
    Ep. 837 - Kyle Rittenhouse Is A Hero

    enNovember 11, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of upholding the lawIgnoring the law for political reasons can lead to a lawless society, emphasized by the 'A Man For All Seasons' scene, and it's vital to respect and uphold the law for everyone's safety.

      During the Matt Walsh show, various topics were discussed including the ongoing defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, the upcoming George Floyd biography, a mix-up at an IVF clinic, and YouTube removing dislike counters. However, a thought-provoking segment revolved around the importance of upholding the law, as illustrated by the scene from "A Man For All Seasons." ExpressVPN was also promoted as a means to secure online data. Despite the clear innocence of Kyle Rittenhouse, the left, including the media, Democrats, and DA, are willing to disregard the law to punish him. This disregard for the law, as warned in the "A Man For All Seasons" scene, could lead to a nation without laws or a justice system. It's crucial to respect and uphold the law for everyone's safety.

    • The Burden of Proof in the Rittenhouse TrialThe Rittenhouse trial emphasized the importance of the prosecution to prove their case, as Rittenhouse's emotional defense swayed the jury, and past actions of the deceased should be considered in the court of public opinion.

      The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse highlighted the importance of the burden of proof lying with the prosecution. Despite the state's failure to provide sufficient evidence, Rittenhouse took the stand in his own defense, which paid off as he came across Kyle as a traumatized kid rather than a cold-blooded murderer. The defense, in this case, was not there to prove anything but to let the prosecution present evidence. The public reaction, including mockery of Rittenhouse's emotional display, underscores the need for understanding the gravity of the situation and the psychological impact on the accused. The trial also brought up the relevance of past actions of the deceased, in this case, Rosenbaum's history as a sex offender and the media's attempt to elicit sympathy, which should be considered in the court of public opinion.

    • Prosecution's questionable tactics in Rittenhouse trialJudicial rebuke of prosecution's irrelevant questions and ethical concerns over public reactions

      During the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the prosecution faced criticism for their questioning tactics. They were accused of grasping at straws by asking irrelevant questions about video games and implying that the defendant's silence after arrest was incriminating, which is a grave constitutional violation. These actions were strongly rebuked by the judge, highlighting the importance of respecting legal procedures in a fair trial. The public's reaction to the case, including the mourning of alleged child rapist Joseph Rosenbaum, also raised ethical concerns and sparked debates about values and morality.

    • A symbolic battle over the Second Amendment and self-defenseThe trial of Kyle Rittenhouse goes beyond his personal actions, representing a deeper agenda and symbolizing constitutional rights and objectionable groups.

      The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse goes beyond his personal actions on the night of the riots. It's a symbolic battle over the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense. The prosecution's focus on Rittenhouse's gun and his constitutional knowledge implies a deeper agenda. Rittenhouse is not just a defendant; he represents constitutional rights and certain groups of people the left finds objectionable. Regardless of his guilt or innocence, he is being used as a sacrificial symbol. Legally, the only thing that matters is Rittenhouse's lack of guilt for committing murder. However, the left's reaction to Rittenhouse's actions, including his use of force to protect property, reveals their disregard for private property and the heroic actions of those who defend it. Despite the mob's desire to destroy, using force to protect property is morally justified and heroic. Rittenhouse's actions, characterized as reckless or stupid by some, were instead courageous and selfless.

    • Online privacy and personal health demand our attentionStay vigilant against stalkerware and identity theft online, while prioritizing dental care and addressing health issues promptly to prevent future complications

      Both online privacy and personal health require active attention and protection. Stalkerware poses a significant threat to online privacy, collecting sensitive data and potentially damaging finances, credit, and reputation. LifeLock can help detect and alert users of potential identity theft, offering peace of mind in the digital world. Meanwhile, personal health, such as dental care, can also demand our full commitment to maintain. Despite the discomfort or inconvenience, addressing issues promptly can prevent more serious problems down the line. In the news, the upcoming George Floyd biography promises to shed light on his life story and the systemic racism that shaped it, contributing to a global movement for change.

    • Narratives around figures can be distorted and simplifiedAcknowledging complexities and potential consequences of oversimplification or censorship is crucial.

      The narrative around certain figures, such as George Floyd, can be distorted and simplified, often ignoring their problematic past actions. In the case of George Floyd, reporters are now attempting to reframe his life into a hero's journey, despite his criminal record and predatory behavior. Meanwhile, in the world of fashion, Tom Ford argues that cancel culture and the fear of appropriation are limiting creativity and expression, leading to a more cartoonish and exaggerated future. Both discussions highlight the importance of acknowledging complexities and the potential consequences of oversimplification or censorship.

