
    American Countdown

    Constitutional Lawyer Robert Barnes breaks down the latest news from across an America under lockdown

    LIVE M-F 7pm-9pm central
    enRobert Barnes53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    American Countdown - 2020-May 26, Tuesday - Can Masks, Tracking & Tracing Take Your Job, Remove You From Your Home, And Take Your Kids

    American Countdown - 2020-May 26, Tuesday - Can Masks, Tracking & Tracing Take Your Job, Remove You From Your Home, And Take Your Kids
    On this Tuesday transmission of American Countdown, constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes examines the legal aspects of contact tracing and tells citizens what their rights are when it comes to workplace or governmental snooping. How far will they go? Will the government forcibly remove you or your family from your property? Additionally, Barnes will talk with special guest Josiah Dan, who is a CT nurse that had his Skype account frozen after doing an interview with Alex Jones on Sunday.

    Also, head to infowars.com/show or AmericanCountdown.News for more content.

    Remember, American Countdown is live from 7-9 PM CST every Monday-Thursday. Spread the word so others can hear directly from @Barnes_Law!

    Can Masks, Tracking & Tracing Take Your Job, Remove You From Your Home, And Take Your Kids FULL SHOW 5-26-2020: https://banned.video/watch?id=5ecdd395199ea500249b91ed

    American Countdown - 2020-May 21, Thursday - Fed Using Pandemic To Shift Power To Wall Street!

    American Countdown - 2020-May 21, Thursday - Fed Using Pandemic To Shift Power To Wall Street!
    Constitutional attorney Robert Barnes breaks down how Wall Street and big corporations are laughing all the way to the bank with their hundreds of trillions in bailout money from the private, run-for-profit Federal Reserve; meanwhile, small businesses and America’s middle class are being eviscerated. Entrepreneur Dan Price (@DanPriceSeattle) joins the program tonight. You don’t want to miss this Thursday broadcast of American Countdown!

    Fed Using Pandemic To Shift Power To Wall Street FULL SHOW 5-21-20

    American Countdown - 2020-May 20, Wednesday - The Greatest Threat Of COVID-19 Is The Government's Response!

    American Countdown - 2020-May 20, Wednesday - The Greatest Threat Of COVID-19 Is The Government's Response!
    The Greatest Threat of COVID-19 is the Government's Response FULL SHOW 5-20-20

    Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes shares his expertise and cutting-edge analysis on the world’s hottest issues for this Wednesday transmission of American Countdown. Political commentator Julia Song (@realjuliasong) is joining tonight’s special broadcast!

    You can also watch the program at infowars.com/show or AmericanCountdown.News

    American Countdown is live from 7-9 PM CST every Monday-Thursday. Spread the word so others can hear directly from @Barnes_Law!

    American Countdown - 2020-May 19, Tuesday - Obamagate Exposed Inside The Traitorous Plot To Overthrow The Presidency!

    American Countdown - 2020-May 19, Tuesday - Obamagate Exposed Inside The Traitorous Plot To Overthrow The Presidency!
    On this Tuesday transmission of American Countdown with Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, we’ll dive into the long list of evidence showing the Obama administration attempted to subvert both the Trump campaign and administration. Lee Smith, author of The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History, joins the program to share details surrounding the Deep State coup against President Trump.

    Tune in Monday-Thursday from 7-9 PM CST to get the latest insights from @Barnes_Law!

    Obamagate Exposed Inside The Traitorous Plot To Overthrow The Presidency FULL SHOW 5-19-20


    American Countdown - 2020-May 18, Monday - Bill Gates' Plan To Chip The World!

    American Countdown - 2020-May 18, Monday - Bill Gates' Plan To Chip The World!
    Bill Gates' Plan To Chip The World FULL SHOW 5-18-20

    On this Monday broadcast of American Countdown, constitutional attorney Robert Barnes breaks down billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates’ diabolical plan to vaccinate and microchip every human being on Earth in the name of combating the coronavirus pandemic. Author Michael Malice joins the show to give his take on the prolonged shutdowns and the massive protests erupting nationwide as a result.

    Tune in Monday-Thursday from 7-9 PM CST to get the latest insights from @Barnes_Law!


    American Countdown - 2020-May 6, Wednesday - Shutdown Is Killing More Lives Than It Saves!

    American Countdown - 2020-May 6, Wednesday - Shutdown Is Killing More Lives Than It Saves!
    Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes shares his expertise and cutting-edge analysis on the world’s hottest issues for this Wednesday transmission of American Countdown. Joining tonight’s broadcast is Code of Vets founder Gretchen Smith (@cov_Gretchen).

    American Countdown is live from 7-9 PM CST every Monday-Thursday.

    Spread the word so others can hear directly from @Barnes_Law!

    American Countdown - 2020-Apr 21, Tuesday - Constitutional Attorney - Time To Sue! Shutdown Violates Constitution

    American Countdown - 2020-Apr 21, Tuesday - Constitutional Attorney - Time To Sue! Shutdown Violates Constitution
    On this Tuesday transmission of American Countdown, constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes will provide listeners with updates on government overreach being initiated in the name of coronavirus safety. For example, attorney David Helm is suing the state of Michigan on the grounds that stay-at-home orders infringe on the right to assemble as well as private property rights. Will people in other states follow his lead and sue to protect their freedoms?