
    Ep. 788 All Roads Lead to Hillary Clinton

    enAugust 20, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Health Savings and Political DevelopmentsTaking care of health with WaxRx saves time and money. Political developments, like clearance revocations, can impact former officials' finances.

      The discussion on The Dan Bongino Show touched upon the importance of taking care of one's health through the use of products like WaxRx, saving both time and money. Additionally, the show addressed the ongoing controversy surrounding John Brennan's security clearance and the potential financial implications for former officials. The hosts emphasized that these clearances can have significant financial value, and the removal of clearances from certain individuals can negatively impact companies dealing with classified information. Overall, the show highlighted the intersection of personal health, financial interests, and political developments.

    • Discussion on John Brennan's clearance revocation and internet regulationThe revocation of security clearances isn't political, but enforcing rules to prevent misuse of sensitive info. Be wary of gov't internet regulation under hate speech pretext, focus on decentralized online ecosystem.

      The revocation of John Brennan's security clearance is not about politics or personal vendettas, but rather about enforcing the rules and preventing those with access to sensitive information from profiting off it in the private sector. The discussion also touched upon the potential dangers of government regulation of the internet under the guise of combating hate speech. The speakers warned against falling into the left's trap of using hate speech as an excuse for increased government control. They suggested that individuals and alternative platforms should focus on building a robust, decentralized online ecosystem to counteract the influence of tech giants and government censorship.

    • Suppressing free speech through non-legislative meansThe left is using emotional appeals and public pressure to manipulate big tech into suppressing free speech, threatening individual freedoms and the marketplace of ideas.

      The far-left ideology, driven by a desire for government control and suppression of free speech, is leading to increasing efforts to restrict free speech through non-legislative means. Big tech companies like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are being pressured to remove voices they deem undesirable, and the left is using emotional appeals to get people to support these efforts. The left has failed in their attempts to pass hate speech laws through the courts, so they are now trying to suppress free speech through public pressure and manipulation of language. The media, which traditionally dislikes big tech, is also feeling the impact of people getting their news from social media platforms, leading to further frustration and efforts to control the narrative. Ultimately, the left's suppression of free speech is a threat to individual freedoms and the marketplace of ideas.

    • Power struggle between media and big techBig tech's crackdown on conservative voices is unsustainable, establish a conservative economy instead.

      The media and big tech companies are engaged in a power struggle, with each side accusing the other of spreading fake news and promoting harmful content. The media, particularly left-leaning outlets, have historically held significant control over the narrative, but with the rise of social media and big tech companies, this control is being challenged. In response, big tech companies are taking steps to appease the media and the government by cracking down on conservative voices and implementing hate speech legislation. However, this approach is not sustainable as it goes against the business model of catering to diverse viewpoints. The solution, according to the speaker, is to establish a conservative economy where the brand of conservatism is the norm, rather than relying on government intervention or the whims of big tech and media companies.

    • Leveling the Media Playing Field for ConservativesThe free market and internet have given conservatives new platforms to challenge liberal media dominance, with Fox News and digital media outlets leading the charge.

      The free market and the internet have played a significant role in leveling the media playing field for conservatives. This was once a monopoly held by liberal media outlets, but the emergence of Fox News and conservative digital media outlets like Breitbart, Conservative Review, and Daily Caller, have challenged this dominance. Fox News, in particular, saw an untapped market of 49-50% conservative Americans and built its brand on being "where not that." While there are still challenges, such as deplatforming on social media and financial institutions, it's only a matter of time before someone figures out how to fill the gap left by liberal media monopolies. It's important to remember that liberals are smart and will continue to try to silence opposing viewpoints, but the free market and the internet provide opportunities for alternative voices to be heard.

    • The far left's intolerance for free speech is leading to the suppression of conservative contentThe far left's intolerance for free speech is causing the suppression of conservative content across various platforms, creating a market for unbiased, non-discriminatory services.

      The far left's intolerance for free speech is becoming increasingly tyrannical, leading to the suppression of conservative content across various platforms. This issue affects every stage of content creation and distribution, from financing to hosting. The market for unbiased, non-discriminatory services is vast, and companies that position themselves as fair and balanced could potentially attract a significant customer base. However, breaking the law or inciting violence remains unacceptable. The challenge lies in convincing users to migrate en masse to a new platform, as the first-mover advantage held by established social media giants is a significant barrier to entry.

    • Conservatives can build their own self-sustaining economyConservatives can counter liberal dominance by creating back-end tech, starting alternatives, and leveraging their financial power to put liberals out of business

      The conservative movement can fight back against liberal dominance in media and technology by building their own self-sustaining economy. This includes creating back-end technologies that are impervious to liberal boycott campaigns and starting conservative alternatives to liberal-dominated platforms. The failure of liberal-led initiatives like Air America and the success of conservative talk radio and podcasting demonstrate the financial power and spending potential of conservatives in America. By creating their own economic pipeline, conservatives can render liberals obsolete and ultimately put them out of business.

