
    Trump BANNED from Colorado Ballot in 2024!? Here's What It Actually Means...

    enDecember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging the Authenticity of the Moon LandingSome individuals question the moon landing's authenticity, pointing to the absence of stars, unusual flag behavior, and lack of cameras in footage as evidence. They believe it was staged to win the space race and encourage questioning established narratives.

      The discussion revolved around skepticism towards the moon landing and belief in flat earth theory. The speakers challenged the authenticity of moon landing evidence, questioning the existence of stars, the behavior of the flag, and the absence of cameras in the footage. They suggested that the moon landing was staged to win the space race against the Soviet Union. Additionally, they encouraged listeners to join their community, Louder with Crowder, and sign up for their mug club to support their investigative work. The speakers also took a moment to express gratitude to their audience for their support, which enabled them to continue their work and expand their platform. They emphasized the importance of questioning and challenging established narratives and encouraged listeners to reflect on who they serve in their personal lives.

    • Alex Jones thanks audience for supportAlex Jones expresses gratitude to his audience for their involvement and offers perks for signing up, emphasizing their importance to his network and projects.

      The speaker, Alex Jones, expresses deep gratitude to his audience for their support and emphasizes that their involvement is crucial to the continuation and success of his network and projects. He mentions specific perks for signing up, such as a free children's book and exclusive content. The tone is heartfelt and appreciative, with references to personal experiences and a sense of camaraderie. The speaker also touches on various topics, including politics, entertainment, and everyday life, delivering his thoughts in a humorous and engaging manner. Overall, the message is clear: the audience is an integral part of the journey, and their participation is valued and cherished.

    • Exciting Upcoming Appearances and Free Speech DiscussionSpeakers emphasized the importance of allowing differing opinions and letting people finish speaking, supporting free speech.

      During this conversation, the speakers discussed various topics including their upcoming appearances, their opinions on free speech, and their personal experiences. One notable moment was when the hosts spoke about their upcoming appearances and expressed excitement about them. Another topic was a discussion on free speech, during which it was mentioned that Pierce Morgan had invited a guest, Alex Jones, on his show for a productive conversation despite their differing opinions. Jones had previously made incorrect statements about an event, and the hosts expressed the importance of letting people finish speaking to allow the expression of bad ideas, as part of supporting free speech.

    • Emphasizing the importance of respectful and open-minded dialogueDuring a debate about soccer and homosexuality, both participants acknowledged the significance of having genuine, respectful conversations rather than chasing after clickbait or Twitter headlines. They emphasized the importance of acknowledging context and intent behind jokes, even if not everyone finds them funny.

      Even in a playful debate, it's essential to ensure conversations are beneficial and respectful for all parties involved. During a discussion about soccer and its association with homosexuality, both participants acknowledged the importance of having genuine conversations rather than chasing after clickbait or Twitter headlines. Although some may have perceived certain comments as offensive, it was clarified that they were made in jest. The participants also emphasized the significance of acknowledging the context and intent behind jokes, even if not everyone finds them funny. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of open-mindedness, understanding, and respectful dialogue.

    • Discussion on Trump's disqualification from Colorado GOP primary and US becoming a banana republicSpeakers questioned the validity of Trump's disqualification from Colorado GOP primary and debated if US is becoming a banana republic due to political developments and actions against Trump

      During the discussion, the speakers touched on various topics including a charity event, CNN's "Weird Face of the Day," and the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling disqualifying Donald Trump from the state's 2024 GOP primary ballot. The speakers expressed concern over the actions being taken against Trump and questioned if the US is becoming a banana republic. They also highlighted the inaccuracies in the arguments made by those trying to disqualify Trump, specifically regarding the insurrection claim and states' eligibility to determine federal office candidates. Overall, the conversation reflected a debate on the validity and implications of these political developments.

    • Courts manipulated for political purposesThe courts should uphold the rule of law and ensure individuals are afforded the right to defend against false accusations, regardless of race, class, or political affiliation.

