
    Ep 748 | From Drag Queen & Drug Dealer to Jesus Follower | Guest: Benjamin Blake Howard

    enJanuary 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Blake's Unique Journey to Understanding Identity and FaithListen, be open-minded, and allow God to guide interactions with people in the LGBTQ+ community, recognizing everyone's journey to salvation and redemption is unique.

      Everyone's journey to understanding their identity and finding salvation is unique. Blake, a minister in San Antonio, Texas, shares his testimony of growing up in the South, realizing he was gay at a young age, and being sexually molested. He also performed as a drag queen before finding the Lord. Blake's upbringing lacked open discussions about sexuality, leading him to explore his identity through alternative means. His experiences, including being molested, shaped his understanding of himself and his relationship with God. Blake's advice for loving and accepting people in the LGBTQ+ community is to listen, be open-minded, and allow God to guide our interactions. His story is a reminder that everyone's journey to salvation and redemption is unique, and it's essential to approach each person with love, compassion, and understanding.

    • Trust can be broken in unexpected waysUnderstand that trust can be violated subtly, create safe spaces for open communication and seek help when needed.

      Trust can be broken in unexpected ways, even by those closest to us. This was a theme that emerged in the speaker's story of dealing with unwanted sexual experiences as a child and her struggle to understand her own sexuality. The speaker emphasized that these experiences solidified her feelings and understanding of her sexuality, but she didn't tell anyone about them due to fear and shame. The speaker also grew up in a religious community where discussing certain topics was taboo, which added to her feeling of isolation. It's important to remember that trust can be violated in subtle ways, and it's crucial to create safe spaces where people feel comfortable sharing their experiences and seeking help.

    • Struggling with Identity and AcceptanceCreating safe spaces for individuals to explore their identities is crucial to promote acceptance and reduce fear of judgment or harm.

      Growing up, the speaker struggled with understanding and accepting their sexuality due to societal stigma and bullying. They turned to the Internet for exploration and discovered they weren't alone. However, the fear of being bullied even more kept them from fully coming to terms with their identity, leading them to hide their true self for a long time. Even in high school, they experienced bullying due to their perceived differences, making the idea of coming out as gay seem like an unwelcome and scary prospect. The speaker's journey highlights the importance of creating safe and inclusive environments for individuals to explore their identities without fear of judgment or harm.

    • Overcoming Fear and Societal Pressure for Self-AcceptanceCreating safe spaces for self-expression can help individuals overcome societal pressures and personal fears, leading to greater acceptance of their identity.

      Fear and societal pressure can hinder self-acceptance and exploration of one's identity. The speaker shares their experience of being scared to come out due to fear of embarrassing their parents and societal stigma against homosexuality. They also mention their personal struggles with self-worth and perfectionism. However, experimenting with drag in theater provided a safe space for self-expression and instant gratification, leading to greater acceptance of their identity. Ultimately, it took the speaker until after high school to fully embrace their sexuality. The speaker's story highlights the importance of creating safe spaces for individuals to explore their identities and overcome societal pressures and personal fears.

    • Lack of strong male role model leads to seeking validation in unhealthy waysLack of positive male role models can lead to unhealthy seeking of validation and attention, potentially resulting in destructive choices

      The lack of a strong male figure in her life led the speaker to seek validation and attention from men in unhealthy ways. At a young age, she downplayed her role in a play where she was cast as a mother to hide her insecurities. Later in life, she turned to drugs and alcohol to fit in with a new friend group and hid her sexuality from her family. Ultimately, she craved attention and validation from men, leading her to make choices that weren't true to herself. This experience highlights the importance of having positive male role models in one's life and the potential consequences of seeking validation in unhealthy ways.

    • Discovering Passions Later in LifeIt's never too late to pursue your passions and find fulfillment. Take risks, seek support, and prioritize self-care.

      No matter what stage of life you're in, it's never too late to pursue your passions and find fulfillment. The speaker shares her experience of feeling unfulfilled in her relationships and her career, leading her to explore the world of drag. She describes her initial struggles with self-doubt and the support she received from friends and mentors that helped her take the first steps towards realizing her dream. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself, both physically and financially. She encourages listeners to make resolutions, such as eating healthier and saving money on groceries, to improve their lives. She also highlights the benefits of subscribing to GoodRanchers for affordable, high-quality meat and seafood. Overall, the speaker's story serves as a reminder that it's important to take risks, seek out support, and prioritize self-care in order to live a fulfilling life.

