
    Podcast Summary

    • Russian collusion narrative fueled by dossier info shared by John BrennanThe Russian collusion narrative against Trump was sparked by information from the dossier, which was shared with lawmakers by John Brennan, leading to an FBI investigation.

      The Russian collusion narrative against the Trump administration was fueled by information from the dossier, which was initially briefed to people on Capitol Hill by John Brennan. This information was then used to demand an investigation at the FBI, leading to the foundation of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative. The host, Dan Vongino, discussed this on Fox and Friends, and the President quoted him in a series of tweets. The WaxRx earwash system was also promoted as a safe and effective solution for earwax removal at home. Additionally, Republican Congressman Devin Nunes has been making bombshell statements on Fox News regarding the intelligence community's abuses against the Trump team, and Dan Vongino plans to cover these interviews in detail.

    • The real scandal was Hillary's collusion with foreign intelligenceDespite focus on Trump-Russia collusion, the real scandal involved Hillary's collusion with CIA and MI6

      The real scandal in the 2016 US election was the involvement of foreign intelligence operators, specifically Stefan Halper who was deeply connected to both the CIA and MI6, in impacting the election and potentially swaying it for Hillary Clinton. Halper's name was known to some, including the hosts of this show, as early as March, but it wasn't until much later that it was publicly disclosed. The Democrats and their allies have been focusing on the collusion story between Trump and Russia as a smokescreen to cover up Hillary's collusion with foreign intelligence and the Russians. CNN reported back in April 2017 that British intelligence had passed information about Trump associates' communications with Russians to US counterparts. The real scandal is the collusion between Hillary and foreign intelligence, not Trump.

    • Intelligence Community Used Unofficial Source to Investigate Trump CampaignThe FBI and intelligence community used a Republican appointee, not a Trump campaign insider, as a source to investigate Trump's campaign, revealing potential political abuses.

      President Trump has called for an investigation into political abuses of the intelligence process regarding spying on his campaign, and a source named Halper, who has deep connections to the CIA and MI6, was involved. Halper, a Republican appointee, was used by both Democrats and the establishment GOP to take down Trump. He was not working for the Trump campaign but was intersecting with it, providing information to the intelligence community. The FBI and intelligence community used Halper as a source, not a Trump campaign insider, which is important to clarify. Halper's father-in-law, Ray Klein, is a CIA legend and current partner at the Cambridge Security Initiative, where former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove reportedly met with Christopher Steele to discuss investigating Trump-Russia ties. This reveals that the intelligence community was using an unofficial source to investigate the Trump campaign.

    • FBI used British intelligence to gather info on Joe's campaign teamThe FBI used unofficial channels, including an intelligence operation and a paid London meeting, to gather info on Joe's campaign team without probable cause, potentially creating legal issues and the appearance of impropriety

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, the FBI used an intelligence operation to gather information on Joe's campaign team, with Stefan Halper acting as an FBI source. Halper tried to contact members of Joe's team and offered Papadopoulos money and an all-expenses-paid trip to London to meet him. The reason for the London meeting was to circumvent US spying laws and get Papadopoulos outside the country. This was part of an information laundering operation where the FBI used British intelligence to make their actions appear legitimate. However, the FBI lacked the hard evidence to investigate Papadopoulos through normal means, so they resorted to these unofficial channels. This is an unusual and concerning use of intelligence resources for political purposes without probable cause. The information laundering angle is important because if the FBI had followed proper procedures, they could have avoided the appearance of impropriety and potential legal issues.

    • Verifying information from sources during investigationsIntelligence officials work closely with sources, but independently verify info to ensure legitimacy, protect source identity, and maintain national security.

      During investigations, intelligence officials work closely with those on the ground to understand potential threats, but they also take great care to verify the information they receive from sources independently. This process is crucial to ensure the information's legitimacy before presenting it to a court and to protect the identity of the source. The lack of effort to verify information from sources like George Papadopoulos and Stefan Halper raises questions about the investigative process during the Trump campaign. The failure to protect the identity of Halper and the subsequent leaking of information could have put national security at risk.