    • Cautioning white parents on baby wearing and the suppressive nature of cancel cultureWhite parents should be mindful of cultural practices in baby wearing, while cancel culture's suppressive nature hinders creativity and experimentation, leading to a culture of sameness and fear. Open communication is crucial in unexpected situations.

      The cultural conversation around appropriation has expanded to include baby wearing, with white parents being cautioned against unintentionally appropriating cultural practices. Meanwhile, cancel culture's suppressive nature is leading to a lack of creativity and experimentation in various spheres, including fashion and opinions, resulting in a culture of sameness and fear. A notable example is the case of two couples who unknowingly raised each other's children due to a fertility clinic mix-up, highlighting the importance of open and honest communication in such situations.

    • IVF Ethics and YouTube's Dislike CountsIVF raises ethical concerns over human life manipulation and potential commodification. YouTube's move to hide dislike counts aims for a more positive online experience.

      The advancement of technology in reproductive methods, such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), while providing solutions for infertility, also raises ethical concerns. The discussion highlighted a tragic incident where a woman gave birth to a baby that wasn't genetically hers, leading to legal action and emotional trauma. IVF involves manipulating human life in a lab, which some argue commodifies it and reduces it to a mere object. Additionally, the storage and potential destruction of unused embryos further emphasizes this issue. On a lighter note, YouTube's decision to make dislike counts on videos private was discussed as a way to promote a more positive online environment, allowing creators to focus on their content without being overly influenced by negative feedback.

    • YouTube hides dislike counts to protect creatorsYouTube removes public visibility of dislike counts to shield creators from harassment and reduce the impact of dislikes

      YouTube is removing the public visibility of dislike counts on videos to protect creators from harassment and reduce the impact of dislike attacks. While the dislike button will still be available for use, the counts will no longer be visible to viewers. This change is intended to help creators, particularly those who are deeply affected by negative feedback, by keeping the dislike information private and out of the public eye. Some may find this change absurd, but for those who experience the emotional and psychological toll of dislikes, it is a welcome move. Additionally, the conversation touched on various topics including the Derek Chauvin and Kyle Rittenhouse cases, and the importance of being a responsible parent.

    • Concern over fatherless homes and gender parades onlineThe absence of fathers in homes can contribute to concerning trends like young boys dressing up as girls and being paraded online. The impact of a director's gender on film reception is often overestimated by critics, while the average moviegoer is more focused on enjoying the film itself.

      The absence of fathers in homes where young boys are dressed up as girls and paraded online is a concerning trend. This behavior is often seen in the media, particularly on social platforms like TikTok and Instagram. The speaker argues that in most cases, the father is absent from the home, either physically or emotionally. He also defended his stance on Alfred Kinsey, stating that his research methods and findings are factual, even if some may find them controversial. Another topic discussed was the lack of awareness among the general public regarding the gender of film directors. Contrary to popular belief, film critics often overestimate the impact of a director's gender on audience reception. The average moviegoer is not typically concerned with the gender of the director and is more focused on enjoying the film itself.

    • Legal Challenges to Biden's Vaccine Mandates and CNN's AccountabilityThe Daily Wire's lawsuit against Biden's vaccine mandate received a temporary stay, while CNN faces criticism for employing Jeffrey Toobin after his on-camera masturbation incident. These events highlight the need for accountability in the media industry and the importance of individual rights.

      There is ongoing legal opposition to President Biden's vaccine mandates, with the Daily Wire filing a lawsuit and securing a temporary stay from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Meanwhile, CNN continues to employ Jeffrey Toobin despite his on-camera masturbation incident during a work meeting. The incident itself was not an accident, but CNN argues that it was unintentional that his coworkers saw it. The case raises questions about accountability in the media industry and the importance of standing up for individual rights, especially in the context of Biden's mandates. It's crucial for individuals to make their voices heard and sign petitions against such mandates to protect their medical freedom. In the news, CNN's coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was criticized for downplaying the context of his actions and focusing on his supposed idiocy, rather than the legal issues at hand.

    • Cancel culture's inconsistencies in actionCancel culture is an arbitrary and biased phenomenon, with uneven consequences for those accused, often wielded by the left-wing media to divide society

      Cancel culture, as exemplified by CNN's handling of Jeffrey Toobin's workplace misconduct, is arbitrary and biased. Despite Toobin's own past indiscretions and the severe nature of his offense, he has faced minimal consequences and continues to hold a prominent position in media. Meanwhile, others have faced harsh punishments for less severe infractions or none at all. Cancel culture, as a weapon wielded by the left-wing corporate media, lacks a coherent moral philosophy and serves to further divide society rather than promote accountability or justice. It's important to critically evaluate the motivations and biases behind these cultural shifts and to promote fairness and consistency in our societal standards.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
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