clinton and Trump camps having connections to Russian entities, emphasizing the importance of transparency in political funding and lobbying.

      During the 2016 US presidential election, both the Russian government and the Clinton campaign were involved in influencing public opinion through various means, including Facebook ads and lobbying. The Russians supported groups that backed both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, aiming to sow chaos and influence the outcome. The Clinton campaign, led by the Podesta group, had a $170,000 lobbying contract with a Russian bank, Spurbank. This bank was also involved in a deal between two Russian oligarchs, Oleg Derapaska and Victor Vexelberg, who are close to Putin. The Clinton team felt compelled to cover up these relationships due to potential conflicts of interest and questionable decisions benefiting Russian interests if Trump won the election. The complexity of these interconnected relationships highlights the need for transparency and vigilance in political funding and lobbying.

    • Russian Oligarchs and their connections to DemocratsDuring the 2016 presidential campaign, several Russian oligarchs and their companies donated to the Clinton Foundation, and some hired lobbyists connected to the Clintons. These connections raised suspicions of Russian influence on Democrats, particularly in relation to Russian projects like Skolkovo.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, there were suspicious connections between various Russian individuals and entities, and Democrats. Oligarch Oleg Deripaska hired a lobbyist, Tony Podesta's brother, who was connected to the Clintons. This lobbyist, Waldman, offered to connect a Democratic Senator to Christopher Steele, the British spy who produced the infamous Russian dossier on Trump. Deripaska's company, RUSAL, donated between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation. Another oligarch, Viktor Vexelberg, whose Renova Group donated between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, was also involved. Vexelberg's Skolkovo Project, which aimed to bring American technology to Russia, was acknowledged by the US intelligence community as an attempted espionage effort. Seventeen to twenty-eight companies involved in Skolkovo also made significant donations to the Clinton Foundation. These connections suggest that Russian money may have influenced the Democrats, particularly through their advocacy for Russian projects like Skolkovo.

    • Suspicions of collusion between Obama, Clinton teams and RussiansDespite investigations, there's no concrete evidence of Russian hacking of DNC servers. The Clinton campaign and DNC hired same law firm to investigate Russian collusion and blame Russians, while ignoring potential influence on Clinton Foundation and Podesta Group.

      There are strong suspicions that the Obama and Clinton teams, along with the Russians, were aware that the loss of the 2016 election would lead to disastrous consequences. The Mueller investigation, led by the former FBI director who oversaw the Uranium One deal, is currently focusing on monetary influence on the Trump team, but ignoring potential influence and financial dealings involving the Clinton Foundation and the Podesta Group. The Podesta Group, a partner of Manafort in various financial dealings, should also be under investigation for Russian influence in US politics. The same law firm, Perkins Cooey, was hired by both the Clinton campaign and the DNC to investigate Russian collusion with Trump and to blame the Russians for the alleged hacking of the DNC servers. However, the FBI was not allowed to examine the DNC computers, and there is no concrete evidence that the DNC was actually hacked. Instead, the Democrats needed a narrative to justify the appointment of a special counsel, and they used the law firm Perkins Cooey to launder their money and create the story of Russian collusion.

    • Democrats hired CrowdStrike to investigate DNC hack instead of FBIDespite claims of Russian hacking, Democrats hired a biased cybersecurity firm to investigate and ignored FBI involvement, raising questions of potential collusion with Russians

      During the 2016 election, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) claimed they were hacked by Russians, but could not let the FBI examine their servers due to their inability to recreate the supposed hack. Instead, they hired CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm with ties to the Democratic Party and the Clinton Foundation, to investigate. CrowdStrike's founder, a Clinton Foundation donor, sits on the Atlantic Council board with Evelyn Farkas, a former Deputy Secretary of Defense under Obama who publicly discussed sharing information on Trump-Russia ties with Congress. Mueller, who led the Russia investigation, had conflicts of interest due to his role during the Uranium One investigation. The interconnected relationships between these parties raised questions about potential collusion between the Democrats and Russians, which were overshadowed by the focus on Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

    • Obama used a pseudonym to email HillaryObama's use of a pseudonym to email Hillary raises concerns about potential scandals and hidden sensitive info.

      During the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email use, it was discovered that President Obama used a pseudonym to communicate with her via email. This raises questions about the Obama administration's use of fake names for official communications, which could potentially involve them in various scandals, including the involvement of Perkins Coie, the law firm linked to the DNC and the Trump-Russia investigation. The Obama team has claimed presidential communications privilege to prevent these emails from being made public. The use of pseudonyms to avoid FOIA requests and potentially hide sensitive information is a concerning practice that warrants further investigation.

