
    American Countdown

    Constitutional Lawyer Robert Barnes breaks down the latest news from across an America under lockdown

    LIVE M-F 7pm-9pm central
    enRobert Barnes53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    American Countdown - 2020-June 25, Thursday - General Flynn Gets A Major Win Against The Deep State

    American Countdown - 2020-June 25, Thursday - General Flynn Gets A Major Win Against The Deep State
    General Flynn Gets A Major Win Against The Deep State FULL SHOW 6-25-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ef586cc672706002f30a2c1

    On this episode of American Countdown, Robert Barnes break down all the current news, politics, health, and cultural issues from, as always, a strong and fact based legal point of view that only a lawyer of the caliber of Mr. Barnes can produce so elegantly.

    To follow along in all of the documents, articles, lawsuits, charts, graphs, images and more that Robert Barnes cites throughout the show, click the link below to get every items in a master PDF to view.

    Full show PDF: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:e4930fe5-ca2a-45ea-86d8-6a888491bc09

    American Countdown - 2020-June 24, Wednesday - Institutional Elites and Their Pedophile Protection Practices

    American Countdown - 2020-June 24, Wednesday - Institutional Elites and Their Pedophile Protection Practices
    Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes shares his expertise and cutting-edge analysis on the hottest issues gripping America for this episode of American Countdown.

    Institutional Elites and Their Pedophile Protection Practices FULL SHOW 6-24-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ef3f7d9672706002f2e270f

    MASTER FILE PDF LINK: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:1072ccfa-1740-4711-861d-a05971078bdc

    American Countdown - 2020-June 23, Tuesday - Defending The Law Without Political Bias Is The Constitutional Way!

    American Countdown - 2020-June 23, Tuesday - Defending The Law Without Political Bias Is The Constitutional Way!
    On this episode of American Countdown, Robert Barnes break down all the current news, politics, health, and cultural issues from, as always, a strong and fact based legal point of view that only a lawyer of the caliber of Mr. Barnes can produce so elegantly.

    To follow along in all of the documents, articles, lawsuits, charts, graphs, images and more that Robert Barnes cites throughout the show, click the link below to get every items in a master PDF to view.

    6-23-2020 Show Files: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:253669ad-bab7-420c-9e0c-49fa54ea3e85

    Defending The Law Without Political Bias Is The Constitutional Way FULL SHOW 6-23-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ef27f464f69d4002f8a0c34

    American Countdown - 2020-June 18, Thursday - "Woke" Activism Using Fear Is Awakening Patriots To Fight This Tyranny!

    American Countdown - 2020-June 18, Thursday - "Woke" Activism Using Fear Is Awakening Patriots To Fight This Tyranny!
    On this episode of American Countdown, Robert Barnes break down all the current news, politics, health, and cultural issues from, as always, a strong and fact based legal point of view that only a lawyer of the caliber of Mr. Barnes can produce so elegantly.

    To follow along in all of the documents, articles, lawsuits, charts, graphs, images and more that Robert Barnes cites throughout the show, click the link below to get every items in a master PDF to view.

    6-18-20 Master Show File; https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:73148445-b1ba-467f-a956-ab9fc60f9ee0


    American Countdown - 2020-June 16, Tuesday - How Far Past Repair Has The Lockdown Injured Our Economy?

    American Countdown - 2020-June 16, Tuesday - How Far Past Repair Has The Lockdown Injured Our Economy?
    On this Tuesday transmission of American Countdown, your host constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes points out the hypocrisy of mainstream media for condemning Trump rallies due to COVID-19 fears while they simultaneously cheer BLM protests with tens of thousands of people in the streets. Barnes also tries to assess the amount of damage already done to the American economy thanks to coronavirus lockdown orders. Don’t forget to share this exclusive broadcast as Infowars is being censored by Big Tech in collaboration with the Dinosaur Media.

