
    Ep. 854 The Democrats Are Inventing Scandals

    enNovember 20, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Georgia Election Dispute: Abrams Refuses to Concede, Stirs Up Racial TensionsStacey Abrams continues to dispute the Georgia gubernatorial election results, refusing to concede and potentially stirring up racial tensions for political gain, while Dan Bongino encourages moving on from elections and focusing on national issues, and promotes Policy Genius for life insurance.

      Stacey Abrams, the Democratic candidate in the Georgia gubernatorial race, refuses to concede despite losing to Brian Kemp by a slim margin. Instead of acknowledging Kemp as the legitimate governor of Georgia, Abrams continues to claim that the election was not fair and that she is the rightful winner. This ungracious and embarrassing behavior is being used by Democrats to stir up racial animus and potentially make Georgia a swing state in the 2020 election. Meanwhile, Dan Bongino emphasizes the importance of moving on from elections and focusing on national issues, rather than being stuck on isolated regional events. Additionally, Bongino promotes Policy Genius as an easy and efficient way to purchase life insurance, emphasizing the security and peace of mind it provides for families.

    • Georgia's Voter Roll Clean-Up Law is Mischaracterized as Voter SuppressionClaims of voter suppression in Georgia lack factual basis, as the law was enacted by a Dem governor, aimed at maintaining clean voter rolls, and allows provisional ballots for those without IDs.

      The allegations of voter suppression in Georgia made by Democrats and some media outlets are not based on facts. The law used by Georgia to clean up its voter rolls was signed into law by a Democratic governor and modeled after the Motor Voter Registration Act. It is designed to keep voter rolls clean and prevent people from voting in multiple states. Contrary to the allegations, voters can still cast provisional ballots if they show up at the polls without a valid ID. The term "purge" used to describe this process is loaded and misleading. There is no evidence of voter suppression in Georgia, and voter turnout among Democrats would not go down if votes were suppressed, but rather the opposite could happen due to increased awareness and motivation to vote.

    • Voter turnout increased in Georgia's 2018 mid-terms despite claims of suppressionGeorgia's 2018 mid-term elections saw a 16.4% increase in voter turnout and a 20% expansion of voter rolls, debunking claims of voter suppression.

      Despite claims of voter suppression in Georgia during the 2018 mid-term elections, the facts show that voter turnout actually increased by 16.4% compared to the previous mid-term in 2014. The expansion of voter rolls by 20% further supports this. While there were long lines in some Democrat-leaning counties, these decisions to shutter polling locations were made by county officials, not the Republican party. Long lines alone do not equate to voter suppression. The Democrats' calls for the election results to be overturned or for the institution to be shut down due to perceived unfairness are a common response when they lose elections, and they have proposed controversial solutions like redrawing state borders to gain more Senate seats. Ultimately, the focus should be on ensuring fair and accessible elections for all, rather than making it difficult to vote or trying to gain an unfair advantage through political maneuvering.

    • Differences in Beliefs about Government RoleIndividual rights vs. government control, Swalwell's tweet criticized, Gun rights debate, Importance of individual liberties, Overreach of government potential danger

      There are fundamentally different beliefs about the role of government between those who believe in individual rights granted by God and protected by the Constitution, and those who see government as a means to control people's lives. This was discussed in relation to the current political climate and specific examples like Congressman Eric Swalwell's controversial tweet about nuclear war. Swalwell's actions were criticized for being irresponsible and beyond his authority as a member of Congress. The discussion also touched upon the ongoing debates around gun rights and the perceived overreach of government. Ultimately, it highlighted the importance of individual liberties and the potential dangers of an overly powerful government.

    • Joking about helping Eric Swalwell's campaign and discussing his email scandalThe podcast touched on Eric Swalwell's 2020 campaign and the media's coverage of his email scandal, with the hosts jokingly offering help and comparing it to Hillary Clinton's email controversy. They also endorsed Helix Sleep and shared a positive experience.

      During the podcast discussion, the topic of Eric Swalwell's 2020 campaign and potential scandals arose. The hosts joked about offering their connections, such as a voice talent guy, to help Swalwell's campaign. They also mentioned a news story about Swalwell's private email use, which they compared to the media's coverage of Hillary Clinton's email scandal. The hosts also promoted Helix Sleep and shared a personal experience of how comfortable their mattress is. Overall, the podcast touched on various topics, including politics, scandals, and product endorsements.

    • Comparing Ivanka's emails to Hillary's scandalIvanka's personal emails for scheduling matters during transition differ from Hillary's deleted, classified emails, and concern is seen as disingenuous

      The use of a personal email account by Ivanka Trump for scheduling matters during the White House transition period is being compared to Hillary Clinton's email scandal, but the two situations are not comparable. Ivanka's emails were for personal use only, no classified information was involved, and all emails have been turned over. In contrast, Hillary Clinton exchanged classified information, deleted thousands of emails, and had people whitewash headers on classified documents. The liberal concern over Ivanka's emails is seen as disingenuous, especially considering the severity of Hillary's actions. Additionally, a federal judge has put a hold on Donald Trump's ability to stop asylum requests from people entering the US illegally, leading to tension and potential civil unrest in Tijuana. Trump signed an order that asylum requests are null and void for those entering illegally, but the legality of this order is still being debated.

