

    enMay 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • A conversation about Kroger's meal options led to an intriguing discussion on the Mandela Effect and paranormal experiences.The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon where a large group of people share a false memory, such as the closed water tank in the Elisa Lam case.

      Kroger offers a wide variety of delicious meal options along with everyday low prices and additional savings through digital coupons and fuel points. However, a fascinating yet unrelated topic that emerged during the conversation was the Mandela Effect, specifically regarding the Elisa Lam case. Many people remember the water tank being closed in the story of her death, but in reality, it was open. This discrepancy is an example of the Mandela Effect, where a large number of people share a false memory. The conversation then shifted to the Cecil Hotel, a place with a dark history and rumors of hauntings. Some individuals are intrigued by such places, while others prefer more conventional travel experiences. The spirit box, an old piece of technology believed to communicate with the paranormal, was also mentioned as a potential tool for exploring these phenomena. The discussion ended with a mention of the hypnotic Mandela effect, where people remember the hypnotic drink's label shimmering, even though it doesn't in reality.

    • The Mandela Effect: Challenging Our Perception of RealityThe Mandela Effect is a phenomenon where people recall events or details differently than they actually were, leading to intriguing discoveries and challenges to our perception of reality. Even seemingly insignificant details, like the spelling of 'hypnotic' or the Batman logo, can be subject to change.

      Our memories can be fallible and sometimes we recall things differently than they actually are, a phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect. During this conversation, the speakers discussed their memories of the word "hypnotic" and how it's spelled, with some remembering it with a "y" and others not. They also debated over the correct Batman logo, with some recalling it having extra points at the bottom. The Mandela Effect is a fascinating phenomenon that challenges our perception of reality and highlights the importance of questioning our memories and being open to the possibility that they may not be entirely accurate. The speakers' discussions illustrate how even seemingly insignificant details can be subject to change, and how these discrepancies can lead to intriguing and mind-boggling discoveries.

    • The Mandela Effect: Distorted Memories and Widespread MisconceptionsMisconceptions, like frogs jumping out of warm water or metal attracting lightning, persist due to constant conditioning and distorted memories, despite lacking scientific evidence.

      Our memories and the collective consciousness can sometimes distort facts, leading to widespread misconceptions, a phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect. This was highlighted in the discussion with examples from science classes, such as the behavior of frogs in warm and hot water, and the belief that metal attracts lightning. Despite there being no scientific evidence for these misconceptions, they persist due to constant conditioning from various sources like movies, cartoons, and even video games. It's essential to be aware of these biases and strive for factual accuracy.

    • Discover a game-changing financial management solutionAdding Ramp to your business could potentially boost your bottom line by 5% and streamline financial processes.

      Ramp's financial management solution not only helps businesses control their spending and automate receipt verification but also adds approximately 5% to their bottom line in the first year. This is similar to a reverse Mandela effect, where one person remembers something differently than everyone else, but in this case, it's a business tool that brings significant benefits. Robert Smith, the lead singer of The Cure, experienced a reverse Mandela effect when he wrote the song "Friday" with a melody he claimed to have stolen from another song. He asked everyone he knew if they recognized the melody, but no one did. The song became a top billboard hit, and Smith's experience shares similarities with Paul McCartney's writing of the song "Yesterday" in a universe where the Beatles didn't exist. The movie "Yesterday" is based on this concept, where a man in a world without the Beatles becomes a star by performing their songs. In the business world, Ramp's financial management solution can be seen as a game-changer, providing benefits that seem to have existed before but were not widely adopted until now. So, for decision-makers, adding Ramp to their business could be one of the best decisions they've ever made, potentially adding significant value while streamlining their financial processes. To learn more and join Ramp for free, visit ramp.com/easy.

    • Ed Sheeran from a different dimension with vast musical knowledgeThe multiverse theory suggests Ed Sheeran's extensive musical knowledge could be due to his origin from a dimension where famous bands don't exist. Dreams might serve as gateways to different dimensions, as seen in recent pop culture.

