
    Ep. 957 - You Can't Make Me Care About Monkeypox

    enMay 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • New Virus, Old Fears and Controversial IssuesMonkeypox causes panic, Pelosi faces consequences, AOC shares unremarkable thoughts, sex education starts at birth, Helix Sleep offers customized mattress deal

      While the media continues to create fear around new viruses like monkeypox, it's important to remember that there are many other diseases and health issues to be concerned about. Monkeypox, which got its name from monkeys but is likely transmitted through rodents, has become the latest cause for panic, but its symptoms are similar to other illnesses and it's not clear how serious it will be. Meanwhile, public figures like Nancy Pelosi face consequences for their advocacy on controversial issues, such as abortion. AOC shared her thoughts on life and they were, predictably, unremarkable. A gender affirming psychotherapist suggested that sex education should start at birth, and a trans activist reacted to Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman" trailer. In other news, Helix Sleep offers a customized mattress quiz to help you find the perfect mattress for your sleep preferences, and they're currently offering a deal for our listeners.

    • Monkeypox: Low Transmission Rate, Higher Mortality in Africa, and Connection to Sexual Activity Among MenMonkeypox has a low transmission rate but a higher mortality rate in Africa. The virus is primarily spreading through sexual contact among men. To mitigate the spread, avoid having sex with strangers and attending large gatherings.

      The monkeypox virus, while having a higher mortality rate in Africa, has a low transmission rate and is primarily spreading through sexual contact among men. This information, along with the fact that the virus was not widely reported during the 2003 outbreak before social media and the news media's current obsession with fear-mongering, suggests that the public should not be overly concerned about the virus. However, the connection between monkeypox and sexual activity among men warrants attention, and organizations like the World Health Organization are reporting this trend. The simple solution to mitigate the spread of monkeypox and other diseases is to refrain from having sex with strangers and avoid attending large gatherings where bodily fluids are being exchanged.

    • Focusing on preventing stigma instead of disease spread during monkeypox outbreakExperts warn against stigma and stereotypes during monkeypox outbreak, emphasizing it's not a 'gay disease' and promoting healthy behaviors and reducing stigma is crucial for effective public health response.

      During the monkeypox outbreak, instead of focusing on preventing the spread of the disease through healthy choices, public health authorities have prioritized preventing stigma. Experts argue that stigma is the real disease and that perpetuating stereotypes and ignorance harms the public health response and endangers lives. They caution against panic and emphasize that monkeypox is not a "gay disease," but rather spreads through close physical contact. Some experts argue that shutting down events or telling certain groups to refrain from certain activities is unrealistic and stigmatizing, while others supported strict lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. This raises questions about the inconsistency and fairness in public health responses and the impact of stigma on marginalized communities. It's important to remember that stigma can be as harmful as any disease and that promoting healthy behaviors and reducing stigma should be a priority in public health efforts.

    • Archbishop of San Francisco denies Communion to Nancy PelosiThe Archbishop of San Francisco barred Nancy Pelosi from receiving Communion due to her advocacy for abortion rights, aligning with the Church's longstanding teaching, despite media portrayals of it as a rebellion against Pope Francis.

      The Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordileone, has barred House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to her advocacy for abortion rights. This decision has sparked controversy, with some arguing that it goes against Pope Francis' supposed stance on the issue. However, Pope Francis has not called for pro-abortion politicians to receive the Eucharist, and Cordileone's decision aligns with the longstanding teaching of the Catholic Church that those in positions of power have a responsibility to oppose laws that attack human life. This action is a rare example of courage from church leadership and highlights the contradiction between Pelosi's claimed devotion to the faith and her support for abortion rights. The media's portrayal of this situation as a rebellion against Pope Francis is misleading and ignores the hierarchical structure of the Church, which grants bishops the authority to make such decisions.

    • Catholic Church's stance on abortion and religious debateThe Catholic Church's stance on abortion is a non-negotiable moral teaching, and supporting it contradicts their faith. Religious debates on abortion may not align with the Church's teachings.