    • Host discusses importance of dry firing and promotes sponsor iTargetHost emphasizes open dialogue and clarifies McGahn's role in Mueller probe, criticizes media for sensationalizing story

      The host values open dialogue and welcomes guests from various political backgrounds to his show, regardless of their political affiliations. He emphasizes the importance of improving firearm proficiency through dry firing and promotes a sponsor, iTarget, which offers a laser training system for dry firing. The host also clarified the role of White House Counsel Don McGahn in the Mueller probe, explaining that McGahn is not Trump's personal attorney and that Trump waived executive privilege for him to speak with Mueller. The host criticized the media for sensationalizing the story and portraying it as a significant development in the Russia investigation.

    • NYT's Report on Trump and McGahn's Cooperation with MuellerDespite allowing McGahn to speak with Mueller, some interpret NYT's reporting as evidence of a conspiracy theory, disregarding executive privilege and potential desire to expedite investigation.

      The New York Times' reporting on Donald Trump and White House Counsel Don McGahn's cooperation with Robert Mueller's investigation is being interpreted as evidence of a conspiracy theory by some, despite Trump allowing McGahn to speak with Mueller. The Times' narrative is that McGahn is cooperating because he fears being thrown under the bus, disregarding the fact that McGahn could not do so without Trump's permission. This theory is seen as an attempt to weaken the relationship between Trump and McGahn. However, it is important to note that executive privilege does not automatically mean there is something to hide, and allowing McGahn to speak with Mueller could indicate a desire to expedite the investigation and move past the allegations. Ultimately, the validity of the Times' reporting and interpretation remains a subject of debate.

    • Improve physical appearance and performance with Foundation supplementThe Foundation supplement can enhance appearance and gym performance within 5-7 days, documented through before-and-after photos and performance records.

      The Foundation supplement, a creatine ATP blend available at Brick House Nutrition, can significantly improve physical appearance and performance after using it for five to seven days. The speaker encourages listeners to take before-and-after photos and note their gym performance before trying the supplement. Meanwhile, in the news, the arrest of George Papadopoulos in 2017 is considered suspicious due to the method of arrest and the potential implications for the ongoing Spygate investigation. Federal agents have different ways to arrest suspects, and choosing to file a complaint instead of an indictment can provide leverage and the ability to dismiss the complaint if cooperation is obtained. Papadopoulos, who met with a Maltese professor allegedly offering information on Hillary Clinton, is a key figure in the scandal, and the circumstances surrounding his arrest are of great importance.

    • Probable cause arrests rare in federal systemFederal arrests usually involve building a case and obtaining a warrant before making an arrest, making probable cause arrests without a warrant extremely rare.

      Probable cause arrests without a warrant are extremely rare in the federal system. Unlike the local and state systems where officers can make arrests based on probable cause, federal arrests typically involve building a case first and obtaining a warrant before making an arrest. This is due to the way the federal system operates, with agents getting cases through referrals and building investigations before making arrests. Probable cause arrests without a warrant in the federal system are so rare that they are almost unheard of. This is significant because it highlights the importance of following proper procedures and obtaining warrants in federal investigations.

    • New texts from FBI may shed light on Papadopoulos caseMueller's team may have acted urgently to arrest Papadopoulos due to concerns about his potential revelations of entrapment in the Russia probe

      The texts between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI agent Peter Strzok, which were provided to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team on July 27, 2017, may contain important information that we don't yet understand in the context of the ongoing investigation. Mueller appears to have a clearer understanding of the significance of these texts, possibly due to their discussion of matters related to investigations taking place outside the United States (OCONUS). The urgency to arrest George Papadopoulos, who was alleged to have colluded with Russians to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton, may be related to the fact that he was likely set up and had no actual information to offer. Mueller's team may have been concerned that the entire investigation could fall apart if Papadopoulos started talking about his entrapment.

    • Attempts to hide info on Papadopoulos' connectionsMueller's team suppressing details of Papadopoulos' associates, potential impact on Russia investigation; media bias in reporting unrelated events

      There seems to be an attempt by Robert Mueller's team to hide information related to George Papadopoulos and his connections in the Russia investigation. Papadopoulos, who appeared at his arraignment without a lawyer, agreed to a plea deal, possibly to prevent further discussion about the matter. Mueller's team is reportedly trying to suppress another angle regarding Papadopoulos and his associates. This is significant because the details of these connections could potentially shed light on the broader context of the investigation. Furthermore, there has been media bias in reporting on unrelated events, such as a man wanted for murder being portrayed as giving birth in a car, while omitting crucial details. These incidents highlight the importance of seeking out multiple sources of information and being aware of potential biases. Stay tuned for more details on this developing story.

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