
    michael flynn

    Explore "michael flynn" with insightful episodes like "Tucker Takes On Kristi Noem In Must See Video (Ep 1483)", "Exclusive Interview with General Mike Flynn (Ep 1407)", "They’re Covering Up For Obama (Ep 1255)", "Obama Can’t Hide. He did this. (Ep 1252)" and "This Is Just The Beginning of the Spying Scandal (Ep 1250)" from podcasts like ""The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show" and "The Dan Bongino Show"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    Tucker Takes On Kristi Noem In Must See Video (Ep 1483)

    Tucker Takes On Kristi Noem In Must See Video (Ep 1483)
    Is Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota finished? Or does she have a point? In this episode, I discuss the uproar over her refusal to sign a bill involving transgender participation in sports. I also address some troubling new developments in the framing of General Mike Flynn.  News Picks: What happened to Governor Kristi Noem? The sordid tale of the framing of General Mike Flynn keeps getting uglier.  Elon Musk absolutely wrecks Bernie Sanders. Liberals say “follow the science” when it’s convenient. But do they mean it? Trump senses an opening to expose Biden for his immigration policy failures. The tax rates on NY City residents are about to explode.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Exclusive Interview with General Mike Flynn (Ep 1407)

    Exclusive Interview with General Mike Flynn (Ep 1407)
    In this exclusive interview with General Mike Flynn we cover Barack Obama’s bizarre fascination with Gen. Flynn, Gen. Flynn’s battles to fix the intell community, the 2015 CIS dinner where Lokhova was present, and the real reason Jim Comey targeted Flynn. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    They’re Covering Up For Obama (Ep 1255)

    They’re Covering Up For Obama (Ep 1255)
    In this episode I address the stunning reemergence of the Obama fixer. I discuss the obvious effort to cover up Obama’s role in the Mike Flynn targeting scandal. Finally, I address the media’s disgusting treatment of the Florida Governor and his efforts to fight the Coronavirus.  News Picks: The Obama Fixer is back! This article from March shows how deep the Obama fixer is in the dossier scandal.  It’s outrageous to continue to drag on the Mike Flynn case. Obama, Mike Flynn, and the Iran deal.  The Florida Governor unloads on the hapless media. The media face-plants again on the Florida “scientist” story. About that Florida “scientist.” The hapless Virginia Governor is living the high life on tax payer money.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Obama Can’t Hide. He did this. (Ep 1252)

    Obama Can’t Hide. He did this. (Ep 1252)
    In this episode I address the stunning connections that prove that the Obama administration was behind the framing of General Flynn.  News Picks: The lockdowns are ending because America says they’re ending. Are the mistaken Wuhan Virus models the most expensive mistake in American history.  Despite relentless attacks by the media, President Trump’s approval rating is spiking.  CNN “journalist” gets busted removing mask. Here are ten Mueller actions worthy of an investigation.  Kayleigh McEnany schools another foolish reporter. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    This Is Just The Beginning of the Spying Scandal (Ep 1250)

    This Is Just The Beginning of the Spying Scandal (Ep 1250)
    In this episode I address the disturbing new evidence that emerged showing that the spying scandal on Mike Flynn and the Trump team was more widespread than previously believed.  News Picks: Brennan, Clapper & Comey are on the scandalous unmasking list. New jobless claims continue to explode. “Judge” Sullivan goes all-in on tyranny and appoints another judge because he failed. The Supreme Court has already ruled on Amicus Briefs, and it isn’t good for “Judge” Sullivan.  A powerful piece by Andrew McCarthy about the atrocious behavior of the judge in the Mike Flynn.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 1007 - Flynn Goes Free

    Ep. 1007 - Flynn Goes Free

    Former national security advisor Michael Flynn is exonerated by the Justice Department; Democrats insist on continued lockdown without any alternative plan; and Tara Reade speaks out.

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    The Destruction And Redemption of General Flynn (Ep 1246)

    The Destruction And Redemption of General Flynn (Ep 1246)
    In this episode I address the bombshell revelations in the General Mike Flynn case.  News Picks: Finally! The DOJ drops the case against General Mike Flynn. Troubled Mueller prosecutor Van Grack withdraws from the broken Flynn case. Media tyrants are losing it over the exoneration of General Mike Flynn. Another anti-Trump conspiracy falls apart.  Why was this Pentagon a list investigated in January, 2017?  Why did Steele delete his emails on January 5th.  The Washington Post article referenced in the show. Liberals are melting down over the Flynn exoneration. The unemployment numbers are devastating. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    It’s Worse Than We Thought (Ep 1240)

