
    Ep 760 What Liberals Aren't Telling You About Socialism

    enJuly 11, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's bold comments on European nations' deals with Russia at NATODespite needing NATO security, European countries pay Russia for energy, highlighted by Trump. Get life insurance with Policy Genius for hassle-free quotes.

      During the Dan Bongino Show, Trump was criticized for speaking out against European countries' deals with Russia at the NATO conference. Trump highlighted the inconsistency of European nations receiving security guarantees from NATO while simultaneously making large payments to Russia for energy. The former Chancellor of Germany, who is now the head of the pipeline company, was also mentioned in this context. Trump's comments were seen as bold and direct, contrasting the usual political diplomacy. Another key point from the show was the importance of having life insurance, with Policy Genius being presented as an easy and hassle-free way to compare and purchase life insurance quotes online. The show emphasized that despite 71% of people knowing they need life insurance, only 59% have coverage, and encouraged listeners to take advantage of Policy Genius's simple and convenient platform.

    • Trump's unconventional approach to diplomacy disrupts traditional rulesDuring Trump's presidency, unverified info about his ties to Russia was circulated through various channels, highlighting the importance of verifying info before acting on it and addressing concerns of power misuse and info laundering.

      During the Trump presidency, the traditional rules of diplomacy and foreign policy were disrupted. Trump's unconventional approach to international relations, rooted in his experience in New York real estate deals, led him to challenge established alliances and question the motives of traditional allies. This was exemplified by the revelation of an email uncovered by John Solomon, which showed that the same unverified and potentially falsified information about Trump's ties to Russia was being circulated through various channels, including the State Department and the FBI. This information, generated by Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS on behalf of Hillary Clinton, highlights the importance of verifying information before acting on it, especially when it comes to matters of national security. The potential misuse of power and the dangers of information laundering are significant concerns that must be addressed.

    • The Woods Procedure: Ensuring Accuracy in FISA ApplicationsThe Woods Procedure is a vital step in the FISA application process, involving multiple levels of review and vetting to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of information presented to the court, preventing politically motivated or false information from being used to spy on individuals.

      The Woods procedure is a crucial step in the process of presenting information to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the information before it is used to spy on individuals. This procedure involves multiple levels of review and vetting to prevent politically motivated or false information from being presented to the court. The importance of this process is highlighted by the events surrounding the investigation into the Trump team, where it was discovered that the information used to obtain warrants for surveillance was not entirely accurate. This raises concerns about the role of individuals like John Carlin, who were involved in both the investigation and the vetting process, and the potential for conflicts of interest or biases to influence the outcome. Overall, the Woods procedure is a critical safeguard to protect individual rights and maintain the integrity of the legal system.

    • No vicarious credibility in law enforcementLaw enforcement must independently verify the origin of information to avoid 'information laundering' and ensure investigations are based on reliable sources

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that in law enforcement, there is no concept of vicarious credibility. This means that if someone passes information to law enforcement, but that information originated from an unreliable source, the person passing the information does not gain credibility by association. In the context of the conversation, it was highlighted that during investigations, it's crucial for law enforcement to verify the origin of information and not simply rely on the credibility of the person providing it. The FBI's failure to do so in certain instances was criticized as an "information laundering operation at the highest levels." This concept is important because it helps ensure that investigations are based on reliable information and not tainted by unreliable sources.

    • Mueller Investigation Focuses on Individuals with Clinton TiesMueller's probe into Russian election interference raises concerns due to focus on individuals with Clinton links, potentially protecting their reputations and the DOJ/FBI's.

      Robert Mueller's investigation into potential Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible connections to the Trump campaign has raised concerns due to its focus on individuals with ties to both the Clinton investigation and Trump, rather than clear evidence of wrongdoing. Some believe this is an attempt to keep these individuals quiet about their ties to Hillary Clinton and protect the reputation of the DOJ and FBI. Additionally, the discussion touched on the Flynn case, with concerns raised about the handling of the investigation and potential legal abuse. The speaker expressed strong emotions about the treatment of Flynn, a respected military figure, and the potential long-term impact on Mueller's legacy. In a lighter segment, the speaker promoted Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens product as a convenient solution for getting essential fruits and vegetables in one's diet.

    • Potential issues with Flynn's FBI interview summariesAllegations of altered 302s and pressure on agents may delay Flynn's sentencing, potentially leading to a major scandal if he's later found innocent

      The sentencing of Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, may be delayed due to potential issues with the FBI's interview summaries (302s) of his interview. There are reports suggesting that these documents may have been altered or that pressure was put on the agents to insinuate deception when none existed. If these allegations are true, and Flynn is later found to have been wrongfully convicted, it would be a major scandal. The Mueller team may be delaying the sentencing to avoid such a situation. It's important to note that these are allegations and have not been proven in court. The inspector general's report on this matter is expected to provide more clarity.

    • Socialist Utopias vs. RealityDenmark, Norway, and Sweden are often called socialist utopias, but they don't fully embrace socialism as it involves government control of production. Instead, they have high taxes and regulations, but private ownership remains.

      Despite some countries like Denmark, Norway, and Sweden being labeled as socialist utopias by politicians like Bernie Sanders, they are not actually socialist countries in the true sense of the word. Socialism refers to the government control of the means of production. While these countries have high taxes and regulations that give the government significant influence over businesses, they do not technically own them. This is a nuanced argument about the definition and implementation of socialism, and it's important to understand that there's a spectrum of freedom and control, just like there's a freedom train with various stops representing different levels of government intervention. It's crucial to clarify these distinctions to have informed discussions about political ideologies and their potential impact on society.