      The discussion revolves around the theory that Ed Sheeran, in the movie "The Iron Giant: Legacy," might be from a different dimension where famous bands don't exist, explaining his vast musical knowledge and success. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the idea that dreams could be stepping stones into different dimensions. The multiverse concept has gained significant popularity in media, such as movies and TV shows, including "Everything Everywhere All at Once" and the upcoming "Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness." The timing of these multidimensional themes in pop culture could be a coincidence or an indication of a larger shift in societal consciousness. Ed Sheeran's background story of being homeless and his rise to fame was also shared in the conversation.

    • The Complexity of Continuing Successful FranchisesArtists must balance financial gains with preserving their legacy, as extending successful franchises can impact the original work's reputation and potentially lead to a decline in quality.

      The line between great art and commercialization can be blurry, and the decision to continue a successful franchise versus preserving its legacy is a complex one. The discussion revolved around the phenomenon of sequels and the potential impact on the original work's reputation. The speakers expressed their opinions on the Squid Game series, questioning the motivation behind creating more seasons when the main character may have been killed off in the first one. They also drew parallels to other popular shows and films that were extended beyond their prime, leading to a decline in quality. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of an artist's vision and legacy over financial gains. The conversation also touched upon the Mandela Effect, a phenomenon where people collectively remember things differently, and how it can lead to confusion and misconceptions.

    • The Power of a Knowledgeable and Connected FriendHaving a 'Jet' - a knowledgeable and connected friend - can help bring your ideas to fruition, even when you don't know how to make it happen yourself. Building connections and starting from humble beginnings are key.

      Having a "Jet" - a knowledgeable and connected person in your network - can significantly help bring your ideas to fruition. The speaker shared a personal story about how Jett, a friend, helped him turn his designs into physical products, even when he didn't know how to make it happen himself. This collaboration led to the success of Weequist Studios. Additionally, the speaker shared an intriguing story about Nikocado Avocado, a YouTuber who gained fame through mukbang videos, and how he met his boyfriend on a vegan forum, emphasizing the importance of building connections and starting from humble beginnings. Overall, the importance of having a supportive network and finding the right people to help bring your ideas to life cannot be overstated.

    • Understanding the Emotional Build-Up and ReleaseRecognize emotional build-up and address it before it bursts, whether through expressing emotions or breaking free from addictive behaviors.

      Everyone experiences emotional build-up and the need to release it. This can be compared to addictive behaviors, such as being addicted to technology or food. The floodgate metaphor is often used to describe the feeling of holding back temptations or emotions, which can eventually burst with intense force. It's important to acknowledge and address these feelings, whether it's through crying it out or making changes to break free from addictive behaviors. The example of YouTuber Nico, who became famous for mukbangs despite being a vegan, shows that people may continue engaging in behaviors they enjoy, even if they have negative consequences. It's a reminder that everyone experiences ups and downs, and some individuals, like FouseyTube, may go through extreme transformations, but ultimately, it's their resilience and determination that keep them going.

    • Finding balance in life: warrior or entrepreneurSeek balance in life to adapt to situations, avoid trouble, and become the best version of oneself. Balance allows us to be strong and peaceful, kind and evil, as needed.

      Finding balance in life is crucial for personal growth and success. This balance can be seen in various aspects, such as being a warrior or an entrepreneur. According to a quote attributed to Mike Tyson and a samurai philosopher, a great warrior, or any person, cannot be too kind nor too evil, too strong nor too peaceful. Instead, they must find a balance between these extremes. This balance allows individuals to adapt to different situations and avoid falling into trouble. However, there are times when fighting is necessary, and finding the balance between peace and aggression can save lives or prevent further harm. Ultimately, striving for balance in all areas of life can lead to becoming the greatest version of oneself.

    • The Dangers of EgoEgo can cloud judgment, leading individuals to disregard facts and potential consequences. Staying grounded and humble is crucial to making informed decisions.

