
    Ep. 86 How To Change Your Relationship With Your Finances Forever With Vivian Tu

    enMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Power of LinkedIn and Financial EducationLinkedIn is a crucial platform for businesses to find top talent, with over 70% of users not visiting other job sites. Financial education is essential, and normalizing conversations around money can lead to personal growth and success.

      LinkedIn is a valuable resource for hiring professionals, especially those who aren't actively looking for new jobs. Sandra, the speaker, shares her personal experience of being a highly qualified professional who wasn't found through traditional job search methods. She emphasizes that over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites, making it an essential platform for businesses looking to find top talent. Additionally, Vivienne, the podcast guest, discusses the importance of normalizing conversations around money and financial education. She shares her inspiring journey from facing discrimination in the finance industry to becoming a financial educator with over 6 million followers. Both Sandra and Vivienne's stories highlight the importance of expanding our networks and seeking knowledge in areas that may not be openly discussed.

    • Workplace Discrimination's Impact on Career GrowthDespite dedication, women and minorities face disrespect and derogatory comments, hindering career growth and mental well-being. Stand up for oneself, seek support, and advocate for a more inclusive work environment.

      Workplace discrimination, particularly towards women and minorities, still exists in various forms, and it can significantly impact one's career growth. The speaker's experience on Wall Street serves as a stark reminder of this unfortunate reality. Despite her hard work and dedication, she faced constant disrespect and derogatory comments based on her gender and ethnicity. This not only hindered her professional growth but also affected her mental well-being. However, she had the courage to leave the toxic work environment and start anew in the tech media world. Her experience taught her the importance of standing up for oneself and seeking support from mentors and allies. It also highlighted the need for greater awareness and action against workplace discrimination to create a more inclusive and equitable work environment for all.

    • Personal experiences of isolation and undervaluation in the workplace due to lack of representation and supportCreating a culture of inclusion and support is crucial for all employees to feel valued and thrive in their roles

      While progress has been made in hiring more diverse talent in the workplace, there is still a long way to go in fostering and supporting that talent. The speaker shared her personal experience of feeling isolated and undervalued in her previous job due to a lack of representation and support. She also highlighted the importance of considering the commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive work environment beyond just hiring diverse candidates. The speaker's decision to leave her job was not an easy one, as she felt pressure to prove herself and live up to societal expectations. However, she ultimately realized that her mental and emotional well-being were more important than proving herself to others. The lack of representation and support can lead to a toxic work environment, where individuals feel threatened and lash out at those who challenge the status quo. It is crucial for organizations to prioritize creating a culture of inclusion and support to ensure that all employees feel valued and can thrive in their roles.

    • Challenges for Women on Wall Street and Misconceptions About WealthDespite high salaries, Wall Street's culture and high living costs make effective money management and work-life balance crucial skills for women in finance.

      The culture of Wall Street can be exclusive and challenging for women, leading to a lack of diversity and inclusion. This was highlighted in the conversation about a team where all members were men, spending long hours socializing after work. Disrupting this culture without a larger cultural shift is difficult. Another misconception about Wall Street is that everyone is rich and good with their money. However, many people struggle with high living costs and managing their finances despite their high salaries. Additionally, the convenience of living and working in the city can lead to expensive habits like ordering food delivery or hiring help for chores. These challenges, along with the pressure to perform and the long hours, make effective money management and work-life balance essential skills for those working on Wall Street.

    • Unexpected success through personal goals and work ethicAdapting to new opportunities and having a self-starter attitude can lead to unexpected success in the digital world.

      Prioritizing personal goals and work ethic can lead to unexpected success, even if it goes against traditional expectations or family values. The speaker's experience of having a viral video on TikTok despite not intending to be an influencer showcases this idea. However, navigating the business side of content creation was a challenge, leading the speaker to learn how to price their work and negotiate deals effectively. This experience ultimately shaped the speaker's self-starter attitude and career in content creation. Another key takeaway is the importance of adapting to new opportunities and being open to change. The speaker's initial reaction to going viral was fear and uncertainty, but they eventually learned to navigate the new situation and turn it into a successful career. This flexibility and willingness to adapt is crucial in today's rapidly changing digital world.

    • Balancing work and passion projectsCarefully consider and plan before quitting your job to focus on a passion project. Save enough money first and use social media as a tool for success.

      Finding the right balance between work and passion projects requires careful consideration and planning. The speaker shares her experience of undercharging for her social media content due to fear of rejection, but eventually learned to negotiate and price herself appropriately based on her following and engagement. However, she was hesitant to take her side hustle full-time due to the financial security and success she had in her full-time job. It wasn't until she had saved enough money that she was able to quit and focus on her passion project full-time. It's important to remember that taking the leap isn't always necessary, and careful planning and saving can help make the transition smoother. Additionally, the democratization of social media means that almost anyone can get into it, but success comes from using it as a tool and putting in the effort.

