
    Ep. 796 New Details About the Astonishing Effort to Cover Up This Scandal

    enAugust 30, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • New Mexico Compound Case and FBI CriticismRadical Islamists planned shootings and attacks, FBI faces criticism for Clinton email probe, Helix Sleep offers personalized mattresses for better sleep

      The Dan Vongino show discussed the alarming developments in the New Mexico compound case where radical Islamists were reportedly preparing children for school shootings and terrorist attacks. The details uncovered were sophisticated and concerning, with mentions of choke points and sniper positions. The FBI is currently facing criticism for their handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails, with some officials, including the President, calling them out. Additionally, the show highlighted Helix Sleep, a company that offers personalized mattresses based on a sleep quiz, providing individualized support and a risk-free trial period. The FBI's response to criticism regarding the Clinton email investigation and the ongoing New Mexico case showcase the complexity of current political issues. The personalized mattress solution offered by Helix Sleep provides a simple yet effective solution for better sleep.

    • Following legal procedures in arrestsJudicial procedures require initial appearance and probable cause hearing within specific timeframes, potentially releasing suspects despite credible allegations

      The speed and handling of a vehicle are crucial factors in executive protection and security operations. During turns or choke points, drivers must slow down to ensure safety and effectiveness. However, the recent release of suspects in a terrorism case on a low bond, despite credible allegations, has raised concerns and sparked outrage. In the US justice system, during an arrest, an initial appearance is required within a certain timeframe, and a probable cause hearing must be held within a specified period. Failure to meet these requirements can result in the release of suspects. The judge in this case was obligated to follow these procedures, regardless of the nature of the allegations.

    • Probable cause hearings: Timing and importanceFederal hearings have a 30-day window, state hearings as short as 10 days, waiving allows prosecution to present case to grand jury in private, and defense may waive to avoid adversarial hearing and potential indictment.

      In the criminal justice system, the timing and importance of a probable cause hearing can significantly impact a defendant's case. At the federal level, after an initial appearance, there is a 30-day window for this hearing. However, both the defendant and their attorney may choose to waive it. This is often done in anticipation of a cooperative plea deal, where the charges may be dismissed or reduced in exchange for cooperation against other individuals involved in the crime. At the state level, the timeline can be as short as 10 days. Waiving the hearing allows the prosecution to present their case to a grand jury in private, increasing the likelihood of an indictment and making it more difficult for the charges to be dismissed. The defense attorney understands this dynamic and may choose to waive the hearing to avoid an adversarial probable cause hearing and the potential for an indictment.

    • Prosecutor's lack of preparation raises serious questionsThe New Mexico case underscores the importance of due process and preparation in legal proceedings, as a prosecutor's failure to produce necessary documents within a 10-day timeframe led to defendants' release and potential danger to the community.

      In this New Mexico case, the prosecutor's lack of preparation for a probable cause hearing raises serious questions. The defendant, aware of his predicament, chose to cooperate and waive the hearing to avoid being indicted. The judge was obligated by law to release the defendants if the necessary documents weren't produced within the 10-day timeframe. The prosecutor's behavior is particularly concerning given the gravity of the allegations and the potential danger to the community. This case highlights the importance of following due process and the potential consequences of not being prepared for legal proceedings. Additionally, the ongoing investigation led by Mueller seems to be focusing on covering up DOJ and FBI malfeasance, particularly related to Spygate and the Clinton email investigation. The transparency of these issues is becoming increasingly apparent.

    • ICIG finds potential Chinese hack of Clinton's emailsICIG discovered potential Chinese hack of Clinton's emails through a Virginia company, but the FBI denies finding any evidence

      The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) discovered that the Chinese may have hacked into Hillary Clinton's email system and obtained her emails through a Virginia-based company linked to Chinese intelligence services. The potential consequences of this breach could be severe, potentially exposing sensitive information and even endangering lives. The FBI, however, has denied finding any evidence of this breach, despite being briefed about it by the ICIG. This raises questions about the FBI's handling of the situation and their motivation for downplaying the breach. The ICIG's discovery adds to the ongoing debate about the security of Clinton's email server during her tenure as Secretary of State.

    • FBI and DOJ withholding information, Russia probe as distractionAllegations of FBI and DOJ withholding info, media misreporting of FBI's role in email investigation, frustration with media handling of situation

      According to the speaker, there have been allegations of the FBI and DOJ withholding information related to an investigation and using the ongoing Russia probe as a way to distract from potential corruption. CNN and other media outlets reported that the FBI denied finding evidence of Chinese hacking of Democratic servers, but the speaker argues that this is not accurate, as the FBI was indeed investigating an email case and did not find the evidence themselves. The speaker also expresses frustration with the media's handling of the situation and praises Harry's razor for providing a close and comfortable shave.

    • Affordable high-quality razor blades from Harry'sHarry's offers top-tier razor blades for $2 each, ensuring a great shave experience and saving consumers money.

      Harry's Razors offers high-quality, affordable blades directly to consumers, allowing them to save money while ensuring a great shave experience. The company, which has been making top-tier blades for over 95 years, sells its blades for just $2 each, significantly less than competitors' prices. Harry's offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, and a trial set that includes everything needed for a close shave. The speaker shared his admiration for the company's commitment to providing a quality product at a fair price. Additionally, the speaker discussed the importance of standing up for oneself and not succumbing to social media pressure to apologize for things one did not do wrong. He shared an example of a reporter who illegally recorded him in a conversation and the temptation to join in on the public criticism, but ultimately decided against it, recognizing the negative impact it would have on the reporter. The speaker emphasized the dangers of social media mobs and their increasing prevalence in forcing people to apologize for innocent actions.