      Ego can cloud judgment and lead to dangerous situations. The story of the professional boxer and the drunk man in Las Vegas illustrates this concept. The boxer, despite warning the drunk man of his abilities and record, was attacked and had to defend himself. This incident highlights how blinded individuals can become by their egos, leading them to disregard facts and potential consequences. Additionally, the speaker shares his own experiences with ego and how he chooses not to flaunt his wealth or success. He emphasizes the importance of humility and avoiding tunnel vision. The story of the Japanese man who escaped prison with a soup bowl serves as another reminder of the power of determination and the dangers of letting one's ego get in the way. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of staying grounded and not letting ego dictate actions or decisions.

    • A man's determination and resourcefulness lead him to freedom despite challengesThrough innovative problem-solving and unwavering resilience, a man overcame numerous obstacles to achieve freedom, raising questions about heroism and the blurred lines between criminal and saint.

      Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, including multiple escapes from prison, the man's determination and resourcefulness allowed him to ultimately achieve freedom. His innovative methods, such as using soup bowls to dig holes, and his ability to turn seemingly ordinary objects into tools, demonstrate a remarkable problem-solving mindset. Additionally, the story raises questions about the nature of heroism and the blurred lines between criminal and saint. The legend of Robin Hood, who stole from the rich to help the poor, shares similarities with this man's story. Whether Robin Hood was a real historical figure or not, the idea of a hero who defies the system and fights for the underdog resonates with many. The concept of honor, which plays a significant role in both Eastern and Western cultures, further highlights the man's resilience and the lengths he was willing to go to maintain his dignity.

    • The Power of Art and Influence: Jaden Smith's TransformationArt, whether through movies or celebrities, can shape our perspectives and actions. Jaden Smith's experience with 'The Karate Kid' inspired him, but his upbringing and individuality also played a role in his transformation.

      The influence of art, particularly movies and celebrities, can have a profound impact on individuals, shaping their perspectives, interests, and even actions. Jaden Smith's inspiring scene in "The Karate Kid" led him to practice taekwondo and adopt a specific workout attire. However, as he grew up alongside famous parents, his experiences and public persona evolved, leading some to view him differently. The pressure to outshine or outwork others can be a driving force, but it can also be perceived as cringe or media-trained. Ultimately, everyone is influenced by their upbringing and personal desires, and it's essential to respect individuality while acknowledging the impact of art and influence on our lives.

    • The lines between authentic self-expression and publicity stunts in entertainmentJaden Smith's relationship status announcement highlights the blurred lines between authentic self-expression and publicity stunts in the entertainment industry. Predictions about the next big artist or celebrity can be influenced by talent, timing, and luck.

      The lines between authentic self-expression and publicity stunts in the entertainment industry can be blurred. Jaden Smith's recent announcement of his relationship status is an example of this ambiguity, as he had previously hinted at his sexuality through his music but never officially came out. This ambiguity also extends to the discussion of artists like Billie Eilish and Clairo, whose connections to the industry were initially perceived as evidence of being industry plants, but their subsequent success proved otherwise. Predictions about the next big artist or celebrity to blow up are also a common topic of conversation, fueled by the belief that certain signs or indicators can point to imminent fame. However, as the examples of Jaden Smith, Billie Eilish, and Clairo show, the path to success is not always clear-cut and can involve a combination of talent, timing, and luck.

    • Predicting the Future of Music: A Resurgence of Club Beats and Futuristic AestheticMusic history repeats itself, with genres and artists coming back into popularity after a period of time. The next major wave in music may be a resurgence of club beats and a futuristic aesthetic, influenced by historical patterns, current trends, and older artists.

      Music genres and trends tend to cycle and evolve over time. The speaker believes that after a period of dominance by R&B and hip hop, the next major wave in music will be a resurgence of club beats and a futuristic aesthetic. This prediction is based on historical patterns, current trends, and the influence of older artists and genres. The speaker also mentions a potential return of acts like Black Eyed Peas and Timbaland in a new form. Overall, the conversation suggests that music history repeats itself in various ways, and genres and artists often come back into popularity after a period of time.

