
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Complexities of the Spiritual WorldThe spiritual world is more complex and diverse than commonly perceived, filled with various intelligent beings beyond angels and demons, requiring open-mindedness and continued exploration.

      The spiritual world, as experienced by someone with the ability to see it like Micah Turnbow, is a complex and diverse realm filled with various intelligent beings beyond just angels and demons. This revelation challenges common perceptions and opens up new possibilities for understanding the supernatural and its connection to our physical world. The discussion also highlights the importance of open-mindedness and continued exploration in the face of skepticism and uncertainty. Additionally, the podcast's host shares a personal update about the importance of community and support during challenging times.

    • A seer's encounters with diverse spiritual beingsThe spiritual world is filled with various intelligent beings beyond angels and demons, as shared by a seer's experiences.

      The hosts of Glory Creatures, a podcast that explores various topics through a biblical lens, were excited to have a guest who could provide insights on the existence of creatures like Bigfoot. The guest, a self-proclaimed seer, shared his experiences of encountering strange beings in the spiritual world, which expanded his parents' understanding of the supernatural realm. He emphasized that the spirit world is full of diverse intelligent beings, not just angels and demons. The guest also shared that he had always seen these beings as part of normal life until he realized that his experiences were unique. His encounters were not frightening, but rather a gift that set him apart. The hosts were intrigued by the guest's perspective and appreciated his unique insights.

    • Micah's account of the interconnectedness of the spiritual and physical realmsMicah shares his personal experience of seeing into the spiritual realm, where demons and angels exist and engage in battles, emphasizing the power and interconnectedness of both realms.

      The spiritual world and the physical world are not as distinct as we may perceive them. According to Micah, both realms are solid and exist simultaneously. Micah shares his personal experience of having the gift to see into the spiritual realm, but he had to learn to manage the physical limitations of his body to handle the intense encounters. He describes demons as real entities that are afraid of the name of Jesus and can be cast out with authority. Micah emphasizes the power of the spiritual realm, where angels engage in intense battles to protect us. He also highlights the unique perspective of spiritual beings, who view our physical world as just another physical place, not as a spiritual one. Overall, Micah's account offers a fascinating insight into the interconnectedness of the spiritual and physical realms and the power dynamics that exist within them.

    • Encounters with Intelligent Beings: Angels and DemonsAngels and demons, believed to be intelligent beings, can take various forms and possess unique abilities. They communicate with humans and protect them from harm.

      There exist intelligent beings, such as angels and demons, that sometimes appear in our realm, although their true existence may be elsewhere. These beings can take various forms, some massive and some small, and possess unique abilities. For instance, warrior angels can have bodies made of sharp objects, enabling them to literally slice demonic beings. Angels can communicate with humans through mental conversation or vocal interaction. One common role of angels is to protect humans, particularly children, from demonic entities. Despite the blurry nature of these encounters, the speakers' experiences highlight the belief in the existence of these supernatural beings.

    • Encountering Angels: A Gift of Spiritual PerceptionBelief in encountering angels as a reminder of Jesus' presence and power in the spiritual realm, providing encouragement and protection

      Some individuals have the ability to see angels in various forms and appearances, which can include warriors, messengers, beings made of elements like water or fire, and even ships. These angels have distinct personalities and interact with the individual, providing encouragement and protection. The reason for this gift is to remind us that there is more to the world than what we see, and that Jesus' presence and power are always around us, activating things in the spiritual realm. This belief is based on the idea that Jesus lives within us and his presence is constantly at work, even if it's not always visible to the naked eye. The individual in the discussion shares their personal experiences of encountering these angels and how they have interacted with them.

    • Connecting with Angels through PrayerAngels are companions who listen for God's voice and act on our behalf when we pray. They protect and guide us in our daily lives and can be witnessed in our physical world.

      When we pray, we are connected to the holy spirit and Jesus, and our prayers can release angels to act on God's behalf. These angels can be thought of as companions who help us in our daily lives and protect us from harm. They are always listening for the voice of God and will act accordingly. The number of angels around us is vast, with some even functioning in the new earth that the Lord will make. Our lives are constantly interacting with the angelic realm, and we may even witness their intervention in our physical world. For example, an angel may save us from harm or prevent an accident. These experiences can be life-changing, and it's important to remember that we are not alone in our spiritual journey. Our prayers and faith can call upon the power of angels to protect and guide us.

    • Angels' dependence on God's love and healingAngels, like humans, need God's love and healing, and work alongside us to bring God's kingdom and glorify Jesus.

      Angels, though spiritual beings, are not invincible and require God's love and healing just as humans do. The speaker shared an experience of witnessing an angel near death and Jesus healing it, demonstrating Jesus' compassion and care for all of His creations. Angels have tasks given by God and work alongside humans to release the kingdom of God and glorify Jesus. Though details about their eating habits are unclear, they consume some form of spiritual nourishment. The speaker's unique encounters with angels highlight their relatability and the importance of recognizing God's love and plan for all beings, including angels.