    • Investigation methods questioned during 2016 electionThe 2016 election investigation raised concerns due to questionable handling of information, lack of verification, and potential attempts to groom sources like Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.

      The handling of information during the 2016 election investigation was questionable, with no effort made to verify the source or protect their identity. Joe Armacost's quote, "It was crap from the get go," summarizes the situation. The attempts to groom sources, such as Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, by individuals like Stefan Halper, further complicate the issue. Halper, who was allegedly involved in significant grooming operations, tried to obtain information from people in the Trump sphere by approaching them and asking about specific emails. The emails between Halper and Page are clear attempts at grooming. Joseph Mifsud, another name mentioned in the discussion, is allegedly the person who told Papadopoulos that the Russians may have had Hillary's emails, raising questions about the origins of this information and the potential for a frame job. The investigation's methods and motivations are still unclear, and the potential for multiple sources and layers of sources adds complexity to the situation.

    • Alleged attempts to frame Trump campaign for Russian collusionDiscussion suggests individuals planted information and used spies to create illusion of Trump-Russia collusion, including a carpool ride, Downer-Papadopoulos meeting, and Halper's contacts with Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.

      The discussion suggests an alleged attempt by certain individuals to frame the Trump campaign for colluding with Russians using planted information and spies. The conversation mentions various incidents, such as a carpool ride with a stranger who tried to get the driver to listen to a radio show about Hillary's emails and Russians, followed by an FBI agent's arrest of the driver. The discussion also touches upon the Downer-Papadopoulos meeting in London and Halper's contact with both Carter Page and George Papadopoulos. The speakers argue that these incidents were orchestrated to create the illusion of collusion. Furthermore, the discussion introduces the Eye Target Process, a system that allows individuals to practice their firearm proficiency safely at home by using laser rounds instead of live ammunition.

    • FBI used unverified dossier as justification for FISA warrantFormer FBI Director admits dossier was part of broader mosaic, but career prosecutors found it unverified. Lack of evidence leaves investigation in a precarious position.

      The dossier used as justification for the FISA warrant targeting Carter Page in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is being called into question. According to former FBI Director James Comey, the dossier was just one part of a broader mosaic of facts presented to the FISA court, but career prosecutors have since evaluated the evidence and found that the dossier was not verified before it was used. The lack of evidence supporting the dossier has left those involved in the investigation in a precarious position, as they continue to deny any wrongdoing and refuse to release the requested documents. The essence of the case appears to be a fictitious dossier produced by a foreign spy based on information given by the Russians. Without a clear crime or evidence to justify their actions, those involved in the investigation are left holding a "bag of garbage."

    • Allegations of improper handling of intel info and political biasesAllegations of improper intel handling, potential biases, withheld info, vague terminology, sensitive leaks, and a complex web of connections between foreign assets, political figures, and the justice system have fueled mistrust and undermined transparency and credibility.

      There have been allegations of improper handling of intelligence information and potential political biases influencing investigative processes during the 2016 presidential election. Key figures, including Jim Comey and John Brennan, have been accused of withholding crucial information and using vague terminology to describe their sources. The Department of Justice and FBI have been under scrutiny for leaking sensitive information to the media, which could potentially compromise investigations and create a conflict of interest. The refusal to produce documents and the subsequent leaks have fueled suspicions of information laundering and an attempt to hijack the justice system. The ongoing investigations and interviews have revealed a complex web of connections between foreign intelligence assets, political figures, and the justice system. The transparency and trust in these institutions have been significantly undermined, and the public is left questioning the credibility of the information being shared.

    • Media attempts to downplay IG report with spy storyThe media's attempt to discredit the IG report on the FBI's handling of the FISA process backfired, as it was revealed that the leak came from the DOJ and the media's tactics were criticized for being underhanded and dishonest.

      The New York Times, in an attempt to protect the Democrats and downplay the significance of the upcoming IG report on the FBI's handling of the FISA process during the Trump investigation, released a story on a human spy asset who interacted with individuals in the Trump orbit. The Times did this to reframe the narrative and potentially discredit the investigation by suggesting that the spy's primary focus was on the Russians, not the Trump team. However, the strategy backfired as it became clear that the leak came from the DOJ, not Nunes as initially suggested, and the media's tactics were criticized for being underhanded and dishonest. Ultimately, the IG report will provide transparency and accountability, regardless of the media's efforts to shape the narrative.