      The Catholic Church's stance on abortion is a non-negotiable moral teaching with intrinsic value and dignity for human life from conception. For Catholics, supporting abortion contradicts their faith's moral authority and belief in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The opinions of non-Catholics on this matter are irrelevant, as this is an internal Catholic issue. AOC's perspective on abortion, as expressed, challenges the Catholic Church's moral teaching and supports the right to exercise individual religious beliefs, which contradicts the Church's doctrine. The introduction of religion into the abortion conversation often comes from the left, creating a religious debate that may not align with the Catholic Church's teachings.

    • Is the fetus's brain developed enough for moral status? A scientific questionThe debate over fetal moral status is rooted in science, not religion, and it's essential to clarify misrepresentations of other religions' beliefs on abortion. Impossible to manufacture anything without emissions, including 'zero emissions' diamonds, and concerns over inappropriate content in teacher training sessions.

      The debate surrounding the moral status of a fetus is often framed as a religious issue, but at its core, it's a scientific question about the existence and development of a living being. The speaker argues that when we have a living being, it's first and foremost a scientific question to determine what it is. They also criticize the misrepresentation of other religions and their beliefs regarding abortion. Furthermore, the speaker challenges the concept of a "zero emissions" diamond, stating that it's impossible to manufacture anything without producing emissions. Lastly, they share footage from a training session by the Mazzini Center, which raised concerns about inappropriate content being presented to teachers and minors.

    • Starting Sexuality Education from BirthSexuality education is vital for child development, but parents face challenges like discomfort, religious biases, and lack of knowledge, making open conversations difficult. Early intervention is important to avoid missing crucial developmental years, and education should be approached with sensitivity, accuracy, and openness.

      Sexuality education is a crucial aspect of child development that starts from birth, according to a psychotherapist and author. She emphasized that while parents can be valuable sources of information, there are challenges such as discomfort, religious biases, and lack of knowledge that can hinder open conversations. However, it's important not to dismiss the importance of sexuality education entirely, as it helps children understand their bodies, privacy, and appropriate behavior from a young age. The debate around the age at which this education should begin continues, with some advocating for early intervention to avoid missing out on crucial developmental years. The discussion also touched on the potential impact of sexuality education on sensitive topics like homosexuality and transgender issues, as well as the consequences of not addressing these topics adequately. Ultimately, it's essential to approach sexuality education with sensitivity, accuracy, and openness to ensure children grow up with a healthy understanding of their bodies and sexuality.

    • Controversial figures, protected classes, and violent responsesThe normalization of violent responses towards controversial figures and protected classes, along with selective media outrage, can lead to dangerous situations. It's important to address these issues seriously and hold individuals accountable for their actions, while also recognizing the significance of scientific discoveries and maintaining an open mind.

      The context surrounding controversial figures and protected classes, coupled with the normalization of violent responses and the media's selective outrage, can create a dangerous environment leading to physical attacks. The assailant's actions against Dave Chappelle, as well as the media's response, demonstrate this recipe for chaos. Furthermore, the assailant's intention to intimidate and manipulate through fear is a form of terrorism. It's essential to address these issues seriously and hold individuals accountable for their actions, rather than making excuses or dismissing them as mere misdemeanors. Additionally, a recent study suggests that the infamous Wow signal, an extraterrestrial radio transmission, could have originated from a star in the Sagittarius constellation. Despite its significance, this discovery often goes overlooked due to the public's focus on more sensational topics. It's crucial to remember the importance of scientific discoveries and maintaining an open mind to new possibilities.

    • Importance of truth and standing up for what's rightDisrespecting authority doesn't mean accepting lies or wrongdoing. Speak up for truth and integrity, even if it goes against the status quo.

      Respecting authority figures does not mean accepting lies or wrongdoing. The speakers on this podcast discussed various topics, including the complexity of a sexual harassment allegation against Elon Musk and the importance of standing up for truth, even if it means going against the status quo. Another topic was the ongoing investigation by Candace Owens into the Black Lives Matter organization and the financial mismanagement of its funds. The speakers also shared personal experiences and appreciated the support of their audience. Despite the heavy topics, they found moments of levity and humor. A promise of an interpretive dance performance was made but not yet fulfilled due to COVID-19 and memory loss. Overall, the podcast emphasized the importance of truth, integrity, and standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

    • What is a woman? Debate at Women's March leaves some stumpedDuring a debate, clarity in defining terms is crucial for effective communication and understanding of beliefs.