    It’s Worse Than We Thought (Ep 1240)
    In this episode I address the astonishing new revelations in the FBI targeting scandal of General Mike Flynn. I also address the cowardice on the left, and their failure to address this grotesque violation of civil liberties. News Picks: This 2019 article explains why General Flynn was targeted. This Real Clear politics article addresses how the Pentagon paid Halper.  This 2019 article explains the genesis of the leaks against Mike Flynn.  Breaking: Explosive new documents show the FBI was setting up General Flynn. The Biden campaign is desperate to avoid the sexual assault allegations. The NY Times rebuked the Biden campaign for spreading fake news.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    A Huge Announcement (Ep 1159)

    A Huge Announcement (Ep 1159)
    In this episode, I address the dramatic announcement by this victim of the Spygate plot that could be a game-changer. I also address the now-revealed-reason Nancy Pelosi delayed sending the impeachment article over to the Senate. News Picks:Wounded warrior congressman challenges weak-kneed Democrats on Soleimani.   Michael Avenatti was arrested, again.   Be very skeptical of the Burisma “hack” report.   New York’s insane new crime law is imploding.   Lt. General Flynn withdraws his guilt plea.    This April, 2019 article tells the real story about the targeting of Lt. General Mike Flynn.   This August, 2019 article documents the payments made to a government spy involved in the Spygate scandal.   Mark Meadows speaks up about the appointment of a Spygate denier to oversee the FISA abuse investigation.   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ominous Signs Ahead? (Ep 1057)

    Ominous Signs Ahead? (Ep 1057)
    In this episode, I address the troubling revelations in this prominent case against a former Trump official. I also address the suspicious departure of the White House assistant from her position. Finally, I address some emerging concerns about the US dollar and what it means for you. News Picks: Troubling new revelations in the case against Mike Flynn.    A tragic incident in Odessa, Texas.   President Trump responds to his White House assistant abruptly leaving.    Barack Obama is earning a lot more than any former President and he is costing taxpayers the most.   Bernie’s Green New Deal is just as dumb as AOC’s.     Ominous signs ahead for the US dollar?   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 874 Their Entire Hoax Just Collapsed

    Ep. 874 Their Entire Hoax Just Collapsed
    In this episode I address the stunning new developments that will destroy the entire case against President Trump. I also address a suspicious attack on the Trump tax cuts and the growing calls for “Medicare for all.”    News Picks: Jim Comey humiliates himself again.   Was Christopher Steele paid by Hillary Clinton’s team to challenge the 2016 election results?   A stunning admission by a Clinton ally that will blow up the entire case against President Trump.   This Washington Post investigative reporter is dismissing the dossier as a hoax.    The FBI finally turns over the missing paperwork in the Mike Flynn case.   Here’s the Gen. Mike Flynn 302 for you to read.   Liberals completely blew it on net neutrality. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 870 A Victory for the Good Guys Yesterday

    Ep. 870 A Victory for the Good Guys Yesterday
    In this episode I address the stunning information now available in the Mike Flynn sentencing documents. I also address Trump’s big win in the Oval Office yesterday. Finally, I cover the collapse of the dossier and the media’s efforts to change the narrative. News Picks: The Washington Post must have forgotten about all the journalists the Obama administration hired.   Is Andrew Gillum running for president?   Why is this key piece of information from the dossier missing in the Mueller filings?   The sentencing memo shows the disgraceful actions taken against Mike Flynn.   More evidence that the Democrats are looking to impeach Trump.   Clarence Thomas is an American hero.    Copyright Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 865 Mike Flynn Was Set Up!

    Ep. 865 Mike Flynn Was Set Up!
    In this episode I address the scheme to set up, and take down, Lt. General Mike Flynn. The details are both shocking and disturbing.    News Picks: What happened to Lt. General Mike Flynn is an abomination.   The Republicans on the NRCC hired this controversial cybersecurity firm, tied to the collusion hoax, to investigate a hack?   There’s still no evidence of collusion.   10 reasons to fire Rod Rosenstein.   Is Biden 2020 going to happen?   The liberal media attacks George H.W. Bush’s service dog?   These unions are defying the Supreme Court and, as a result, are being sued.   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 659 Are the Democrats Signaling Trouble Ahead?

    Ep. 659 Are the Democrats Signaling Trouble Ahead?
    Are the Democrats growing concerned that the Russia probe is going to blow up on them? In this episode I’ll address some of the warning signs. I also address the major problem with gun control initiatives and the government’s fascination with a cashless society. This Democrat senator is giving off some serious warning signs about the Russia probe.  Why is this influential Russian and Putin ally leaving his role in these companies?  The Democrats are worried about the increasing popularity of the tax cuts. Beware of a cashless society. Government loves this idea.  Spending is out of control, and these numbers are disturbing.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices