
    Podcast Summary

    • Entertaining and Informative Radio Show with Dan BonginoDan Bongino's radio show offers insightful discussions on current events, respects other conservative figures, and promotes products that can make a difference.

      Dan Bongino's radio show is not just informative but also entertaining, with behind-the-scenes moments and light-hearted banter. Dan respects other conservative figures like Ben Shapiro, even if they don't always agree, and isn't afraid to tackle controversial topics like Spygate. Dan also promotes products he believes in, such as WaxRx, which can make a significant difference in people's lives, like a listener's nephew who couldn't complete his EMT training due to earwax buildup. Dan's show is a must-listen for those seeking truthful discussions on current events and a good laugh along the way.

    • Sharing experiences of effective communication leading to life improvementsEffective communication can significantly impact people's lives, as seen when a viewer regained his hearing after using WaxRx and completed his EMT training. Ben Shapiro raised questions about the Spygate case, leading to a discussion on available information and the power of declassification.

      Effective communication can lead to significant improvements in people's lives. A viewer shared his experience of using WaxRx to clean his ears and regain his hearing, allowing him to complete his EMT training. This is just one example of the positive feedback the company receives regularly. Regarding the political discussion, Ben Shapiro raised questions about the Spygate case, specifically why certain information wasn't released and why certain individuals were targeted. In response, it was clarified that information regarding the case is already available to the public through various reports. As for why certain individuals were targeted, it was noted that those individuals had suspicious histories. The question of declassification was also addressed, explaining that the president has the power to declassify information at any time. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of asking questions and seeking answers to understand complex issues.

    • Meeting between Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer connected to Clinton campaignDuring the 2016 election, Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer connected to the Clinton campaign, who was also accompanied by a Russian intelligence-connected person. The Clinton campaign's involvement in this meeting is a focus of investigations into potential collusion.

      Donald Trump Jr. was indeed targeted by individuals connected to Hillary Clinton's campaign during the 2016 election. Contrary to some claims, a Russian lawyer working with the company hired by the Clinton campaign to gather information on the Trump team, Natalia Veselnitskaya, showed up at Trump Tower with a Russian intelligence-connected person. This meeting is a key focus of investigations into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. It's important to note that while the extent of Clinton's knowledge of this meeting is still unclear, the fact that her campaign was involved is not in dispute. The idea that no evidence exists of attempts to target Trump or his team is also inaccurate.

    • Gain trust of lower-level individuals to infiltrate higher-level organizationsEffective investigations and counterintelligence target lower-level individuals for trust and manipulation, increasing chances of success

      Criminal investigations and counterintelligence operations don't work by targeting the most prominent figures first. Instead, they aim to gain the trust of lower-level individuals and work their way up the chain. This approach is more effective because the lower-level individuals are often less suspicious and easier to manipulate. The use of an extreme example, such as attempting to infiltrate Pablo Escobar's organization, illustrates this point. The DEA wouldn't send a spy to meet with Escobar directly due to the high level of security and the risk of exposure. Instead, they would target lower-level individuals to gain access to the organization. The same principle applies to the investigation into the Trump campaign. The focus on individuals like Carter Page and George Papadopoulos was strategic, as they were more likely to cooperate with investigators and provide valuable information.

    • Intelligence operations against Trump campaign involved use of fake dossier and informantsIntelligence agencies targeted Carter Page instead of Trump due to verifiable info and his previous work with FBI, using informants and two-hop rule to spy on campaign without directly targeting Trump.

      During the 2016 US presidential campaign, intelligence operations against the Trump team were not limited to targeting specific individuals like Manafort or Trump Jr., but also involved the use of a fake dossier and informants. The reason for targeting Carter Page instead of Trump himself was that the intelligence agencies had some verifiable information on Carter Page, making it easier to secure a FISA warrant. Additionally, Carter Page had previously worked with the FBI and was considered less savvy, making him an easier target. The use of informants and the two-hop rule allowed the intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign without directly targeting Trump himself.

    • Exploring Counterintelligence Tactics: Two Hops and Ongoing InvestigationsThe FBI uses a 'two hops' rule in counterintelligence investigations to gather info on associates, reducing risk and keeping investigations less conspicuous. Ongoing criminal investigations prevent Trump from declassifying all related info to avoid contaminating cases.

      During the discussion, it was explained that in a counterintelligence investigation, the FBI may not necessarily target the main figure directly, but instead look into their associates through a "two hops" rule. This allows them to gather information without directly spying on the primary target, reducing the risk and making the investigation less conspicuous. Additionally, the question was raised as to why Trump hasn't declassified all the information related to the investigation if he's not guilty. The answer given was that there are ongoing criminal investigations, and declassifying the information could potentially contaminate the cases by leaking sensitive information. The discussion also touched upon the investigations being led by a US attorney level prosecutor, John Huber, and the extensive corruption within the FBI that has been uncovered through criminal leaks.

    • FBI and DOJ criminal referrals for leaks, specifically mentioning Andrew McCabeOngoing investigations into leaks of sensitive information within FBI and DOJ. Some suggest declassifying info to expedite process, but could compromise ongoing probes. Emphasis on firearm safety with dry firing practice using Eye Target system.

      There have been criminal referrals made for leaks of sensitive information within the FBI and DOJ, specifically mentioning Andrew McCabe. These leaks include the existence of investigations into the Trump campaign and a recorded phone call between Mike Flynn and Sergey Kislyak. Despite this, there are ongoing investigations into these leaks, and some are suggesting that President Trump should declassify information to expedite the process. However, given the ongoing investigations, declassifying information could potentially compromise ongoing criminal probes. Additionally, the importance of firearm safety was emphasized, with a discussion on the Eye Target system, which allows for safe dry firing practice to improve proficiency with a firearm.