    • Embracing one's true self and finding acceptanceEmbracing one's true self can lead to personal growth and fulfillment, even if it starts as a way to hide. Seek out supportive communities and consider new paths when the journey becomes uncertain and challenging.

      The power of self-expression and finding acceptance, even in unexpected places, can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. The speaker's journey into drag performance started as a way to hide from her parents and society, but it eventually became a source of joy and connection. However, the constant hiding and hustling to pay for costumes and supplies led her to sell drugs, adding danger and complexity to her life. Eventually, she was hired as a character at a theme park, which led her to consider a different path. Her mother's suggestion to try a ministry before going to Alabama marked a turning point, signaling a shift towards a more authentic and fulfilling way of living. This experience highlights the importance of embracing one's true self and seeking out supportive communities, even when the journey is uncertain and challenging.

    • Unexpected opportunities and blessingsBe open to new experiences and embrace unexpected opportunities, as they may lead to personal growth and blessings

      No matter where we are in life or what we've experienced, there's always a chance for change and growth. The speaker in this discussion had put her drag queen persona on hold and auditioned for a role in a new city to start fresh. However, she ended up applying to a ministry school against her initial plans. Despite her reservations, she was accepted and discovered that the school had accepted her name in prayer a year prior, even during her most challenging times. This unexpected turn of events showed her that sometimes, opportunities and blessings come in unexpected ways and places. It's important to keep an open mind and be willing to embrace new experiences, even if they don't align with our initial plans.

    • Saying yes to God's call leads to profound encountersEmbracing new experiences with God can bring unexpected joy and freedom, even when uncertain or facing personal struggles

      Saying "yes" to new experiences and opportunities, even when uncertain, can lead to unexpected and profound encounters with God. During a Wednesday night service at a new church in Alabama, the speaker shared a message about the significance of saying yes to God's call, and the speaker's words resonated deeply with the speaker's cousin. Despite struggling with darkness and despair, the cousin felt a tangible presence of God during worship and experienced a sense of joy and freedom. However, the cousin held onto their same-sex attraction, believing it could coexist with their faith. The encounter was not a one-time event, but a beginning of a journey towards a deeper relationship with God. The cousin left feeling renewed and called, but with the understanding that the journey would be ongoing.

    • Navigating faith and identityDespite the challenges and uncertainties, committing to living as a Christian can be a deeply personal and meaningful experience for individuals grappling with their faith and identity.

      Having a deep connection with God and experiencing spiritual gifts does not exclude someone from grappling with their identity or sexuality. The speaker, who grew up in a charismatic Christian background, found validation in their faith through the use of spiritual gifts, but also felt a deep sense of uncertainty and fear when they came across scriptures that seemed to condemn homosexuality. This experience led them to question their relationship with God and ultimately, make a decision to fully commit to living as a Christian, despite the challenges and uncertainties that came with it. The speaker's story highlights the complex and nuanced nature of faith and identity, and the importance of seeking guidance and support from spiritual leaders and mentors during times of doubt and confusion.

    • Finding a supportive mentor can help overcome unwanted same-sex attractionsA mentor or spiritual guide can provide understanding, focus on identity in Christ, and help protect privacy while healing from unwanted same-sex attractions.

      Finding a supportive and understanding mentor or spiritual guide can make a significant difference in the journey towards overcoming unwanted same-sex attractions. This person should be willing to look past the past and focus on helping the individual achieve wholeness in their identity in Christ, rather than trying to force a specific sexual orientation. It's important to remember that the goal is not to replace one sin with another, but to heal and become whole in God's love. Additionally, protecting personal privacy, especially online, is essential, and using a paid email service like StartMail can help ensure that your information remains secure.

    • God's unconventional plans lead to beautiful outcomesFaithfully following God's plan, even when uncertain, can lead to unexpected joys and fulfillment. Approach those with different backgrounds with love and respect.