      During a debate on the definition of a woman, a content creator named Matt Walsh approached individuals at a women's march and asked them to define the term. Instead of providing clear definitions, the individuals were unable to give a definitive answer and accused Walsh of asking a "gotcha" question. Walsh argued that it's a fair question to ask for clarity when people use words without defining them. The lack of a clear definition from those at the march revealed the inconsistency in their beliefs. Walsh's goal was not to trap anyone but to encourage discussion and understanding. The conversation highlights the importance of being able to articulate and defend one's beliefs, as well as the need for clear communication and definitions.

    • Challenging the definition of genderIndividuals have the right to define their own gender identity, and it's not up to others to dictate what it means to be a woman or a man. Trans people are valid individuals, not men or women in transition.

      Gender identity is complex and personal, and it's not up to anyone else to dictate what it means to be a woman or a man. The speaker in the discussion challenged the idea that only women can define what a woman is, using the example of scented candles as a way to identify as female. They also emphasized that trans people are not men or women who transition, but rather individuals who identify as a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth. The speaker also clarified that gender is not fluid for everyone, but rather a valid and true identity for those who identify as such. They also pointed out that one can know what something is without being that thing, using the example of knowing what a chair is without being a chair. The speaker, who is a biological woman who transitioned medically to appear male, emphasized that she will never be a man, and that this is a view shared by almost all trans men. The discussion underscores the importance of respecting individual gender identities and recognizing that they are not up for debate or definition by others.

    • Documentary's selective focus on transphobic viewsThe documentary misrepresents trans issues by focusing on a minority's opinions, while ignoring the majority's perspective. This hypocritical approach raises concerns about the makers' motives.

      The documentary in question, despite claiming to represent a balanced view on trans issues, appears to selectively focus on the opinions of a small minority of trans people who hold gender critical, transphobic views, while ignoring the vast majority who disagree. This selective focus, the speaker argues, is hypocritical, as the documentary makers themselves are in the minority in holding such views. The speaker also challenges the documentary's assertions about the use of puberty blockers for trans children, pointing out that they have been used for decades to treat precocious puberty in cis children, and that the distinction between this use and the use for trans children is not clear-cut. The speaker expresses concern that the documentary's makers are exploiting trans issues for their own agenda, and questions their motives for doing so.

    • A heated debate on transgender health care for minorsThe conversation between the interviewee and Jamie resulted in accusations of misrepresentation, selective addressing, and bigotry. The core issue of defining woman according to gender ideology was not directly addressed.

      The discussion between the interviewee and Jamie focused on the controversial topic of transgender health care for minors. The interviewee accused Jamie of misrepresenting facts and selectively addressing certain instances of bigotry, while Jamie was criticized for not directly addressing the question posed to him. The conversation also touched upon the distinction between social and medical transitions for transgender children and the use of puberty blockers. The interviewer claimed that Jamie had lied about most trans affirming health care being social, and highlighted the use of surgery for minors as part of trans affirming care. The conversation became heated, with accusations of transphobia and bigotry being exchanged. Despite the lengthy exchange, the core issue of defining woman consistent with gender ideology was not directly addressed by Jamie. The conversation ended with the interviewee declaring Jamie canceled.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a judge in Atlanta was just arrested and removed from the bench after getting into a fight at a nightclub and assaulting a police officer. Again: this woman works as a judge, not a waitress at Waffle House. But, she is just a symptom of a much larger problem. We'll discuss. Also, I'll offer my preview of tonight's presidential debate. Climate protesters attempt a very unique and hilarious method of stopping traffic. And, a guy on Twitter is roundly mocked and ridiculed after offering some unorthodox life advice to young men. As usual, the peanut gallery is wrong.




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    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, yesterday was "Drag Lobby Day" on Capitol Hill as several drag queens descended on our nation's capital to lobby for a host of awful legislation. The whole event was a flop, though, which may tell us something. Also, the Biden Administration promotes another cross-dressing man. The city of Los Angeles cracks down on people who are committing the crime of trying to make their communities safe and livable. And, the first annual "FatCon," a convention for fat people, just happened. I'll have the highlights, in case you were under the weight limit and couldn't attend.




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    PureTalk - Start saving on wireless! http://www.PureTalk.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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