
    Podcast Summary

    • Historic Confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme CourtSenate Republicans used unusual tactics to block Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination, but she was confirmed with bipartisan support, marking a significant milestone for diversity on the Supreme Court. Potential criminal referral of Donald Trump from the 1 6th committee and return of Joe Biden's economic plan were also discussed in the podcast.

      Despite the unusual tactics used by Senate Republicans to block the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, she was confirmed with bipartisan support from Democrats and a few Republicans. This historic moment puts the Senate Republicans in an awkward position, but Roy Blunt, one of the senators who voted against her nomination, acknowledged the importance of the event even though he was on the opposing side. The confirmation of Judge Jackson marks a significant milestone for diversity on the Supreme Court. Additionally, the podcast discusses potential criminal referral of Donald Trump from the 1 6th committee in the house and the return of Joe Biden's economic plan. The podcast also features an interview with Anne Applebaum from The Atlantic about the current situation in Ukraine and a new episode of Offline.

    • Republican opposition to Judge Jackson's nomination backfiredDespite attempts to delay Judge Jackson's confirmation, public support for her increased, with criticism of GOP tactics and no significant shift in court ideology.

      The Republican opposition to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination, despite their efforts, may have actually backfired and strengthened her public support. This tactic, which some see as cynical, was aimed at delaying the confirmation process and potentially swaying Democrats like Joe Manchin. However, instead of achieving their goal, the Republicans have been criticized for their handling of the hearings, with a majority of the public viewing their actions as unfair. This backlash has led to an increase in Judge Jackson's popularity, particularly among independents and even some Republicans. Furthermore, the confirmation process has not significantly changed the ideological composition of the court. Ultimately, the Republicans' approach may have played into the Democrats' narrative of the GOP being obstructionist and radicalizing the judicial nomination process.

    • Political stakes high for Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court confirmationRepublicans may obstruct confirmation of liberal judges, as seen in Merrick Garland's 2016 nomination. The House January 6th committee investigates Trump's role in election obstruction, with potential criminal charges.

      The political stakes are high as the confirmation process for Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court moves forward, with Republicans threatening to obstruct any nominee who isn't considered conservative. Lindsey Graham's comments about refusing to confirm judges if the Democrats regain control of the Senate have added fuel to the fire. The Senate's ability to confirm judges has changed significantly in recent years, with the 2016 refusal to consider Merrick Garland's nomination setting a precedent. The close vote on John Roberts' confirmation in 2005 serves as a reminder of the narrow margins involved. Over in the House, the January 6th committee is investigating Donald Trump's role in obstructing the certification of the 2020 election, but it remains unclear whether they will formally recommend criminal charges against him. A federal judge has already ruled that there is credible evidence of criminal conduct.

    • Biden's frustration with Garland's handling of Trump investigationThe Biden administration's desire for AG Garland to act decisively in Trump investigation, but a leak of Biden's thoughts to NYT could impact the investigation's outcome and perception of politicization.

      The ongoing debate surrounding former President Donald J. Trump's potential prosecution and the role of Attorney General Merrick Garland in handling the case has become a source of frustration for some, particularly President Biden. The recent leak of Biden's private thoughts about the matter to The New York Times, which revealed his desire for Garland to act more decisively, has sparked discussions about the potential impact on the investigation and the perception of politicization. Some believe the leak could backfire and make Garland more cautious, while others argue that it highlights the need for a more assertive approach. Ultimately, the situation underscores the complexity of balancing the pursuit of justice with political considerations and the importance of maintaining the independence of the Department of Justice.

    • The decision to prosecute Trump rests with the DOJThe DOJ will decide whether to prosecute Trump based on available evidence, regardless of political pressure or congressional referrals.

      The decision to prosecute former President Trump rests heavily on the evidence at hand and the judgement of the Department of Justice (DOJ). The recent ruling by a federal judge that Donald Trump obstructed Congress during the certification of the presidential election adds weight to the case against him. However, the decision to prosecute ultimately lies with the DOJ, and even if a bipartisan committee in Congress makes a criminal referral, it doesn't guarantee an indictment. The importance of this decision has been acknowledged by all involved parties, and they understand the historical significance of their actions. The politics surrounding these referrals and their potential impact on public opinion should not influence the decision to prosecute or not. If the DOJ believes there is enough evidence for a criminal referral, they should send it along. If not, they should not. The best investigations often happen through the press, and the most important thing is to let the evidence guide the process. Another potential piece of business for Congress this spring is the possible return of the Build Back Better bill, with a focus on raising taxes on the rich and corporations, prescription drug reform, and climate spending. Joe Manchin has shown openness to this, but the details are still uncertain.