      There is a growing belief among certain groups, particularly black Americans, that the judicial system in the United States is weaponized against them. However, this concern extends beyond race to issues of class and political affiliation. The Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove former President Donald Trump from the presidential ballot based on unfounded insurrection charges is an example of how the courts can be used to manipulate public opinion. Trump has not been charged with insurrection or sedition, and the claim that he is ineligible to run for president based on these charges is baseless. The courts should uphold the rule of law and ensure that individuals are afforded the right to defend themselves against false accusations.

    • Criticizing Colorado court's use of Trump's speech for insurrection rulingThe Colorado court's decision to link Trump's speech to insurrection is being challenged, as Trump urged peaceful protests and has not been charged with insurrection. Mischaracterizations and selective editing of soundbites can lead to confusion.

      The Colorado court's decision to use Donald Trump's January 6th speech as justification for a ruling on insurrection is being heavily criticized. While Trump did encourage his supporters to go to the Capitol, he also urged them to do so peacefully and patriotically. However, the media and some lower court rulings have led people to assume that Trump must have committed an insurrection. It's important to note that Trump has not been charged with insurrection, and the Colorado court's ruling is being appealed to the Supreme Court. Furthermore, the 14th Amendment, designed to bar former Confederate officials from holding office after the Civil War, was not used in the same way as this case, as those officials took up arms and formed militias, unlike Trump's supporters. The mischaracterization of events and the rush to judgment based on selectively edited soundbites can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

    • Court's decision on Trump's constitutional validityThe court's decision to potentially remove President Trump based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is questionable and likely to be overturned, emphasizing the importance of understanding federalism, states' rights, and the constitution.

      The idea of individual state courts deciding on the constitutional validity of an elector in the presidential election process is incoherent and could lead to chaos. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which bars individuals who have engaged in insurrection from holding office, does not apply to the presidency. The court's decision to potentially remove President Trump based on this section is questionable and likely to be overturned by the Supreme Court. It is essential to have a solid understanding of federalism, states' rights, and the constitution to make informed decisions about such matters. The court's decision, if implemented, could potentially increase public support for Donald Trump.

    • 14th Amendment's Section 3 doesn't apply to Trump's Capitol insurrection involvementThe court ruled against Trump on other grounds, but the main issue is whether he's considered an 'officer of the United States' under the 14th Amendment, with historical precedent suggesting appointed officials are typically the ones considered officers in this context.

      The 14th Amendment's Section 3 does not apply to Donald Trump regarding his involvement in the Capitol insurrection. The lower court in the case defined the presidency as not an "office civil or military under the United States," and Trump has never been charged with engaging in insurrection or rebellion. The court's ruling against Trump on other grounds, such as failure to provide specific financial information, should not be seen as evidence of bias against him. The real issue is whether Trump qualifies as an "officer of the United States" in the context of the 14th Amendment, and historical precedent suggests that appointed officials, not elected ones, are typically considered officers in this sense.

    • Efforts to keep Trump off the ballot are based on flawed reasoningDespite attempts to disqualify Trump from running for president in 2024, there is no legal basis for these efforts as Trump has not been charged with an insurrection, and states do not have the authority to determine federal office eligibility.

      The ongoing legal efforts to keep Donald Trump off the 2024 presidential ballot in certain states are based on flawed reasoning and have no basis in law. Trump has not been charged with an insurrection, and states do not have the authority to determine federal office eligibility. Furthermore, the insurrection clause does not apply to presidents. These actions are likely driven by the left's fear of Trump's growing popularity and polling numbers, which are currently leading him over Biden. Despite the efforts to undermine Trump's candidacy, his popularity continues to soar, and he is receiving significant free media coverage. The left's attempts to divide the country and gaslight voters into feeling isolated and uncertain are not effective. It's essential to remain prepared and not be swayed by the narrative that a small fringe minority holds power. These actions may create an unsettling atmosphere, but it's important to remember that uncertain times call for being prepared, not panicked.

