
    Podcast Summary

    • Obama's team spying on Trump's team: The real scandalDan Bongino shared plans to reveal new explosive info on Obama's team spying on Trump's team beyond collusion hoax. The Epoch Times to release new piece. Dan promotes Stamps.com for mailing.

      The Dan Bongino Show is focusing on the larger scandal of Obama's team spying on the Trump team, which goes beyond the collusion hoax. The host, Dan Bongino, spoke about this at a recent event where over 2000 people attended, and he plans to share more explosive information, including older pieces by Devin Nunes. Additionally, a new piece by The Epoch Times is expected to shed more light on the situation. Dan also promoted Stamps.com as a convenient and cost-effective way to send mail, offering a special trial offer for listeners. Overall, the show's message is that the real scandal is the use of executive powers for political spying, and Dan is committed to sharing more information on this topic.

    • The government's weaponization during Trump investigationThe FBI's investigation into Trump as a Russian agent raised concerns about the government's use of its powers to spy on political opponents, potentially setting a dangerous precedent.

      The discussion revolves around the significant implications of the government's weaponization during the investigation into President Trump, which was revealed in the New York Times report about the FBI opening a counterintelligence investigation into him. Devin Nunes, a Republican congressman with intimate knowledge of the case, went to the White House in March 2017 to view sensitive documents on a whistleblower's tip. The media misconstrued the visit as coordination with Trump, but Nunes' response to Wolf Blitzer on CNN clarified that the documents concerned potential issues within the White House. This background information is crucial to understanding why the New York Times report, which focused on the FBI's investigation into Trump as a Russian agent, was so alarming. The weaponization of the government to spy on political opponents is a serious concern, and the lack of widespread rebuke from both parties could set a dangerous precedent.

    • Unprecedented spying operation on Trump team during transitionThe House Intelligence Committee discovered the FBI and DOJ inadvertently targeted Trump's team during an unprecedented spying operation, potentially revealing numerous Americans' identities and damaging the Bureau's reputation

      During the presidential transition period in November, December, and January, there was an unprecedented spying operation targeting the Trump team. Devin Nunes, then Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had requested the identities of Americans unmasked during this period from the intelligence agencies. Nunes had already seen these documents and found no evidence of collusion with Russia. The FBI and DOJ's narrative was that they were mistakenly targeting Trump's team, but Nunes' revelation is damaging as it exposes the Bureau's role in a massive spying scandal on political opponents. The documents, which are expected to be released soon, may reveal the identities of numerous Americans whose privacy was violated. The oversight role of the House Intelligence Committee is crucial in protecting the identities of Americans inadvertently caught up in intelligence collection.

    • Obama team's spying on political opponents not about RussiaNew information reveals Obama team's spying on political opponents was a massive operation, not about Russia, and involved FBI leaking info to cover their role. Upcoming releases may provide more details.

      The Obama team's spying on political opponents during the 2016 election transition period was not about Russia, as previously claimed, but a massive operation that has since been exposed. Devin Nunes, a congressman, has already revealed key information about this scandal, which involved the FBI leaking information to the media to cover their role. The upcoming release of unredacted FISA documents, the IG report, and the scope memo are expected to provide more horrifying details about the FBI's actions during this debacle. The scope memo is a critical piece of the puzzle to uncover the truth behind this spying operation.

    • Mueller's investigation expanded in a classified memoMueller's probe may have been expanded to investigate Trump's foreign contacts, possibly linked to a hidden White House spying operation

      The scope of Robert Mueller's investigation, initially focused on Russian interference in the 2016 election, was expanded in a classified memo issued by Rod Rosenstein. This expansion may have included authorization for Mueller to investigate Trump's foreign contacts, which could be deeply troubling if it involved a spying operation within the White House during the transition. The reason for keeping this information hidden could be due to the potential damage it could cause if the debunked dossier was a basis for this new line of investigation. The least likely scenario is that the scope memo contained components of the dossier, but the more concerning possibility is that it granted Mueller the authority to explore Trump's relationships with foreign contacts, potentially related to a previously unknown spying operation.

    • Spying on Trump team during transition, leaking info to mediaObama admin spied on Trump team, leaked info to media, Special Counsel appointed, now trying to cover tracks, laws need enforcement, those responsible should be held accountable, media used to further narrative, not a partisan issue, upholding law, protecting democratic processes

      There was a spying operation conducted against the Trump team during the presidential transition period by the Obama administration. The information obtained was then leaked to the media, which led to the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller to investigate Trump for foreign contacts. People involved in this scandal are now trying to cover their tracks by returning to the Russian collusion narrative. The laws regarding spying and leaking information need to be enforced, and those responsible for these felonies should be held accountable. The use of the media to further the narrative and justify the investigation is a clear conflict of interest. It's important to remember that this is not a partisan issue, but a matter of upholding the law and protecting the integrity of our democratic processes.

    • FBI officials in panic after Trump's firing of ComeyDuring Trump's presidency, some FBI officials believed he was unfit and continued efforts to link him to Russia, even after Comey's firing, revealing their desperation to maintain their narrative.