    • Obama's White House Lawyer's Role in Current InvestigationObama's former lawyer, Catherine Rumbler, represents individuals cooperating with Mueller's team, adding intrigue to the ongoing Russian collusion investigation. Consume multiple servings of fruits and vegetables daily for health.

      The investigation into Russian collusion in the 2016 US election continues to unfold with new developments, and a key figure in this story is Catherine Rumbler, who was Obama's White House lawyer and reportedly represented individuals like George Nader, a special advisor to the United Arab Emirates leadership, who is now cooperating with Mueller's team. Rumbler has a history of "fixing" issues for the Obama administration, having dealt with scandals such as Benghazi, the IRS, and the Secret Service prostitution scandal. Her involvement in this current investigation adds another layer of intrigue to the ongoing story. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of consuming multiple servings of fruits and vegetables daily for overall health and well-being.

    • Allegations of Trump campaign collusion with RussiansThe Mueller investigation is focusing on meetings between Trump associates and Russians, but some believe these meetings are a distraction from an alleged spying operation against the campaign.

      The ongoing investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues to produce allegations of potential collusion between the Trump campaign and individuals with Russian ties. However, some of these allegations, such as a meeting between George Nader (represented by Obama's lawyer) and a Russian investor, may be intended to distract from the real issue: the alleged spying operation against the Trump campaign. Eric Prince, a Republican donor, is one example of someone who was targeted in these meetings and later became a focus of the Mueller probe. The involvement of individuals with ties to Obama and the Clintons in these meetings adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Overall, it appears that the Mueller investigation is being used as a smokescreen to deflect attention from the spying operation and refocus public scrutiny on the Trump team.

    • Perkins Cooey lawyer's resignation raises questions about firm's role in Steele dossier fundingThe resignation of Bob Bauer from Perkins Cooey and the hiring of Katherine Rumbler, a former White House lawyer under Obama, adds to the intrigue surrounding the firm's involvement in funding the Steele dossier during the 2016 election and the potential legal consequences for those involved.

      The resignation of Bob Bauer from Perkins Cooey, who previously served as White House counsel for Obama, raises questions about his potential involvement in the firm's role in funding the Steele dossier during the 2016 election. This comes as explosive information about the spying scandal, including the use of human sources, is reportedly being uncovered. The IG report on the operation against Trump is expected to be monumental, and there are believed to be significant civil and criminal liabilities for those involved. The Mueller probe, which has been a smokescreen to refocus on Trump, can no longer avoid the information coming out about the involvement of the Trump team. Giuliani was reportedly brought in for a horse trade, and prosecutions are expected for those involved in the scandal. The resignation of Katherine Rumbler, who previously served as White House lawyer under Obama and now represents a source working for Mueller, adds to the intrigue, as she took the place of Bob Bauer at Perkins Cooey and was involved in the hiring of Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele.

    • Investigation of law firms and individuals with Ukrainian ties and Obama administration linksSeveral law firms and individuals, including those with Ukrainian political connections and ties to the Obama administration, are under investigation for producing pro-Russian documents. Some have already resigned, indicating potential liability. The ongoing investigation led by Robert Mueller may result in criminal and civil penalties.

      Several individuals and law firms, including Greg Craig, Paul Manafort, and Tony Podesta, who have worked with Ukrainian political leaders and have ties to the Obama administration, are under investigation for allegedly producing pro-Russian documents. Some of these individuals, like Greg Craig, have already resigned from their respective law firms. The resignations suggest that these law firms may be recognizing potential liability. The investigation led by Robert Mueller is ongoing, and it's expected that some individuals may face criminal and civil penalties. Additionally, there are reports of a Russian spy with connections to the Clinton team interacting with the Trump team. The details of this connection are still emerging, but it adds to the complexity of the ongoing investigation. Overall, the investigation and the resignations indicate that the truth is coming to light, and those involved may face consequences for their actions.

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