
    Podcast Summary

    • Mention in a Trump Speech and Product EndorsementDan Bongino shared a personal story about being mentioned in a Trump speech, and promoted Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens product during his show.

      Dan Bongino's show covers a range of topics, from politics and current events to personal experiences and product endorsements. During a recent episode, Bongino shared an amusing moment when he was mentioned in a Trump speech and his young daughters were excited about it. He also criticized Senator Cory Booker for his behavior during a Senate hearing, comparing it to a scene from the movie "Clueless." Additionally, Bongino promoted Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens product, emphasizing its health benefits and encouraging listeners to try it. The episode also featured an analysis of a John Solomon story and the "take it easy" angle. Overall, Bongino's show offers a mix of entertainment, commentary, and promotion.

    • Senator Cory Booker's failed attempt to embarrass Brett KavanaughBooker's attempt to release a supposedly classified email backfired, revealing a preference for race-neutral policies instead of racial profiling, leading to criticism and embarrassment.

      During a US Senate hearing, Cory Booker, a presidential candidate, attempted to make a dramatic statement by releasing an email from Brett Kavanaugh's past regarding racial profiling, which he believed was classified. However, it was later discovered that the email had been declassified hours earlier, making Booker's actions a desperate PR stunt that resulted in embarrassment. The email, in fact, stated Kavanaugh's preference for race-neutral policies, not racial profiling. Booker's rule-breaking antics, meant to challenge authority and appeal to the rebellious spirit, ultimately backfired and left him facing criticism from the media and the public.

    • Senator Cory Booker's Controversial Release of Kavanaugh EmailsSenator Cory Booker released allegedly confidential Kavanaugh emails, sparking accusations of a PR stunt and potential expulsion. The emails were later found to not be classified, but the incident highlighted political hypocrisy and raised questions about Senate transparency.

      Senator Cory Booker was accused of staging a PR stunt by releasing allegedly confidential emails related to Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Senate, despite being warned of potential expulsion for violating Senate rules. Booker defended his actions, stating that he believed the public had the right to know the information and that he was standing up against unjust laws. However, the emails in question were later revealed to not be classified, and Republicans argued that they had already been approved for release. The incident highlighted the hypocrisy of some politicians, as those same individuals who criticized Republicans for considering declassifying certain information were now engaging in similar rule-breaking behaviors themselves. The incident further fueled political tensions and raised questions about the transparency and integrity of the Senate confirmation process.

    • Politicians behaving badlySome politicians refuse to admit wrongdoing, creating confusion and chaos, while others are accused of hypocrisy, highlighting a larger issue of prioritizing personal gain over public service.

      Some politicians, like Joe and Eric, when caught breaking rules or being dishonest, instead of admitting wrongdoing and apologizing, they double down and continue to act out, even releasing classified information. Their actions not only undermine their credibility but also create confusion and chaos. This behavior is not only disrespectful to the U.S. Senate but also an embarrassment to the democratic process. Furthermore, some politicians, like Cory Booker, are accused of hypocrisy, as they call for transparency while withholding information themselves. These actions speak to a larger problem within the political landscape, where the focus seems to be on personal gain rather than serving the public interest.

    • Cory Booker's actions not reflective of US realityBooker's radical stance doesn't align with US prosperity, creating a culture of perpetual victimization and hoaxes.

      Cory Booker's actions regarding the document declassification can be seen as an attempt to appear rebellious and radical, but this is not reflective of the reality of the United States as a successful and prosperous country. The radical far left, including Booker, have been indoctrinated with the idea that freedom and liberty in the US are the problems, but this narrative doesn't align with the reality of their lives. Instead, they create a dissonance by seeking out new problems and evidence to validate their belief that they're fighting against negative forces. This endless search for new victims and hoaxes perpetuates a culture of victimization and creates a sense of being a warrior for a cause, but the negativity they're fighting against often doesn't exist in reality.

    • Recognizing progress and separating fact from fictionIt's crucial to acknowledge the progress made in the US while distinguishing fact from fiction in portrayals of systemic oppression and sacrifices.