    • Considering the Risks Before Starting a BusinessStarting a business involves potential risks, and it's crucial to have a financial safety net and a backup plan. Be realistic about the potential outcomes and consider the risks carefully before making a decision.

      Taking a leap into entrepreneurship or starting a new venture should be done with careful consideration and planning. It's important to have a financial safety net in place and to understand the potential risks involved. Entrepreneurship may be glamorized in headlines, but the reality is that many small businesses fail. It's crucial to have a backup plan and to calculate the risks before making a move. The decision to quit a stable job and start a business is not one to be taken lightly, and it's essential to have enough savings to fall back on if things don't go as planned. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being realistic about the risks and the potential outcomes, and encourages people to consider their options carefully before making a decision. It's not just about the potential rewards, but also about being prepared for the potential challenges.

    • Follow the 'Strip' process for financial successSave for emergencies, pay off debt, focus on retirement, invest wisely, and calculate your 'FU number' for a financially stable future

      Achieving financial stability and wealth involves a systematic approach. The acronym "Strip" provides a simple process for managing your finances. Start by saving a sufficient amount for emergencies in a high-yield savings account. Next, tackle your total debt by paying off high-interest debts first. Then, focus on retirement savings, utilizing tax benefits and investment opportunities. Invest your money wisely, either through index funds, target date retirement funds, or robo advisors. Lastly, always remember to plan for your future by calculating your "FU number," which represents the amount of money needed to live your ideal life for a year, and dividing it by 0.04. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to financial success.

    • The Importance of Financial Literacy for WomenWomen are better savers, debt payers, and investors than men, but financial literacy is crucial for building wealth and securing a fulfilling life, as the American Dream no longer guarantees financial security. Debunking harmful stereotypes about women and money is also important.

      Financial literacy is crucial for building a secure and fulfilling life, despite the complexity that often comes with managing money. Women, in particular, have been historically underestimated in their financial capabilities, but statistics show that they are better savers, debt payers, and investors than men. However, the American Dream of working hard, getting a good job, and buying a house no longer guarantees financial security. Instead, investing is necessary to build wealth, and financial literacy is essential to achieve this goal. The myths and stereotypes about women and money are also harmful and unfounded. Overall, financial literacy is the key to creating a life that you're proud of and feeling secure in, regardless of societal expectations or outdated beliefs.

    • Redefining the American DreamLearn, grow, and communicate in career and relationships for a personalized definition of happiness and success

      The traditional American dream may no longer apply to everyone, and it's essential to define personal happiness and success on one's own terms. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and growing in one's career, even if it means taking steps back financially. Additionally, they stress the significance of open communication about finances in romantic relationships. The speaker encourages young people to embrace the non-linear nature of career and financial growth, and not be afraid of starting over if necessary. Ultimately, it's crucial to understand that everyone's version of a happily ever after looks different, and it's essential to prioritize learning, growth, and communication in all aspects of life.

    • Open communication about money is essential in relationshipsRegularly discuss finances, understand values and goals, and ensure financial equality and independence to prevent conflicts and promote healthy relationships.

      Open and frequent communication about money is crucial in any relationship, from the first date to marriage. Starting with understanding each other's values and goals, discussing how to split expenses, and having regular financial check-ins can prevent potential conflicts and misalignments. The current Tradewife movement, which involves women prioritizing their husbands' needs over their own financial independence, is a harmful step backwards for feminism and should be approached with caution. Instead, it's essential to have the freedom to choose between staying at home or pursuing a career, ensuring financial equality and independence in the relationship.

    • Maintaining Financial Independence in RelationshipsWomen should keep control of their finances, have open money conversations, use a 'yours, mine, and ours' system, consider a prenup, and ensure financial independence for a balanced partnership.

      Financial independence is crucial in a relationship. Women, in particular, should not relinquish control over their money to their partners. Instead, they should maintain their own financial agency and have open dialogues about money. A "yours, mine, and ours" system can be beneficial, ensuring each partner has control over their own funds. The historical lack of financial autonomy for women is no excuse for continuing this trend. Having a prenup, an agreement outlining financial matters in case of marriage dissolution, is also essential. The speaker's personal experience shows that having a prenup can lead to fair and equitable division of assets. Overall, financial independence is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced partnership.

    • Understanding the importance of a prenup and work-life balanceGetting a prenup is a smart financial decision that can help avoid costly court battles. Work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being and success. Focus on earning more money through raises, better jobs, or upskilling for greater financial success.

      While getting a prenup may seem unromantic or even scary, it's actually a smart financial decision. A prenup is a legal contract that outlines how assets and finances will be divided in case of a divorce. It can help avoid lengthy and costly court battles, and it's especially important for business owners or those with significant assets. However, it's essential to note that the rules regarding prenups can vary from country to country. Another key takeaway is the importance of finding a work-life balance. While it's important to work hard and strive for success, it's equally important to make time for relaxation and enjoyment. This balance can be challenging to achieve, especially during busy periods or when traveling for work. Lastly, the best advice received was to focus on earning more money instead of scrimping and saving. While cutting expenses can help save money, it's often much easier to ask for a raise or find a job that pays more. Additionally, investing in upskilling and demanding your worth can lead to greater financial success in the long run. And, as a reminder, never get Botox from Groupon!

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    The Psychology Of Your 20s: https://www.psychologyofyour20s.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatpsychologypodcast/?hl=en

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/jemmasbeg/?hl=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Girls That Invest: https://girlsthatinvest.com/

    GTI Podcast: https://girlsthatinvest.com/pages/podcast



    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/



    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=...


    Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent Girls That Invest, however, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Girls That Invests Masterclass is for educational purposes only. Girls That Invest does not provide personalised investing advice for your individual needs. We Are not Financial Advisors. The advice from Girls That Invest exists for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. Advice from Girls That Invest is general in nature and does not consider individual circumstances. Always do your research and please use your due diligence.

    Grace mentions Shopify in this episode. Grace has worked with Shopify in the past but this episode is in no way sponsored by Shopify.


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    SLA: https://www.slathelabel.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahhashcroft/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Trinny London: https://trinnylondon.com/uk/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trinnywoodall/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Website: https://www.marieforleo.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marieforleo/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuoxrRDDgk3UUnxR4tlkJYQ


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timmchiusano/?hl=en

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@timmchiusano?lang=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Whoop: https://www.whoop.com/us/en

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/willahmed/?hl=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    Download Revolut for free and get £20 when you use your card! www.revolut.com/grace

    Cashback subject to availability. Max £200 cashback per month. T&Cs apply. £20 Reward only available until 30th April 2024 and other T&Cs apply.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robinsharma/

    The Wealth Money Can't Buy: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-wealth-money-cant-buy/robin-sharma/9781846048296

    The 5am Club: https://www.amazon.co.uk/5-AM-Club-Robin-Sharma/dp/0008312834


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 86 How To Change Your Relationship With Your Finances Forever With Vivian Tu

    Ep. 86 How To Change Your Relationship With Your Finances Forever With Vivian Tu

    Vivian Tu wants to change our relationship with finances forever, and her story is incredible. Vivian is a first-generation Asian American, who grafted her way to Wall Street, facing misogyny and racism on her way. She spent years on the trading floors, making the kind of money she always dreamed of, in an environment where she was one of only two women on her team. When she left finance & moved into a strategy role, she noticed she was always the go-to person for money-making questions, tax returns, investing, pensions. Becoming increasingly worried by the amount of dodgy information regarding finance online, she started making her own educational content under the handle ‘Your Rich BFF’. Now, she has over 6 million followers and a best-selling book to her name. She says her aim is to teach everyone the “lessons that rich dads have been teaching their rich sons on the golf course." I can’t wait to speak to Vivian about her story. 



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your.richbff/?hl=en

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yourrichbff

    Vivian's book Rich AF: https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/456914/rich-af-by-tu-vivian/9780241644959


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    Download Revolut for free and get £20 when you use your card! www.revolut.com/grace

    Cashback subject to availability. Max £200 cashback per month. T&Cs apply. £20 Reward only available until 30th April 2024 and other T&Cs apply.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 85 The Habit Theory That Changed My Life, Explained

    Ep. 85 The Habit Theory That Changed My Life, Explained

    When I started the podcast I wanted it to be all about life improvement from every angle, not just the ones we're all taught about.

    We've put so much effort into improving the guest episodes this year, but if I'm totally honest I felt the solo episodes needed re-vamping to make them the most useful resource possible. I LOVE explainer podcasts on everything from history to celebrity scandals. So we're trialling a new 15-minute explainer format. I’ve given myself an excuse to spend hours researching the topics I wish I knew more about so you don’t need to read a whole book to understand something important.

    So I've started with one of the most important things I've researched over the last few years: habit theory and why everyone on Instagram says it changed their life (including me).

    The episode is only 15 minutes long, so perfect for your morning hot girl walk! Let me know what you think!



    I owe a huge amount to the following habit theory researchers who make up the reading list below and whose work I researched for this episode!


    Download Revolut for free and get £20 when you use your card! www.revolut.com/grace

    Cashback subject to availability. Max £200 cashback per month. T&Cs apply. £20 Reward only available until 30th April 2024 and other T&Cs apply.



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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearetala/?...

    Need help? hello@wearetala.com


    Website: https://shreddy.com

    Need help? Support.shreddy.com


    Website: https://productivitymethod.com/

    Need help? https://theproductivitymethod.zendesk...


    THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD, SHREDDY and TALA are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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