      During the time of the Trump presidency, there was a widespread belief among high-ranking officials in the FBI that Donald Trump was not fit to be in office. In the aftermath of James Comey's firing, these officials, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, Lisa Page, and Jim Comey himself, were in a state of panic. They had been involved in a spying operation on the Trump campaign, and with their leader gone, they were exposed. In an attempt to justify their actions and continue the narrative of Russian collusion, they tried to reconnect with Christopher Steele, the author of the fake dossier, despite his termination from the FBI and his leaking of information to the press. This desperate move underscores the extent to which these officials were willing to go to maintain their narrative and undermine the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.

    • FBI reached out to Steele's handler to reconnectDesperate FBI contacted Steele's handler to re-establish link, raising questions about investigation tactics

      The FBI, after firing Christopher Steele as a discredited source, reached out to his former handler, Bruce Orr, to ask him to reconnect with Steele in an attempt to gather information on Russia's involvement in the 2016 election. This desperate move, which involved asking Steele for permission from his wife, highlights the bureau's desperation to find evidence to support their Russian narrative, even after Comey's firing. The revelation underscores the questionable tactics used by the FBI during the investigation into Russian interference in the election.

    • UK involvement in post-election Trump investigationThe UK and individuals connected to its intelligence community likely continued investigating President Trump after his election, using unredacted FISA warrants and the Steele dossier, involving people like Christopher Steele, Bruce Orr, and Joe Pianca, and potentially leaving a massive paper trail with serious legal implications.

      The United Kingdom and individuals connected to its intelligence community were likely involved in continuing to investigate President Trump after his election, using the unredacted FISA warrants and the information from the infamous Steele dossier. This involved people like Christopher Steele, Bruce Orr, and Joe Pianca, who passed information through the Department of Justice to hide Steele's role and ensure the information's legitimacy. This went on for months after Steele's termination from the FBI, with interviews and meetings documented in FBI 302s until May 2017, when the documentation suddenly stopped. The implications of this are significant, as it appears that the FBI continued to use a terminated asset to gather information on the president, potentially leaving a massive paper trail and raising serious questions about the legality and appropriateness of these actions.

    • Coordinated scandal involving media, Obama admin, and others spying on President TrumpSpeaker calls for accountability and justice, alleges coordinated effort to launder info into courts. Trump setting trap for Dems opposing border wall. 85% of federal workers not serving public interest. Endorses Bravo Company Manufacturing for professional-grade rifle protection.

      According to the speaker, there is a coordinated scandal involving the media, Obama administration, political and bureaucratic leaders, intelligence community, and others, spying on President Trump using unofficial channels. The speaker calls for accountability and justice, and believes this is a significantly coordinated effort to launder information into the courts. Additionally, the speaker highlighted a piece from the Daily Caller, written by a Trump administration insider, alleging that Trump is setting a trap for liberal Democrats opposing his border wall, and that up to 85% of federal bureaucracy workers are there for reasons other than serving the public interest. The speaker encourages readers to read the articles for more information. Another key takeaway is the speaker's endorsement of Bravo Company Manufacturing, a rifle manufacturing company that builds professional-grade products to combat standards, and their commitment to providing the same level of protection to every American.

    • President Trump discovers unexpected efficiencies during government shutdownPresident Trump is finding that a smaller workforce consisting mainly of decision-makers can get more done during the government shutdown, raising concerns about potential downsizing of the federal workforce through RIF rules.

      The ongoing government shutdown has led President Trump to discover unexpected efficiencies within his administration. With a smaller workforce consisting mainly of decision-makers, the Trump team is finding that they can get more done without the 85% of non-essential employees who have allegedly been obstructing the Trump agenda. This situation, however, sets a dangerous precedent. If the shutdown continues for 30 days or more, the president may use reduction in force (RIF) rules to let go of certain bureaucrats who have been obstructing his administration. This potential outcome could lead to a significant downsizing of the federal workforce. While it's important to note that essential employees are not targeted, the implications of this situation raise concerns about the role of bureaucrats in a functioning republic.

    • President Trump's Bold Actions During Government ShutdownTrump may take drastic measures during the shutdown, including RIFs and obstructors being asked not to return. Immigration debate shifts with caravans and potential amnesty, while Stacey Abrams supports non-citizen voting

      President Trump is not playing games during the government shutdown and is expected to take bold actions once the 30-day mark is reached. Pelosi and Schumer are underestimating him, and the situation could lead to significant changes, including potential reduction in force measures and obstructors being asked not to return. Additionally, the immigration debate has shifted with the formation of caravans bringing families to the border, allowing for large-scale amnesty through the release of families due to the Flores consent decree. Stacey Abrams, a former Georgia gubernatorial candidate, has also admitted she wouldn't oppose non-citizens voting, adding another layer of complexity to the ongoing issues.

    • Radical ideas becoming mainstreamIgnoring unconventional political ideas could lead to significant consequences, such as non-citizens influencing American policies and spending tax dollars.

      Radical political ideas, once considered unconventional, can eventually become mainstream within a political party. Dan Bongino used the example of non-citizens voting as a potential future reality, which he warned could lead to significant consequences. He emphasized the importance of taking such issues seriously and not dismissing them as radical or unrealistic. The potential implications of non-citizens voting could result in individuals from around the world influencing American policies and spending tax dollars, ultimately impacting the rights and resources of American citizens. Bongino encouraged listeners to stay informed and engaged in political discussions, subscribing to his podcast and following him on social media for updates.

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