    • The spiritual battle between angels and demonsDemons, once solid beings, now inhabit humans and attack us as image bearers of God, while Satan leads this spiritual war through his demonic army

      The world we live in is not just physical, but spiritual as well. Angels and demons, good and evil, exist in this spiritual realm, and we are caught in the middle of this ongoing battle. Demons, the spirits of the Nephilim, once had solid forms but were cast out and now inhabit human bodies out of shame and a desire to represent something again. They attack humans, who are the most unique and important creations, as they are the image bearers of God. Satan, who knew the importance of humans, gained an army of demons by appealing to the rejected spirits of the Nephilim, leading to the spiritual war that continues to this day.

    • Ancient World Populated by Demons: Giants and Fallen AngelsAncient mythology depicted a world inhabited by demons, including giants and fallen angels, leading to chaos and violence.

      The ancient world was populated by various supernatural beings, including demons, who were the result of spiritual beings mingling their blood with other creatures. These beings could take on different forms, from humanoid to animalistic, and some were massive in size. The Nephilim, a type of giant demon, were so large that they required vast amounts of food to survive, leading to cannibalism and chaos on Earth. The existence of these beings was a major reason why the world was filled with violence and bloodshed, and their spirits are still present in the world today, often taking the form of demons. The fallen angels, who numbered more than just the 200 watchers, are also present in the world and can be more recognizable than typical demons. These beings played a significant role in shaping the ancient world and continue to influence our understanding of the supernatural today.

    • The Fall of Lucifer: A Tragic Event Causing a Fracture Among AngelsLucifer's jealousy led to a rebellion, causing a war in heaven, but God and Jesus ministered to the injured angels, demonstrating their healing power and love.

      The fall of Lucifer, or the morning star, was a tragic event that resulted in a fracture within the angelic family. Lucifer, who was the only angel allowed to walk inside God's heart, became jealous of the upcoming creation of humans and questioned his value to God, leading to a rebellion and a war in heaven. Angels, who were once close to each other, had to fight against their own kind, causing immense sadness and heartbreak. After the fall, Jesus and the Father ministered to the injured angels, demonstrating their desire to help and heal, as they had experienced the pain of family conflict firsthand. Angels have gender, and this misconception stems from the assumption that spirits don't have genders based on Hebrews 1:14. However, God himself is a man, and angels, as created beings, possess both male and female qualities.

    • Spiritual nature of cryptids and their abilitiesCryptids are spiritual beings with genders and reproductive abilities, possessing unusual abilities and existing in a different dimension. Encounters with them will increase, requiring humans to deepen spiritual understanding and relationship with God.

      Spiritual beings, including cryptids, have a gender and the ability to reproduce, suggesting a level of understanding and evolution among them. These beings, such as Bigfoot or other modern-day cryptids, may possess unusual abilities and exist in a different dimension with distinct laws and sciences. As the veil between our world and the spiritual realm becomes thinner, encounters with these creatures will become more common, potentially overwhelming those unprepared. As humans, we are meant to lead the spiritual realm and should deepen our understanding of the scriptures and our relationship with God to prepare for these encounters. The exploration of cryptids and their possible spiritual nature is an important part of understanding the created order and our place within it.

    • Biblical descriptions of spiritual experiencesBiblical texts provide vivid descriptions of encounters with the divine, using imagery of massive, noisy creatures and fiery beings to convey the awe-inspiring nature of these experiences.

      The biblical descriptions of spiritual experiences, as found in texts like Ezekiel and Isaiah, are not merely figments of the prophets' imaginations, but rather attempts to describe real and awe-inspiring encounters with the divine. These descriptions include elements like massive, noisy creatures with multiple faces and wings, and fiery beings filled with smoke. In some cases, like with Ezekiel's cherubim and Isaiah's Seraphim, these descriptions align with what we might expect from literal interpretations. However, in other cases, like in Revelation, the descriptions may be more symbolic or metaphorical in nature. Ultimately, these descriptions serve to give us glimpses into the otherworldly realm of the divine, and remind us of the power and holiness of God.

    • Encountering the divine presence in heavenThrough seeking understanding, we can regain our identity as God's children and perceive spiritual entities, impacting the spiritual realm and influencing entities in different regions

      The speaker describes a vivid experience of encountering the divine presence of God in heaven, which is filled with various kinds of holy light and noisy sounds. He suggests that humanity has lost the ability to interact with and see into these spiritual realms due to Satan's influence. However, as we ask questions and seek understanding, we can regain our identity as sons of God and begin to perceive the spiritual entities and their dominion over different regions. These entities, often referred to as gods or princes, have influence over nations and can be encountered when traveling to new places. Our presence can empower them to fight against opposing forces, highlighting the incredible impact we have on the spiritual realm.