    American Countdown - 2020-June 15, Monday - Media & Left Push For Full Regime Change Through Chaos

    American Countdown - 2020-June 15, Monday - Media & Left Push For Full Regime Change Through Chaos
    On this Monday edition of American Countdown, constitutional attorney Robert Barnes explains the mainstream media and Democrat objective to use social chaos to foment civil unrest in the hopes of derailing President Trump before the 2020 election and erasing American history.

    Watch the video podcast only at: https://BANNED.video

    American Countdown - 2020-June 11, Thursday - Exclusive: Covington Kids Update & Rise Of Antifa-Stan!

    American Countdown - 2020-June 11, Thursday - Exclusive: Covington Kids Update & Rise Of Antifa-Stan!
    On the Thursday edition of American Countdown, Robert Barnes breaks down the latest in the ongoing courtroom saga seeking justice for the Covington catholic school boys vilified by the drive-by media. We’ll also look at the “autonomous zone” created by Antifa ne’er-do-wells in Seattle, which CNN is claiming doesn’t exist. Barnes welcomes author Jack Murphy (@jackmurphylive) to get his take on the latest current events.

    You can also tune in at banned.video/channel/american-countdown Monday-Thursday, 7-9PM CT for more analysis from @Barnes_law.

    Exclusive Covington Kids Update & Rise of Antifa-stan FULL SHOW 6-11-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ee2ecdfc7a607002f104637

    American Countdown - 2020-June 10, Wednesday - Meet Your New Police The Return of the Red Guards

    American Countdown - 2020-June 10, Wednesday - Meet Your New Police The Return of the Red Guards
    Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes shares his expertise and cutting-edge analysis on the world’s hottest issues for this Wednesday transmission of American Countdown.

    You can also watch the program at infowars.com/show or AmericanCountdown.News

    Meet Your New Police The Return of the Red Guards FULL SHOW 6-10-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ee1a6dfc7a607002f0e3e24

    American Countdown - 2020-June 9, Tuesday - Was AIDS the Result of a Rushed Vaccine?

    American Countdown - 2020-June 9, Tuesday - Was AIDS the Result of a Rushed Vaccine?
    Today’s Tuesday broadcast of American Countdown with constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes will feature special guest Gavin McInnes who joins the program to discuss COVID-19, the George Floyd riots and much more. As a COVID-19 vaccine is being produced at a rapid rate, could a premature vaccination make the situation even worse? A look at the AIDS pandemic sheds a light on this possibility.

    Tune in Monday-Thursday from 7-9 PM CST to get the latest deep-dive into these complex issues with @Barnes_Law!

    Was AIDS The Result of a Rushed Vaccine FULL SHOW 6-10-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ee0921c3df0b000240eaf15

    American Countdown - 2020-June 8, Monday - The Witchcraft Of The Riots Explained

    American Countdown - 2020-June 8, Monday - The Witchcraft Of The Riots Explained
    On this Monday edition of American Countdown, constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes breaks down the culture behind the race riots that have ravaged major cities across the America, fueled by the Black Lives Matter organization’s corporate funding and ties to globalist billionaire George Soros. The Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks joins today’s show to discuss how the riots played out in Washington DC and ANTIFA’s involvement in the George Floyd protests.

    Tune in Monday-Thursday from 7-9 PM CST to get the latest deep-dive into these complex issues with @Barnes_Law!

    The WItchcraft Of The Riots Explained - American Countdown Full Show 6-8-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5edf0f583df0b000240c6d7d

    American Countdown - 2020-June 4, Thursday - Who Is Responsible For The Riots?

    American Countdown - 2020-June 4, Thursday - Who Is Responsible For The Riots?
    Follow the money to find out why civil unrest is continuing in America and around the globe!

    Riots continue to engulf major US cities, as Democrat strongholds refuse President Trump’s order to bring an end to the chaos. Constitutional attorney Robert Barnes breaks down what’s at stake, how America can rebuild, and who’s behind the civil unrest. Journalist Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) joins Barnes on this critical Thursday transmission of American Countdown.

    Who Is Responsible For The Riots? Full Show 6-4-20: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ed9b97a2b2f240024f490e3

    American Countdown - 2020-June 3, Wednesday - The Most Dangerous Virus Is The Media!