      While there are instances of racism and injustice in the United States, it's important to recognize that the country has made significant progress and the portrayal of constant conflict and oppression is often exaggerated or fabricated. Those who seek to perpetuate this narrative, including politicians and media figures, often do so by creating false narratives of systemic oppression and sacrifices, when in reality, the situations they describe do not correspond to reality. This can be seen in the cases of Cory Booker and Colin Kaepernick, who have been portrayed as heroes fighting against the man, but in reality, have not made significant sacrifices or faced meaningful opposition. Instead, they have used these situations to further their own agendas and gain attention. It's essential to separate fact from fiction and not be swayed by sensationalized narratives that do not accurately represent the current state of affairs.

    • Frustration with excessive responses to social issuesThe speaker expresses disappointment with the disproportionate responses to social issues and encourages addressing them on a case-by-case basis, while acknowledging recent political missteps and expressing frustration with the caliber of elected officials.

      The speaker expresses deep frustration with what they perceive as excessive and disproportionate responses to isolated incidents of social issues in the United States, with specific references to Cory Booker and liberal politics. They believe that progress has been made since the 1960s, and that these problems should be addressed on a case-by-case basis rather than burning down the entire system over a small issue. The speaker also expresses disappointment in the caliber of people elected to make decisions that impact everyone in the country. They acknowledge that they did not elect these individuals but feel that the political climate has become so frustrating that they no longer wish to be involved. The speaker also encourages patience regarding recent missteps, including Jeff Sessions' recusal.

    • FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe under investigation by grand juryThe FBI's McCabe, under grand jury scrutiny, suggests potential wrongdoing; Explore ancestry, health, and traits with 23andMe at 23andme.com/Bongino

      There are ongoing investigations in the Justice Department, specifically regarding Andrew McCabe, who served as the Deputy Director of the FBI during the Clinton email investigation and the Trump investigation. A grand jury has reportedly been looking into McCabe's actions for the past four months. While some may downplay the significance of this development, it's important to note that the use of a grand jury is not a routine procedure for clearing an individual's name. The fact that McCabe's actions are being scrutinized by a grand jury suggests that there could be potential wrongdoing involved. Additionally, the inconsistencies between McCabe's and James Comey's stories add another layer of intrigue to this situation. The investigation into McCabe is a significant development and warrants close attention. Meanwhile, on a lighter note, the host also encouraged listeners to explore their genetic makeup through the DNA testing service, 23andMe. The service offers insights into ancestry, health, and traits, and can provide valuable information about one's ancestry and potential health risks. To learn more and order a kit, listeners were directed to 23andme.com/Bongino.

    • FBI Director Andrew McCabe under investigation for lying about leaksFormer FBI director Andrew McCabe is under investigation by a grand jury for lying about leaks related to the Clinton email case and other matters. If found guilty, he should be prosecuted.

      Andrew McCabe is under investigation for lying to federal agents about leaks, and if found guilty, he should be prosecuted. McCabe, the former FBI director, is being looked at by a grand jury for his involvement in leaks related to the Clinton email case and other matters. The grand jury process is serious, and if the prosecutors are doing their job, it's unlikely McCabe will be let off. McCabe is not the only one being investigated for leaks of sensitive information, and other individuals involved in similar incidents are also under scrutiny. It's important to be patient and let the legal process unfold.

    • Pending reports and investigations in the 2016 election caseThe 2016 election investigation is ongoing with several key reports and investigations still pending, including Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on the Russia probe and U.S. Attorney John Huber's investigation. Dan believes important developments are to come and urged patience.

      The ongoing investigation into potential misconduct during the 2016 election is not yet complete, and several key reports and investigations are still pending. These include the release of Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on the Russia probe and the investigation by U.S. Attorney John Huber. Dan also discussed the possibility of bias influencing the FBI's decision to open an investigation into the Trump campaign, and the potential for a "pivot" in the operation to spy on the Trump team. Dan believes that there are important developments to come, and urged patience as the investigations unfold. He also recommended reading articles by John Solomon in The Hill for more context on the case.

    • FBI's Plan B: Setting up Individuals in Trump CampaignThe FBI's investigation into Trump campaign's Russia ties may have relied on flawed info, leading to arrests of individuals like George Papadopoulos under exculpatory evidence. This raises questions about the legitimacy of the probe.

      The FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia may have relied on flawed information and set up individuals like George Papadopoulos using a plan called Plan B. According to a report by John Solomon, the FBI initially focused on Papadopoulos due to his apparent knowledge of Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton. However, they later received highly classified information that undercut this theory and was deemed indisputably exculpatory by sources. Despite this, Papadopoulos was arrested in November 2016 by Mueller's team. The report suggests that the FBI's plan to set up Papadopoulos as part of their investigation did not work out, leading them to pursue other leads, such as the infamous Steele dossier. This new information raises questions about the legitimacy of the FBI's investigation and the motivations behind certain actions taken during that time.

    • FBI and DOJ's Desperate Search for Evidence Against Trump's TeamThe FBI and DOJ's desperation to find evidence against Trump's team led them to rely on a fake dossier and potentially manipulate events to open investigations, despite exonerating evidence against some individuals.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, the FBI and DOJ were desperate to find evidence against Trump's team after their attempts to set up George Papadopoulos failed. They turned to Bruce and Nellie Orr, whose wife worked for Fusion GPS, the company that hired British spy Christopher Steele to create a fake dossier. Bruce Orr met with Steele for breakfast just one day before the FBI officially opened its investigation into Trump's team. After their meeting, Bruce Orr contacted FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, potentially pushing for the opening of a FISA warrant on Carter Page using the dossier. It's crucial to understand that at this point, the evidence against Papadopoulos had exonerated him, yet he was still arrested. The exonerating evidence was likely from an FBI source who knew what really happened at a meeting Papadopoulos had with a professor about Russian emails. The complex web of events raises serious questions about the motivations and actions of key figures in the FBI and DOJ during the Trump investigation.

    • FBI source revealed Trump campaign advisor's lack of interest in collusionThe FBI initially probed George Papadopoulos for suspected collusion, but found no evidence and shifted focus to Carter Page. Papadopoulos' arrest came after text messages between investigators raised bias concerns.

      The exculpatory evidence in the Russia investigation likely came from an FBI source who informed the bureau that George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign advisor, was not interested in colluding with Russians over emails and was instead trying to set up meetings for personal gain. The FBI's focus then shifted to Carter Page, but they ultimately found no evidence of wrongdoing. The arrest of Papadopoulos in November 2017, six months after their initial interview, was likely due to the discovery of text messages between FBI investigators discussing the case, which raised concerns about potential bias and the need to silence Papadopoulos before he could speak publicly.

    • Alleged plan to lure Papadopoulos back to US with undeclared moneyInvestigation into Trump campaign's Russia collusion involved individuals with political motivations, potential plan to entrap Papadopoulos, and importance of declassifying key documents for transparency.

      The investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia involved a series of events leading to the arrest of George Papadopoulos. The discussion suggests that there was a plan to lure Papadopoulos back to the US with undeclared money, knowing that he might not comply and reveal incriminating information. The investigation, led by Robert Mueller, was driven by individuals with serious political motivations, including those who had exchanged texts about stopping Trump from becoming president and those who had worked to find dirt on Trump. The importance of declassifying certain documents, specifically the fourth FISA application and Bruce Orr's 302s, is emphasized as they could provide crucial information about the motivations and actions of those involved in the investigation.

    • Bias against Trump in 2016 electionUndisclosed bias of key figures may have influenced FISA warrant applications, potentially based on uncorroborated hearsay and misleading info. Congress advocates for declassification for transparency, ongoing investigation suggests unresolved issues.

      Key figures involved in the 2016 election, including Christopher Steele and Hillary Clinton, had a clear bias against Donald Trump. This bias was not disclosed to the court during the application process for FISA warrants, which may have been based on uncorroborated hearsay and potentially misleading information. Members of Congress, such as Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, and Devin Nunes, have been advocating for the declassification of FBI interview summaries and FISA warrants to uncover any potential discrepancies. The ongoing grand jury investigation into McCabe and other developments suggest that this issue is far from resolved. The importance of transparency and the potential implications of this situation cannot be overstated. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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