    • President's Power to Restrict Alien EntryCourts uphold President's authority to restrict alien entry based on national interests, while ongoing border issues and calls for legislative action continue.

      The discussion revolves around the legal authority of the President to restrict the entry of certain classes of aliens into the United States based on potential harm to national interests. The President's use of a proclamation to suspend alien entry was challenged in court, but the court ruled that the President does have this power. This discussion also touches upon ongoing issues at the U.S.-Mexico border, where there is civil unrest and potential harm to U.S. interests. The speakers argue that liberal judges are making up laws as they go along, and they call for legislative action to address the issue of asylum declarations being made outside of legal ports of entry. Additionally, there's a mention of the Spygate scandal and the information superhighway, where information was bypassed to upper levels of the DOJ and FBI to avoid detection of false information.

    • Unverified information used for FISA warrantThe verification process for the Steele dossier was not completed, and its source's credibility was questioned, casting doubt on the foundation for the FISA warrant against the Trump campaign.

      The verification process for the infamous Steele dossier, which was used to secure a FISA warrant against the Trump campaign, was not completed, and the information provided by the source, Christopher Steele, was in conflict with intelligence reports from the CIA. Steele's credibility as a source was also called into question due to past inaccuracies. This means that the foundation for the FISA warrant may have been built on unverified and potentially inaccurate information. It's important to remember that when bringing information to the courts to be used for spying or investigative purposes, both the sources and the information must be thoroughly vetted and validated to ensure their legitimacy.

    • Addressing the US debt challenge through economic growthMaintaining a growth rate of 3% or more through tax cuts, spending caps, and pro-growth policies can help manage the US debt situation, as argued in an article by Lewis Woodhill and Steve Moore.

      The United States is facing a significant economic challenge due to its massive government debt and entitlements, which will require real economic growth to address. The speaker believes that growth can help the country overcome this issue, but the required growth rate might be higher than previously thought. According to an article by Lewis Woodhill and Steve Moore, if the economy can maintain a growth rate of 3% or more, the debt situation could become manageable. They argue that this growth can be achieved through continued tax cuts, a cap on government spending, and electing politicians who support these policies. The article also criticizes the Keynesian economic theory, labeling it "secular stupidity," and emphasizes the importance of innovation and economic growth in addressing the debt issue.

    • Growth outpacing entitlement spending under TrumpUnder Trump's economic policies, faster growth could outpace entitlement spending and decrease national debt as a percentage of national income

      The current economic growth rates under the Trump administration, if continued, have the potential to outpace the growth of entitlement spending, even with an aging population. This means that the debt level as a measure of national income could decrease, leading to a more sustainable financial future. The compounding effect of faster growth is significant and could help the country grow out of its current fiscal situation, as long as government spending is kept in check. The article in The Washington Times further emphasizes this optimistic outlook. It's crucial to maintain economic policies that support growth and keep the government's role in the economy minimal. If successful, the country could grow out of its fiscal disaster and secure a better future for generations to come.

    • Understanding the Shift in Politics and Economic ComparisonsDespite the left's push for socialist policies, Scandinavian countries' high tax rates for middle-class families reveal potential financial drawbacks. Voters should consider these implications during the 2020 election cycle.

      Wethepeopleholsters.com offers customizable and adjustable gun holsters for a reasonable price, providing a perfect fit and superior comfort compared to cheaper options. Meanwhile, in politics, the left is shifting further left, and the 2020 election cycle is already underway. Contrary to popular belief, Scandinavian countries, such as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, are not economically superior to the United States. In fact, middle-class families in these countries pay a higher personal income tax rate than in the US, even after accounting for government benefits. This information challenges the notion that socialist policies are the answer to economic prosperity. The 2020 election will likely feature candidates advocating for far-left policies, and it's crucial for voters to understand the potential financial implications of these proposals.

    • Americans consume more and pay less taxes than Nordic countriesContrary to belief, Americans consume more and pay less taxes than Nordic countries, with Scandinavians in the US being wealthier than those in Scandinavia due to cultural work ethic.

      Despite popular belief, Americans consume more than Nordic countries, and pay less in taxes while getting more stuff. Contrary to the notion that Nordic countries pay high taxes but receive more benefits, the facts show that consumption is significantly lower in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway compared to the United States. Furthermore, Scandinavians in the United States are wealthier than those in Scandinavia, indicating that their cultural work ethic contributes to their economic success in the United States, where the tax burden and government intervention are less. These findings challenge the argument for adopting a more Scandinavian-style social welfare system in the United States, as the numbers do not support the claim that Americans would pay more and receive more.

    • Misconceptions about Free Health CareDespite popular belief, even with all corporate taxes and increased income taxes, universal health care would not be financially feasible and could result in lower quality care due to government control.

      The idea of "free" health care for everyone is a misnomer. The speaker argues that even if all corporate taxes were confiscated and income taxes significantly increased, it still wouldn't be enough to cover the cost of universal health care. Moreover, the quality of care would likely suffer due to government control. The speaker also emphasizes that spending other people's money on other people is the least efficient way to spend money, and this is what would happen with government-provided health care. The speaker encourages listeners to subscribe to their podcast on various platforms to support their work and to stay informed. He also mentions an iOS update that may have affected podcast subscriptions and encourages listeners to resubscribe if necessary.

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