      God's plan for our lives may not always make sense in the moment, but with faith and trust, it can lead us to unexpected and beautiful places. The speaker shared his personal story of meeting his wife in ministry school and realizing they both had similar struggles. After becoming best friends, they both felt the call to run together in their faith. Despite initial opposition from her father, they eventually became youth pastors in San Antonio, Texas. Their journey shows that being open to God's plan, even when it seems uncertain or unconventional, can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Additionally, the speaker's story challenges the notion that it's not possible or appropriate to reach out to those in the LGBTQ community with love and acceptance. Instead, it's essential to approach each person with compassion and respect, recognizing that everyone's journey with God is unique.

    • Sharing love with LGBTQ+ community: Balance truth and open communicationMaintain balance by sharing truth and keeping lines open for effective sharing of Christ's transformative power

      When trying to share the love of Christ with someone from the LGBTQ+ community, it's crucial to maintain a balance between truth and open communication. Do not validate their false identity by using their preferred pronouns or names, but keep the lines of communication open, showing them unconditional love and acceptance. By standing firm on God's word and maintaining an open dialogue, you can effectively spread the message of Christ's transformative and redemptive power. Blake, an ex-LGBTQ community member and now a "porno gay Christian," emphasizes the importance of this approach, citing personal experiences and stories of others who have been set free from their false identities through the unwavering love and truth of their Christian loved ones. You can find Blake's book, "Mascara to Manhood," on platforms like Amazon to learn more about his journey and insights.

    • Effective Communication in Building Successful RelationshipsActive listening, empathy, and clear expression of thoughts and feelings are crucial for building strong relationships. Navigate conflicts with positivity and maintain a positive mindset for successful interactions.

      Key takeaway from our conversation with Blake is the importance of effective communication in building successful relationships. Blake emphasized the significance of active listening, empathy, and clear expression of thoughts and feelings. He also shared insights on how to navigate conflicts and maintain a positive mindset. By implementing these communication skills in our personal and professional interactions, we can foster stronger bonds and create more meaningful connections. Thanks for tuning in to our conversation with Blake. Don't forget to check out the description of this episode for more resources and links to Blake's work. Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations!

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    Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor

    Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor
    Today, we discuss the recent confession of "inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady" from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church. The alleged victim, Cindy Clemishire, claims the abuse began when she was just 12 years old and Morris was 21 and lasted for more than four years. What does this mean for Christians, particularly in light of Pastor Tony Evans' recent resignation over sin? Are all Christians qualified to be teachers? And how can victims of abuse find solace in Scripture? Plus, the Southern Baptist Church recently voted on an amendment concerning female pastors. We discuss the outcome and what this means for the SBC. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:10) Introduction (03:15) Introduction to Robert Morris (16:00) Church response / statement (28:30) Reason for his sabbatical (33:49) Commentary on X (38:47) Morris's past sermons & my experience in the SBC (52:53) What Scripture says about this (01:05:03) SBC votes on female pastors & IVF --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". Pre-Born — will you help rescue babies' lives? Donate by calling #250 & say keyword 'BABY' or go to Preborn.com/ALLIE. Covenant Eyes — protect you and your family from the things you shouldn't be looking at online. Go to coveyes.com/ALLIE to try it FREE for 30 days! --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1020-botched-the-brutality-of-trans/id1359249098?i=1000659311855 Ep 1017 | Dr. Tony Evans Steps Down Over Secret Sin https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1017-dr-tony-evans-steps-down-over-secret-sin/id1359249098?i=1000658686225 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco

    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco
    Today, we sit down with Soren Aldaco, a 21-year-old woman and detransitioner who is suing her former doctors for a botched mastectomy and other medical malpractices. Soren began identifying as transgender at just 11 years old, began hormone replacement therapy at 17, and had a double mastectomy at 19. Soren was prescribed all these treatments despite numerous mental health conditions and traumatic life experiences. How did this happen? Soren discusses her entire story and the failures of the medical system that left her "permanently disfigured." Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (02:30) Beginnings of Soren’s story (10:00) Internet indoctrination (29:10) Identifying as a boy (35:20) Support group & starting testosterone (49:24) Double mastectomy complications (01:03:59) Treatment issues & payment (01:07:26) Soren's lawsuit (01:12:35) Soren's faith journey (01:15:59) How to support Soren --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code ALLIE50 for $50 off your order of $100+ at carlyjeanlosangeles.com. NetSuite — gain visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and inventory so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. Go to NetSuite.com/ALLIE to get your one-of-a-kind flexible financing program. Seven Weeks Coffee — try Seven Weeks Coffee today at SevenWeeksCoffee.com and use the promo code: ALLIE to save 10% off your order. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 186 | Sex Change Regret | Guest: Walt Heyer https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000456890365 Ep 857 | Is ADHD Real? | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-857-is-adhd-real-guest-dr-roger-mcfillin-part-one/id1359249098?i=1000624680025 Ep 858 | The Disturbing Origins of Adderall | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-858-the-disturbing-origins-of-adderall-guest-dr/id1359249098?i=1000624797989 Ep 896 | From 'Trans Men' to Transformed by Christ | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632613519 Ep 897 | A Detransitioner on the Lie of 'Trans Joy' | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632747460 Ep 963 | The Dangers of Gentle Parenting, SEL & Empathy | Guest: Abigail Shrier https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-963-the-dangers-of-gentle-parenting-sel-empathy/id1359249098?i=1000648254377 --- Links: Soren's X thread detailing the surgical complications: https://x.com/sorenaldaco/status/1635535612236242947 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1019 | The Christian ‘Ashley Madison’ Couple Speaks Out | Guests: Sam & Nia Rader

    Ep 1019 | The Christian ‘Ashley Madison’ Couple Speaks Out | Guests: Sam & Nia Rader
    Today, we sit down with family vloggers Sam and Nia Rader. Back in 2015, this Christian couple's world was turned upside down during a data breach of the infidelity website "Ashley Madison." Because of this breach, names of people who had signed up for the site, seeking to have an affair, became public. Sam's name was included in the leak. The couple then faced an uphill battle as they struggled to heal their marriage, sought true repentance, and dealt with the publicity of their marital struggles. They recently told their story again to Netflix in the streaming company's documentary on the data leak. We ask them to delve into their story and share what they believe Netflix got wrong. Get Sam and Nia's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Sam-Nia-Live-Truth-Restored/dp/B0D4657827 Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:08) Sam & Nia introduction (03:00) How Sam & Nia went viral (09:35) Signing up for ‘Ashley Madison’ (20:20) Getting convicted (26:10) Finding out about the leak (37:28) What happened after the leak (48:00) Nia's feelings & Sam's repentance (52:07) The Bible & divorce (56:05) Netflix's portrayal (01:00:51) Backlash & healing from infidelity (01:07:29) Where to find their book --- Today's Sponsors: My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Get your new, lower-price three month Emergency Food Kit at PrepareWithAllie.com. EveryLife — the only premium baby brand that is unapologetically pro-life. EveryLife offers high-performing, supremely soft diapers and wipes that protect and celebrate every precious life. Head to EveryLife.com and use promo code ALLIE10 to get 10% of your first order today! American Christian Credit Union — America’s Christian Credit Union is Federally Insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Find America’s Christian Credit Union online at AmericasChristianCU.com/SWITCH Freedom Project Academy — Take back your child’s education at Freedom Project Academy. Right now, save 10% on tuition when you enroll at Freedom For School dot com, that’s Freedom F-O-R School dot com. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 957 | How the Gospel Heals Anger, Addiction & Adultery | Guest: Jeff Allen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-957-how-the-gospel-heals-anger-addiction-adultery/id1359249098?i=1000647135892 Ep 989 | Nickelodeon Has a Predator Problem https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-989-nickelodeon-has-a-predator-problem/id1359249098?i=1000653246789 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1018 | Former IVF Doctor Blows the Whistle | Guest: Dr. Lauren Rubal