    • Spiritual beings witness Christ's crucifixionDuring Christ's crucifixion, demons perished, but other spiritual beings were shocked and couldn't comprehend God becoming a man and dying. Satan attempted to thwart Christ's mission by getting rid of babies, but Christ's goal was redemption and atonement.

      During Christ's crucifixion, the spiritual realm was in turmoil. Every spiritual being, including demons, witnessed the event. Demons, due to the immense power in Christ's blood, perished. However, other spiritual beings, including the council that served the Lord, were shocked and couldn't comprehend God becoming a man and dying. Satan, who knew of the prophecy of Christ's defeat, attempted to thwart it by getting rid of babies during specific historical periods. Christ's mission, however, was not to rule with an iron scepter but to redeem and atone for creation, a secret mission that the enemy would never have allowed if they had known.

    • Witnessing Jesus' divine powerThe speaker shared a personal experience of witnessing Jesus' divine power and discussed the concept of Eden, emphasizing the importance of spiritual connection with God.

      The speaker described an experience of witnessing a powerful and awe-inspiring moment when Jesus confronted demons and displayed his divine power. They also discussed the concept of Eden, a unique place where the spiritual and physical realms intersected, and humans were meant to be intimately connected with God. Some people argue about the shape and composition of the Earth, including the existence of hollow Earth or portals. While these topics are intriguing, the speaker acknowledged that they don't have definitive answers but encouraged further exploration and discussion.

    • Angelic immortality linked to access to the tree of lifeAccess to the tree of life grants eternal life for angels, while those denied face a form of decay and eventual death.

      According to our show's hypotheses and some guest theories, immortality for the angelic race is linked to access to the tree of life. Those who were denied this access are experiencing a form of "slow death" or decay. This concept can be likened to the fountain of youth, where access to the tree grants eternal life. Angels, with their immortality, are blessed and do not decay. However, fallen angels are decaying and dying as they are being removed from their original created order. In the spiritual realm, death is understood differently, as leaving the original function and place. The dead in Christ are currently with the Lord in a spiritual state, but will be raised with new physical bodies when they descend with Jesus. Mythical creatures described in various mythologies are real and their stories serve as preservation of history. The age of the Nephilim, or the golden age, is not definitively known.

    • Nephilim's Long-Term Impact on Human CivilizationThe Nephilim, with their advanced knowledge and abilities, significantly influenced human civilization, possibly shaping structures and cultures for an extended period.

      The Nephilim, beings with supernatural powers, existed on Earth for an extended period, possibly much longer than 7 years, and their presence significantly influenced human civilization. They were given advanced knowledge and abilities, allowing them to build advanced structures and cultures. Some Nephilim may have survived the flood and continue to exist, possibly possessing the ability to move between the physical world and the spiritual realm. During interactions with angels, it's important to remember they have distinct personalities and can exhibit unpredictable behavior, even during seemingly mundane situations.

    • Staying connected to God through Bible study and humilityMaintain a strong spiritual connection with God by studying the Bible and remaining humble to enhance spiritual experiences and encounters, radiating God's presence and displaying vibrant colors during worship.

      Maintaining a strong connection with God through studying the Bible and remaining humble is essential for those who have spiritual experiences or encounters. These experiences do not replace the need for a solid foundation in God's word. Believers are described as children of light, radiating the presence of God and displaying vibrant colors when they worship. The light of their worship is worn by Jesus and showcased among the angelic beings in heaven. Despite potential skepticism or criticism, it is crucial for individuals to find their identity in their relationship with Jesus and trust in His guidance.

    • Exploring the Spiritual Realm with God's WordGod gives us unique gifts, encourages our curiosity, and reveals His glory through dreams, visions, and encounters. Trust in God's truth and understanding, even during testing times.

      God gives us unique gifts to use for His kingdom, but everything we do should be rooted in the word of God. Our questions and curiosity are valuable, as they can lead us to deeper encounters with God and His truth. We may not fully understand the spiritual realm, but we can trust that God wants to reveal His glory to us through dreams, visions, and encounters. To learn more and connect with Micah Turnbull, check out his website, Facebook page, Instagram, and YouTube channel, all under the name "Behold Wonder." Remember, our faith may be tested, but the spiritual world is more real than we realize, and we can continue to seek God's truth and understanding.

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    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    This Incredible Story Is Written By: Luke Reason. Title: Werewolves Of Terror Vale #1-9 The Full Story. Submitted To The DMTForestOfFEAR Email.

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    251 | TERRIFYING Lost in the Woods, Closing Shift, and Cold Winter Night Stories!

    251 | TERRIFYING Lost in the Woods, Closing Shift, and Cold Winter Night Stories!
    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices