
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Political Investigations and Everyday SolutionsDevin Nunes shares insights into FBI's investigation of Trump team, WaxRx ear wash system promotes safe ear cleaning at home

      During a recent episode of The Dan Vongino Show, Vongino discussed several important topics, including an explosive interview with Devin Nunes by Maria Bartiromo, the importance of the WaxRx ear wash system, and the release of the long-sought-after Electronic Communication (EC) between the FBI and the Trump team. Vongino praised Nunes for his efforts in uncovering the truth behind the FBI's investigation into the Trump team and shared clips from an interview where Nunes discussed the significance of the EC. Vongino also emphasized the importance of the WaxRx ear wash system, which he and his wife use to safely remove earwax at home. He encouraged listeners to visit GoWaxRx.com and use the promo code DAN for free shipping. Overall, the episode provided valuable insights into ongoing political investigations and everyday solutions for common health issues.

    • EC document did not contain explosive intelligence, investigation based on Five Eyes AgreementThe EC document, initially thought to have explosive intelligence, was based on information shared through the Five Eyes Agreement, leading to further investigations into how the information reached the FBI.

      The document, known as the Electronic Communication (EC), which initiated the investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged ties with Russia, contained no explosive intelligence as previously assumed. Instead, the investigation was based on information shared through the Five Eyes Agreement, an intelligence sharing alliance between the US and its five closest allies. The revelation that no intelligence was passed through the Five Eyes channels to the US government has led to further investigations into how the information about the Trump campaign's alleged activities made it into the FBI's hands. This new development leaves more unanswered questions and the investigation is ongoing. It's important to note that the release of the EC would discredit Nunes if his claims about its contents were found to be false.

    • Did the Russia investigation start as a political spying operation?Chairman Nunes suggests the Russia probe might have been a political operation, not an intelligence one, with potential State Dept involvement and no formal intel used to launch it.

      That Devin Nunes, the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has suggested that the investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia may have been a political spying operation, rather than an intelligence one. He hinted that diplomatic channels at the State Department may have been used to gather information on the Trump team, with State Department officials having contacts to Hillary Clinton. Nunes also mentioned that there was no formal intelligence used to launch the investigation, and that the intelligence agencies were bypassed in the process. This raises questions about the legitimacy of the investigation and the role of political considerations in intelligence gathering. The implications of these allegations are significant and could potentially change the narrative around the Russia investigation.

    • Chairman Nunes reveals no five-eyes intelligence used to launch Russia probeDespite previous beliefs, the Trump campaign investigation in 2016 didn't originate from official foreign intelligence. This lack of transparency raises questions about the investigation's origins and emphasizes the importance of trust and clear communication in the intelligence community.

      The investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 was not initiated with official intelligence from foreign allies as previously believed. According to Devin Nunes, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, there was no five-eyes intelligence product used to launch the investigation. This is significant because it highlights the importance of trust and communication between intelligence agencies and their foreign counterparts. The process for sharing intelligence is not always as streamlined as it is between the Five Eyes countries, and this deviation from the normal process raises questions about the origins of the investigation. Nunes' revelation was met with shock and astonishment by Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and it confirms what some have suspected since the beginning of the Russia probe. Trust and transparency are essential in the intelligence community, and this incident underscores the need for clear channels of communication and accountability.

    • Investigation into Trump's campaign began outside formal intelligence channelsPolitical and bureaucratic channels were used, raising concerns for potential misuse of intelligence services and spying on American citizens. Ongoing revelations call for accountability and potential prosecutions.

      The investigation into Donald Trump's campaign and alleged Russian collusion did not begin through formal intelligence channels. Instead, it appears that political and bureaucratic channels were used, possibly with the involvement of Hillary Clinton's associates. Devin Nunes, a congressman, has highlighted this point, raising concerns about the potential misuse of intelligence services and spying on American citizens. The lack of formal documentation or record of this process has fueled accusations of a politically motivated operation. The ongoing revelations have led to calls for accountability and potential prosecutions of those involved, including former high-ranking officials like Andy McCabe, John Brennan, and James Clapper. The investigation's origins continue to be a subject of intense scrutiny and debate.

    • Intelligence used to launch investigation into President Trump's team was 'laundered'Intelligence channels were misused to start an investigation, raising concerns for modern intelligence history

      There was no official intelligence used to launch an investigation into President Trump's team during the 2016 election. Devin Nunes, who has seen the documents, has stated this repeatedly. However, information was "laundered" through political and bureaucratic channels in the State Department to start the investigation. This is a significant and concerning revelation, suggesting a crisis in modern intelligence history. Additionally, Thrive Market was mentioned as a company offering affordable, healthy living options, with up to 50% off retail prices and an extra $60 in free groceries and free shipping for new customers.

    • Free Organic Groceries Offer and Political DiscussionA deal offering $60 worth of free organic groceries from Thrive Markets, along with free shipping and a 30-day trial was highlighted. A political discussion ensued, focusing on the Democrats' handling of the investigation into the Trump team and the importance of transparency and answering direct questions.