    • Democrats use Russia probe to hide Clinton, Obama admin dealingsDemocrats prioritize Russia investigation over Clinton, Obama admin's questionable dealings, including email server and financial transactions with Deripaska, Vexelberg, and Skolkovo

      The ongoing investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is being used as a smokescreen to avoid the public scrutiny of questionable dealings between the Clinton and Obama administrations. These alleged dealings involve the exchange of classified information over a private email server and potential financial transactions with individuals like Deripaska, Vexelberg, and Skolkovo. The Democrats' continued focus on the Russia investigation, despite decreasing voter concern, is seen as a tactic to distract from these more damaging revelations. Additionally, the importance of maintaining clean air filters was emphasized during the show, with a recommendation to visit FilterBuy for a wide selection of filters and prompt shipping.

    • President-elect Trump received a warning about potential spying operationsTrump moved to Bedminster for potential security reasons, as modern spying doesn't involve physical bugs or taps, but interception through cables

      The speaker believes there was a warning given to President-elect Trump about potential spying operations against him and his team after the 2016 election. This warning led to Trump leaving Trump Tower and moving his operations to Bedminster, New Jersey. The speaker also clarified that modern surveillance methods do not involve physically planting bugs or tapping phone lines in buildings. Instead, communications can be intercepted through transatlantic cables. The reason for the move to Bedminster may have been to better control the environment and limit potential interception of communications.

    • Renewed Scrutiny of January 2017 Trump Tower Meeting with UAEMueller investigation focuses on potential UAE influence ops and possible money transfer to Trump team, raising Logan Act concerns

      The January 2017 meeting between Trump associates and the United Arab Emirates at Trump Tower, which took place in a secure facility, has come under renewed scrutiny as part of the Mueller investigation. The Mueller team is now looking into potential foreign influence operations and the possible transfer of money from the UAE to the Trump team. This meeting was significant because, according to Susan Rice, then-National Security Advisor under Obama, the UAE had not informed Obama's administration of their visit, raising suspicions. The Logan Act, a little-used law that prohibits private citizens from intervening in foreign government affairs, was reportedly used as the basis for investigating Flynn and other Trump associates. However, the Logan Act is a controversial and largely unused law, and its application in this case raises serious questions about the legitimacy of the investigation.

    • The Logan Act was used as a smokescreen in the Mueller investigation to hide Clinton Foundation dealings with Russian oligarchs.The Mueller investigation focused on Russian collusion, but it was actually used to distract from the Clintons' dealings with Russian oligarchs through the Clinton Foundation.

      The Logan Act was used as a smokescreen in the Mueller investigation to distract from the real issues, which involved significant money changing hands between Russian oligarchs and the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons, who had prior experience with a special investigation, used it as a way to hide their own dealings and deflect attention. They hired a law firm to shuttle money and hired a British spy to confirm the Russian collusion narrative. The unmasking scandal was also hidden by the Mueller investigation, which conveniently focused on the UAE and their alleged influence on the Trump team after heavy unmasking activity was publicly known regarding a January UAE meeting with Flynn.

    • Democrats challenge US democracy systemsDemocrats push for census question on citizenship and state compact to alter Electoral College, potentially skewing power towards urban areas.

      The Democratic Party is engaging in efforts to undermine both the representative democracy and the Electoral College system in the United States. Regarding representative democracy, they are attempting to reinstate a census question about citizenship status, which could result in non-citizens being counted for congressional representation in states like California, New York, and Illinois. As for the Electoral College, they are pursuing a state compact to change the winner-takes-all system, aiming to have states with a majority of electoral votes agree to vote for the national popular vote winner instead. These actions, if successful, could lead to an imbalance of power, with urban population centers having a disproportionate influence on the country.

    • National Popular Vote Compact: Eliminating the Electoral CollegeThe National Popular Vote Compact could shift power from states to urban areas, potentially disregarding rural interests.

      The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which aims to have states agree to vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote nationally, would effectively eliminate the Electoral College system and establish a direct democracy. Critics argue that this could lead to minority interests overruling the majority, as densely populated urban areas may have different priorities than less populated rural areas. The debate highlights the ongoing tension between those who advocate for a more representative system and those who believe in the importance of state sovereignty and protecting the interests of various localities.

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