    • Democratic socialism moves individuals away from economic and political freedomEconomic and political freedom are interconnected, attempts to force individuals to work for the government result in a loss of freedom

      Democratic socialism, despite using the language of "freedom" and "free" services, moves individuals further away from economic and political freedom. The argument is that countries like North Korea, which have complete government control, are the farthest away from the "freedom train." Scandinavian countries, often held up as examples of successful Democratic socialism, have actually seen their economies thrive when they were moving towards economic freedom and suffer when they moved away. For instance, Sweden's rapid economic growth from 1870 to 1936 predates its era of high taxes and big government, and its economy noticeably slowed after 1975 when the government began to expand. The key takeaway is that economic freedom and political freedom are interconnected, and attempting to force individuals to work for the government, even with promises of "free" services, ultimately results in a loss of freedom.

    • Misconception about wealthy countries with large governments and high taxesCountries with large governments and high taxes, like those in Scandinavia, may have strong work ethics but actually became poorer as they moved away from free market systems. Individuals from these countries who move to the US are wealthier due to keeping more of their earnings.

      Contrary to the popular belief that countries with large governments and high taxes, like those in Scandinavia, are becoming wealthier, the data shows that these countries actually became poorer as they moved away from free market systems. Furthermore, individuals from these countries who move to the United States, where there is more economic freedom, are wealthier than their counterparts in their home countries. This is due to the strong work ethic of people in these countries, which allows them to succeed even in a heavy tax and regulatory environment. However, when placed in a more economically free country like the United States, they are able to keep more of the fruits of their labor and, as a result, have a higher standard of living.

    • Contradictory relationship between high personal taxes and business-friendly environments in Scandinavian countriesScandinavian countries have high personal taxes but low corporate taxes, challenging the belief that big government hinders growth, and individuals can protect their digital privacy using a VPN like ExpressVPN.

      While Scandinavian countries have high personal taxes, they also have relatively low corporate taxes, making their business environments business-friendly and contributing to their economic prosperity. This contradicts the notion that big government hurts growth, as demonstrated by the historical data and facts presented in the article. Additionally, individuals can protect their digital privacy by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) like ExpressVPN, which encrypts traffic and masks IP addresses to conceal online activity from tracking by mobile carriers, ISPs, and potential hackers.

    • Protecting online privacy with ExpressVPNExpressVPN makes online privacy and security accessible to all, allowing users to shield their data from hackers, spies, and ISPs with ease.

      ExpressVPN is an easy-to-use tool for enhancing online privacy and security. The user experience is simple, allowing users to protect their data from hackers, spies, and ISPs with just a click. ExpressVPN is not just for those with something to hide, but for anyone using unsecured Wi-Fi or concerned about their online history being sold to third parties. Regarding the immigration issue at the border, it was clarified that the separation of families was not a new Trump administration policy, but rather a continuation of practices under the Obama administration. The Flores decree, which limits the detention of children, led to the release of many families who did not return, effectively creating an open border policy. Trump's executive order was seen as a political maneuver to address the issue and deflect criticism.

    • President Trump's challenge to the Flores consent decreeTrump tried to change family detention policy, but the decree existed before him. Media reports were inaccurate, and the judge refused to alter it, emphasizing factual reporting and the judiciary's role in shaping immigration policies.

      President Trump signed an executive order asking the Department of Justice to challenge the Flores consent decree regarding family detention, knowing full well that the decree existed before his presidency. Despite media reports claiming Trump's administration created the policy leading to family separations, a federal judge refused to change the decree, revealing the inaccuracy of these reports. This incident highlights the importance of factual reporting and the administration's ability to challenge false narratives. It also underscores the ongoing debate surrounding immigration policies and the role of the judiciary in shaping them.

    • Janice case deals significant blow to public sector unionsThe Janice case has ended mandatory agency fees for public sector workers, causing financial strain for Democrats and leading to creative solutions for union funding and ongoing debates over Obamacare's risk adjustment payments

      The Janice case, a recent Supreme Court decision, has dealt a significant blow to public sector unions by ruling that workers cannot be forced to pay agency fees for collective bargaining. This decision, which has left Democrats in a panic due to the financial implications for their political party, has led to creative efforts by some states to find alternative ways to subsidize collective bargaining. Meanwhile, there is ongoing debate over the Trump administration's handling of Obamacare, with Democrats falsely accusing the administration of sabotaging the law by withholding risk adjustment payments. However, it is important to note that the Trump administration actually defended these payments in court, despite the administration's desire to see Obamacare repealed. Overall, these events highlight the ongoing political battles surrounding labor unions and healthcare policy in the United States.

    • Clarifying the Confusion Surrounding Obamacare PaymentsThe ongoing debate about Obamacare payments isn't about Trump or Democrats defending the ACA, but addressing past payments and preventing potential chaos. Misinformation is being spread, but it's crucial to clarify that Trump isn't withholding payments and focus on finding a solution.

      The ongoing debate about payments related to Obamacare is not about President Trump or the Democrats defending the Affordable Care Act. Instead, it's about addressing the issue of past payments, with the Trump administration going to court to find a solution to prevent potential chaos. Misinformation is being spread, and it's essential to clarify that Trump himself is not withholding these payments. The Democrats' actions are not factual, and it's crucial not to let emotions cloud the understanding of the situation. The Trump team's goal is to fix the system as best as possible while the U.S. remains under Obamacare. If you appreciate this clarification, consider subscribing to the podcast on various platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, iHeart, and iTunes. Don't forget to check out the show notes for an article debunking myths about Scandinavian socialism. Stay informed and stay critical of misinformation.

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