    • Unexpected conversation about traditions and preparedness during a recording sessionDiscovering unexpected gifts can lead to meaningful conversations about traditions, faith, and the importance of being prepared.

      During a recording session, Sam and Josh discovered a bucket of emergency food supplies from sponsor Patriot Supply, leading to an unexpected conversation about traditions, faith, and the value of preparedness. Sam shared his newfound appreciation for the Hebrew language and Jewish traditions, while Josh presented a GoodRx coupon instead of the expected emergency food kit. Despite the misunderstanding, Patriot Supply was praised for their generosity and the value of their emergency food kits. The conversation also touched on the importance of being prepared for various situations, whether natural disasters or unexpected events.

    • Ongoing controversy over illegal immigration in the USPresident Trump criticized illegal immigrants for 'poisoning' the country, while a viral video showed migrants using premium seats on a Delta flight. Some argue for prioritizing resources, others for compassion in addressing this complex issue.

      There is ongoing controversy surrounding illegal immigration in the United States, with some people expressing concerns about the resources being used to transport and house migrants, while others emphasize the humanity of those seeking asylum or better opportunities. During a rally, President Trump spoke about illegal immigrants "poisoning" the country and causing crime and terrorism, while a viral video showed a packed Delta flight from Phoenix to New York City with migrants reportedly using premium seats paid for by taxpayers. Some argue that these individuals are taking advantage of the asylum system for economic reasons, rather than facing genuine persecution. The debate continues on how to address this complex issue, with differing opinions on prioritizing resources and maintaining compassion.

    • U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis: Unprecedented Influx of Illegal ImmigrantsThe U.S.-Mexico border is experiencing an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants, straining resources and infrastructure, with an estimated 40% not attending court and record-breaking crossings.

      The current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is causing significant concerns due to the large number of illegal immigrants entering the country, many of whom are not attending their court dates or even seeking asylum. The Biden administration's policies have led to an unprecedented influx, with over 200,000 paroled in and a record-breaking 12,600 crossings in one day. This not only puts a strain on resources and infrastructure, but it also affects the entire country as goods from Mexico take longer to reach their destinations due to rail closures. It's important to address this issue and ensure that those who truly need asylum are given the opportunity, while also maintaining border security. The numbers speak for themselves, with an estimated 40% of asylum seekers not attending their court dates and a massive increase in crossings. It's crucial to have an informed and balanced conversation on this topic, rather than being shamed into feeling racist or being taken off course by false arguments.

    • Immigration and Social Safety Nets: Fairness and ResponsibilityConcerns about providing social benefits to immigrants and open borders can stem from differing perspectives on fairness and responsibility, leading to nuanced discussions on immigration policy and social safety nets in a diverse society.

      The ongoing debate around immigration and social safety nets often boils down to differing perspectives on fairness and responsibility. Some argue that providing social benefits to immigrants undermines the hard work and contributions of taxpayers, while others see it as a matter of social justice and human rights. The speaker in this conversation expresses concern that an increase in social benefits and open borders could lead to a replacement of taxpaying citizens with individuals who come to the country seeking free benefits, potentially influencing elections. This perspective, referred to as the "replacement theory," is not inherently racist, but it has been co-opted by some white supremacist groups. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of thoughtful and nuanced discussions around immigration policy and the role of social safety nets in a diverse and complex society.

    • Brian Rose defends Alex Jones' right to free speechDespite past mistakes, Jones maintains his right to speak freely and has a high accuracy record, emphasizing truth even when unpopular.

      During a discussion on his show, Brian Rose interviewed Alex Jones and defended him against accusations from the past. Jones acknowledged past mistakes but maintained his right to free speech. Steven Crowder, a previous guest on the show, was misunderstood when he said Jones was wrong, and Jones had actually apologized for his past beliefs. Jones and Rose discussed various controversial topics, including Sandy Hook, Jussie Smollett, and Iraq, where Jones' past positions were proven correct. Jones also acknowledged past mistakes, but emphasized his high batting average in accuracy and his commitment to being truthful, even when unpopular. The conversation underscored the importance of free speech and the complexity of addressing past mistakes while maintaining credibility.

    • Allowing people to be wrong fosters creativity and progressSuppressing free speech and inability to admit mistakes can lead to stagnation and subpar goods or ideas, emphasizing the importance of the First Amendment and open dialogue

      Society needs to allow people to be wrong and engage in open dialogue without fear of severe consequences, as this fosters creativity, innovation, and progress. The suppression of free speech and the inability to admit mistakes can lead to stagnation and the production of subpar goods or ideas, as seen in countries with strict censorship. The importance of the First Amendment and the freedom of speech should not be underestimated, as it is the foundation for intellectual growth and progress. The current trend towards censorship and algorithmic control on social media is a cause for concern, and individuals should consider taking control of their digital presence to ensure they are using these tools as intended.

    • The role of technology in shaping public discourseAI and social media platforms can shape information consumption, but their impact is determined by human programming and use. It's crucial to use these tools responsibly and recognize the importance of free speech platforms.

      The role of technology, particularly AI and social media platforms, in shaping information consumption and public discourse is a significant concern. Last week, it was discussed how the introduction of AI in sports commentary led to a halt in arguments due to the perception that machines are inherently superior. However, this is a misconception, as AI is merely a tool, and its programming is determined by humans. Elon Musk and Twitter are currently under scrutiny by the EU for allowing misinformation, specifically regarding the effectiveness of COVID vaccines. This raises questions about the need to support platforms that prioritize free speech and open discourse, such as Rumble, which have faced similar censorship issues in the past. The shift towards algorithmic content curation in media consumption has made it easier for groups to manipulate public opinion, and this censorship extends beyond political views to various forms of information. It's crucial to recognize the importance of these platforms as tools and to use them responsibly. Alex Jones can be found streaming live on madmaxworld.tv and appearing on Mug Club on Fridays.

    • Emphasizing Alternative Platforms and Open DiscussionsAlex Jones encourages using alternative platforms for content sharing and values open discussions with critics, even suggesting a gun range outing.

      During the discussion, Alex Jones emphasized the importance of using alternative platforms like Rumble and Infowars to share content, as traditional media outlets may censor certain views. He also mentioned his desire for open discussions with critics like Piers Morgan, even suggesting a potential gun range outing. The hosts also encouraged listeners to focus on their families and personal growth during the holiday season and beyond, as media consumption can often contribute to chronic stress. Additionally, they shared a humorous anecdote about a misunderstanding involving a character from the film "It's a Wonderful Life."

    • Warning against operating on a toxic bodyExercise caution before operating on a body believed to be toxic, as serious consequences could result.

      The speaker is warning against performing a surgery on a body that they believe is poisonous. The speaker's tone is urgent and insistent, and they implore the listener not to go ahead with the procedure. The reason given for this warning is that the body in question is toxic. The speaker's language is repetitive, with the phrase "it's poison" being repeated several times. It's clear that the speaker holds strong beliefs about the danger posed by this body, and they are trying to convey this sense of urgency to the listener. It's unclear from the text why the speaker believes the body is poisonous, but their tone leaves no room for doubt about the seriousness of the situation. Overall, the takeaway is that caution and careful consideration should be exercised before undertaking any medical procedure, especially when there are concerns about the safety or toxicity of the body involved.

    Recent Episodes from Louder with Crowder

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    Introducing: 3 in 3

    This show is three key facts in three minutes on the topics that you care about most, whether it's abortion, the Second Amendment, immigration, gun crime, the Constitution, the American Revolution, three key irrefutable facts, that you need to start with in three minutes or less.