    Ep 1018 | Former IVF Doctor Blows the Whistle | Guest: Dr. Lauren Rubal
    Today, we sit down with Dr. Lauren Rubal, a Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility physician who focuses on fertility, recurrent miscarriage, painful, irregular, or heavy cycles, and menopause through an integrative lens. Instead of taking a bandaid, one-size-fits-all approach, Dr. Rubal views each patient as an entire person - body, mind, and soul - and works to address the root cause of reproductive disorders. But she wasn't always in this field. Dr. Rubal started her career in conventional medicine, and even practiced IVF. What prompted her to leave and start her own practice? How does Integrative Medicine differ from a more typical medical approach? What's so bad about IVF? Is there any such thing as "ethical" IVF? And why is hormonal birth control an ineffective treatment? We address all that and more. Find Dr. Rubal at: https://www.laurenrubalmd.com/ Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:22) About Dr. Rubal & her practice (05:20) The process of IVF (13:11) Ethics of “donating” sperm (15:15) Egg fertilization & the fate of embryos (20:17) Egg grading & testing (34:55) Embryo transfer process (43:55) Risk of miscarriage (45:10) More ethical IVF? (46:15) Selective reductions (51:11) Why Dr. Rubal left the IVF practice (58:47) Why we need education about fertility (01:04:57) Her integrative approach to health (01:07:25) Where to find Dr. Rubal --- Today's Sponsors: Covenant Eyes — protect you and your family from the things you shouldn't be looking at online. Go to coveyes.com/ALLIE to try it FREE for 30 days! Birch Gold — protect your future with gold. Text 'ALLIE' to 989898 for a free, zero obligation info kit on diversifying and protecting your savings with gold. Patriot Mobile — go to PatriotMobile.com/ALLIE or call 972-PATRIOT and use promo code 'ALLIE' for free activation! Balance of Nature — Balance of Nature's proprietary blend of 31 fruits and vegetables come in easy to swallow capsules to give your body the nourishment it needs. Go to BalanceofNature.com and use code ALLIE for 35% off. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 976 | Birth Control: What the Media Won’t Tell You https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-976-birth-control-what-the-media-wont-tell-you/id1359249098?i=1000650764644 Ep 959 | Birth Control Is Making Women Bisexual | Guest: Emily Detrick https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-959-birth-control-is-making-women-bisexual-guest/id1359249098?i=1000647441400 Ep 254 | Birth Control, IVF & Surrogacy https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-254-birth-control-ivf-surrogacy/id1359249098?i=1000475691301 Ep 695 | Why Children's Rights Trump Adults' Feelings | Guest: Katy Faust https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-695-why-childrens-rights-trump-adults-feelings-guest/id1359249098?i=1000583336623 Ep 554 | IVF, Embryo Adoption, & Surrogacy: Answering the Hard Questions | Guest: Jennifer Lahl https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-554-ivf-embryo-adoption-surrogacy-answering-the/id1359249098?i=1000549207733 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Colton Underwood (A CHD Exclusive)
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    Episode 39: Done With Hiding! with Monique DeBose

    Episode 39: Done With Hiding! with Monique DeBose

    How do you come out of hiding when you’ve spent a lifetime playing small so that other people don’t feel uncomfortable in your presence?

    How do you learn to own and love every part of who you are, even those parts that are hidden in shadow, buried deep inside?

    And how do you create the level of self-acceptance needed to feel both safe and free within yourself, as well as with others?

    Monique DeBose is a transformational entertainer, an award-winning jazz singer and playwright, a diversity consultant and a leadership coach with a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology. For the past 20 years, she's been on a mission to help women integrate all the parts of themselves. To turn their fears and insecurities into their strength. To express themselves fully. To choose MORE for their lives.

    For Monique the answers lie in allowing herself to experience the constant dance between those human feelings of resistance and fear & her spiritual journey to self-acceptance and safety deep within. We hear how, in her own inner work and in her work with clients, she uses her music, art and creativity to bypass the ‘tricky mind’ and get to the deep innate wisdom stored in our bodies throughout our many life experiences.

    Most of all, we learn how and why Monique stopped protecting others, at her own expense, and stepped fully into her own glorious power, lighting the way for others to follow and integrate all the parts of themselves too.

    MORE ABOUT MY GUEST: MONIQUE DEBOSE Monique DeBose is an award-winning singer, songwriter and spiritual coach. A leading vocal improvisationalist (having studied under Rhiannon and Joey Blake of the renowned Bobby McFerrin Voicestra), Monique has toured and entertained audiences throughout the world, performed at TEDx and spoken as part of the United Nation’s SDG Action Zones event, with the mission of helping people to transition beyond seeing in “black” and “white” so they can begin to live life in full colour.

    Monique can be contacted via her website: https://www.moniquedebosemusic.com/

    Or on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammoniquedebose/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammoniquedebose



    Sue is on a mission to STOP women playing small so that they can create the legacy they want to leave in the world.  With over 30 years coaching and leadership experience, Sue loves nothing more than disrupting the unhelpful thinking that often holds women back, so that they can think, dream and BE bigger in leading the change they want to see.  Coaching internationally, Sue’s clients are primarily world-changing women who want to lead with confidence, increase their impact and live a life that matters.



    Sign up for regular updates:  Mission Mojo Sign-Up

    Join the Women on a Mission Community:  Facebook Group

    Connect with Sue at: suerevell.com | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram



    Practice Solutions is a leading values-based consultancy supporting teams, organisations and leaders to meet the challenges of delivering care and support in the 21st Century. For over 20 years, we have been supporting organisations to confidently lead, manage, sustain and improve services that ensure the well-being of their teams and the communities they support. We offer a range of expertise from leadership, organisational development & transformational change, to digital and creative services, communication and engagement.

    For more information check out our podcast or get in touch via our website or social media platforms:

    Podcast: Joining The Dots with Practice Solutions

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/practice-solutions

    Twitter:   https://twitter.com/Pracsolutions

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pracsolutions

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/practicesolutions



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    Episode 39: Done With Hiding! with Monique DeBose

    Episode 39: Done With Hiding! with Monique DeBose

    How do you come out of hiding when you’ve spent a lifetime playing small so that other people don’t feel uncomfortable in your presence?

    How do you learn to own and love every part of who you are, even those parts that are hidden in shadow, buried deep inside?

    And how do you create the level of self-acceptance needed to feel both safe and free within yourself, as well as with others?

    Monique DeBose is a transformational entertainer, an award-winning jazz singer and playwright, a diversity consultant and a leadership coach with a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology. For the past 20 years, she's been on a mission to help women integrate all the parts of themselves. To turn their fears and insecurities into their strength. To express themselves fully. To choose MORE for their lives.

    For Monique the answers lie in allowing herself to experience the constant dance between those human feelings of resistance and fear & her spiritual journey to self-acceptance and safety deep within. We hear how, in her own inner work and in her work with clients, she uses her music, art and creativity to bypass the ‘tricky mind’ and get to the deep innate wisdom stored in our bodies throughout our many life experiences.

    Most of all, we learn how and why Monique stopped protecting others, at her own expense, and stepped fully into her own glorious power, lighting the way for others to follow and integrate all the parts of themselves too.

    MORE ABOUT MY GUEST: MONIQUE DEBOSE Monique DeBose is an award-winning singer, songwriter and spiritual coach. A leading vocal improvisationalist (having studied under Rhiannon and Joey Blake of the renowned Bobby McFerrin Voicestra), Monique has toured and entertained audiences throughout the world, performed at TEDx and spoken as part of the United Nation’s SDG Action Zones event, with the mission of helping people to transition beyond seeing in “black” and “white” so they can begin to live life in full colour.

    Monique can be contacted via her website: https://www.moniquedebosemusic.com/

    Or on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammoniquedebose/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammoniquedebose



    Sue is on a mission to STOP women playing small so that they can create the legacy they want to leave in the world.  With over 30 years coaching and leadership experience, Sue loves nothing more than disrupting the unhelpful thinking that often holds women back, so that they can think, dream and BE bigger in leading the change they want to see.  Coaching internationally, Sue’s clients are primarily world-changing women who want to lead with confidence, increase their impact and live a life that matters.



    Sign up for regular updates:  Mission Mojo Sign-Up

    Join the Women on a Mission Community:  Facebook Group

    Connect with Sue at: suerevell.com | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram



    Practice Solutions is a leading values-based consultancy supporting teams, organisations and leaders to meet the challenges of delivering care and support in the 21st Century. For over 20 years, we have been supporting organisations to confidently lead, manage, sustain and improve services that ensure the well-being of their teams and the communities they support. We offer a range of expertise from leadership, organisational development & transformational change, to digital and creative services, communication and engagement.

    For more information check out our podcast or get in touch via our website or social media platforms:

    Podcast: Joining The Dots with Practice Solutions

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/practice-solutions

    Twitter:   https://twitter.com/Pracsolutions

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pracsolutions

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/practicesolutions