    • Senators Manchin and Sinema's opposing views on Build Back Better billDespite disagreements between Senators Manchin and Sinema on the Build Back Better bill, there's a consensus that passing it with significant climate spending could outweigh short-term harm.

      The passage of the Build Back Better bill, which is transformative on climate, is currently stalled due to the opposing views and negotiations between Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Manchin wants a deficit reduction focus and higher taxes on the rich, while Sinema has been against undoing the Trump tax cuts and favors a creative minimum tax for millionaires or billionaires. The conversation also touched on the possibility of Manchin writing down his thoughts on paper and the potential for short-term climate destruction for long-term climate salvation. The consensus seems to be that despite the potential short-term damage, passing the bill with its significant climate spending could outpace the harm done. However, the specifics of Sinema's stance on the prescription drug piece and the taxes are still unclear.

    • Political Divide Between Manchin and Democrats Over Build Back Better BillManchin's opposition to the Build Back Better bill is due to inflation concerns, despite its positive policies on taxes, prescription drugs, climate change, and healthcare.

      The political divide between Senator Joe Manchin and the Democratic Party over the Build Back Better bill is significant, with their priorities not overlapping enough to find common ground. Manchin's opposition to the bill, despite its positive policies on taxing the wealthy, cutting prescription drug costs, investing in climate change, and fixing the Affordable Care Act, is likely due to his concerns over inflation. Meanwhile, the international community's response to the war in Ukraine has shown some progress, with Russia withdrawing troops from some areas and the West providing military support to Ukraine. The most effective way to pressure Putin, according to Anne Applebaum, is through military support, although sanctions could have long-term effects. The international community's response, including the US, has been crucial in preventing Russia from achieving its original goals in Ukraine.

    • Ukraine: The Stakes Are HighSupporting Ukraine's negotiations while providing military aid and broader sanctions against the Russian elite could help prevent further territorial concessions and protect Ukrainian people from Russian occupation.

      The situation in Ukraine is far from over, and any concessions made to Russia could lead to devastating consequences for the Ukrainian people. Human rights investigations are ongoing, but more action is needed, including providing the Ukrainian army with the weapons they've requested and implementing broader sanctions against the Russian elite. The annexation of Crimea and the occupation of the Donbas region have resulted in terror and totalitarian occupation, and any further territorial concessions would mean giving up more Ukrainian land and people to this vicious occupation force. The Ukrainians must be supported in their negotiations, but it's crucial to remember the stakes involved. Additionally, more effective sanctions could be imposed by targeting the broader Russian elite, not just the oligarchs. Military support, including aircraft, armored vehicles, and tanks, should also be expedited.

    • Addressing the root cause of Russian money launderingTo effectively combat Russian money laundering, it's crucial to address the root cause by ending anonymous companies and hidden assets in democracies worldwide.

      While there are concerns about the risk of direct military confrontation between the US, NATO, and Russia, there is currently no such risk as there are no American soldiers involved. The idea of a no-fly zone, which would involve US shooting down Russian jets, is a moot point as it's not being advocated for or implemented. Instead, efforts are being made to crack down on Russian money and oligarchs, but the issue goes deeper than just seizing yachts or passing laws in certain countries. The structural problem lies in the legality of anonymous companies and hidden assets, which are often used for tax evasion and money laundering. To truly address this issue, it's important to end these practices not just in the US, but in all democracies. This would be a more effective solution than retroactively sanctioning individuals or countries when something bad happens. This issue isn't unique to Russia, but affects many countries around the world.

    • Addressing corruption and political influence campaignsChanging laws and addressing root causes are crucial to combating corruption and political influence campaigns. Nationalism is a potent tool for autocrats, but focusing on unifying issues and effective messengers can counteract it. The US must learn from past mistakes and adopt a balanced approach to promoting democracy abroad.