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024



    Are you ready for the debate of the century? The Rumble on Rumble? The fight for the future of America as we know it? Have you decided already? President Donald Trump versus Former Vice President Joe Biden. Have you decided whether or not your children might get married and raise families of their own one day in safe communities, held together by strong morals and appreciation for American greatness, or will they burn their cities down in a rage that can only be induced by mutilating your genitals? Will Joe Biden fall to the floor or will he merely leer off into the distance as he quietly soils himself on national television? Let’s see what’s in store TONIGHT!

    GUESTS: Nick Di Paolo | Alex Jones

    Use Promo Code TRUMP24 for $24 Off MugClub! https://mugclub.rumble.com/support/promo/TRUMP24

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/crowder-2024-debate-livestream-1

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024

    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

    Gearing up for tomorrow night’s mega live stream, we’ve got President Donald Trump’s top three keys to victory in tomorrow night’s debate with Former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt joins the show, Generation Z’s polite euphemism for being late, it’s time to close for Congress-obstructing fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman, fake conservative Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden, and more!

    Tune in to our Debate Mega Livestream Tomorrow Night at 9PM ET

    Veteran-owned WATCHTOWER equips the next generation of warriors to defend our way of life anywhere. Use Promo Code: MUGCLUB to receive $100 off the Mug Club rifle, 10% off accessories &free shipping at www.Watchtowerfirearms.com/CROWDER

    GUESTS: Karoline Leavitt | Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 26, 2024

    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

    Julian Assange is a free man after agreeing to a plea deal with the United States Justice Department, the World Economic Forum wants you in filthy clothes, in an unsurprisingly daft move, CNN threatened to hit YouTubers with copyright strikes if they live stream Thursday’s Presidential debate under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and more!

    GUEST: Tim Pool | Josh Firestine

    Tax Network USA’s tax specialists have settled over $500 million in tax debts to the IRS and state taxing authorities. Call 1 (800) 245-6000 or visit tnusa.com/crowder

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 25, 2024

    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

    An exclusive report from Catherine Herridge, Taylor Swift sang “f*ck the patriarchy” in a monarchy over the weekend, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman attended a racially charged rally in the Bronx, CNN's fact check of Trump's Wisconsin rally speech found 30 false statements & we are fact-checking all of them, and so much more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    One of the leading firearm manufacturers in the world for 135 years. Go to www.WaltherArms.com to try the Walther.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder

    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 24, 2024

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    Today, we culturally appropriate Native American Indians, because to appropriate is to appreciate! This marks the second installment of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation Month celebration! In the news, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a land return to the Shasta Tribe in an episode of virtue signaling, Louisiana is officially the first American state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public classrooms, Jon Stewart is wrong on guns, NYC State of Crime, and so much more!

    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-20

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 20, 2024

    EXCLUSIVE: Murderer Groomed High School Girl into Sex in Jail; Massive Cover-Up

    EXCLUSIVE: Murderer Groomed High School Girl into Sex in Jail; Massive Cover-Up

    A Mug Club viewer like you came to Mug Club Undercover with a tip regarding an incident and an apparent subsequent cover-up involving the coercion and abuse of a minor intern at a county jail housing federal inmates for U.S. Marshals in Ohio. As our journalists pulled the thread, we found it nearly impossible to get answers over the phone, so we sent boots on the ground to ask face-to-face. We obtained exclusive access to and are publishing today materials corroborating this shocking case!

    GUEST: Breanna Morello

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder

    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 19, 2024

    Magical Mystery Faith Healing with Tumor Toucher Cori Bush

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    Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has introduced the term “Cheapfake” into the public lexicon to distance the administration from the latest Biden gaffe, Former President Joe Biden is exploiting Donald Trump’s political conviction with a new ad blitz, Cori Bush, Congresswoman and Squad member, alleges she can cure cancer by touching tumors, California crime is so bad they can’t even conduct basic road repairs as criminals are gutting copper and metal and running street takeover side shows, and more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    CBDistillery’s targeted formulations are made from the highest quality CLEAN ingredients. No fluff, no fillers - just pure, effective CBD solutions designed to help support your health. Go to CBDistillery.com and use code CROWDER for 20% off and a 100% money back guarantee.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 18, 2024