    • Misconstrued tweets and silencing voicesHistorical references don't always have racial inferences, but social media mobs can demand apologies based on false assumptions. Stand up for your beliefs and ignore attacks from biased organizations.

      The use of historical references, even if taken out of context, should not be automatically assumed to be racist. In this case, JD Martinez's tweet from years ago was misconstrued as having a racial inference, but it was actually about supporting the Second Amendment. The social media mob's demand for an apology is an attempt to silence voices that differ from their own, and it's important for individuals not to cave in to these pressures. These attacks often come from organizations like Mediaite and Media Matters, whose primary goal is to target and discredit prominent conservatives. Instead of apologizing, it's crucial to stand up for one's beliefs and not let these attacks define or deter you. The best response is to ignore them and continue focusing on your work and values.

    • Public Figures Demanding Special TreatmentSome public figures call for equality but enjoy privileges, contradicting their messages on taxes, gun control, Uber, and school choice

      Certain public figures who criticize others for issues like taxes, gun control, and business regulations, while enjoying privileges and exemptions for themselves, are being hypocritical. These individuals, including some prominent political figures and celebrities, call for equality and sameness for the masses, but demand special treatment for themselves. This inconsistency was highlighted in discussions about gun control, taxes, Uber, and school choice. The public should be aware of these hypocritical actions and ignore the contradictory messages from these individuals.

    • Background checks and reliable sourcesUtilize services like TruthFinder for extensive background reports and combine with gut instinct for effective protection

      Trusting your instincts alone when meeting new people or conducting background checks may not be enough. Instead, utilizing a service like TruthFinder can provide access to extensive background reports, including criminal records, past addresses, contact information, and more. John Solomon's recent articles on Hannity have revealed explosive information regarding the FBI's interactions with Joseph Mifsud in 2017, challenging the official narrative of how the Russia investigation began. The complexity of the case can make it difficult for the media to fully cover, but the potential implications are significant. By combining the power of gut instinct with thorough background checks and reliable sources, individuals can better protect themselves and their families.

    • Interview with Joseph Mifsud casts doubt on Russian collusion narrativeNew interview suggests George Papadopoulos may have been misinformed about Hillary Clinton emails, potentially undermining the entire Russian collusion investigation

      The basis for the Russian collusion investigation against the Trump campaign, involving George Papadopoulos and a Maltese professor named Joseph Mifsud, may have been built on false information. According to a recent interview with Mifsud by John Solomon, he denies passing any information about Hillary Clinton's emails to Papadopoulos. This contradicts the narrative that has been pushed for years by the FBI, Democrats, and the media. If this is true, then the entire investigation could be based on a misunderstanding or misinformation. This raises serious questions about the legitimacy of the investigation and the motivations of those involved. Mueller's team is now trying to silence Papadopoulos, who is facing potential jail time for lying to the FBI about this matter. This situation calls into question Mueller's reputation and the integrity of the Justice Department.

    • Mueller hid key info to maintain Russian collusion narrativeMueller's team suppressed Joseph Mifsud's denial of email collusion, omitting it from the FISA application to spy on the Trump team.

      The Mueller investigation, as led by Robert Mueller, who has deep connections to key DOJ and FBI players, suppressed crucial information that could have exonerated George Papadopoulos from allegations of collusion with Russia. This suppression of information was necessary for Mueller to "sweep all the DOJ FBI garbage under the rug" and maintain the narrative of Russian interference in the 2016 election. A key piece of information that was omitted was Joseph Mifsud's denial of any involvement in the alleged email collusion during an interview in February 2017. This omission is significant, as it formed the basis for the FBI's warrant to spy on the Trump team in April 2017. Devin Nunes' push to release and declassify documents, specifically the April 2017 renewal, is driven by the belief that this information would be material to the investigation and could potentially clear the names of those falsely implicated.

    • FBI's Trump-Russia probe based on discredited dossierThe FBI's investigation into the Trump team for Russian collusion was likely based on a false dossier, with key figures not interviewed until much later. The entire probe seems to have been a scam, and the Mueller team covered for the FBI and DOJ.

      The FBI's investigation into the Trump team for Russian collusion, which began around June-July 2016, was based on a discredited dossier. Key figures, like George Papadopoulos, who were allegedly involved, were not interviewed until much later. When the FBI discovered the dossier was likely false, they arrested Papadopoulos in November 2017 as part of a backup narrative. The entire investigation appears to have been a scam, and the Mueller team covered for the FBI and DOJ. Despite calls for transparency, President Trump may be holding back on declassifying information to see what happens in the midterms.

    • Trump not worried about Russia probe, concerned about business charges and midtermsTrump believes there's no evidence against him in Russia probe but fears business charges and midterm elections. He may declassify documents if Dems gain power to expose 'real crossfire hurricane operation'.

      According to Dan Bongino, Donald Trump is not worried about the ongoing investigation into collusion with Russia, as he believes there is no evidence against him. However, he is concerned about potential business charges and the midterm elections. If the Democrats gain power, Trump may declassify and unredact documents to expose what he calls the "real crossfire hurricane operation" and the alleged effort to target him. Bongino expressed his concern about the use of government power against Trump without substantial evidence, and encouraged listeners to subscribe to his show for more information.

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