    American Countdown - 2020-June 3, Wednesday - The Most Dangerous Virus Is The Media!
    Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes shares his expertise and cutting-edge analysis on the world’s hottest issues for this Wednesday transmission of American Countdown. Joining tonight’s broadcast is freedom fighter and patriot Ashley StClair (@stclairashley) sharing the latest on the riots and more.

    The Most Dangerous Virus Is The Media! Full Show 6-3-20: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ed871f98967bc00247e5743

    Remember, American Countdown is live from 7-9 PM CST every Monday-Thursday. Spread the word so others can hear directly from @Barnes_Law!

    American Countdown - 2020-June 2, Tuesday - Black Lives Matter Is A Fake Civil Rights Group!

    American Countdown - 2020-June 2, Tuesday - Black Lives Matter Is A Fake Civil Rights Group!
    On this Tuesday transmission of American Countdown, your host, constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, will provide the latest updates on the ongoing riots wreaking havoc around the country, the government’s handling of the situation and much more. Also, President Trump recently declared Antifa a terrorist organization, but what about Black Lives Matter?

    Tune in from the 7-9 PM CST @ infowars.com/show to get the latest insights from @Barnes_Law!

    Black Lives Matter Is A Fake Civil Rights Group Full Show 6-2-20: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ed71e0c38076e00246a4f7d

    American Countdown - 2020-June 1, Monday - Trump Declares War On Antifa, Thugs And Riots!

    American Countdown - 2020-June 1, Monday - Trump Declares War On Antifa, Thugs And Riots!
    On this Monday episode of American Countdown, constitutional attorney Robert Barnes discusses President Trump’s White House address condemn the nationwide looting and violence urging governors to activate the National Guard. He also breaks down Trump’s walk to St. John’s Church which has deeply triggered the left and mainstream media. Barnes also takes your calls to get your take on the riots and Trump’s response to them.

    Tune in from the 7-9 PM CST to get the latest insights from @Barnes_Law!

    Trump Declares War On Antifa, Thugs And Riots! - How To Deal With AntiFa Without Becoming AntiFa FULL SHOW 6-1-20: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ed5d321b1c7d4002fb78cd9

    American Countdown - 2020-May 28, Thursday - President Trump's Executive Order Breaks Big Tech's Stranglehold On Free Speech

    American Countdown - 2020-May 28, Thursday - President Trump's Executive Order Breaks Big Tech's Stranglehold On Free Speech
    Join constitutional litigator Robert Barnes on the Thursday edition of American Countdown for analysis of the president’s executive order to weaken Big Tech’s stranglehold on free speech. We’ll also break down the Minneapolis riots now spreading to Los Angeles and how government psy-ops play a large role in fomenting unrest. Foreign policy and national security analyst Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) joins Barnes today.

    Remember, American Countdown is live from 7-9 PM CST every Monday-Thursday. Spread the word so others can hear directly from @Barnes_Law!

    You can also watch the program at infowars.com/show or AmericanCountdown.News.

    President Trump's Executive Order Breaks Big Tech's Stranglehold On Free Speech FULL SHOW 5-28-20: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ed080ddef3949002fb9c0fc

    American Countdown - 2020-May 27, Wednesday - Could Covid Be A Bio-Weapon? Are Central Banks Using Pandemic To Seize More Power?

    American Countdown - 2020-May 27, Wednesday - Could Covid Be A Bio-Weapon? Are Central Banks Using Pandemic To Seize More Power?
    Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes shares his expertise and cutting-edge analysis on the world’s hottest issues for this Wednesday transmission of American Countdown. Joining tonight’s broadcast is Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act. Also, Libertarian investor George Gammon (@GeorgeGammon) arrives to guide Americans to a prosperous future in spite of out of control governments and central banks.

    Remember, American Countdown is live from 7-9 PM CST every Monday-Thursday. Spread the word so others can hear directly from @Barnes_Law!

    Could Covid Be A Bio-Weapon? Are Central Banks Using Pandemic To Seize More Power? FULL SHOW 5-27-20: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ecf342c199ea500249d44da