    • Theories surrounding untimely artist deaths and music releasesSome believe the deaths of influential artists like X and Pop Smoke may be linked to larger conspiracies, while others attribute it to natural causes or evolving music trends. Their passing has left fans feeling a sense of loss and wondering about their potential impact on the music industry.

      There exist various theories surrounding the untimely deaths of influential artists, such as X and Pop Smoke, and the timing of their music releases. Some believe these events may be linked to larger conspiracies, while others attribute it to natural causes or evolving music trends. For instance, the theory about X's music video "Sickle Mode" suggests a connection between the visuals and his death. Additionally, some believe Pop Smoke was on the verge of changing the rap game with his unique sound. The passing of these artists has left fans feeling a sense of loss and wondering about the potential impact they could have had on the music industry. The April Fools' Day event on Reddit, r/place, serves as a reminder of the power of community and the potential for online conflict. Ultimately, these discussions highlight the enduring influence and impact of artists, even after their passing.

    • The Future of Warfare: Virtual Reality and DronesThe future of warfare may involve safer and more cost-effective methods through virtual reality and drones, but raises ethical questions and potential legal dilemmas.

      The future of warfare could involve virtual reality and drone technology, potentially making wars safer and more cost-effective, but also raising ethical questions about responsibility and accountability when robots have the capability to harm or kill. The discussion also touched on the potential investment opportunities in technology like graphene and the possibility of robots having feelings and emotions, leading to legal dilemmas. The speakers also referenced popular culture, such as "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Call of Duty," to illustrate their points. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the potential implications and complexities of advancing technology in warfare and society.

    • Understanding Complexities and Gray AreasEmpathy, listening, and considering context are crucial for making informed judgments in complex situations.

      There are complexities and nuances to situations that can't always be easily understood or judged. The discussion touched on topics like opening doors for strangers, the use of language and its meaning, and the societal perception of abuse. The speakers explored the idea that actions and their consequences can be unpredictable, and that there are often gray areas where it's not clear what the right thing to do is. They also acknowledged the importance of understanding different perspectives and the potential for misunderstandings. For instance, a dog might only respond to commands given in a certain language, or a situation might be perceived differently depending on who's telling the story. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, listening, and considering the context of a situation before making judgments.

    • The Complexity of Business Ethics and ConsumerismThe speaker reflects on the ethics of selling and reselling items, considering the human cost and role of ego in business.

      The ethics of business and consumerism can be complex. While some may view the exchange of money for goods as a straightforward transaction, others may consider the human cost behind the production and resale of items. The speaker in this conversation reflects on the past when they sold clothing items and grapples with the idea of reselling and the potential profit it brings. They also discuss the role of ego and the desire for exclusivity in the business world. Ultimately, they acknowledge that while some may exploit the system, others may simply be trying to survive. The conversation touches on themes of morality, consumer culture, and the human experience.

    • Designer's new hoodie line inspired by kindergarten arts and craftsDesigner launches affordable, customizable hoodies, drawing inspiration from high fashion brands for self-expression and fun, with plans to expand into jewelry design.

      The designer is launching a new line of hoodies inspired by the freedom and creativity of kindergarten arts and crafts. These hoodies are meant to be cut and customized by the wearer, transforming them into unique pieces of art. The designer draws inspiration from high fashion brands that experiment with open spaces and cuts, aiming to offer a similar experience in a more accessible and affordable way. The ultimate goal is to provide customers with a sense of self-expression and fun, while also signaling the designer's intention to eventually expand into jewelry design.

    • Promote Your Content at the Beginning of Each EpisodeEncourage listeners to engage and explore more content by promoting at the start of each episode, providing links to social media and other podcasts in bio.

      Effective marketing is essential for reaching a larger audience. The hosts of Jumpers Jump Podcast discussed the importance of promoting their content at the beginning of each episode, as not everyone stays till the end. They've seen this strategy work in other podcasts and plan to implement it in their upcoming episodes. They encourage listeners to comment, subscribe, and leave 5-star ratings on their preferred platforms. Additionally, they provide links to their social media and other podcasts in their bio for those interested in exploring more content.