      During the discussion, it was revealed that there is a great deal offering $60 worth of free organic groceries from Thrive Markets, along with free shipping and a 30-day trial. This deal, with prices already being up to 50% off, was emphasized as an excellent opportunity. Additionally, there was a discussion about a lawsuit involving the Democrats and the FBI's handling of the investigation into the Trump team. It was pointed out that the Democrats knew about the damning electronic communication document going public, which showed the investigation was started using bureaucrats and not official intelligence channels. This was compared to police state tactics and called out as unacceptable. During an interview, a question was asked about why the DNC hasn't released the servers they claim were hacked by the Russians, and the interviewee avoided answering the question directly. The consensus was that the Russians did meddle in the election, but that was not the focus of the question. The importance of transparency and answering direct questions was emphasized.

    • Interview with DNC CTO about DNC servers and Russian hackPhilippe refused to answer questions about DNC servers, raising suspicions of hidden information. Interview also discussed Russian election interference and need for stronger cybersecurity measures.

      During an interview, Philippe revealed his unwillingness to answer certain questions regarding the DNC servers and the alleged Russian hack. Dan Bongino, the interviewer, pressed Philippe on why the DNC hasn't turned over the servers to the FBI or other authorities. Philippe kept deflecting the question by asking questions in return. Dan accused Philippe of ducking the question and suggested that the DNC might be hiding something. The interview also touched on the Russians' alleged involvement in the election interference and the need for stronger measures from the government to prevent future attacks. Overall, the interview highlighted the importance of direct answers and the common tactic of Democrats to answer questions with more questions.

    • Democrats' Narrative on Russian Interference Faces ChallengesNew information contradicts the Democrats' claim of Russian hacking of DNC servers and the lack of official intelligence initiated the FBI investigation, raising doubts about the validity of the Russian collusion narrative

      The Democrats' narrative about Russian interference in the 2016 election is crumbling as new information comes to light. The refusal of the DNC to turn over their servers for investigation is a key point of contention, as it could potentially disprove their claim that the Russians hacked the servers and provided information to the Trump campaign. Additionally, it has been revealed that there was no official intelligence that initiated the FBI investigation into Russian collusion, and the use of diplomatic channels from the State Department to initiate the investigation is concerning due to the lack of intelligence training and law enforcement experience of those involved. The inconsistencies and lies from key Democratic figures only add to the uncertainty surrounding the validity of the Russian collusion narrative.

    • Democrats file lawsuit for collusion stalling tacticFacing imminent exposure of no Russian collusion, Democrats file lawsuit as stalling tactic to buy time and avoid turning over evidence

      The Democrats are filing a lawsuit against the Trump team and Russians for collusion out of desperation, as they are caught between a rock and a hard place. They are facing the imminent exposure that there was no Russian collusion, which would be disastrous for their political narrative and fundraising efforts before the midterms. Alternatively, they could let the collusion narrative fall apart, which is also not an option. To buy time, they have filed the lawsuit and plan to drop it once the discovery phase begins, allowing them to avoid turning over evidence that would prove the lack of collusion. Essentially, they are stalling for time with the lawsuit.

    • Discussing FilterBuy's reliability and wide range of HVAC filter optionsFilterBuy offers a wide range of HVAC filters, including custom sizes, and ships them free within 24 hours. They manufacture filters in America and provide various MERV ratings for improved system efficiency and pollutant removal.

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that FilterBuy is a reliable and trustworthy company for purchasing HVAC filters for homes and small businesses. They offer a wide range of options, including custom sizes, and ship them free within 24 hours. The company manufactures filters in America and provides various MERV ratings to help remove pollutants and improve system efficiency. Additionally, customers can save money by setting up auto-delivery and receiving a 5% discount. Regarding the political news, it was clarified that there was no official intelligence that initiated the investigation against the Trump campaign, despite previous reports suggesting otherwise. Nunes, who is a key figure in the investigation, stated this clearly in an interview. The origin of the information from the Papadopoulos meeting in London with an Australian diplomat remains unclear if no official intelligence was involved. The complexity of the situation was acknowledged, and it was emphasized that understanding this intricate scandal is crucial to making sense of the situation.

    • Papadopoulos meeting may have been initiated through unofficial channelsThe Papadopoulos meeting with the Australian High Commissioner might not have been facilitated through formal intelligence channels, but rather through bureaucratic connections to the Clintons and Papadopoulos's comments against Cameron.

      The Papadopoulos meeting, which initiated the intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, may not have been due to formal intelligence channels from foreign governments. Instead, it appears that information reached the United States through unofficial, bureaucratic channels. George Papadopoulos was introduced to Alexander Downer, the Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, through intermediaries with connections to the Clintons. Papadopoulos's comments against David Cameron in the British press may have provided the motive for the Australians to pass information to the U.S. intelligence community. This potential motive, along with other reasons, is significant as it sheds light on why the United Kingdom and Australia would involve themselves in the investigation against the Trump campaign.

    • Cultural war against conservatives intensifiesLiberals use social media and legal means to silence opposing views, but conservatives can fight back through counter lawsuits and standing firm in beliefs

      The cultural war against conservatives is intensifying, with liberals using social media and legal means to attack and silence opposing views. A recent example is the backlash against Candace Owens and Shania Twain for expressing their conservative leanings. The Trump team is fighting back with counter lawsuits, demonstrating that using the legal system is an effective way to combat these attacks. It's essential to understand that this is the nature of the fight and to stand firm in your beliefs, knowing that you're on the right side of history. Additionally, the myth that people who live in countries with socialized medicine live longer is debunked in a piece by Matt Palumbo, which can be found in the show notes.

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