      Addressing corruption and political influence campaigns requires changing laws and addressing the root causes. Nationalism is a powerful tool used by autocrats to gain power, especially during difficult economic times. Countering nationalist appeals involves focusing on issues that unite people and finding effective messengers. While the US has a complex history with promoting democracy abroad, it's important to learn from past mistakes and find a more balanced approach that respects sovereignty and promotes stability. In the context of Ukraine, the US can provide support while recognizing the complexities of the situation and avoiding interventionist policies that may have unintended consequences. Ultimately, building a more peaceful and democratic world requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the root causes of conflict and promotes unity and understanding among nations.

    • Ukraine's Sovereignty and US AidUkraine's desire for sovereignty and self-determination in government is not a US-instigated movement, but rather a genuine request for help from the American people.

      The situation in Ukraine is not a US-inspired movement, but rather the Ukrainian people's desire to remain a sovereign nation and choose their own form of government. This request for help from the US is not an instance of American manipulation, contrary to Russian narrative. Moving on to a lighter note, the March Madness championship round saw a split decision between Dan, Cheyenne, and the audience, with some choosing the Thomas family and others the Florida GOP. While Clarence Thomas may be an icon, the Florida GOP represents the future of our political problems, with their radicalization evident in their stance on issues such as transgender rights and targeting corporations like Disney.

    • Sarah Palin surprises everyone with April Fool's Day Congress bid announcementUnexpectedly, Sarah Palin announced her bid for Congress on April Fool's Day, adding complexity to the ongoing race to fill the vacant seat in Alaska's primary election on June 11th, which will determine the top 4 contenders for the special general election on August 16th.

      The political landscape can be unpredictable and full of surprises, even on a day known for jokes like April Fool's Day. During a discussion on the Pod Save America podcast, the hosts were caught off guard when they learned that Sarah Palin had announced her bid for Congress on that very day. Despite the initial confusion, it was confirmed that the news was not an April Fool's prank. This unexpected development adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing race to fill the seat left vacant by the late Don Young in Alaska. With nearly 40 candidates vying for the position, including Palin, the primary election on June 11th will determine the top 4 contenders for the special general election on August 16th. The race for this seemingly undesirable position in politics is heating up, and only time will tell who will emerge as the winner.

    • Sarah Palin's Uncertain Primary Bid for Alaska House SeatFormer Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, known for her influence on Trump's presidency, faces competition from both parties in Alaska's crowded House primary. Her name recognition and past political connections may help, but her unpopularity and lack of recent accomplishments pose challenges.

      Sarah Palin, a former Alaska governor and Vice Presidential nominee, is running for Alaska's open House seat in a crowded primary field. She faces competition from both the right and left, including Republicans like Nick Begich III, a political royalty scion, and Tara Sweeney, a Trump administration alum, as well as Democrats like Al Gross, a former orthopedic surgeon, and Christopher Constant, an openly gay Democrat. Palin's name recognition, despite her unpopularity in Alaska due to her resignation mid-term and lack of significant accomplishments in the past decade, could be a significant factor. Her influence on Trump's presidency, as the person who helped open the door for his populist, cultural identity-based campaign, also cannot be ignored. However, with 50 candidates in the race, the primary seems chaotic, with potential surprises like a self-described democratic socialist named Santa Claus on the ballot. Palin's success in the primary remains uncertain, but her impact on American politics is undeniable.

    • Misunderstandings and sensitive topics in group discussionsMisunderstandings can occur in group discussions, and sensitive topics may unintentionally arise. It's important to listen actively and communicate clearly to avoid confusion and ensure a respectful conversation.

      During a podcast discussion, the speakers touched upon various topics including sports, teams, and personal preferences. It was unclear who was discussing their favorite team, and there was a misunderstanding about a team's involvement in a championship. Additionally, there was a comment about feeling unable to be oneself in certain situations. The speakers also acknowledged the production team behind the podcast. However, there was a moment where the conversation veered off topic towards a sensitive issue, leading one speaker to express concern about the tone of the conversation. Overall, the conversation demonstrated the complexity and sometimes unpredictable nature of group discussions.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    enJune 23, 2024

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    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    The FT News Briefing is produced by Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help by Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Monica Lopez. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music.

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