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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 181 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Curse words in other languages, Spiderman cafeteria scene, Deleted scene in movie Midsommer, Predicting death reddit story, Dating simulation black mirror episode, Women goes blind on purpose,Youtube family channel mystery, 11 Mile drive ritual, Mackenize house mutual, Graffiti in elementary school, Missing girl true crime case, Expiration date on relationships, special nicknames between friends and much more! Thanks to our Sponsors: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with  promo code JUMPERS at https://shopmando.com! #mandopod Stop paying full price for streaming services and only getting access to a fraction of their content. Get your money’s worth at https://EXPRESSVPN.com/JUMPERS. Use our link and get an extra three months of ExpressVPN for free!  New players, start playing with just FIVE BUCKS and get ONE HUNDRED BACK INSTANTLY in Casino Credits. Download the app and use code JUMPPOD to book your one-way ticket to fun with DraftKings Casino! The crown is yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred GAMBLER or visit W W W dot one eight hundred gambler dot net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call eight eight eight seven eight nine seven seven seven seven or visit C C P G dot org. Please play responsibly. Twenty one plus. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. Eligibility and other restrictions apply. One per opted-in new customer. Five dollar wager required. Max. one hundred dollars in casino credits awarded, which require one time play-thru within one hundred sixty eight hours. See terms at casino dot draftkings dot com slash promos. Restrictions apply. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 180 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Matilda's crazy sixth sense, Growing up with spirits, Supernatural entities, Shadow people lore, Ghost occurrences, Talking to spirits, Sleep paralysis demon, Sabrina's first paranormal experience, Past life regression, Their Dad's sixth sense, Aunt ghost story & picture, Carlos' egg cleanse story, Condo live reading, Supernatural theories and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


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    I invited Jemisin on the show to help me take stock of the political and cultural ferment behind these distressing conditions — and also to remember the magical qualities of cities, systems and human nature. We discuss why multiverse fictions like “Everything Everywhere All at Once” are so popular now, how the culture and politics of New York and San Francisco have homogenized drastically in recent decades, Jemisin’s views on why a coalition of Black and Latinx voters elected a former cop as New York’s mayor, how gentrification causes change that we may not at first recognize, where to draw the line between imposing order and celebrating the disorder of cities, how Donald Trump kept stealing Jemisin’s ideas but is at the root a “badly written character,” whether we should hold people accountable for their choices or acknowledge the way the status quo shapes our decision-making, what excites Jemisin about recent discoveries about outer space, why she thinks we are all “made of exploding stars” and more.


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    Book recommendations:

    Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa

    Mechanique by Genevieve Valentine

    Witch King by Martha Wells

    The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    “The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld and Rogé Karma. Our researcher is Emefa Agawu. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris and Mary Marge Locker. Original music by Isaac Jones. Mixing by Jeff Geld and Sonia Herrero. Audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Special thanks to Kristin Lin, Kristina Samulewski and Jesse Bordwin.

    Hypnosis and the Multiverse

    Hypnosis and the Multiverse

    Adam introduce a theme of hypnosis sessions using the multiverse as a framework 

    To sponsor or request a topic for a future episode click here: https://www.adamcox.co.uk/store/p4/Sponsor_an_Episode_of_The_Hypnotist.html 

    Adam Cox is one of the world's most innovative hypnotists and is known for being the hypnotherapist of choice for Celebrities, CEO's and even Royalty.

    You can contact Adam at adam@adamcox.co.uk

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    Adam's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamCoxHypnotist

    Adam's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HypnotistAdamCox/ 

    To hear Adam's podcast The Hypnotist on Spotify and iTunes visit: http://link.chtbl.com/TheHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast Modern Mindset on Spotify and iTunes visit: https://link.chtbl.com/ModernMindset  


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    Appuntamento mensile dedicato al mondo di Dungeons & Dragons per chiacchierare insieme delle novità annunciate sia per il mercato italiano sia per quello americano passando da Vox Machina di Critical Role allo scontro dei Gygax saltellando sul manuale Monsters of the Multiverse!