    • Discover the secret to improving shooting accuracy with ITargetPro.comFact-check information and avoid spreading misinformation. ITargetPro.com offers a laser-based eye target training system to enhance shooting accuracy.

      There is a highly effective eye target training system available at ITargetPro.com, which can help improve shooting accuracy significantly. The system, which emits a laser to help users visualize their groupings, has received impressive reviews and is endorsed by the speaker's father and co-author's husband. However, during the discussion, there was also a focus on the accuracy of a statement made by former President Trump regarding the reason for firing James Comey. Despite claims that Trump stated he fired Comey because of Russia, the actual quote from Trump's interview on NBC with Lester Holt shows that he did not make that statement. Trump mentioned firing Comey and then expressed his belief that the Russia investigation was a made-up story, but he did not connect the two statements directly. It's important to fact-check information and avoid spreading misinformation.

    • FBI investigation into Trump campaignOngoing debate about extent of FBI's probe into Trump campaign during 2016 election. Wait for more evidence before reaching conclusions.

      There is ongoing debate about the extent of the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. Joe Rogan discussed this topic on his podcast, expressing disagreement with the assessment of Trey Gowdy that the Trump campaign was not under investigation. Rogan criticized those who interpreted Joe's previous comments as an admission that Trump farted due to Russia, emphasizing that Joe never said that. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding the declassification of certain materials related to the investigation. Despite the conflicting interpretations, it's essential to wait for the release of more evidence before reaching a definitive conclusion.

    • FBI investigated Trump campaign-Russia links during 2016 electionDespite misinformation, FBI probed Trump campaign-Russia coordination beyond Carter Page and election interference.

      Contrary to some assertions, the FBI was indeed investigating potential links between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, as confirmed by then-FBI Director Jim Comey's own testimony. The investigation was not solely about former Trump associate Carter Page or Russian interference in the election, but also included examining any coordination between the campaign and Russia. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that the Obama White House may have had some involvement in the investigation, as reported by journalists like John Solomon. It's important to base our understanding on factual evidence rather than inaccurate statements.

    • Obama White House may have attempted to hijack Russia probeTexts between investigators hint at potential Obama involvement in monitoring the Russia probe, not definitive proof

      There is evidence suggesting the Obama White House may have been involved in the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Text messages between lead counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok and his colleague Lisa Page indicate that the White House was attempting to hijack the investigation. Strzok texted that "POTUS wants to know everything" and later mentioned that he was "directed by Obama." While this does not prove that Obama himself was directly involved, the texts do suggest that the White House was closely monitoring the investigation. It is important to note that this is not definitive proof, but rather a hint of potential involvement. The full context and details of the investigation are still unfolding, and the public is awaiting the results of the Inspector General report for further clarity.

    • Origins of FBI's Russia probe under scrutinyCongressman DeSantis challenges the accuracy of the initial justification for the FBI's Russia investigation, raising concerns about potential political bias and the need for transparency

      The origins of the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia may not be as clear-cut as previously believed. Congressman Ron DeSantis has raised doubts about a key aspect of the story, which involves an Australian diplomat named Alexander Downer and his supposed conversation with a Trump campaign associate, George Papadopoulos, about Russian emails. DeSantis has pointed out that Downer never mentioned emails during their conversation and that the FBI's initial justification for opening the investigation seems to have been based on inaccurate information. This raises questions about the reliability of the information used to launch the investigation and the potential for political bias. The situation underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in government and the need for a thorough examination of the facts.

    • Debunking the story of Australian diplomat's alleged official tip-off to U.S. authoritiesUnofficial channels may be used to share sensitive information, raising concerns about reliability and accuracy, and the need for proper vetting and verification before sharing with U.S. authorities.

      The story about Australian diplomat Alexander Downer passing information about the Trump team's alleged contacts with Russians through official channels to U.S. authorities has been debunked. Instead, it appears that the information may have been passed through unofficial channels, raising concerns about the reliability and accuracy of the information and the motivations of those involved in spreading it. This highlights the importance of official intelligence channels and the need for proper vetting and verification of information before it is shared with U.S. authorities to avoid potential misinformation or misunderstandings that could have serious consequences.

    • Respecting authority and following rulesRegardless of position or fame, it's crucial to respect authority and follow rules to ensure the smooth functioning of institutions

      Even individuals with high public profiles and security clearances, like journalist Jim Acosta, must follow established protocols and rules, such as carrying a White House pass, for the smooth functioning of institutions like the White House. Across five years, Jim had adhered to this rule, but on one occasion, he forgot his pass. Instead of complying, he acted dismissively towards the Secret Service officer, causing a scene. The incident was not a major issue, but it highlights the importance of respecting authority and following rules, regardless of one's position or fame. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of truth and fairness in media reporting.

    • Expressing Gratitude to the AudienceCherish connections with others, express gratitude, and let it enrich and motivate our lives

      Despite the unexpected journey, the speakers express deep gratitude for the support they have received from their audience. They emphasized the importance of expressing appreciation and the power it holds. Whether it's through listening to their podcasts, following them on social media, or visiting their website, the speakers value the connection they have built with their audience. They emphasized that they will continue to deliver their content and look forward to engaging with everyone tomorrow. So, the takeaway is to express gratitude and cherish the connections we build with others, as they enrich our lives and motivate us to continue on our journeys.

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    Sunday Special with Mike Benz, Scott Presler, Julie Kelly and Producer Jim Verdi 06/23/24
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