    Here's How Google Is Going to Steal the Election Again | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein

    Here's How Google Is Going to Steal the Election Again | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein

    Dr. Robert Epstein joins the show today to share findings from his study pertaining to how exactly Google can rig and change the results of an election, at a star-studded Los Angeles fundraiser for the Biden campaign this weekend, Jack Black’s cringe endorsement stole the show, more proof Chuck Schumer is a fake person, we’ve prepared a series of disturbing facts to support our contention that mass migration across the Western world is immoral as Former Vice President Joe Biden announces a massive amnesty program for hundreds of thousands of illegals, and so much more!

    GUEST: Dr. Robert Epstein | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 17, 2024

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

    Folks, today marks the start of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation month celebration. We all know appropriation is appreciation and today we are appreciating Iran! In the news, young Iranians are protesting their nation’s strict religious laws through a phenomenon called “turban knocking,” space lesbian witches are somehow getting pregnant and destroying Star Wars, a string of attacks on American fast food restaurants in Iran has got us wondering who could be responsible, after the shocking helicopter crash death of Iran’s President, Ibrahim Raisi, Iran will hold a free and fair election to replace him, we’re going to be straddling the borderline today, so buckle up and come to Rumble and Mug Club if you want to the show today because YouTube definitely ain’t okay with what’s happening today!

    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

    Visit http://PrepWithCrowder.com for My Patriot Supply emergency food kits, and $50 Off the Grid Doctor Solar Generator System

    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 13, 2024

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    About the host:

    Olga is a Life Strategist and CEO of O.S. Communications, LLC. Founder of The Charge Station™Networking Events. Olga shares her insights and unique views about life topics, current events, and cultural trends.

    Olga is passionate about happiness and empowering the next generation of leaders by sharing thought-provoking perspectives on life and disrupting the traditional approach to happiness. https://www.olgasperez.com

    Business inquiries: info@olgasperez.com

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    Destroying Society: Why Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far... | Konstantin Kisin Pt 1

    Destroying Society: Why Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far... | Konstantin Kisin Pt 1
    You should be aware of social inequalities that perpetuate injustice, but where does awareness cross the line and potentially become harmful to you and the society you’re part of? Konstantin Kisin is a comedian, social commentator and podcast host of the show TRIGGERnometry which celebrates freedom of speech. He’s had guest on such as Bill Maher and Ben Shapiro while tackling the harder conversations around woke culture, war, and highly sensitive politics most people avoid.  Konstantin has been named Jewish comedian of the year and has played at some of the UK’s biggest comedy clubs. In this two part episode Konstantin is discussing woke culture, the idea that victimhood sells and is therefore incentivized to younger people. Tom and Konstantin explore the Western culture values that should be preserved and the danger of a toxic culture that rather complain about injustices that actually go to work on finding real solutions and fixing problems/ The idea of trading things that work for ideas that merely sound good is discussed quite a bit and it’s influenced by Thomas Sowell’s quote from his book Is Reality Optional, “much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.” Follow Konstantin Kisin: Website: http://konstantinkisin.com/  Twitter: https://twitter.com/KonstantinKisin  Podcast: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/konstantinkisin/  SPONSORS: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://bit.ly/BetterhelpImpact and get on your way to being your best self. Head over to https://bit.ly/AnthrosImpact and get $200 off the office chair that promises to be the world's most comfortable sitting experience. Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://bit.ly/AG1Impact. No interest, no payments - take advantage of this special financing offer at https://bit.ly/NetsuiteImpact to get the visibility and control you need to weather any storm. Sign up today at https://bit.ly/ButcherBoxImpact and use code IMPACT to get a FREE TURKEY ​plus $20 off your first order.​ Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact? If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. Subscription Benefits: Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more New episodes delivered ad-free Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement Money Mindset: Business & Finance Relationship Theory: Relationships Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices